Sep 6Liked by Frank Wright

This is the most complete and comprehensive report I have ever read on the Zionist menace.

Thank you Frank.

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Welcome Richard. I’d bring out a book but I doubt anyone would publish it lol

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I see everyone else has already heaped praise upon you, Saint Frank. This masterpiece will surely get you locked up...so we're getting a posse together to break you out. The interim name of our freedom fighting group is "NWA".

<northerners with axes>

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COME ON THEN! Well that’s very kind of you. Chokey would give me time to finish my book I suppose, and I have so far survived all attempts to shank me to death so there is that.

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Sep 16Liked by Frank Wright

If you end up in the nick for this mate, just remember: soap on a rope and whatever you do stay clear of the greenhouse! :D

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Can't play pool to save me life, but I do have some great socks.

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Sep 7Liked by Frank Wright

I'm making arrangements for the helicopter.

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I hope you're stealing an Apache from a NATO base

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Could we not just stick to the Mr Toad method?

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Sep 6Liked by Frank Wright

The essence of Blinken's message: "for as long as America exists"

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Yes bit of a slip there I suppose. Why has he aged so much of late? Antony "An-Al" Blinken appears somewhat discomfited.

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Why has he aged so much? Bit of a cock up on the logistics front: Adrenochrome tanks destroyed in train derailment.

I've seen that grey complexion on both meth addicts and opiate addicts. I'm guessing opiates in his case, because he doesn't fidget enough to be a meth addict.

And discomfited? How about paralysed with fear?

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Yes, you’re right about the fear. A face engraved by inescapable panic.

I have started watching Blinken with the sound off, since the message with Israel is always the same and never changes anything.

He looks like he is about to burst into tears, like a doomed man pleading for his life in a show trial.

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Sep 6Liked by Frank Wright

Greater evil the world has never known

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Sep 6Liked by Frank Wright

This, sir, is a masterpiece. Thank you for taking the time to set everything out in a way that doesn’t skimp on important detail, but also provides a picture of the whole. It is the shadow lurking in every room. The dark speck in our periphery. Bring this evil into the light.

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"Sir" is my trigger word, so you have done me an online harm with that syllable. I shall report you to the ADL for this.

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Sep 6Liked by Frank Wright

Too late, I think I’m already on all the watch lists 😂

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Thank you Odin (still feels odd typing that). I have done so much work on the matter I thought it would make for a useful compendium in this format.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Liked by Frank Wright

About William Pleasance, the zionist troll appearing here in full dress US Army uniform. Inspired me to peek into who he really is. Beneath the badass warrior facade. Also of possible interest: William’s LinkedIn shows he works as a “developer” for ServiceNow, a company whose locations include the state of Israel.

William the software guy (?) tells us: “I was in the US Army as an Infantry Officer - it is very easy to kill the wrong people in war“. Here he is strongly suggesting he has combat experience or at least war zone experience. I found no documentation of that. Seems someone like hard-charging William would mention where and when he served (whether truth or fiction). Glaring omission.

It’s common knowledge that there’s strong job market for former or retired US military officers eager to prostitute themselves to the state of Israel. Not to mention a member of the notorious Kagan family actually instructing at West Point. There has been an ongoing fusion of the United States armed forces and the state of Israel happening for quite some time. Someone suggest to me something more disturbing than American officers in armed conflict in the Middle East who just love the zionists, because I cannot imagine one. Here’s a poster boy example of former US military who work for the Zionist warmongers: https://mwi.westpoint.edu/staff/john-spencer/

First stop, the LinkedIn page of (former? retired?) army officer Pleasance: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/quid-est-veritas-w-david-pleasance?trk=public_post

Here we see first in the image at the top a man in an FBI windbreaker. Presumably this is pointing to William’s service as a “Special Agent” (which he also forgot to tell us, too modest I guess).

William’s LinkedIn story: “I just wanted to be a fighter pilot…right?" (William suggests he attended the United States Air Force Academy at some point in his very colorful career.)

