Enjoyed this article and am also a trad catholic on my way to finding a TLM mass. Not very easy in rural Australia. Ad Jesum per Mariam⚔️

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May God help you in that glorious quest Laura. If you can't find one, console yourself with a read of the Catechism On Modernism by Pope St Pius X here https://archive.org/details/catechismonmoder00lemiuoft/page/n5/mode/2up

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Look up the Society of St Pius X website and they have a list of all the places and times of their masses but it will depend on where you live

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Thank you, will do

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If you can't be there, be somewhere else in spirit . check out the website below. Fraternity of St. Peter mass broadcasts.


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Thank you

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Love your writing Frank. I don’t always understand it but that forces me to read it a few times slowly, think about what you’re saying, and try to relate that to my own experience and opinion. It’s really helped me see other perspectives. If you tried to explain everything it would defeat the purpose.

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This is very helpful to hear Chrissie. I am used to getting told off (I have a GTO face) and so I routinely ignore unsolicited feedback. In this case I thought I should give in and provide a summary of what I am on about. I hope to have laid out much of the argument now, and will try to keep it short and simple in future.

I expect to be told off about that too lol.

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Jun 11Liked by Frank Wright

I like that you have a SoH. Laughter is the best medicine.

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The loss of religious belief has really unhinged the western world hasn't it? I find that quite depressing as the Enlightenment was meant to sweep away the superstition and corruption in both the church and the wider society. Instead, it has led to people worshipping all sorts of nonsense instead and the superstition and corruption are both stronger than ever. People can be pretty dumb sometimes - they threw the baby out with the bath water and now they are lost in a world of madness.

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The belief in man is more absurd than that in God. One look at the track record of the Enlightenment demonstrates this.

Liberalism is the ideology of the emancipation of mankind by his own Reason. It has delivered madness by design and by decree.

Now it is dying. lol

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I’m not sure the Enlightenment was meant to be about belief in man rather than God. I always felt it was about moving worship to a more private realm and about no longer simply believing something because you were told to. Things like drinking the urine of puppies or ducking women to see if they were witches. Surely it was about moving into a calmer, more logical world where men researched things? (Doesn’t God help those who help themselves?) It has morphed into a God-replacement world which I don’t think it was meant to be!

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The Enlightenment is a form of mass deception. It replaced things with other things, and these things are not the same.

God with popular worship of art, poetry, celebrities, sports.

Following the science (except when...)

Food with food like products. Thinking with mass produced thoughts. Nations with a global supermarket full of trash.

It has resulted in the universalisation of superstitions formerly restricted to local or eccentric practice. The central pillars of the liberal system - the liberal idea being the product of the Enlightenment - are themselves myths. Liberal democracy is a myth around the practice of elite direction through propaganda, for example.

Progress (universal human uplift), emancipation by reason, transcendence through purchase power, the belief that saying so makes it so, cults of permanent grievance, the paradox of the priority of rights, the replacement of essential value with rights - as with the value of life itself, and so on. Men, women, children are now products to be purchased - or destroyed.

Liberalism is the attempt to continue Christianity without Christ. The light of the Enlightenment was the lumen naturale of Descartes, revealed to reason, being the illumination of the world by the extension of rational human inquiry and the resulting "scientific method".

Men are neither rational in their actions nor in their motives, and no magic words will ever make them so. Peer review excludes the basic observations of practising scientists, as did the Lancet itself, to preserve the myths which pay for it.

The Enlightenment has given us government by voodoo, the use of curse words to silence demands for democracy and the noticing of the obvious. This is the function of hate speech, directed against "irrational" and "extremist" viewpoints which all coincidentally indicate that it is the liberal-rational project itself which has created the disaster we inhabit.

The cult of Reason is irrational. It is not based in reality but in utopia. To reach this nowhere you must always cross an ocean of blood, and you never arrive.

We live at the point where people are recognising the red mist around them, and the horizon of paradise is not getting any closer.

