This is a post about the viral transmission of consumer sex culture, which has consumed our nations in the sale of sex at the cost of the sanctity of body and soul.
I begin with pornography and end with a painting about the Seven Deadly Sins.
My argument is that porn functions as a sort of advert, selling women, men and children as sex objects to a global market of new and enthusiastic consumers.
The process of the reduction of humanity to consumer sex objects has its roots in revolutionary techniques - and theories - of the early 20th century.
This is how our culture was consumed by a deadly sin.
Intro- The Person as Consumer Product
Advertising as Propaganda
Child Sexualisation in the Fight Against Fascism
Porn as Education
Pornification - Everyone A Product
Consumed by vice
Everything must go - the sale of our souls
Epilogue: Video showing The Seven Deadly Sins by Hieronymous Bosch
We inhabit a sales cult. It sells everything - shoes, cereals, values, babies, beliefs and of course it sells sex.
This sales cult is powered by advertising to produce consumption.
What is being sold and what - or who - is being consumed are important questions to ask when you see any advert.
These adverts can be for policies or products - or even people.
With the worldwide adoption of smartphones billions of men worldwide are now consumed by pornography. Largely produced in the West, it serves as a sort of advertisement for the overwhelmingly white women who appear in it.
Leaving aside who produces this porn…
…and why the women in it are largely white, consider that pornography advertises white women to the world - and to themselves - as insatiable consumers of sex.
Advertising generally makes use of sexualised imagery, again largely in the West.
Advertising was originally called “Propaganda” by its 20th century “godfather”, Edward Bernays. He was Sigmund Freud’s nephew.
For this reason it has been said that “Psychoanalysis shapes consumer culture”.
One virally transmitted trend at present is the sexual liberation of children, through the marketing of the trans cult and industry as a civil rights movement, and also through the promotion of sexual material to children by way of “education”.
This is an old meme in new clothes. As the psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich said in 1933
“If we could once succeed in engaging the sexual interests of children and adolescents on a mass scale, then reactionary contamination would be faced with a tremendous counterforce—and political reaction would be powerless.”
The Mass Psychology of Fascism
The sexualisation of children is a revolutionary technique designed to destroy the family and all other traditional institutions. Like the belief in God.
“Children do not believe in God. It is when they have to learn to suppress the sexual excitation that goes hand in hand with masturbation that the belief in God generally becomes embedded in them.”
Ibid., p.150
You have probably realised by now that what Reich called “Fascism” is what you would call “normal life”. This is his enemy, and so are you.
This formula remains true today. If you do not submit to mass produced sexual fantasies and other fairytales, you are a “fascist”. It is the duty of all good people to destroy you - and your entire civilisation.

The culture produced to consume us today is one which advertises women and children for sex.
It prostitutes them to the world, displayed like a whore in an Amsterdam window.
It is unsurprising when third world migrants come to the West that they should view women and children as fair game, sexually speaking. Not only does porn educate them about western women and children, it is increasingly present in schools, presented - of course - as sex education.
According to a 2016 study,
Online pornography has become the predominant channel through which young women and men are learning about sex, not only in the developed world but in developing countries too, says a new report from the Institute of Development Studies (IDS).
Porn has achieved a full spectrum dominance in the perception of self, and by the other. It seems Wilhelm Reich’s counter-”fascist” dream has been realised.
Is it therefore surprising to hear that new arrivals in the West think of our women and children as sexual fair game?
These thought processes are very likely produced by repeated exposure to internet pornography, whose boundless expression made porn a byword for infinite variety.
An old joke from the early internet was Rule 34 - “if you can think it, there is porn of it”.
Users would challenge each other to combine the most unlikely nouns and then see if this exquisite corpse had been represented in pornography. Of course, the answer was almost always yes.
This joke is not funny anymore, if it ever was.
The degradation of women and now children is one result of the pornification of every situation, with that of men another. The reduction of humanity to a consumer object of desire has gone viral.
The Freudian lie that the repression of the libido makes for a sick mind is an inversion of reality.
Desire without limits produces a living hell, in which no one matters, and everyone is for sale. Porn is an insidious whisper, making the corruption of innocence a mere fetish - as well as a lucrative industry.
Now ponder what murmurs through the minds of the wanderer on our streets.
Mass media consumes humanity in sensation. The person becomes a product, an object of desire, consumer and consumed.
The action of desire is passive, being the submission to passions.
In an addiction economy like ours, desires are cultivated to be impossible to contain. Impulse control is economically unproductive.
An economy based on consumption requires the removal of boundaries within and without the self in the pursuit of satisfaction.
The global transmission of porn is not only one aspect of the moral degeneracy of our mass culture.
It is also the means by which Western women and children are advertised to a ravenous global market.
It is seen, perhaps correctly, of a sign that our societies are utterly surrendered to vice, and that we who inhabit them deserve no better than to be used up and discarded.
The sales cult we inhabit has sold to us almost everything that we know.
White guilt, diversity, the mockery of Christ, moral inversion, rainbow rights, child sexualisation, omnipornography, the idea that humanity is a cancer on the earth.
There are no values beyond what people want, and they want what they are told to want - by the sales culture which consumes them.
What the liberal state calls radicalisation is simply what happens when people stop watching - or believing in - the adverts for the products they are selling.
When the sensational spell of the sale is broken the true subject of the advert is revealed. This product is you.
The grave evil of pornography has commodified our people in the same way as any other consumer craze - reducing humanity to stock in trade, to be consumed by desire, and devoured by a global market.
If you have dissolved into desire, you will feel nothing as the rest of your civilisation is abolished.
We are being moved and shaken towards a place that cannot be reached, because it is made out of fantasies. The point is to subsume the human condition in a world that is not real, to leave reality to the interests of the management.
This process is advertised as a liberating progress. It is selling you on the chasing of a featureless horizon. We are to exhaust ourselves in the pursuit of a mirage - a magic mountain always glimpsed but ever distant. When the truth of the matter is grasped, this vision turns out to be a flat line.
Cave, cave - Dominus videt
“Beware, beware - God is watching”.
In this short film the seven deadly sins are explained. Why are they painted like this? What do they mean?
Around them are the Four Last Things:
The death of the sinner
The Last Judgement
As our priest pointed out recently, when Christ was a child he was scolded by Mary for the anguish she and Joseph had suffered in searching for Him.
Christ replied there was neither need for the search nor the suffering - for He was always in His Father’s house.
It is not He who is lost.
I shall be back soon with much more on Bosch - showing how you might reach the youth with a game-based message from St Anthony, whose feast is today.
A women sleeps with 1057 men in 24 hours.
A women gives relief to 44 men in a Benidorm bar.
A women makes millions by shouting “ Hawk Tuoh”.
YouTube/Facebook short videos of young British women in major cities absolutely paralytic while foreign men look on.
And on and on….
There is reason in past times women would only go out with a chaperone.
What next bathing in baby’s blood.
Then we have the grooming gangs mostly from the Indian Subcontinent….
A national that carnt protect its children is doomed.
I used to think ‘EVERY SINGLE TIME’ was a bit of a cliche but those people never seem to paint themselves in the best light. Then they get offended when you point it out.
Not much to add but your mention of Amsterdam reminded me of when I lived there. It wasn’t so much the red light district but the random city streets you would find yourself walking down and see the ubiquitous ‘scantily clad girls’ in the windows. It wasn’t sexual… it was horrifying. I always used to think how would people explain to their kids walking down the street what on earth these women were doing.
The saddest part was seeing them tramping home in the morning/afternoon dishevelled in their tracksuits.
Pardon my French… but fuck was it depressing…