In this short post I illustrate the big picture of the political realignment we are now living through.
I often go on about the devil in the detail of the production of politics and meaning. This does not mean we are doomed.
The broad message of the moment is one which should inspire you.
Liberalism is dead. Our civilisation is now detransitioning.
Managed by amoral mediocrities
Delivering liberalism at the price of everything
Liberals have lost the war on meaning
Tomorrow belongs to us
The future of politics - an argument between nationalisms not liberalisms
Detransitioning our civilisation - a matter of life and death
Why does it matter that these people who rule us are mediocrities?
You are living in their idea of heaven. To anyone who believes in heaven, the world produced by these people looks more like hell on earth.
These people - our managers - are degenerates. To them, love includes a man furtively pursuing anal sex with strangers in a toilet.
Or with children in a public library.

The love we know is a sickness to them.
This is the love of God, family, country.
It should come as no surprise that the management has no interest in the national interest.
In fact, the reason the national interest is never mentioned is because they want the very idea to go extinct. The nation is a family, and the family is the foundation of a sane civilisation.
The words these people are slogans having the substance and purpose of tinny announcements in a supermarket.
This cut price bargain hunter’s paradise is what they wish to see replace our nation - and all nations.
A global consumer free for all.
Where everything must go.
And now it has gone.
Musical interlude: Death of a Clown World

To the managers of clown world, nothing has any value because everything has a price.
The product they are selling is your life, and their vision of it comes at the cost of everything.
Everything you value in your life: God, your family, your children, your people and the stories you have shared which have become your laws and customs.
Your culture.
The value of your life and all that it means is nothing but a barrier to efficiency from the point of view of management.
That is all they really believe in the end. There is no grand philosophy behind the adverts for the rainbow consumer paradise without limits. Real values, real people, real things and reality itself are all obstructions to efficiency.
Removing them is their idea of perfection.
Borders are just barriers. Morals and laws are just obstacles. This is why everything is corrupted - even the words we use. Even the idea of love.
The war on meaning is the war on everything that means something.
Today, words mean nothing, and so do all the promises the liberal governments make.
They do not mean what they say. They use words which appeal to you to sell things which destroy you.
Their words mean nothing because they are advertisements for annihilation. Meaning and all it applied to are being destroyed. The global product is a void.
This is the wide open space required to replace nations with a borderless marketplace - a bazaar of the free trade in third rate, third world knockoffs of everything we used to have - including our people. It is a replacement culture and all that it gives us is everything we don’t want.
Liberal consumerism is the politics of yesterday. The politics of tomorrow is visible in this moment, a sort of twilight where the dusk and the dawn appear. Beginnings and ends of days are very much alike. Is the light going out, or going up? Well that depends on what you call the darkness.
For us, the light is rising. Tomorrow belongs to us. The politics coming next is not a politics of liberalism.
Next week, next month, next year and for the decades to come - politics will be an argument between nationalisms.
You can now speak for yourself.
We have been ruled by consumer convenience presented as choice for decades.
Since the fall of the Soviet Union the West has seen its politics shrink to fit the technocratic model of managerialised meaning. Produced to serve a world system, it presented a political spectrum limited to liberalisms of left, right and of its extremes.
This is the reason only half the people who could vote in my nation did so last time. Despite voting for things, all our governments for the past thirty years have delivered change against the national interest - and in defiance of public opinion.
Liberalism was designed as a system which manufactured public opinion, and then sold this product back to the people as what they really wanted instead.
It is finished now. Those few regimes remaining in Britain and elsewhere are the last liberal governments you will see in the West.
Our children will not be sold to the bargain hunters. Our nation will not die.
I believe in the natural order. I believe we have a right by birth and blood to the land we have called our home for centuries.
I believe we shall win. This winning is the restoration of the natural order.
God is on our side, and His is the side of life and of the truth.
What has killed the liberal experiment is the facts about its fantasies.
In prohibiting the basic description of the awful reality it has produced, it has exposed itself as a war machine - and its war is ultimately on human life itself.
Its enemies are the truth, the real, the essential values of life.
This spectacular complex of death and deception is dead. Reality has won the argument. All the lies, the fake history and the counterfeit culture which has turned our civilisation into a parody of itself - these travesties are now visible as a project of total corrupt.
Our civilisation is in the process of detransitioning. It will be restored along with the Christianity which inspired everything we love and know to be true and just- and beautiful.
We are not back. We never went away. We were simply sentenced to death.
Without a state waging total war on our nations, promoting their death before and after birth, we can banish the worship of a glamourised nothing to the past.
The war on the nation is over. We, the national family who make and made it, have won.
It is no longer a crime to love God, your family, the kinsmen with whom you have made this country. We shall not be homeless any more. We are home, this is our land, and ours is the argument for life and a life worth living.
For too long, home has been where the hurt is. It is our welcome task to replace this wound with a beating heart.
The death of the liberal regime is the moment.
It is now that we all come back to life.

I have written a detailed explanation of how our civilisation was transitioned into a parody of itself, by godless liberal technocrats.
I shall publish this on Monday for paid subscribers.
Have a blessed and happy weekend!
Do not go insane as the madness around you collapses. Prepare instead for the work of restoration. Try to see the captured as casualties of a war the wicked have lost - and help them where you can.
Do share this if you would like to inspire your fellows to quit their addiction to doom, and instead become social missionaries in the effort to restore our civilisation.
Good, hopeful essay.
We also need a reconquista of the Roman Catholic Church from the clutches of the sashaying effeminates now in control.
Dearest Frank! I am wondering how you came to your hopeful conclusion? My hope has always been in Almighty God regardless of how all this plays out but I watched Los Angeles burn to the ground the last few days in an obviously calculated ritual designed to further the agenda of the demon who run the world! And I saw a picture of an early 19 hundreds copy of a NWO map where Canada, Greenland, and Mexico were all part of America so I am wondering what makes you think we are winning? I grant you that many many people have woken up to the twisted psyop we have been subjected to but so far I fail to see how that makes us the winners since their agenda is being carried on as we speak! Please infom me Frank! I truly want to be able to breath easy and pass on good news to people concerning the demise of the Orwellian horror show we never ask for to begin with! Love Judith