Jun 7Liked by Frank Wright

This is the finest analysis of the world crisis I have yet seen. I urge all readers to give it the widest possible circulation. Israel plans to ignite WWIII. Frank Wright explains why and how.

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Glad I could help Richard. I’ll be in touch soon (kids willing lol)

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Jun 9Liked by Frank Wright

do you ever do podcasts or such things frank?

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I am on LifeSiteNews' Faith and Reason every week (Wednesdays) - you can see past episodes on their app.

I am on Mike Church's Crusade Channel at times, and was recently on the amusingly titled Millstone Report.

The next post of mine will include a poll asking readers whether they want to join a live phone in with me. I get asked a lot to explain what I am on about. Do you think this would be a good idea?

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Jun 9Liked by Frank Wright

yes. thanks for the info Frank.

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In the 1930s, the choice was presented to people as a dichotomy between the evil fascists on the right, who sought to destroy "liberal democracy" and the socialists/communists on the left, who sought to "perfect" liberal democracy.

What was left unsaid was whether liberal democracy was worth perfecting, or even protecting. As I see it, fascism arose (and there were fascists in every single European country) as people yearned for a return to the sanity of Christendom, which every European nation had experienced with living memory (at the time). Is it any wonder that "liberal democracies" of Europe saw fascism as an existential threat? It was. The principles of Christendom (and thus, obliquely, those of fascism) are ideologically opposed to those of "liberal democracy".

[The problem was that, in Italy and Germany in particular, secularism had taken its toll, and you can't return to the sanity of Christendom without Christ as the cornerstone. That is what was attempted in both those nations.]

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violence breeds violence but all things have their ordained time and purpose, including war. we are all capable of killing if the situation required it,,,this happens everyday,,,the point i would make is that there is, as with everything, the inner and the outer, the private self and the public persona...the 'real' war, the holy war (to quote rene daumal), is the war within, the war with oneself, for we are dual beings , matter and spirit, flesh and 'ghost', and this dualism is mirrored in the world, which we take to be where the problem will be solved, with violence if necessary, but then the problem never really goes away....

henry miller turned down fighting in spain for the republic, unlike orwell eg,..he saw it all as pointless,,,a waste of life which wouldnt change anything....as it turned out to be....miller saw that mankind's quixotic collective dreams of realising their freedom were the very thing stopping them from achieving real freedom,,,which is always and ever available if one surrenders to it rather than tries to alter things from outside-in, or top-down so to speak.

sure it might mean goin it alone with no safety net, as miller himself did, but poverty is good for the soul,,,and thats the point of the whole thing, the big picture literally, no matter what plays out in time,,,ie, the story is really about us, individually and collectively...we can only get it together collectively if we have already got it together individually...if we are neurotic narcissists then we get clownworld collectively...

whether in war or in peacetime the inner war doesn't stop,,,ever,,,it is where the 'enemy' is first encountered, that other side of oneself that we do not have control of, but rather it controls us, when it decides to.

the whole process of spiritual growth, or lets say psychological growth to keep it sciencey...,,is predicated on conflict, tension, crises, which if resolved successfully lead to positive changes, a new point of view or direction in life depends on how we resolve competing drives: the material and the spiritual...the better we do this in our lives the less these conflicts are projected on the world (which forces us to deal with them)...

all physical disease is really chronic psychological disease in this sense...we get sick in the head first so to speak and if we don't sort it out at that level it must manifest in a more bodily way,,(analgous to the meaning of that which we are missing.)

if we want peace in the world we can only get it by finding peace within....there ain't no formula or ideology it's everyone's journey on their own, but its the goal that leads them to it, the soul, within and without...

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Had Franco not crossed the straits of Gibraltar with his army then all the priests and nuns would have likely been butchered by the Bolsheviks.

Pope Pius XII called Franco "The Savior of Civilization".


"The Vatican's Leading Role in Crushing the Secular Republic"


I enjoyed Peter Kemp's memoir "Mine Were of Trouble". Kemp fought for the Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War, and his perspective is a far lesser known one than that of the cause of evil.


