I suspect the inability to protect the kids is an era that is coming to an end. Their magic words are losing their power. It won't be long before the sophistry that runs Western nations will have minimal effect.
Seriously, the disco is burning down. What I am on about is some of the regime leadership realises their careers are at an end, fewer realise that the whole system which supported them is finished, most are simply confused, uneasy - and you can see signs of panic on their faces.
They don't know what to do because there is nothing left to do. Soon they will start destroying evidence of their crimes. It won't save them from redundancy.
The nonces are in power. Look at Cyril Smith for an example most people have forgotten. The Epstein list etc. Our leaders are commonly degenerates. The whole system is corrupt and it is being replaced now.
I believe this is like the fall of the Soviet Union, with the remarkable caveat that the ones who then "won" by default are now the ones whose power is dissolving.
To end where I began, with a spot of Mozzer
"I've seen this happen in other people's lives - now it's happening in mine".
I do agree they are degenerates. A useful feature for those who need puppets, but only for as long as they can overlook what degeneracy itself actually does to people. Every major religion or philosophy of worth has warned against indulgence and hedonism, and understood the strongest among us are the disciplined, those who can abstain.
It is like putting an alcoholic in charge of a pub. You think you have a bargain since you can pay him in alcohol, but only if you overlook the fact the alcoholism will make him destroy your entire business model.
So as well as degeneracy we also have a kind of extreme short-termism at play in the appointers of the degenerates. They are no great leaders either. Look at Alex Soros; he is a joke with deep pockets. He can't be making sensible decisions about anything.
A lot of the management have been raised in a culture of complete fantasy, and simply cannot recognise reality any more. They know something is up, but cannot put their finger on it. These people are your bosses at work.
The upper tier are less unaware of what is coming, and will probably start jumping ship and burning the archives soon. Panic. Look at their faces.
Well if you talk to some of them it is telling. Now I remember I was supposed you have a chat with you. I'll explain this in person if we ever get round to that. Sorry. Lego death star has done me in.
I used to think ‘EVERY SINGLE TIME’ was a bit of a cliche but those people never seem to paint themselves in the best light. Then they get offended when you point it out.
Not much to add but your mention of Amsterdam reminded me of when I lived there. It wasn’t so much the red light district but the random city streets you would find yourself walking down and see the ubiquitous ‘scantily clad girls’ in the windows. It wasn’t sexual… it was horrifying. I always used to think how would people explain to their kids walking down the street what on earth these women were doing.
The saddest part was seeing them tramping home in the morning/afternoon dishevelled in their tracksuits.
I had initially included a brief history of the porn industry but will publish that separately as it is rather incendiary to list these facts. And it is a long list.
You are right. This is not sensational in person but sad. A human tragedy on sale. Well said.
You may be interested to know that the homunculus posing as The Chief Medical Officer of Health in Canada advised that everyone, especially children, learn the arts of masturbation during the "Covid" lockdowns which s/he/it instigated along with the other sexual deviants of the Trudeau Cabinet.
The Trudeau regime reflects very poorly on Canadians and it could be our undoing.
My thinking: the Party Québécois promises a referendum should they take the provincial election, which is all but certain. Do they think staying in Canada is a death sentence for their tiny culture, pointing particularly to immigration. So the question is: has Quebec youth been demoralized and polluted with the fantasia of liberalism or have they come to realize the lie(s) and are ready for what is next.
I contend, that if it’s over (I am not so certain) then the Québécois will vote to leave Canada. This is a litmus test. And if it happens, it will be Trudeau Legacy.
Paunio is a treasure, and has spent 20 years researching these loonies. He has dealt with them in person, in his government role. I am glad you found this useful.
Unfortunately, the most repressive measures "against" the self-administered Bio-Warfare Weapon called Covid, were applied in and against Quebec. Do not forget that the real Trudeau, Pierre, preempted his putative son Justin Castro by activating the War Measures Act during the weird political crisis under his misrule, in the '70s unless memory fails me. The only two times that what feeble protections Canadians have were whisked away at the stroke of a pen, the name Trudeau, at least, was involved if not the genes.