"Then, May 2008. The night before, I was inspecting bomb damage in downtown San Diego. Now I was guiding a task force of investigators. The energy was crackling. Days melted together. Video footage. A rental car. A positive forensic test. A name on a register. Every step closer was exhilarating. Three and a half weeks went by in the blink of an eye, and we had our man.

"A lifetime later - Army Officer, Test Engineer, Special Agent, IT Project Manager ….”

Strongly suspect William has seen one too many Marvel action hero movies. And as for anyone who spits out an unbroken stream of vulgar personal insults to any who dare disagree with him -- this is a hallmark of a weak, frightened man. Everyone knows this.

Sorry for taking up much more space than William deserves. Many of us have known real combat veterans, police officers who have seen a lot. I have, and not one of them has ever bragged about what they did or saw, unlike William. Quite an imagination he seems to have, though.

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I live in Seattle. You should have no problem finding me. Come tell me I am a liar to my face and see what happens.

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Sep 7Liked by Frank Wright

It’s strange. The few times I have run into blustering non-Jew zionists on Substack, they have always immediately started insulting anyone who disagrees with them. Immediately try to use aggression and threats to silence people. No wonder they find zionism so appealing.

I simply asked you three questions about your background in military or law enforcement service. Service that you emphasize in your online presence, both at LinkedIn and on Substack. But you refuse to answer my questions. Why is that? Don’t you want to confirm your past accomplishments?

Based on your one post at “William’s Substack”, titled “Still only in Seattle”, it would seem you have faced a number of tough personal difficulties over a lengthy period  — suffering from “a figurative cancer”, which you say you brought on yourself. You indicated having been through considerable financial difficulties, you mention “the loss of decades and family”.

Such life challenges are not shameful, and certainly not rare. If you have come out the other end of them in better shape than before your troubles began, you should be congratulated.

Sounds like your path has not been an easy one. Maybe you should go easier on yourself and try to not be reflexively insulting and aggressive. That cannot improve your situation.  Maybe there is help for you. Many men and women who have served in the US military have been suffering debilitating mental illness in the last few decades. And many to the point of taking their own lives.

You suggest that I should come to Seattle, so you can physically attack me. Without even being honest enough to just say that. How old are you? That’s high-school level posturing, William. Again, most men know that the guy who makes threats is not to be feared. Men who really are tough don’t need to threaten anyone, they are confident and have nothing to prove.

I wish you all the best, success in all your endeavors and peace of mind. May God bless you and watch over you always.

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In Seattle, my problem has not been that I attack anyone. To the contrary, the problem has been that others (a very small number, mind you) have threatened to attack me. Why? Because I refuse to regurgitate the socially acceptable platitudes of those around me and instead advertise my contrariness. I’m obstinate on that front - my errors will be my own, and no one else’s.

One of those persistent, socially acceptable platitudes is that “the Jews” or “the Zionists” are universal scapegoats. I hate socially acceptable platitudes, which are wrong, with fury - probably because social lies do massively more damage than individual lies.

Why are the Jews a problem? Why aren’t the Muslims a problem?

Do you confess that Jesus is Lord?

Did you ever serve in the Army, or did you just watch the Discovery channel once?

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I never said Jews are a problem. I said that zionists in the state of Israel (and worldwide) are a problem. And I stand by that. In fact, they are the greatest threat to the entire world. And unfortunately you are included. I suspect you are well-intentioned, but just very poorly informed.

I never mentioned Islams or Muslims. But as long as you bring up the topic, I believe there are groups in the “Islamic world” who are every bit as bad as the worst zionist war criminals. They just have essentially no power to devastate the world on the scale that the state of Israel does. And is doing.

Is there an Islam lobby controlling the United States congress? The existence of violent jihadis is beneficial to Netanyahu’s plans for the state of Israel and the greater Middle East. Hamas is beneficial to Netanyahu and his plans for the state of Israel and the Middle East.

I am Catholic. Why is that important for you to know? I have the feeling you are some variety of “zionist Christian”. There are many, unfortunately. So as a Christian, what degree of violence against civilians is acceptable to you? What duration of the decades-long war against the Palestinian people is acceptable to you? Or would you see them all killed unless they convert to Christianity?

