Having written much on the Liberal Idea and its ideology, it is my conclusion that the system instituted after the First World War is designed to replace our civilisation with a counterfeit culture.
Marketed as “Liberal democracy”, and materialised through the manufacture of public opinion, this system is a jealous competitor to the explanatory power of Christianity, whose institutions in the Catholic Church founded European civilisation between the 9th and 12 centuries AD1.
The Liberal Democratic system is the rule of elites by the use of the media. This media obscures facts inconvenient to power, and partners with the wholesale replacement of every aspect of meaning with a liberal novelty.
That the wars and the banking system are inextricably linked is unknown for this reason. The political system has guaranteed perpetual war, which seldom if ever result in military victory to the advantage of the general population.
I wrote a series on the myths of the 20th Century. Part One is here:
Our world is deeper in debt and more mired in crisis by the day2. This process, downstream of political policy, is “moralwashed” by mass propaganda, making monsters of the latest targets for the industry of death, and delivering vast fortunes to the masters of meaning who govern behind the ritual enactment of elections.
Yet this system is as durable as it is desirable. It is dissolving around you, a fact which makes it dangerous. The desperation of its management to survive and the draconian measures being employed are not my subject today.
Though the would-be masters of the world routinely gamble with our lives to enrich their own, the point I am making today is how this obscene business is sold to the public.
It is my argument that our leaders intend to replace our civilisation with its opposite, marketed as progress. This is done by the manufacture of popular myths, alternatively known as the history of the 20th Century.
These lies are told by the Good People, directing the Best Form of Government, bringing you New and Improved substitutes for the Catholic Faith, the food you eat, the thoughts you entertain and all your outmoded attachments to things like Good and Evil.

This is strong stuff, and I intend to back it up with extensive evidence.
Firstly, I am finishing a book on the creation of the liberal democratic system in the period following the First World War.
Secondly, I aim to bring you more interviews3 and insight on matters such as the reason for the prohibition of usury by the Church, and the effects of rescinding this evil - which is rightly called the ruin of nations.
Thirdly, I will argue that the history we have been taught and the meaning it supplies is largely fictional, to conceal the enormous evil of the machinery of world governance.
With the narrative dissolving at an extraordinary pace, now is the time to expose the myths of the 20th century. The function of these myths is to animate a new, posthuman and soulless humanity. The replacement of facts with superstitious fantasy offers virtual consolation for the actual and vast tragic loss of the civilisation this system is designed to annihilate, forever.
The Good War
None of the wars were good. The First World War was known as the European War in the USA, and its people were against any involvement in it.
The Committee for Public Information was formed to persuade Americans of the just cause of entering the war. Atrocity propaganda - of babies being bayoneted by Germans - was used by “Four Minute Men”, thousands of whom would deliver 4 minute speeches to captive audiences in cinemas, in the time it took to swap newsreels.
Jean Renoir’s The Grand Illusion shows the Great War as a civilisational catastrophe, putting an end to the old order. I wrote about that here.
Wyndham Lewis, the British artist and writer, described WW1 as a revolution - not as a war at all - which destroyed the old civilisation of Europe.
A new one could now take its place.
The Just War
There is no just war - just war. The just war argument, though it is sound, has been corrupted by the consistent manufacture of atrocity propaganda and lies to moralise monetised mass murder for over a century.
The effect of the two world wars was to create a new world order.
This order has financial, political, geostrategic, and mythological dimensions.
It sees humanity as a management problem, and all activity as an opportunity for the maximalisation of profit.
Here is part two in the series on 20th Century Myths, which re-examines the mythological function of the Second World War:
Abortion, war, transgender- and transhumanism, anti-natalist hypersexuality and other forms of fetishised consumerism are all industries.
Medicine is more advanced, yet the most advanced nation on earth - the USA - is sicker than ever.
Sickness is a business, and so is death. This is the economy of the New Order, called “liberal democracy” - with global ambitions.
These are the fruits of the Just Wars of the 20th century. These wars never end.
Telling the truth about them is now terrorism in the UK, the mother of Parliaments and the birthplace of the modern Liberal idea.
The New Religion
The New Religion is a secular cult. It worships liberation from all restraint, as it is promoted to accelerate the destruction of Western civilisation.
To be liberated from all restraint is to see the satisfaction of selfish desire as the pinnacle of human emancipation, which annihilates the individual from the inmost outward. It replaces the soul with insatiable desire.
The acme of female liberation is to celebrate the killing of your unborn children.
The sacramentalisation of death is completed by historical myths. The central myths of the 20th century have two dimensions - personal and civilisational.
These two are linked. If you believe in the explanations for this machine we call our state, you can feel like a Good Person for doing so.
In the coming months, I will be reporting in more detail on the capture of the last century by a competitor to our civilisation.
This process was prefigured in 1910 by Pope St Pius X, who warned 4
We must repeat with the utmost energy in these times of social and intellectual anarchy when everyone takes it upon himself to teach as a teacher and lawmaker – the City cannot be built otherwise than as God has built it.
What the sainted Pope means is St Augustine’s City of Man may be temporal, but is ordained by God on the pattern of the natural order. Hence:
Society cannot be set up unless the Church lays the foundations and supervises the work.
The idea that civilisation can be reinvented, discovered or fashioned from fantasy reduces to an act of vandalism.