Well quite, but I also thought I had gone on long enough. I shall do another post on it soon. If you haven’t seen it yet, I did do a rather long report on Weimar and the birth of the rainbow movement:
Great article Frank. It is a topic that is momentous in its scale, reach and devastation. The effects of porn are so little understood, especially the mental and spiritual pollution that is lifelong. People talk about flashbacks with LSD but porn flashbacks are a whole lot worse. People need to be made more acutely aware of the nature of the trap. Who wants to be willingly putting their head through a noose? Reminds me of St John Bosco's dream about that monster waiting for the boys with all its snares. Keep up your good work, you are part of the new generation of switched on, canny journalists who recognise the enemies tactics. God bless and keep you :)
Yes, Weimar. I did write about that here and though it is best forgotten it has not been deleted from our historical memory for good reasons. Thank you Mr Cook.
It is said that 65% of the men sitting thru church sermons go home and view porn. But those same churches prefer to preach the evil of homosexuality so the porn as sin is deflected
The counterfeit Christianity we are given to consume is simply another ideological bureaucracy- preaching the same 🏳️🌈 secular religion as all the others.
I’m in the “masturbation is sex with demons” camp.
That being said - I really enjoyed the philosophy within your interpretation immensely. But then most everything we ascribe to is actually Philosophy - including medicine and economics.
Because this article resonates so acutely with the times in which we find ourselves I can only thank you for it, from the bottom of my heart, Frank.
It's a subject I've not yet found the inner courage to write about, despite that I see it as absolutely essential to address if we are to reclaim this beautiful world for the love of God and His whole creation, and to save our souls from the hell of Godlessness.
Without putting too fine a point on it, I was introduced to "Jew porn", as I now know it to be, as a young child who's abuser used pornographic magazines as "instruction manuals", for which I still bare the scars to this day.
So I know first hand the truth of which you write, Frank. And naturally, I recognise the inherent dangers in the sexual comodification of women and children, advertised within a market place bereft of God and godliness.
May own personal search for answers is gradually leading me back to Jesus Christ as my personal saviour... Because His message of love, of forgiveness, and a brotherhood of man, (and against the Judaic hateful, jealous, vengeful "g-d")is the only thing that makes sense to me. My own personal "apocalypse", if you will.
Thank you for helping me begin my day on such a positive note, Frank.
God bless you too Kali. I it simply awful beyond words to hear what happened to you, a horrifying example of evil in practice, inspired by an industry of viral corruption.
I was told by a better man than myself that where the truth is, there is God. It is the truth about these things which frees us, as in all things. Christ said that.
Naming these evils and their authors - alongside their evil intentions - is called hate and a crime. Now the ADL wants it to be treated as "terrorism".
The leader of the ADL has called on the Israeli army to use its pioneering terrorism and surveillance to fight "antisemitism" globally. An antisemite is someone who accuses (some. not all) jews of what they have done, are doing, or plan to do. Like Greenblatt himself, for instance. He plans to have you ruined or killed.
This too is a corruption of our idea of justice and is inspired itself by an existential sense of vengeance.
As jews who are not inspired by this destructive zeal have pointed out, actions such as these and those of the Zionists are creating a backlash of unconfined intensity, in which all jews, guilty and not, will be seen as the enemies of civilisation, morality and of Christ.
It is making antisemitism a reality. This is the fable of the golem, and like most novelties, is ultimately nothing new.
Yes, I saw Green-splat’s glorification of terrorism during his speech at the Knesset. But try as he and his coreligionists might, they cannot stop the flood of truth that is now being revealed as a result of their genocide in Palestine.
