Excellent piece. No “rights” organizations are about rights. They all are about power. And the worst thing to befall Western Civ thus far was women’s suffrage. They and the children they used to bear and once cared about are those most harmed by it.

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Thanks Alexander. I’m glad you found it worth your time.

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Keep saying your piece! You are right and many of us are trying to get the 19th amendment yeeted!! 30% of people don’t have any convictions and just jump on the bandwagon of what people think.

Men are only getting a chance to get this off their chest now because it was always censored. A lot of women actually agree.

When everyone would attack the feminist on Twitter, I would be right in the middle of the attack and I saw women saying “oh look at all the little boys were intimidated by women“ I pointed out that 60% of the people attacking the feminist were women

They never had an answer

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I think quite a lot of women are realising - some too late in life, sadly - that feminism has liberated women from womanhood.

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It has long been pointed out that feminism robbed women of their mystique and made them into second rate men.

Alas as far as I can tell the younger ones believe the hype. I've met very few young women who see through it. Obsessed with careers they will learn to hate I suspect.

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And the people vocal about replacing "bronze age myths" and religious "superstition" with science (they effing love it, I'm told) are the ones most likely to embrace the unscientific transgender nonsense. Sorry, amigos, God assigned you XX or XY at birth.

Good call on Jews jealously swatting away any attempts to supplant them as the Apex Victim. Even now, with their army stomping on and obliterating innocents in their neighborhood, they milk 10/7 for all it's worth. Like every other time in history, it happened suddenly, and for no reason whatsoever.

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Well I've written on the fact - and it is a fact - that Netanyahu knew it was coming. Israeli intel officers from 8200 said so, as did others - and they had the full plan, including the name of the unit to attack, the military bases they would target, and the unusual mode of transport. The lot.

I don't think Apex Victim is apex victim for much longer. As Chas Freeman says, "Israel is the most hated country in the world". This is due to its actions, not some irrational and age old hatred.

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There does seem to be a lot of noticing of patterns going on in the open. Labeling someone an antisemite just doesn't have the same power as it did even 5 years ago.

There are compilations of X account screenshots showing seemingly white people expressing contempt for white people. When called out on this incongruity, they helpfully explained that they're Jewish, not white. By "white", they meant gentile.

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I am reporting this comment to the ADL.

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Thank you. I deserve it.

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So do I.

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I will vote for you as capo of our barracks.

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My client, Beverly T who runs a very large commercial property in downtown Toronto has two children and they are both going through sex changes. Teenagers. One of them recently did attempt suicide and the other we are told is in great mental distress. Beverly is now off work tending to these poor children and of course being she is paid. This is Canada. You have to be rich to be this stupid.

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Sundar’s first film was called “Dysphoria”, and it was about what leads kids to “transition”.

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Don’t tell anyone, but I think they deserve what they get

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Good one, Frank!

I stayed home to bring up my children - no paid employment now for 30 years!

It was a full-time job - wife, mother, housewife - and it was excellent.

My adult children are both sane, sensible and confident in themselves. They could go out into the world confidently because they always knew I was there when they needed me.

People assume my husband was some sort of high finance banker or something. He wasn't. He worked hard at jobs he didn't particularly enjoy because he knew what his responsibilites were. He provided the means for us to thrive. It's a big responsibility!

The modern world encourages both men and women to be eternal adolescents! Men in frocks are proof. Women thinking men in frocks or teenagers chopping genitals off to be men in frocks without the dangly bits are also proof.

My late mother had no time for the Womens Lib/Burn the Bra brigade. She reckoned it simply let men have sex without commitment and meant women had to work and raise children and run a house and care for elderly relatives and please a man who hadn't had to change anything!

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I can’t remember having read a better argument on the matter than that provided by your experience and that of your family here, Stuffy. Thank you for this.

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this is all sick stuff

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New subscriber. My favorite part of all your posts is waiting to see how you're going to end it with a plea for subscribers - lol. One of these days I'll be able to afford to pay you something.

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Oh I’m glad it tickles you. Don’t you be giving me your money. If you’re skint and you want to read the archive send me an email and I will let you in for nowt

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In the US, at least, it's very difficult to talk to most people about about rights verses liberty. I have very good friends who oppose most of what's happening in the culture, but they still cannot stomach the idea that maybe not everyone should be voting and that maybe we should pause immigration. I'll point out to them that when America was founded, the only people who could vote were white, male landowners. I'll point out that immigration was basically restricted to white people up until 1965. I'll point out that the way we choose the President and Senators has been drastically changed since the Founding of the US. I'll point out that many, many people praise the Founding Fathers, and then turn around and scoff at the system those same Founding Fathers created. It's pretty amazing to experience this. People will lament the fact that stupid, uniformed people vote, yet they get very defensive when you point out that, hey, maybe stupid people shouldn't get to vote?

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It’s a question of rights for wrongs m8

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Do you mean that you see voting rights as different than trans rights?

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You can see rights as duties instead of claims, or rights as rewards for responsibility. There are other ideas about rights than devaluing the notion through prizes for all.