Civilization is not something yet to be found, nor is the New City to be built on hazy notions; it has been in existence and still is: it is Christian civilization, it is the Catholic City.
Pope St Pius X clearly admonishes the architects of Utopia, whose insane dreams promote the replacement of somewhere with a nightmare - a universal nowhere:
[Civilisation] has only to be set up and restored continually against the unremitting attacks of insane dreamers, rebels and miscreants.
Pope St Pius X wrote “Our Apostolic Mandate” in 1910. It has been described as a key to restoring Western civilisation.
The basis for this claim is not an appeal to the authority of the Pope, but in the explanatory power of his prescient warnings about the Modernist cult of the Self and its ambitions6.
The idea that we are ruled by the rivals of civilisation is not new. In fact, it is older than the New Order invented to realise the replacement of Christian culture with a counterfeit.
It is propaganda that makes men blind to the obvious. It is the insane dreams sold as liberation which make the predictable mysterious.
What is obvious is invisible. In plain sight, but prohibited from mention, the politics of civilisational omnicide make criminals of the just, and crime a duty.
What is happening to our world is the necessary result of this systematised substitution.
Everything that is evil is called good. Sickness is called health, death a sacrament, everything an industry, all life some transaction towards the ever distant horizon of satisfaction.
We do not have to live like this. We will not have to live like this.
The duty of the just is to denounce the mass deceptions of the counterfeit culture. Everywhere it promises emancipation, and delivers annihilation, from the family to the the soul, from the seat of the Church7 to the lucrative killing fields in the endless fight against the eternal recurrence of Hitler8.
Whilst men remember what was, they will never submit to what must not be.
This is the reason historical memory is so controversial, and its extinction a duty under the New Order9.
Death, insanity/suicide degeneration
that is, just getting stupider as they get older
πολλά παθείν,
nothing matters but the quality
of the affection—
in the end—that has carved the trace in the mind
dove sta' memoria
- Ezra Pound, Canto 76, lines 151–160
Even liberals like Robert Tombs accept this, with the early chapters of his The English and Their History noting literacy, agriculture, commerce, flowing from the international scholarly foundation of the Church, its monasteries and cathedrals, and the universities it founded between the 9th and 12th centuries - well as more obvious factors such as morality and the natural order of government.
The fact that European civilisation was founded by the stable institutions of the Catholic Church and in the laws and customs its teaching inspired is not - yet - controversial. The Church is the foundation of the civilisation which has supplied the meaning of our lives for a thousand years.
I do not know the mind of God. This may be The End, it may not. It is not ours to decide. My view is that while we are here, we should do what we can - to restore the natural order, and to reclaim our politics from a death cult inspired by Satan.
I linked the full English translation of the 1910 Encyclical Notre Charge Apostolique, written in French to address the danger of a “progressive” pseudo-Catholic movement.
Its import more generally is obvious, and qualifies it as the sort of literature which stays news. Topical today, its subject is the salvation of our civilisation from the trans-sane vandals of modern progress. You can read a fair analysis of this at Catholic Critique.
“To restore all things in Christ” - inspired by St Paul, this became the motto of the papacy of St Pius X.
“A Catechism on Modernism” is the publication of Pope St Pius X’s Pascendi Dominici Gregis, his 1907 encyclical on the dangers of the cult of the self.
This book is the most remarkable account of the modern, liberal world I have ever read. It predicted much of our social ills today, and named their causes and the processes by which they would be instituted socially and politically. Brief, can be dipped into, time spent reading this is always rewarded.
If you are not a Catholic and are willing to read one book from the Church, read this one. It has an explanatory power unrivalled by any history of the past century I have encountered.
Dr Peter Kwasniewski’s excellent series on the Church of Novelty can be found here. Dr Kwasnieski is the founder of Os Justi Press, the publishers of the book above, and his name featured on a list of Catholic scholars denouncing the crimes of the Franciscan Vatican published in May 2024.
I have to discuss the many outrages of the modern Church on a weekly show. I found this list so appalling that words failed me.
In the secular religion of the 20th century, Hitler is the Devil and we must always fight him. Hitler has been Saddam Hussein, Colonel Gadaffi, Matteo Salvini, and the current Hitler is Vladimir Putin. Anyone who speaks against the diabolical system of murder and plunder is Hitlerised. Anyone who promotes it has a hope of being Churchillised - which is fair to both Churchill and to Boris Johnson.
Zelensky is the current Churchill, which is apt, as Europe is once again being wrecked in a vast enterprise of plunder delivering misery and death to its population.
My final part on 20th Century Myths examined “The Church of Churchill”, also showing why there is always a “Current Hitler”.
Pound’s fragment here uses Greek - πολλά παθείν - meaning “many paths” or “many ways”, to ask “where is memory” in its conclusion.
His argument here is that memory is lost in sensationalisation. Men saturated in sensory stimulation become immediate, losing all connection to any meaning beyond that contained by the self in the instant.
Men with no connection to anything beyond themselves have neither a presence, nor a past, nor a future.
A saying to describe utopianist ideologies
“Those who try to bring heaven to earth create hell.” ~ Halftrolling
Excellent work as usual Frank. I will read the book which you recommended by Pope Pius X.
Ad Jesum per Mariam⚔️