Certainly not all Jews are evil, but the Judaic creed, the creed of chosenism and supremacism, is evil. Those many millions of good people who happen to identify as “Jewish” by accident if birth now face the same choice as the rest of us: reject the creed of a hateful, vengeful “g-d”, or embrace it and deal with the spiritual and material consequences.
I’m now in the market for a Christian Bible or two (one King James, one more modern). Hopefully I’m not the only one, and the “good jews” will begin to seek the Truth of God’s Love, and their own salvation through it. 🙏💚🪷
Great article, good work bringing to light the criminal, cold blooded manegerial nature of the creature and totally annihilating the revolting "because of political correctness" UK rape gang narrative excuse.
About false narratives that is definetly related to the subject of consumed by sin, the whole "Hollywood's burning because woke/inconpetency theory" does not add up for me.
If a sick mind was to think of a long planned operation on hold, activated at the right moment, all kind of questions would come to mind.
- A collective punishment for failling to elect Kamala.
- The liquidation of a dying sale division no one want to buy.
- Striking terror and economic disarry to have everyone falling in line and stay away from maga.
- Major reajustement of salary for the old dying industry (protitute) that can no more attrack new customers and keep the old ones.
The irony of it all.
I haven't see no one touching these subjects, so it could be all stupid, crazy and delirious from my part. 🙄
Wow! The next Third Rail theme! Brilliant. Thank you. Lots to think about. Apparently, as they approached New York Harbor, Bernays and Uncle Ziggy were leaning on the rail and Ziggy quipped: "They do not know that I am bringing them the plague."
I just ordered something you may or may not know of: "Yama" (The Pit) by Alexander Kuprin. Russia, was one of the most liberal of nations under the "bad, autocrat" Czars. In the nineteenth Century prostitution was legalized and attempts were made to regulate and regularize it. Kuprin wrote about this experiment, which failed as it must always fail. There is one brilliant translation by Bernard Guilbert Guerney. You will find there not only corroboration, but evidence of the validity of your thesis and much else besides. Kuprin was a brilliant writer, first and foremost, but he was also a brilliant investigative journalist.
Russia, by the way, and the USSR, mainly avoided the disease called Freudian Psychiatry. That has been key in their ability to rebuild their damaged but undefeated nation.
OK, so more people are noticing this impossible-not-to-notice trend. Why this association between Jews and the degradation of Christian culture? Does Al Goldstein say out loud what most Jews feel in their hearts?
Daryl Cooper (@martyrmade) has stated that Jewish behavior and anti-semitism is a chicken or the egg phenomenon. That seems about right.
A women sleeps with 1057 men in 24 hours.
A women gives relief to 44 men in a Benidorm bar.
A women makes millions by shouting “ Hawk Tuoh”.
YouTube/Facebook short videos of young British women in major cities absolutely paralytic while foreign men look on.
And on and on….
There is reason in past times women would only go out with a chaperone.
What next bathing in baby’s blood.
Then we have the grooming gangs mostly from the Indian Subcontinent….
A national that carnt protect its children is doomed.
I suspect the inability to protect the kids is an era that is coming to an end. Their magic words are losing their power. It won't be long before the sophistry that runs Western nations will have minimal effect.
Panic on the Streets of London lol.
Seriously, the disco is burning down. What I am on about is some of the regime leadership realises their careers are at an end, fewer realise that the whole system which supported them is finished, most are simply confused, uneasy - and you can see signs of panic on their faces.
They don't know what to do because there is nothing left to do. Soon they will start destroying evidence of their crimes. It won't save them from redundancy.
The nonces are in power. Look at Cyril Smith for an example most people have forgotten. The Epstein list etc. Our leaders are commonly degenerates. The whole system is corrupt and it is being replaced now.
I believe this is like the fall of the Soviet Union, with the remarkable caveat that the ones who then "won" by default are now the ones whose power is dissolving.
To end where I began, with a spot of Mozzer
"I've seen this happen in other people's lives - now it's happening in mine".