I have never served in the military. Thank goodness for that good fortune, and thanks be to God that I did not throw away my life for Wall Street and City of London bankers, or for the state of Israel.

Do you think I in any way feel less than you because you wore a uniform and practiced being a soldier? By your own admission on your Substack you never saw combat and served only in peacetime. Which you said is nevertheless risky and not without danger. Driving to the supermarket and flying home on Thanksgiving are not without danger. So you did lots of drilling and who knows what … and who cares.

What would interest me is to finally hear about your days as a “Special Agent”. Now that sounds really interesting. And quite dangerous. Tell us more about that please. All the best!

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I think your lack of military service makes you rather foolish, like most civilians. You imagine war can be like a video game. Then you selectively apply that conception to amplify the justification for your pre-existing desires.

Counter example: during the Cold War, in West Germany, NATO forces were prepared to use air strikes and artillery to stop invading Soviet forces. Even the West German Heer would have participated in this destructive style of defense. Villages and small towns on the invasion path would’ve been horribly impacted by those fires. And yet, had they been necessary, we would’ve unleashed them.

Tell your Arab Muslim friends to stop waging war if you do not like bloodshed.

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Well, I’ve been hoping to hear about your career as a “Special Agent”, capturing dangerous criminals. But you don’t seem to like that topic. OK, William. I don’t have time to reply to meaningless blather from people pretending to be what they are not, nor ever have been. So it’s time to mute you. You can remain in your little playground corner of Substack that no one comes to. In all sincerity though, I urge you to find some kind of psychiatric counseling. I’m sure you can be helped. Anyone who lives in a parallel reality that they made up clearly needs help. I hope you find it. All the best!

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Blah, blah, blah. I always find contemptible someone who defends Islam, the religion that conquered at least 1/3 of all Christians (perhaps 1/2) by 800 A.D., because some dickhead somewhere said, “did you notice that powerful Jew?”

The Muslims don’t need a defense. The Muslims don’t need land. The Muslims need Jesus. And the sooner their satanic plan to kill all the Jews is defeated, the sooner they’ll be in the place of humility, where they can receive Him.

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An Excellent Tour De Force by Mister Frank on How the Zionist Menace is a Cancerous Tumour that Needs to be Excised for the betterment of not just the entire West Asian region but likewise the broader Peninsula of Eurabia ( & beyond! ) 😉

Well Done! 😊

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It is a list of facts and acts which are officially disremembered.

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Sep 6Liked by Frank Wright

This is probably one of the most comprehensive lists that I've ever seen, Frank. Took me a while to work my way through it but very impressive. I always find it fascinating that Jews will tell the truth about Zionism and be so viciously attacked almost as if evil doesn't like the sunlight.

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Jonathan Glazer got the treatment for his rejection of Israel’s shameful use of the holocaust whilst committing genocide. The Orthodox Jews who reject Zionism on religious grounds get beaten up.

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I found out about the religious objection to Zionism from an OJ in North London. I’d never heard of it. He said God should establish Israel, not a bunch of secular terrorists as was in fact the case.

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I plan on using this article as a defense reference when the idiots decide to argue. Almost every great evil occuring in our world can be tied back to one nation and it's enablers.

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Remember who bought off Cardinal Bea, who used several Jews to draft Nostra Aetate. (Hint, hint, it wasn't Malachi Martin.)

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I do not, but I know some people who will. I am more ignorant than you expect, GKS. This is helpful to me as I was not aware of the matter.

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Sep 6Liked by Frank Wright

It's brilliant! Thank you for this excellent encyclopedia of enlightenment!

Jean Madiran wrote about this relevant matters in 1990: "Rome's Secret Accord with Jewish Leaders". This is an relevant analysis of giving up catholic dogmas for the Jews. I recommend it. The last available link: http://theeye-witness.blogspot.com/2013/10/jean-madiran-romes-other-secret-accord.html?m=1

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Thank you for this. Would probably never have found this otherwise.