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So glad you jumped in with this. Too many still think that the bad guys won the Spanish Civil War.

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Kemp's book is exceptional. Well worth a read.

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Thanks, I've been meaning to read a book about it, but wasn't sure which one to buy.

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Best I’ve read on it so far. His others are worth a look too.

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One of the few conflicts where the losers wrote a large majority of the history.

Can't imagine why...

Read Orwell's own account and you quickly learn, like he did, that things were not what they seemed.

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"The elites never face any consequences." I mean, they are going to face some eternal consequences. So, there's that.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

Every conflict , military, civil or cultural for the last 200 years can be properly understood by reversing or turning upside-down everythingt presented by those who would rule over you . You have been lied to , left and right . "Love" sometimes is most certainly not love , but something far more dark , "choice" may actually be what Pro-lifers and the Catholic Church have been saying it is and maybe some men rallied under The Stainless Banner or put on brown shirts for reasons that have been hidden and misrepresented .

"Woe to you that call evil good, and good evil: that put darkness for light, and light for darkness: that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter."

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great writing as always frank and agree entirely....the thanatos drive takes over when there is no longer anything real and true that you can hitch your wagon to...

of course the upside is that there always is,,,,it might not be made easy for us,,,where it definitely could be, but there always is something worth living for....the beauty of the world, the truth of Jesus Christ,,,,our fellow men and all creatures under the sun...we are already in paradise,,,we never really left,,,,just scales on the eyes is the problem,,,a hijacked mind which projects an ersatz world and rebels against it unconsciously...schizophrenia is the cultural paradigm.

which gets me round to the point of this wee epistle: the rot started in long before liberal democracy, indeed you could give it the billy joel treatment and say we didnt start the fire etc,,,but that doesnt get us anywhere....violence is not intrinsic to human nature,,,trust is...and thats been our downfall...putting trust in those we shouldn't, especially those we do not even know.

ultimately we are responsible, all of us, for the situation we are in,,,this is axiomatic...the world is a reflection of the general psychic condition,,,and we can tilt at windmills all we want but it won't do anything...the problem is within,,,modern men in search of souls, jung might say.

but we were born into this. rather than nihilistically dismiss mankind as a scourge,,an irredeemable mass of selfish and nearsighted neanderthals....we can see already just how the opposite is true - it is our general goodness, our kind and trusting nature which has done more to get us here than our own selfishness. indeed if we had pursued our own selfishness to the end (refining it so to speak) we would arrive at perfect altruism...a sort of adam smith principle that holds for life itself and not just economics.

to finish up, i would point out that in my opinion the mess we are currently in is 500 years in the making....thats the beginning of our bamboozlement in earnest,,,,hot on the heels of the liberation of knowledge that was the printing press,,,the spectacle catches up and recuperates itself by gaining the controlling hand in the dissemination and inculcation of knowledge. rather than fight an endless war against the free press, the strategy became one of 'learning against learning'...in order to curtail the spread of 'God's word',,,now readable in the native tongues of europe for the first time,,,the church realised it couldnt keep burning the translators (though they did burn quite a few...), rather they had to get more subtle,,,a colonisation in depth was required, much like the policy used in sth america - they had to get control of the *interpretation* of God's word again, and to do this the church, in the form of the newly minted jesuits, insinuated itself into the universities and schools and after a while we end up with that natural philosophy which the monsateries had midwifed becoming just 'science', just knowledge itself, facts, laws....and eventually *a rival to God's word....*

when most pastors and priests believe in science over religion we can see we are already well into the apocalyptic endgame...the bible says that the earth is stationary. unequivocally. the michelson-morley experiment, probably the single most consequential experiment in history, determined that no movement of the earth through the aether could be detected. rather than take this as re-inforcing biblical truth, the aether was thrown out....and from this point on physics and science went astray....most famously with einsteins magical inventions, like curved space-time. a reification fallacy if ever there was one.

now its dark matter, black holes, big bangs and all sorts of crazy nonsense...all because we went down a dead-end, throwing out what had been universally seen as the background medium, the quintessence, that which allows the propagation of light and electromagnetic radiation generally.