I do agree they are degenerates. A useful feature for those who need puppets, but only for as long as they can overlook what degeneracy itself actually does to people. Every major religion or philosophy of worth has warned against indulgence and hedonism, and understood the strongest among us are the disciplined, those who can abstain.
It is like putting an alcoholic in charge of a pub. You think you have a bargain since you can pay him in alcohol, but only if you overlook the fact the alcoholism will make him destroy your entire business model.
So as well as degeneracy we also have a kind of extreme short-termism at play in the appointers of the degenerates. They are no great leaders either. Look at Alex Soros; he is a joke with deep pockets. He can't be making sensible decisions about anything.
A lot of the management have been raised in a culture of complete fantasy, and simply cannot recognise reality any more. They know something is up, but cannot put their finger on it. These people are your bosses at work.
The upper tier are less unaware of what is coming, and will probably start jumping ship and burning the archives soon. Panic. Look at their faces.
I do often wonder how aware the elites are.
Well if you talk to some of them it is telling. Now I remember I was supposed you have a chat with you. I'll explain this in person if we ever get round to that. Sorry. Lego death star has done me in.
I used to think ‘EVERY SINGLE TIME’ was a bit of a cliche but those people never seem to paint themselves in the best light. Then they get offended when you point it out.
Not much to add but your mention of Amsterdam reminded me of when I lived there. It wasn’t so much the red light district but the random city streets you would find yourself walking down and see the ubiquitous ‘scantily clad girls’ in the windows. It wasn’t sexual… it was horrifying. I always used to think how would people explain to their kids walking down the street what on earth these women were doing.
The saddest part was seeing them tramping home in the morning/afternoon dishevelled in their tracksuits.
Pardon my French… but fuck was it depressing…
I had initially included a brief history of the porn industry but will publish that separately as it is rather incendiary to list these facts. And it is a long list.
You are right. This is not sensational in person but sad. A human tragedy on sale. Well said.
You may be interested to know that the homunculus posing as The Chief Medical Officer of Health in Canada advised that everyone, especially children, learn the arts of masturbation during the "Covid" lockdowns which s/he/it instigated along with the other sexual deviants of the Trudeau Cabinet.
So very well said. "Homonculus" is perfect for that vicious thingy. Almost certainly a dude. They are all demons.
The Trudeau regime reflects very poorly on Canadians and it could be our undoing.
My thinking: the Party Québécois promises a referendum should they take the provincial election, which is all but certain. Do they think staying in Canada is a death sentence for their tiny culture, pointing particularly to immigration. So the question is: has Quebec youth been demoralized and polluted with the fantasia of liberalism or have they come to realize the lie(s) and are ready for what is next.
I contend, that if it’s over (I am not so certain) then the Québécois will vote to leave Canada. This is a litmus test. And if it happens, it will be Trudeau Legacy.
I was sent this by Prof. Paunio today. It is an essay he has just published on how Trudeau destroyed Canada on "WEF orders".
I know this sounds cuckoo, but I know Paunio and he is certainly not. He has written the best account of the WEF and its occult roots I have read.
These people are simply so deranged as to beggar belief. Paunio describes them accurately and this is why it sounds crackers.
But it do, as Oscar Gamble said.
O’Leary’s comments are widely held; your professor is right, simply stating what many people think. Thanks for that.
Paunio is a treasure, and has spent 20 years researching these loonies. He has dealt with them in person, in his government role. I am glad you found this useful.
Unfortunately, the most repressive measures "against" the self-administered Bio-Warfare Weapon called Covid, were applied in and against Quebec. Do not forget that the real Trudeau, Pierre, preempted his putative son Justin Castro by activating the War Measures Act during the weird political crisis under his misrule, in the '70s unless memory fails me. The only two times that what feeble protections Canadians have were whisked away at the stroke of a pen, the name Trudeau, at least, was involved if not the genes.
"incendiary" for some, shining light for others.