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Hiya Frank! Thank you so much for the menes and meanings. I didn't see them, or this post, obv, until today as I was away, feeling how I used to feel before I knew what I know. I made a turtle sand sculpture, and didn't cook a single meal. 😁 - Did you know there's a hidden side to the Algarve that's full of hippies and off-gridders, all seeking and creating answers to what ails us? I did, but never saw it for myself until last weekend. What struck me was how many young people were amongst them, living the dream. 🙏☀️🔫 (Where I live all the hippies and off-gridders such as myself and hubby, are middle aged and creaking!)

Then, spirit successfully lifted, I came home to catch up on the latest news... Doh!! 🤯🤪😳

A very well put together article, Mr Frank. Thank you for all the effort, and love, and kindness, and Godliness that you put into your work. 🙏💜🙏

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I didn’t know that about the algarve. I went to Lagos once (Portugal) to embarrass myself beside real surfers, in between getting schooled by Russians on gulag memoirs.

It was a pretty chastening experience but what a beautiful place

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Yes, very beautiful, and a very different Portugal to the interior, where I’ve lived for almost 10 years… Younger. Faster. Fresher. And surfier!

But for all that, it’s good to be back on my mountain, complete with it’s “billion dollar view” (quoting Pascal, who you don’t know) of Spain, and back to my daily round of fussing over the animals, gardens and hubby (in that order). If only the world wasn’t such an unimaginable political mess… May the lessons if this (godless) moment in western history be remembered long into the future!

God bless, Frank. Keep shining! 🙏☀️💜

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Sep 7Liked by Frank Wright

Numerous attempts to restack this post yesterday and today. It appears on Notes under my Following setting, but not on my Substack page. Normally these are always synced.

Do not recall this ever happening before.

Maybe you discovered the Substack third rail, Frank?

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Sep 7Liked by Frank Wright

Bravo and hear hear! Yet again Frank you come up with not only the goods but also the receipts. Well delivered Sir!

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Well I’m delighted to hear you liked it Wooster, even if you do address me by my trigger word.

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Duly noted for future missives.

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“Oi”, “you”, “pillock” and “hobbit” or things of that nature.

Best I heard was “don’t call me sir I work for a living” lol

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Well written and interesting! RE Chas Freeman, something seems off with him, like, he's good on wars/aggression stuff but seems to also want to push even more political and economic centralization and sometimes even intensive austerity, at least here in the USA, to preserve the FIRE industry and the constellation of other public and private special interest groups we have here at the top of our wretched, corrupt, and thoroughly de-democratized "governance" pyramid

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Frank, another absolute banger. Your journalism is extraordinary. You are a lone voice on the subject of the Js …It’s all starting to make sense now …Brave writing, Frank - thank you

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Usury and the banking system next.

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I am a Christian.

I feel safe visiting Israel.

I do not feel safe visiting any Arab Muslim nation.

Case closed.

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"Facts don't care about your feelings", as a popular conservative commentator you may have heard of likes to say.

I suppose it works the other way round, too. As long as you feel safe, William.

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So tell me, man of great regard…should I move to the Occupied Territories and start preaching about the salvation made possible by Jesus Christ?

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I interviewed the auxiliary bishop of Jerusalem last year. There is a Catholic Church in Gaza. The Israelis bombed it, and shot dead two Catholic women in the compound.

The head of the Franciscan Order of the Guardians of the Holy Land has warned that the Zionists are persecuting Christianity to exctinction.

The Lutherans there appealed to American Christian Zionists to stop funding their persecution.

If you read the post I made it is little more than a list of actions committed over the last century by Zionists, who are hostile to Christ as to Christianity.

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Did you know that American aircraft have bombed American servicemen before? Did your mind just explode? Or did you mutter under your breath, “damn, he’s figured out my bullshit; let me throw some different crap at him.”

I am tired of petulant children, such as yourself, telling half-truths, in order to get your way. The adults are done listening to your ilk, “sir”.