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Yeah but...I don't think people like Locke or Voltaire would recognise the world today as having any Enlightenment values left. What we see now is not what those blokes back in the 17th and 18th centuries had in mind. I don't think they meant to cancel God, only the belief in the unproven and superstitious stuff people believed in. I understand that the end point of all their ideas seems to be the nihilism of the modern world but I think they would be horrified at the corruption of their ideas. Also, I'm quite keen on Reason and Logic - if we had more of it the "elites" would have had a much harder time imposing the covid nonsense on us!

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Author

Well here’s the Kantian problem - are all men capable of acting like Kant? If the men of Reason believed in the fantasies of Rousseau they were fools. If not, they did not believe in its universal and equal distribution among men.

Reason and logic are uncommonly the motives of human action, being used instead as alibis. There is a tremendous vanity in rationalism and it has reverted to type over time.

The limits of reason and of the system it inspired are demonstrated by the reality we inhabit. To deny these limits is to be a utopian, as all fanatics invariably are. Reason too has its zealots.

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You're too clever for me, Frank. I think you may have read a few more difficult books than me.

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Jun 12Liked by Frank Wright

Love your straight forward, no nonsense, “cut to the chase” approach in all of your articles I’ve been able to read to this point. I can’t help from agreeing with your analysis and focus which I’ve read in other great author’s works but not with a tendency to “get too deep into the weeds”, or alternatively, for readers to get lost in the words. Personally, it’s easier to comprehend and basically remember(of course, I have the patience and attention span of a spinning top at times). Anyway, I didn’t answer your poll because ultimately it’s your choice and who am to try to sway you one way or another. God Bless and wishing all good will toward building better futures for you and yours once populism prevails!!!

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Author

Now then Aliwister! I will try, as a future rapper myself, to 'keep it real' in future. It is very encouraging to hear you found this an easy and clear read. I should perhaps wear a shock collar that readers can operate remotely when I go on too long.

There is a lot happening in the world right now and I am doing my best to make sense of it in a readable analysis. My view is that things are indeed improving, as the end times of liberal-globalism are upon us. It will be a wild ride.

Do not despair, stay away from beacons of rage and spite, and remember to help those sick of lies and starved of meaning where you can. Life is wonderful, and it is getting more exciting.

God bless you too Ali.

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I love your thoughts, but the root of our problems certainly lie in the banks. My favorite American President, Andrew Jackson ended the Second Bank of the US. How great would it be to end all of the central banks in the West?

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The debt based system of usury is a seam of evil which corrupts everything it touches.

I hope to interview Richard C Cook soon whose excellent “Out Country: Then and Now” gives the best account of the rot radiating from the Federal Reserve in writing.

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Jun 11Liked by Frank Wright

Frank, big admirer and agree with you on almost everything.

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I voted "non notlol". I think your writing speaks for itself. That said, I'd probably listen to the podcast out of interest. Generally I prefer to read though ... easier to skip the boring bits that way. Though not of your blog's of course. You don't have boring bits! 🥸

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HNNNGGG don't say the P word! I do NOT have a tidy beard. I do NOT sell doom or the culture war wares of Gordon Tabletson. I do NOT have any merch.

I do NOT want to do a podcast (spits in disgust). I just thought it would be helpful to answer people's questions. Once.

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If you do it once, dear Frank, I'll listen once. 😉

I'm sorry I used the P word. Please forgive me. 🫣 I do hope you detail the above points in what I'm sure will be a most interesting and quite funny -odd-cast. 😁

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I can forgive you - and I do - but never myself for having occasioned the mention of the P WORD.

Even typing this urges me to KICK MYSELF RIGHT IN THE FACE. I swear, as God is my witness, that I will punch myself DIRECTLY IN THE KISSER live on camera to expiate for this outrage.

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Don't do it Frank! You're being far too hard on yourself over a misplaced P!