Well quite, but I also thought I had gone on long enough. I shall do another post on it soon. If you haven’t seen it yet, I did do a rather long report on Weimar and the birth of the rainbow movement:
Looking this up soon!
Great article Frank. It is a topic that is momentous in its scale, reach and devastation. The effects of porn are so little understood, especially the mental and spiritual pollution that is lifelong. People talk about flashbacks with LSD but porn flashbacks are a whole lot worse. People need to be made more acutely aware of the nature of the trap. Who wants to be willingly putting their head through a noose? Reminds me of St John Bosco's dream about that monster waiting for the boys with all its snares. Keep up your good work, you are part of the new generation of switched on, canny journalists who recognise the enemies tactics. God bless and keep you :)
Thank you Pat. I had not thought of it like that. You are right to point this aspect out, too.
I may include this in the writeup in future as you make an important point I had not noticed until you pointed it out.
God bless you too, brother :D
So so sad, and so so true....Then there was Weimar. Sending you something separate.
Yes, Weimar. I did write about that here and though it is best forgotten it has not been deleted from our historical memory for good reasons. Thank you Mr Cook.
Terrific essay, Frank.
Thank you CM. I never know how it comes across so it is good of you to tell me.
Interesting fact;
That Bosch painting contains the first known example of twerking in western culture.
U wot m8
Ok, Frank, you got me. I'll be reporting you to my NSA handler for deamplification.
Another fine essay. Thank you, Mr Wright!
I trust you are familiar with EMJ's take on the nifty use of pornography by a certain group that dominates it?
I have heard of him but not read this. Thank you Teresa!
You’re welcome! Do enjoy the neat country-&-western song that I feature in the post! Nothing like it!
Haha! Too right! Thank you!
It is said that 65% of the men sitting thru church sermons go home and view porn. But those same churches prefer to preach the evil of homosexuality so the porn as sin is deflected
The counterfeit Christianity we are given to consume is simply another ideological bureaucracy- preaching the same 🏳️🌈 secular religion as all the others.
I’m in the “masturbation is sex with demons” camp.
That being said - I really enjoyed the philosophy within your interpretation immensely. But then most everything we ascribe to is actually Philosophy - including medicine and economics.
Because this article resonates so acutely with the times in which we find ourselves I can only thank you for it, from the bottom of my heart, Frank.
It's a subject I've not yet found the inner courage to write about, despite that I see it as absolutely essential to address if we are to reclaim this beautiful world for the love of God and His whole creation, and to save our souls from the hell of Godlessness.
Without putting too fine a point on it, I was introduced to "Jew porn", as I now know it to be, as a young child who's abuser used pornographic magazines as "instruction manuals", for which I still bare the scars to this day.
So I know first hand the truth of which you write, Frank. And naturally, I recognise the inherent dangers in the sexual comodification of women and children, advertised within a market place bereft of God and godliness.
May own personal search for answers is gradually leading me back to Jesus Christ as my personal saviour... Because His message of love, of forgiveness, and a brotherhood of man, (and against the Judaic hateful, jealous, vengeful "g-d")is the only thing that makes sense to me. My own personal "apocalypse", if you will.
Thank you for helping me begin my day on such a positive note, Frank.
God bless you. 💚🙏
God bless you too Kali. I it simply awful beyond words to hear what happened to you, a horrifying example of evil in practice, inspired by an industry of viral corruption.
I was told by a better man than myself that where the truth is, there is God. It is the truth about these things which frees us, as in all things. Christ said that.
Naming these evils and their authors - alongside their evil intentions - is called hate and a crime. Now the ADL wants it to be treated as "terrorism".
The leader of the ADL has called on the Israeli army to use its pioneering terrorism and surveillance to fight "antisemitism" globally. An antisemite is someone who accuses (some. not all) jews of what they have done, are doing, or plan to do. Like Greenblatt himself, for instance. He plans to have you ruined or killed.
This too is a corruption of our idea of justice and is inspired itself by an existential sense of vengeance.