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Sep 6Liked by Frank Wright

That was a goalpost shift there. Try going to Tel Aviv or by the Wailing Wall and preaching about Christ...

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I would do it in a heartbeat. They would treat me far better than Seattle does when I run around with a 4’ x 6’ Israeli flag.

I am not a child, like Frank here, who demands that everyone he meets “be nice.” I am an adult - I do not expect that.

I do expect others to refrain from murder (not accidental killings, dickhead - I was in the US Army as an Infantry Officer - it is very easy to kill the wrong people in war - cry me a river), and unfortunately Muslims have an Islamic justification for killing Christians, Jews, and even pagans (atheists) for the Islamic crime of unbelief.

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Well since you started the ad hominem, here we go:

Apparently logic is no longer required by the US military. Did you enjoy being a banker's whore watching 18 year old boys bleed out to "spread democracy" for Raytheon and Halliburton? You're so ignorant and it shows, shabbos goy. Here's a story right from the belly of the beast:



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Did you enjoy masturbating in between midnight rounds of Call of Duty? Beat your face, chicken hawk.

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Oh and you carried a foreign flag for what reason? This is the United States. Washington warned of foreign entanglements but we ignored him to our detriment. Israel has been nothing but a burden yet somehow they're always our bestest ally. Frankly I'd make Tom Massie emperor and let him clean house. I only care about my homeland and how my cousins in Europe are fairing.

When in a Muslim country, maybe respect their customs but that's rather hard when you're killing people's neighbors and droning weddings. My wife and I have discussed visiting Egypt. I told her that she will wear a hijab while in public. Only stupid people think they'll go into a Muslim area and think they'll proselytize.

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“What is a woman?” (You fake Puritan.)

Don’t lecture me on patriotism, when it is clear that you only intend lip service.

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You know there used to be thriving Christian communities throughout the Middle East, until the Zionist wars and regime changes made those countries completely unsafe for Christians. Try moving to Israel and preaching Christ there. While you're dodging their spit and getting arrested for "hate speech," you can tell them thanks for making that entire region inhospitable to Christians.

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“Let’s all gather around and act like dhimmis, so as to protect ourselves from the harsh hand of retribution wielded by the Musselman. Learn from the lesson of the Jews - offending Mohammad’s people will inflict a great cost on oneself.”

You may choose to behave this way, as livestock kept by desert lords. I will not.

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Won’t the hillbilly Israeli settlers just shoot you in the head for that? I am sure they would. Why talk so much? Just go already and start preaching! Also don’t you have to be a Jew in order for living in the OPT? Technicalities but still important to me 🤷

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I am in Seattle. I offend the crazy idiots in this town by speaking truth to them. I’ve had lefties lose their minds, with a few (the most disordered) threatening violence. I don’t have to travel to Israel to live out my purpose - I can do it right here.

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No, you must go to the Holy Land. You have said so 😂 stop trolling people here and do the work of Christ and get shot by the Zionists. Otherwise you are just a 💨

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Look at my profile picture. I have no problem going where right authority tells me to go.

I have an opinion about the conflict between Hamas and Israel. The people I want to know my opinion have access to it. I don’t need to do anything at your direction because you aren’t the person I am trying to influence. You, frankly, are committed to a disingenuous approach to life (lying) by pretending “Zionism” is the problem. I refuse to join you in your lie. The real problem is that people refuse to submit to God. Everyone suffers from this - some more, some less so - but everyone suffers from this error. I believe that the Muslim Arabs in the Occupied Territories are in greater relative danger on this front, so I make that known. But do not think for one second that I think anyone is innocent - we’re all guilty and deserve death - you should thank God that He doesn’t immediately give you what you deserve.

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Oy vey!

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Sep 7Liked by Frank Wright

Officer William, did you ever serve as an FBI "special agent"? A special agent in any law enforcement capacity? Were you an infantry officer who served in combat?

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Ah yes, the classic “Muslims are the greater threat” pivot.

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Pick one as the greater threat: religious Jews or religious Muslims?

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