Go to "the Nature", Frank, listen to the birds.

In other news, I think your one-off odd-cast may be even funnier than I first imagined. - If it comes to a choice, that is, if you decide to reject my advice regarding the Nature and the birds, then I'd much rather see you try to kick yourself right in the face than punch yourself directly in the kisser. Because contortion. 🤔

Have a wonderful rest of your day, wise one. I'll be watching out for you Q&A, as I do for all of your offerings. 😇

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I live in the country and can hear the tweety birds - and see them - as I type this. As you may not be aware, birds - despite their presence - are not real.

Concerning my just reward - believe you me - I KNOW MYSELF BETTER THAN YOU.

I give you my word that if there is one person who RICHLY DESERVES TO BE CORRECTIVELY CHINNED it is myself. It has been too long. I have taken things too far. I am out of hand, and having had a word with myself, I have decided on a hands-on solution.

I have a passable mawashigeri but try as I might I cannot reach my own nose with it. The wisdom of Mumon demands I respond to myself in a fitting manner:

If you meet the man of the way on the path

Greet him not with gestures nor with words

Give him an uppercut

He will understand you at once

From "The Gateless Gate"

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Reminds me of "If You See Buddha on the Road, Kill Him" even though I never read that book either. Same-same.

I also live in the country, and as I read your words suggesting the unreality of birds, the small owl that's made his home in a Pune tree just outside our home hooted his disagreement. Or maybe he just called for a girlfriend (hard to tell). Either way, think on!

Also, I have hens. And a puppy who thinks they should be played with! I disagree, of course. - Point being, the unreality of birdies is ... questionable. I'll say no more on the matter though, not being a dogmatist. Also because Mikey's just arrived and I have coffee to make. 🤨

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Jun 11Liked by Frank Wright

I'm a beginner and this was just perfect for me ... thanks! Everyone new to all this should read Liam Scheff - Official Stories. You can see the extent to which you have been lied to and the shite that people are supposed to believe! And they do! (Including me until 2020 when the scales fell from my eyes.) I think the self-styled "world controllers" maybe went too far with convid as lots of sleeping people woke up!

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Yes lockdown did break the narrative as much as it broke everything else.

A vertiginous self own from our supposedly all powerful masters.

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Jun 11Liked by Frank Wright

Thank you Frank.

I’ve been away since end 2023 trying not to give a fcuk about any of the endless rapidly escalating insanities that you have so succinctly catalogued here today. As part of my detox I have necessarily missed out on all of your most recent insights. But alas, I found today’s Frank for Dummies title simply irresistible, and so here I am again to say cheers! And congratulations on distilling so much insight into such a small but wonderful read.

More power to your elbow, Sir.

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Now then Drew! Well done for keeping your eyes off Satan's window. If I find the idiot who pulled you back in I will chin him.

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Jun 11Liked by Frank Wright

I enjoy your work Mr. Wright. I have enjoyed it even more after I found out you are Latin Mass Catholic. Christ is King!

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Yes I am a religious extremist as well. Full house I suppose lol.

Ave crux spes unica!

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Jun 11Liked by Frank Wright

Ya, video, people like that sort of thing. Not me, I will not participate, I think conversation is so inaccurate and fast moving as to be of little value, plus the whole thing is just too convivial for me.

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I promise not to be nice lol

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Jun 11Liked by Frank Wright


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Jun 11Liked by Frank Wright

I feel the same. Podcasts always make me go to sleep and if not, I need a transcript too, otherwise it all goes sailing over my head

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Jun 11Liked by Frank Wright

Ya exactly, you take a second to ponder and boom , yer lost. Plus it will just be a bunch of people telling our author great he is, (which is true) and that’s cringe

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That would be cringe and I would have to get myself in a headlock if I ever entertained such a dismal show.

The reason I am doing this is because many people now have contacted me personally to ask that I explain what I am on about.

I intend to answer questions and not preen my plumage like a perfumed ponce.