As jews who are not inspired by this destructive zeal have pointed out, actions such as these and those of the Zionists are creating a backlash of unconfined intensity, in which all jews, guilty and not, will be seen as the enemies of civilisation, morality and of Christ.
It is making antisemitism a reality. This is the fable of the golem, and like most novelties, is ultimately nothing new.
Yes, I saw Green-splat’s glorification of terrorism during his speech at the Knesset. But try as he and his coreligionists might, they cannot stop the flood of truth that is now being revealed as a result of their genocide in Palestine.
Certainly not all Jews are evil, but the Judaic creed, the creed of chosenism and supremacism, is evil. Those many millions of good people who happen to identify as “Jewish” by accident if birth now face the same choice as the rest of us: reject the creed of a hateful, vengeful “g-d”, or embrace it and deal with the spiritual and material consequences.
I’m now in the market for a Christian Bible or two (one King James, one more modern). Hopefully I’m not the only one, and the “good jews” will begin to seek the Truth of God’s Love, and their own salvation through it. 🙏💚🪷
“Green-splat” is lol, though he is certainly notlol.
Nosferatu has his plans, as do we who uphold the cross.
Great article, good work bringing to light the criminal, cold blooded manegerial nature of the creature and totally annihilating the revolting "because of political correctness" UK rape gang narrative excuse.
Thank you Voidcomm. It is an ugly business - but a business it certainly is. If we cannot grasp this fact it cannot be closed down.
About false narratives that is definetly related to the subject of consumed by sin, the whole "Hollywood's burning because woke/inconpetency theory" does not add up for me.
If a sick mind was to think of a long planned operation on hold, activated at the right moment, all kind of questions would come to mind.
- A collective punishment for failling to elect Kamala.
- The liquidation of a dying sale division no one want to buy.
- Striking terror and economic disarry to have everyone falling in line and stay away from maga.
- Major reajustement of salary for the old dying industry (protitute) that can no more attrack new customers and keep the old ones.
The irony of it all.
I haven't see no one touching these subjects, so it could be all stupid, crazy and delirious from my part. 🙄
I wrote about the Hollywood fires in detail here. TLDR guess who bought up all the water?
Wow! Amazing stuff it answers a lot.
Glad I could help!
Wow! The next Third Rail theme! Brilliant. Thank you. Lots to think about. Apparently, as they approached New York Harbor, Bernays and Uncle Ziggy were leaning on the rail and Ziggy quipped: "They do not know that I am bringing them the plague."
I just ordered something you may or may not know of: "Yama" (The Pit) by Alexander Kuprin. Russia, was one of the most liberal of nations under the "bad, autocrat" Czars. In the nineteenth Century prostitution was legalized and attempts were made to regulate and regularize it. Kuprin wrote about this experiment, which failed as it must always fail. There is one brilliant translation by Bernard Guilbert Guerney. You will find there not only corroboration, but evidence of the validity of your thesis and much else besides. Kuprin was a brilliant writer, first and foremost, but he was also a brilliant investigative journalist.
Russia, by the way, and the USSR, mainly avoided the disease called Freudian Psychiatry. That has been key in their ability to rebuild their damaged but undefeated nation.
William Reich, cohencidentally, is Jewish, too.
OK, so more people are noticing this impossible-not-to-notice trend. Why this association between Jews and the degradation of Christian culture? Does Al Goldstein say out loud what most Jews feel in their hearts?
Daryl Cooper (@martyrmade) has stated that Jewish behavior and anti-semitism is a chicken or the egg phenomenon. That seems about right.
I'd be curious to read your thoughts on this.
Yes Reich is Jewish, Hirschfeld was Jewish, etc
Antisemitism is the term for accusing Jews of what they have done, are doing, and plan to do.
See also transphobia, racism etc.
To call this hate is to criminalise the facts, and normalise fantasies. And here we are.
All coincidence, you Hateful Antisemite, you!!!! 😄😜🤪🎉