5 hrs agoLiked by Frank Wright

The most diabolical ideology created by the Luciferians (and that’s saying something). They are now trying to destroy what it is to be human by saying people are born in the ‘wrong body’. This is an outright attack on truth, God and His creation. ‘Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you’..

The spiritual battle continues to rage.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Frank Wright

I’ve watched JB interviewed a few times. She is impressive and ferocious. God speed to her. As for her mark - a plague on their houses. We really are in Vico’s stage 3. I admire your stance here, not blowing smoke, just is what it is. This is a very good example of overcoming someone’s personal beliefs such as abortion rights to look at the actual object at large. We need to do more of this as a society and as thinkers. We will very rarely agree 100% of the time with 100% of the people we want and need on our side. Not belittling anything to do with abortion, emphasising the threat of transgender influence.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Frank Wright

It is perhaps no coincidence that the trans agenda is being pushed at the same time as rapid developments in artificial intelligence and synthetic biology are occurring.

Transhumanism, the belief that we should use science and technology to radically enhance human capabilities, seems pretty popular amongst the techy billionaire class.

It could be to distract us, to make money or to actually try and create AGI robots. They wouldn't seem much different from our trans neighbour and maybe a tad more attractive!

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Ted Kaczynski (yes, that one) has given the best account of the fantasies of Kurzweilian technophiles. He called it "technianity", and his chapter in "Anti-Tech Revolution" explains how these posthuman utopias cannot escape human limitations.

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Thank you for reporting on this important book. As a Christian mother who lost a daughter for years to the trans cult after she left home for college, I quickly learned to befriend the feminists who were the only voices in the wilderness then. Many feminists not of the 'everyday' feminism ilk are en pointe over what was happening in the trans arena. Cults do not discriminate. Catholics too are finding their kids suddenly lost in the agenda at hand. They are snatching up any child or young adult as they form their identities in a confusing world. Do not look away. This agenda packaged under civil rights and brought to us by the corporate global elite in conjunction with governments are fast ushering in a medical technocracy. Much of it is already in place. I have written for Jennifer's 11th Hour Blog alongside excellent pieces by feminists. I am glad to have had a place when I was denied in certain religious right outlets.

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There is no cultural firewall to the trans virus, which is diabolically efficient in its means of transmission. Catholics, Muslims, atheists, men, women, boys and girls - all can be reached by this insidious and well financed project of human deracination. It is as Bilek says best understood in a wider context - that of the replacement of reality with a general counterfeit or “metaverse”, animated by desire and effected by technology.

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Correct and with tech, the firewalls of homes and schools are now in ashes.

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This is a great story! You might be interested in my story - I’m a former 17 year employee exposing T-Mobile as the WEF. They have all the technology needed to enslave humanity in the fourth industrial revolution with exactly what you wrote about here. https://www.marcpalasciano.com/p/why-exposing-t-mobile-is-important

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Eugenics is fundamental to the trans movements. Who can and can't breed is being decided now. Interesting that sterilization has been a goal of the state and their overlords for a very long time. And now they have this fantasyland, where you can “become a different sex.” Even though you'll likely be sterile AND mutilated. But yeah, let's pretend like this about human rights and helping people...🥴

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