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I'm pretty sure you've mentioned this, but in the US, the concept of rights has historically been a concept of restraint on the government. The government cannot do x,y,z to you. At the Founding, the "rights" that we the people had were basically to not impeded by the government. That was pretty much it. We the people still had duties, obligations, responsibilities to one another, especially to our family and communities. Obviously, the concept of general restraint on the government and the "right" to pursue life, liberty, and happiness, has morphed into special government rewards for certain groups and the active government oppression of other groups.

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Yes, I agree with Richard C Cook's appraisal of US history - that what we have now is not what was. Rights as you describe them are duties, not claims - the State (or Republic in this case) has its duties, and the bill of rights is there to guarantee it discharges them. This is not the same as claiming rights - pressing claims for preference or advantage - through grievance, for example. These are demands, and they subtract from other people, not from elite power at all. In practice, they reinforce it.

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Oh not necessarily- i think we take the idea of “rights = good” to be axiomatic- we don’t ask whether they are doing good, for good, or whether they are right at all. The question of who deserves rights is one which is decided by power, not merit.

I think merit is a casualty of rights. No one gets what they deserve these days, be they good, bad, excellent or incapable.

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I agree.

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Most disturbing is the speed and scale of the growth of 'rights-based' groups which now form the social fabric of institutions. This drives the desire for membership (especially for youth) who crave belonging not knowing that it is all orchestrated for their capture. Recognizing we are all members of the same humanity and all arrive in the world the same way (ok, IVF and more to come if the technocrats take over). Cult experts recommend reminding loved ones caught up in any cult of their past and of their future - to think outside their captured groupthink- if possible.

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Why rights do wrongs, and with a focus on some of the great wrongs they do, complete with a documentary video that I personally would label "essential viewing", plus some LoLographic mene/memes to make ya think. Excellent work! Thank you Frank.

- On the subject of Western Civilisation and it's preservation ,- I think its foundations have already been destroyed over the course of our... "200(?) years together", and it is beyond salvation.

I don't see that as a bad thing. - Good riddance to spoiled, stinking, putrid, rotten old rubbish, as they say.

However, that's not to say that our cultural norms and values should be abandoned... Just the oligarchy and the massive, globalising, bureaucracy that supports its hegemony.

Our culture, our bonds of common understanding and relatedness, and our system of Common Law are things of value that should and could be preserved and cherished, imo. But we can no longer call ourselves a "civilisation" now that the empire is falling, stark bollo** naked into the pages if history.

Christianity and Catholicism, and the cultures inspired by them, will doubtless continue to exist, here and there, for a few more centuries yet ..

If the Trans-Sane World Order doesn't blow us all to kingdom-come on its way out the door, that is.... 🙄

Thanks again Frank. 🙏🪷💚🇵🇸

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Frank, you say that granting victimhood conveys privilege and power. Indeed it does. It's a modern form of alchemy:

1. Fabricate victimhood

2. Insert into special privilege demander

3. Wait a few days

4. Extract gold

But alchemy is not the correct analogy. When you fabricate victimhood, you deceive. When you deceive for the purpose of gain, you defraud.

The totality of leftist (progressive) ideology can be condensed into the phrase: "I am a victim, I deserve special privileges."

Which in turn can be condensed into the word: Scamming.

Leftism (progressive variant) is not an ideology so much as a scamming technique.

What happens when a scamming technique is both legal and profitable? Such a thing cannot do anything but spiral out of control, which it is.

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Yes, I’ve written on the grievance business before. There was an alternative narrative to the black experience in America, for example, but it was destroyed by grifters like WEB DuBois, and its champion, Zora Neale Hurston, died in poverty.

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Also, feminism itself is a scam within a scam. There are three feminisms:

1. First wave: political emancipation (suffragettes)

2. Second wave: economic emancipation

3. Third wave: ?

Third wave feminism is the result of a fight between equity feminists and gender feminists. The equity feminists (second wave) got angry because feminist organizations were led 100% by lesbians who excluded the majority categories of women (wives, mothers etc) from leadership. After a bitter fight the gender feminists (third wave) won.

They won because second wave feminism was heading toward extinction anyway just as first wave feminism went extinct and for the same reason. Once a political movement achieves its objectives it runs out of grievance-fuel and dies.

Thus modern third wave feminism consists of lesbians using women as human shields behind which they advance their agenda.

Which is not really an agenda. It's just a primal scream of frustration against men for being more competitive in the sexual marketplace. This primal scream consists of two parts:

1. We are equivalent to men. Look at us do mountain climbing and karate. Look at us flying jets! See we're just like men we're totally equivalent you should date us instead

2. Ok so we're not exactly equivalent yes we don't have cocks but cocks are shit. Sex is rape stay away from cocks. Also we're not masculine but so what masculinity toxic so stay away from it. You want a family? Are you crazy the traditional family is oppression!

This is why modern feminism is just barely disguised hatred of men and the traditional family. This is why feminists can't explain what they want, not without skinsuiting into first or second wave feminism and yelling about the debunked 70% of men's wages (because men work more hours, get paid more). This is why when transgenders evict women from sports the feminists are dead silent. After all in a dispute between your LGBT ally and your human shields, who really matters?

Feminism is a scam perpetrated by lesbians against women.

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It’s a business. They all are. There is more to it than business, but the trans one makes this hitherto obscured facet of the grievance grift obvious.

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This too, Frank! EXCELLENT, and so very important, interview!! I hope everyone watches it✊

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