The Show Trial of Douglass Mackey, Catholic Meme Hero
Today I bring you an interview with a man who needs - and deserves - your help.
Douglass Mackey, the undisputed king of the memes, is facing federal prison for retweeting images he found on 4chan in 2016.
Why? The Regime claims his memes violated Americans’ “sacred right” to vote - for Hillary Clinton.
Posting under the name Ricky Vaughn, Mackey rose to prominence in what became known as the 2016 meme election - as the power of images with triggering messages shocked a complacent Clinton campaign.
The kangaroo court found him guilty - because of course it did.
But Douglass Mackey is neither down nor out. He is taking his case to appeal.
Watch him explain his case today- then please donate what you can to his meme defense fund so he can win his legal battle for his - and your - freedom.
His fight is not just his own, but to settle in law a case that will secure or undermine the freedom of all Americans.
The charges Mackey faces are an example of the criminalisation of regime-critical speech which is sweeping the West.
If you prefer, you can listen to the interview here.
As the Regime’s corrupt “Justice” department reports here, Douglass Mackey was investigated by the FBI for posting two images which they claim proved he:
“Attempted to Trick Voters into Believing They Could Vote by Text Message”
The memes displayed a phone number, which the hard-of-thinking could text to vote for Hillary.
The Regime’s show trial claimed almost 5000 phones had texted the number. Yet, as Mackey explains, the FBI investigation did not find a single person who had failed to vote as a result.
What is the meaning of this prosecution?
Do you think there might be a political - or even religious aspect to this case?
Douglass Mackey is a Catholic, and has been framed by the lying press as a hateful extremist. Where have we heard this before?

In the interview, Mackey states that the political crisis is the spiritual crisis.
He agrees that this is why we can expect attacks by the ideology of the enemies of Christ.
The mysterious mystery of the FBI’s designation of pro-lifers and Catholics as terrorists and extremists will never be solved.
According to Regime media in the UK, Reichsführer Adolf Hitler has won the US Presidential election.

Will the election of Literally Hitler help Mackey? Hopefully, he says. As court presstitutes CNN reported, Trump referred to Mackey’s case in a video of December 2023, mentioning also that the FBI had been
“…infiltrating the Catholic Church as if we were a Communist country.”
Yet despite his case also being covered by Tucker Carlson - and the fact that Mackey was charged with the same indictment used against Donald Trump - so far no big names like Elon Musk have stepped up to help.
Mackey relies on private donations to fund his legal battle to defend your right to laugh at drink-sodden crooks like Hillary Clinton.
His outrageous trial has threatened him with up to ten years in Federal prison. It was heralded in 2021 as the start of a
“…strategic shift by the Department of Justice - and sets the stage for new cases against more prominent right-wing actors”
The report also noted the corrupt state made use of a drug addled snitch to defame Mackey.
This “former general in the online armies” of the “far right” had previously claimed ”that he had invented QAnon”.
His fantasising did not discourage the FBI from using him as a key witness against Mackey.

The identity of this informant, heralded by the Bolshevik Southern Poverty Law Center as an “Alt-Right Judas” and known as “microchip”, has been protected by the Regime and its prosecutors.
The trial established that Microchip is working for the FBI on multiple cases and has been a source for them for five years, going back to the time around the 2018 midterm elections.

The significance of Mackey’s case becomes clear when the “unusual” protection of the anonymity of “microchip” is explained.
Microchip has deep connections to the pro-Trump radical right, and his cooperation with unknown FBI investigations could have profound implications for his allies.
Yes, this is a case they will use to come after YOU, if it succeeds.

Mackey - still unknown by his real name - suffered the Twitter banhammer under the previous regime run by smackhead jack1 and Indian Garglename2.
His Twitter following is being rebuilt, as his profile once again rises. This time he is not just posting amusing pictures.
Douglass Mackey, The King of the Memes, is fighting the evil Regime which is using the legal system to persecute its political enemies across the West.
In the UK, Sam Melia is serving a two year prison sentence for posting memes IRL - which the judge said were factually correct.
Last week, a well known British journalist was doorstepped by police - for a “non-crime hate incident3”. Allison Pearson had posted a tweet a year ago, and now she has a criminal record.
Pearson was an outspoken critic of the covid regime - and was also suspended from Twitter for posting so-called misinformation about it.
Now UK terrorism guidelines include “anti abortion activists” as potential terrorists. Journalists who criticise the globalist agenda can expect the same.
Saying “God bless you” can be construed as “hate speech” by police in Britain.
There are no victims in these crimes but the enemies of the Satanic Liberal-Global Order.
If you would like to help Mr Mackey fight the Good Fight, you can donate to fund his costly legal appeal here, here and also here - where you can find updates on his case.
A victory will keep him out of prison, and will remove this pretext of the criminal state to ruin the lives of sane Americans who oppose it.
A win for Mackey is a win for us all. The enemy is reeling.
Help our meme king troll them to tears yet again.
I shall return next week with analysis on Israel and Ukraine - and in an extract from my (still imaginary) book on liberal democracy - I explain what it means to say the Synodal Church is an “Ideological bureaucracy”.
Heroin use was reportedly rife at the time amongst the Silicon Valley liberati. Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was confronted in a congressional hearing for permitting the sale of cocaine and opiates on Twitter.
This is just nicetalk for a social credit system to punish enemies of the liberal global state. If you oppose their insane and Satanic agenda, you are hateful - and deserve to lose your rights.
And so you do. A “non-crime hate incident” goes on your record and damages your career permanently. The police do not name any plaintiff nor do they have to identify a victim, or prove any harm has taken place. Anyone can be accused and the accusation is proof of guilt. Case closed.
If it is not already obvious, the liberal-global state is your enemy and it is using “law” to silence you whilst its wider agenda destroys your entire civilisation.
Defo saw tweets from the other side encouraging MAGA to vote by text also, mysteriously not prosecuted.
Regarding the po-po saying “God bless you” could be offensive to Mohammedans, I am constantly told we both worship the same God (lol).
What an outrage. Everyone responsible for the persecution of Mackey needs to be held responsible for their role in this injustice.
Now is not the time to let bygones be bygones. When weak, the left preaches forgiveness and tolerance. In power, they trample the rights of others. And why not? Why should they adhere to the notion of human rights which emanates from Christianity, the religion they despise. There's a clip of atheist Yuval Harari waving off the notion of "imaginary" human rights.
It would be a gross injustice if the Mackey injustice goes unpunished.