einstein even brought the aether back in his general theory of relativity because otherwise it wouldnt work, but he turned into a meaningless concept by making it devoid of its 'lumineferous' nature...sort of like an ether thats not an ether....for the ether is what carries light.

so....we are now at a time when most real scientists are aware of the many problems with our cosmological picture....and the move away from empiricism which einstein symbolises is largely to blame. models and maths do not a science make.

so the situation is thus:

if the ether is measurably real then the earth is stationary

if the earth is stationary, it is likely not a sphere

if the earth is 'flat' and enclosed by a firmament then God becomes close enough to objective fact, not only because the words are true, but because God now exists physically in the cosmos, he has a location: up, where we instinctively look when talk is of God, real prayer and need...

in short we would be aware,,have the knowledge that we live in a creation with a creator,,and that science, real science and real religion and real art and real creation of any kind mirrors this fact, existentially, from within and without we confirm the reality and nature of God.

in short, what if all the evil in the world is the direct result of lies, organised lies and the belief in them, and that if instead we should know this and see the truth revealed, proving said lies, then perhaps we would have solved all other problems, without even trying.

a revelation you might say.

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Best book on how this fire rose is Pascendi Domini Gregis by the Glorious Patron Pope St Pius X.

This encyclical was transcribed for the general reader as "A Catechism on Modernism".

It has it all.


As for violence, the historical record would like a word. Have a look at "War Before Civilisation", a splendid account of the pre-colonial violence in the mythologised native cultures of the world outside the West.

There is also the excellent "The Conquest of New Spain", which is a remarkable (and only) eyewitness account of Cortes' expedition to Mexico and the spectacular violence of the empire of Montezuma II.

Men join the infantry because they like fighting. I like fighting. I have spent decades of my life learning how to do it. Men who are familiar with violence are commonly wary of unleashing it generally.

There are a few psychos, but the ones you have to watch are the ones who have never been in a fight themselves, but talk a good one - usually for others.

I think it is a dereliction of duty to leave the mastery of violence to the wicked.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7Liked by Frank Wright

Violence may not be the answer often , but when it is , it is ths only one . Inuring oneself to violence is a benchmark of sober men . Wherever you may find yourself , be sure to learn from the best .

In the words of a man who knew what was necessary and was willing to see it done , "War means fightin' and fightin' means killin'" and his advice was to be The First With the Most .

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The answer depends on the question.

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Jun 8Liked by Frank Wright

Pascendi is an amazing work. Giuseppe Sarto, St. Pius X, had a knack for cutting through the fog of liberal thought and getting to its core.

The problem with our 21st Century mindset is that, as result of some odd indoctrination, we have been led to believe both that 1) fighting is unnecessary, and 2) fighting should be done ELSEWHERE, never here. Thus, if fighting HAS to be done, we don't do it...even if it means fighting for our community in general, or NJ our kids specifically, to protect them from sodomites and other perverts. That is for other people to do, it other places.

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The Brahe Model was the principle thesis on the movement of the earth, the Galilean was "acceptable" but not preferred...until the rise of "liberal democracies" and the immense personal wealth that could be obtained in a "liberal" system. The Brahe Model allowed for ALL variables...the Galilean model did not. Einstein needed to create the "general theory" to support Galileo's model...but the "general theory" had holes and so, he developed the "specific theory" (or whatever it is called) to close them, but which actually proves Brahe's model (which is one reason why Einstein's general theory is lauded, while the specific theory is often neglected). Dr. Wolfgang Smith's work on this is important.

And I would caution about generalizations concerning the translation of the Bible. Translation from a "dead" language is difficult. For instance, the title of the "encyclical" "Amoris Laetitia" has many, many meanings...including the "Joy of Sodomy", or the "Pleasure of Fornication"...as well as the "Joy of Love". Hence, there was the "Murderers Bible" where the translators rendered the passage "suffer the little children to come unto Me" as "kill the little children who come unto Me". Perhaps having single translators is not a good idea..

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