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Update: I have chinned myself, having failed to apply a precautionary autoheadlock.

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Jun 11Liked by Frank Wright

Excellent commentary. I believe that Traditional Catholicism provides very fertile ground to understand the events of today due to its grounding in tradition, the magisterium and scripture. Encyclicals written by popes before the ecumaniacs took over the church post vat 2 have warned over and over again of what the enemies were up to. And this warning was not only for the Church but all mankind. Curious of how you feel about the validity of Orders, etc post vat 2. You might consider a podcast???

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Ecumaniacs lol.

I am not the best about that sort of thing. I have an, uhh, acquaintance (he has a beard) who goes on about doctrinal matters and I would prefer not to show myself up by aping him.

He does look like an orang utan a bit tho.

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Jun 11Liked by Frank Wright

A great article mate. Where do I sign up?

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Glad you liked it Peter!

You can subscribe on the about page which should be linked here https://frankwright.substack.com/about

I think three grand is a bargain tbh

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Jun 18Liked by Frank Wright

Dominus cubiscum.

This was the most based page I have ever read. Solid stuff that we all know about, but remarkably systematized for our reading pleasure.

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Cheers RU it’s very helpful to hear it came across well. If you can’t name it you can’t get rid of it. I am trying to make the refuse easier to grasp so we can all chuck it out.

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I am not catholic Frank, but I couldn't agree more with your points....every last one of them. Except maybe regarding Trump, who I feel, though clearly populist, is just another puppet. You may or may not agree. But that's by the by really. I liked this so much im going to print it so that I can keep it. And now I'm going to spend my weekend reading all the attached works of yours. Thank you.

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I wrote a pretty comprehensive piece recently on how Trump has been bought and paid for. It is too triggering to publish elsewhere. I might put it up here.

All the populists are flawed. The spasm of populism is not the future. It is the beginning of the rejection of the past.

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Thats a great description of populism. I personally have come to the conclusion that the only political standpoint that doesn't end in tyranny is anarchy. ALL others are inherently flawed. But then anarchy requires the will of the people, and the people want a leader, so will never happen. By and large I'd say we're stuck in a downward spiral

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There are a lot of different anarchies m8. Proudhon, Rocker, Bakunin, Kropotkin etc. Most chin strokers go for syndicalism. The Greenies are just mad.

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It is very interesting to look into the true nature of the ‘elite’. The idea for the League of Nations, for instance, came from one of the Cambridge ‘Apostles’ Goldsworthy (Goldie) Dickinson-Lowes, two weeks after the start of World War One. The first British female delegate was Winifred Coombe Tenant who attended with Arthur Balfour (who was head of delegation). Tenant was involved in a bizarre project of spiritual eugenics, attempting to produce a Messianic child through her affair with Arthur’s brother, Gerald. They believed that their dead brother Francis Balfour (an embryologist) was overseeing the eugenics programme to produce a new spiritually advanced species from the ‘other side’. Gerald and Francis had both been ‘Apostles’, I kid you not. It is all well-documented. Arthur Balfour was then instrumental in setting up the British eugenics movement and institutional government/corporate science as well as THE declaration. All of which is going so well

I am a Catholic from t’ North. Dispirited by much Catholic content online. Would listen to any Orthodox Catholic with a genuine northern accent.

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Yes, I am aware of the genealogy of the liberal elite and its formation. What people call "globalism" is simply the attempt to universalise "liberal democracy", which is basically usury plus Gay Zionist Permawar. You might get some solar panels with that.

If you are looking for decent Catholic content have a look at the outstanding "Crisis in the Church" series by the SSPX here:


Apart from being the foundational bulwark of post-1962 Catholic tradition, the Society demonstrates excellent scholarship in the formation of its priests and religious. This series is no "mere Christianity". It is also the best account of the history of ideas since the Enlightenment I have heard, and by extension an essential primer on the modern condition.

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Thank you for the link

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