The crisis we inhabit is not only spiritual and political - but structural.
What is the nature of this structure? It is SCALE.
What is SCALE? Well, who better to explain that than the man who came up with it. Today you can listen to him tell you all about the vast machine that is devouring our civilisation, destroying everything that is not itself to survive.
I warned you I would bring you interviews with people who have ideas.
Here is one very big idea which has the explanatory power to alter the way you see the world.
The American Catholic who came up with SCALE speaks today about the vast machine into which our civilisation is being fed.
This concept replaces the outmoded left/right divides with a thorough critique of the processes and technological advances which have produced the predicament we inhabit today.
You will find in this an extraordinary analysis of the “doomed ideology” of conservatism, and not a few laughs, too.
Today we play the SCALE tapes.
As the fake and gay empire continues its dance of death, I bring you the first instalment of my long interview with Brian Uecker, the US Catholic author of the theory of SCALE.
Why do I think this more important than the dissolving of NATO, nuclear brinkmanship and the self-sabotage of the Zionist system?
The explanatory power of SCALE will give you better arguments, and a superior understanding of the political, moral, cultural and economic crisis you inhabit.
It will reveal to you the techniques by which we have been trained to live.
If you would like to read my work on current affairs, you can find my reports on the crisis of globalist-liberal Zionism at LifeSiteNews.
It’s OK. I have already reported myself to the ADL.
With the New World Order now visibly disordered, it is vital that we learn to look beyond the present. The future begins with better ideas.
The model of reality presented by SCALE is a very close match to the omnicrisis we have come to accept as business as usual.
This first post is in three parts.
In part one you can hear a definition of SCALE, and how it affects politics, society, and human behaviour.
In part two, the discussion moves to the technological society and its use of human emotional energy.
In part three, we discuss the fixation of conservative politics on symptoms, and not causes, which typifies a gatekeeping posture preventing the emergence of a genuine politics beyond the left-right liberal consensus.
If you prefer, you can listen to the whole segment in one 19 minute file which I include at the end.
Part One:
SCALE and the Mouse Dystopia of Mass Society
This is about 7 mins, and explains what SCALE is and the usefulness of the mouse utopia model which inspired it.
“Our emotional system is designed for a small number of permanent relationships - not for this mass SCALE society”
SCALE compels you to start “jettisoning a lot of simplistic ideas about politics and social behaviour - because they don’t really work”.
These ideas no longer describe the mass society we inhabit, and nor does our political system.
Part Two:
From Jacques Ellul to the madness of mass society.
Uecker looks at how systems of control take advantage of the effect of SCALE in creating “emotionally starved” populations - a condition that is so banalised that people no longer recognise it.
“There’s an emotional starvation which is met with consumerism, materialism, and a lot of liberalism I guess you could say.”
“These systems of control take advantage of people in the fractured nature of a SCALEd society”
SCALE is what is driving people mad, I observed, who seek meaning in increasingly morally inverted behaviours.
Part Three:
The doomed ideology of conservatism
SCALE collapses the “culture war” paradigm, which permits conservatives to complain about effects whilst remaining ignorant of - or uninterested in - their causes.
Uecker argues that the influence of money on focussing “conservatives” on “knee jerk issues” effectively keeps them “neutered - not looking in the right direction.”
“The right direction would obviously be something like ‘break up Google’ - or something like that.”
Money, he says, has helped “direct the conservative mind to these useless, griping” postures, partnered with a complete ignorance of
“…even just the nature of how their own local governments work”
This, he says, has helped keep conservative politicians removed from reality, reducing them
“to a spectator, watching everything on a television screen”
These images, of course, “just happen”, with a little help from our sponsors.
He says these conservatives - who I describe as “voyeurs”, are in a “losing battle”
“You’re participating in a battle which you’re bound to lose, because you’re not even grappling with the main reasons why you’re dealing with it.”
It is fitting that our politics is as insane as the machinery of madness with which it is partnered.
I will be publishing more perspectives from SCALE in future, as I believe the power of this model exceeds any other in making sense of the mess we inhabit.
If you would like to listen to all three parts in one long file, here it is:
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Many sane people in the west seem to be coalescing around this concept, although they may be using different terms. Mr. Uecker says "SCALE." Other people say Centralization. Others say Globalization. Whatever the name, it seems apparent that the problems in our society, in the West at least, are caused by the massive growth in size and power of various centralized institutions. God warned us about this in the story about the Tower of Babel. I'm looking forward to hearing some solutions or ways to simplify, deSCALE, decentralize, distribute Western society back to proper proportions.
Excellent and thought-provoking interview. Certainly there are analogies between the Mouse Utopia and modern human society. One question I've never seen answered to my satisfaction, however, is the role of inbreeding. Mouse Utopia started with a very small founding population. How much of the social lethargy, reduced fertility, and poor fitness we saw in Mouse Utopia was due to overpopulation, and how much was due to inbreeding and limited genetic diversity? Perhaps your guest can answer?