Jun 18Liked by Frank Wright

A guy who knew what he was talking about once said "And if the world hates you, know that it hated me before you.” . Being too worried about offending the perpetually offended (and offensive) is no longer a good option . They are coming for you in any case .

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Too right. It is past time to fret about spiteful jibes.

Fear God instead

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Jun 17Liked by Frank Wright

What of education? What about the teachers and the professorate that is responsible for teaching this drivel? I say, what chance do our children have after being indoctrinated for decades? Honest, simple question, dear author, what percentage of teachers are beholden to the liberal fantasia? I have a number in mind.

Don’t get me wrong, I think your argument is altogether correct, but, how to counter the mass scale indoctrination of the young remains the main question.

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I don’t think I missed education out but if I did, notlol

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You mentioned it. It is THE issue, how can we hope for change without addressing wholesale indoctrination? I say 75% of educators are fully beholden to the progressive agenda.

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99% of educators are woke leftist nut jobs and it’s because 100% of their income and benefits depend on the government. It’s welfare, the dole and food stamps by another name.

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Having seen quite a bit of “education” I would say the solution to school is not political - it’s artillery.

I think it can and should be scaled back. It should not be vast, dominated by the state, directed instead by capable people who like children and have some degree of wisdom to impart. That alone would reduce it in scale.

Teaching is just another sinecure for regime loyalists at the moment.

If you can, keep your kids away from these people.

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Jun 17Liked by Frank Wright

My kids went to Catholic parochial school K-12 in Philly Archdiocese. Philly built the parochial school system of hundreds of elementary schools (grades K-8) and dozens of high-schools (9-12) in the 1960s when desegregation and white flight destroyed the public school system. For generations now, the Philly public school system has had 70% of students failing reading and math grade level proficiency exams despite funding levels 5x more than parochial schools. Can’t teach IQ. Lol.

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Yeah education does not enclever. More time warehoused with “socioeconomic problems” does not enclever. Buying credentials on credit does not enclever und so weiter

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And to think I came here hoping to learn about architecture. Glad I stayed. 😊

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Jun 17Liked by Frank Wright

Brother, knocked it out of the park! Thank you for articulating the inversion of clown world so clearly. May the Lord bless you and keep you.

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They cannot take our laughter away. In fact, they do most to provoke it. lol

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Jun 24Liked by Frank Wright

I only see one way out of this deception and that is a Divine Intervention of last call…the time of mercy is fading fast and it will come down to “The Ancient of Days” asking one final question, “Are you with Me or against Me?”

You’re a brilliant man! Thanks for writing the TRUTH!

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"Maybe you will be locked up for noticing reality out loud. If you think you have a duty to oppose diabolical evil then this should not discourage you from doing what is right."

Oh, I have spent untold hours pondering this. Cue Solzhenitsyn: "And how we burned in the camps..." Loss of freedom, or worse, is worth standing up for Truth (John 14 :6) against this evil regime, intent on spreading perversion throughout the world. How did it come to this? In a few short years, gaynal sex went from tolerated to celebrated. Abortion morphed from a regrettable procedure to a rite of passage. And a central human right, according to the demon-possessed individuals ruling over what used to be called Christendom.

Only God can help us now.

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Osip Mandelstam’s poems are pretty good about being GULAGED, too

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Jun 18Liked by Frank Wright

Another banger, Frank!

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Jun 18Liked by Frank Wright


that mene is 💯 👌🏻 😂 well memed sir

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I hope you'll forgive a little self-promotion on my part Frank, because I had the good sense to break free of the obviously devastatingly corrupt, dishonest system quite a number of years ago and have written about my own daring escape here on substack - a story that I hope others find inspiration in: https://amillionmarchtogaza.substack.com/p/breaking-free

I've also jotted down a few thoughts and ideas on how others may find their way out and why they might choose to (although that second part is pretty obvious by now). And in that one is a link to something I wrote suggesting how folks stuck within urban settings might go about establishing some independence from the "economy-stupid", hopefully before the roll out of CBDCs: https://amillionmarchtogaza.substack.com/p/break-free-and-starve-the-beast

Sorry for banging on about my own writing on your page, but hopefully you'll approve once (if) you take a peek. Also, I'm not nearly as funny as you are Frank, and I'm sorry about that also!

PLUS(!) I'm unable to scroll through this comment to edit. SORRY!! 🥸

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No problem at all and it is always inspiring to hear of anyone who has managed to escape the clutches of the insane death machine. Well done, and I hope it works out for you.

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Twelve years down the road by now Frank, and living the dream on the south-facing slopes of a magnificent Portuguese mountain. Still living in a caravan, over-stuffed with stuff and somewhat overcrowded with dogs - not to mention my hubby. But I wouldn’t dream of going back to the rat-race even if I could. Anyway, hubby’s constructing some extra living space for us now, so before too much longer I’ll be floating around a huge kitchen, besides myself with joy! 😊

Thank you Frank, and thanks for all your wonderful insight. 🫡

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I think this is my favorite piece of yours, Frank.

Amazing. And some wicked images. Holy Schlitz.

Great work.

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Oh that’s a joy to hear AL. There is power in a mene DDDD

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I feel not at all disencheesed as a result of reading.

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YES! I am still trying to integrate cheesement into my personality as embodied in that compelling mouse

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I was barking at several spicy ones! Crazy good.

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Have a week off

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Lockdown oddly interrupted the production line, breaking the narrative continuity as much as it did everything else. A side effect, if you like, of a well intentioned public health measure.

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What is your source for the “Nothing to be proud of” graphic? I would like to get a higher resolution version to share, and want the source references legible so it can be verified and survive challenges.

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What’s my source? It’s a meme lol

There are sources for the claims made in this meme.

Here’s one about intestinal worms https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1704818/

McKinsey found over 40 percent of “gay” men admitted being molested by other “gay” men as children.

I can’t remember where these are collated but seem to remember someone having done so.

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Jun 17Liked by Frank Wright

Yes, I know it’s a meme, I just didn’t know if you got it from a better quality version place than I can find it. Thanks anyway.

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I didn’t mean to be rotten about it and I did include a link and a source. There was a repository somewhere - if I find it I’ll bring it.

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You weren’t, I’m still in your corner, but don’t try too hard to find it. I can search the internet too, just hoped you had gotten it from the original source and reduced it for web performance. You focus on the story and the writing, I’ll take it from here.

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Library of Hate is still up on internet archive - 700 politically incorrect facts with sources. I have not checked all the sources . It’s from 2016 https://archive.ph/2016.03.09-023312/https:/libraryofhate.wordpress.com/

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I think the sources are linked in the menes themselves come to think of it

Might have to zoom in

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Jun 17Liked by Frank Wright

Bingo, that’s my point. This version of the graphic is downgraded from the original, to the point of not being able to read those sources at any zoom scale, hence my original question. 😉

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Top stuff, Frank! Top quality writing.

A bit of Hunter S. Thompson in there, you should let yourself veer to hysteria more often, it suits the times we live in. :)

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When the going gets weird… 😂

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