Jun 14Liked by Frank Wright

It is pure evil what is being done to the Irish nation - heartbreaking and utterly corrupt. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Frank. 🇨🇮☘️🙏

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What it all boils down to is that they want to displace or murder the WHITE populations of the world. The one world mental cases behind the WEF and other psychopathic run organizations open a big huge tit to these people from every place on the planet and what would you expect them to do if they are offered free housing, free education, free food, free medical, free debit cards, free, free, free and in the process ENSLAVE and DESTROY those who have been settled there for hundreds of years? I see something like this happening world wide as the WHITE populations are terrorized, beaten, stolen from, murdered, robbed, raped, extorted, squatted on and they finally get SICK OF IT. At the point the SAXON begins to HATE https://www.courageouslion.us/p/the-wrath-of-the-awakened-saxon

the proverbial oscillating blade is going to get hit big time with a lot of fecal matter. Call me any name in the book you wish, I really don't give a flying rats ass WHAT you think about me. We need to stick together as a people to defend our lives, liberty and property from these invading hoards who have NOTHING in common with our way of life.

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This is being led by the UN agency IOM.int there website states that they encourage “Regular mass migration” it’s in the open and they’re proud of it.

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A couple of years ago when I first started to notice the 'War on White People' I wondered why.

And it appears that the greatest cohort of people that are waging this war on white people, are white people themselves - so the real 'white supremacists' are the white elites waging war on white people.

If you dig into the funding of the organizations, media, journalists, and publishers - the various mouthpieces that are spewing vile racist rhetoric, what do you find?

You find the bankers, billionaires, foundations, monarchies, and multinationals of the World Economic Forum.

Still the question is why?

Why are our own WHITE SUPREMACIST ELITES attacking white people?

When you look at the goals of the Davos globalists you see the answer. What is their main goal? A global dictatorship that they call 'World Government' - the United Nations-World Economic Forum's public-private partnership for global governance following their blueprint for communism the Sustainable Development Goals.

So why attack the white people?

Because throughout the last 2,000 years of history the GREATEST OBSTACLE to the totalitarianism of the Roman Catholic Church, its colony monarchy nations, its colony's empires, e.g. the British Empire, and their most recent totalitarian inventions, which are simply the same Crown Monarchy System of totaliarianism, Communism and Nazism, those that have been fighting the totalitarianism of the white supremacists that are the true Evil that has ruled us for 2,000 years and wants to rule the world - ARE THE WHITE PEOPLE OF THE WESTERN NATIONS. While we have been conned into being useful idiots and cannon fodder for the western nations wars of empire and global colonialisation, as we all grew better educated we keep OPPOSING IT.

And that is the real reason that they've been attacking us all.

Our own WHITE SUPREMACIST ELITES who want a totalitarian world for their enrichment, bankers, billionaires and monarchies, are ATTACKING US.

Some historical references that are worth noting:

In Moses Hess's 1862 book Rome and Jerusalem, (free on Internet Archive), he predicted a class and race war between the Jews and the Aryans and said the Jews would win.

Count Richard von Coundenove-Kalergi, founder of the Pan-European Union, the original EU, said in his 1925 book Practical Idealism:

“The man of the future will be mixed race…the Eurasia Negroid race of the future….will replace the diversity of peoples…Russian Bolshevism constitutes a decisive step towards this purpose where a small group of Communist spiritual autocrats govern the country…The general staff of both…are recruited from Europe’s spiritual leader race, the Jews.

In 1965 the United Nations Security Council condemned the declaration of independence of Rhodesia from the British Empire - CONDEMNED IT - even though it was fully consistent with the U.N.'s position on decolonization, and they issued a foul statement full of anti-white racist rhetoric, and called on all nations to sanction Rhodesia, and called on the British to take military action against them - this is when the communist war started. Decades of civil war. A mess. And Zimbabwe under Mugabe - who signed up to the British Commonwealth!!!!!!!!! (Another Crown control mechanism)

It's worth reading the U.N.s short statement - as when I read it I was shocked - it a vile declaration of war on Rhodesia and a declaration of war on white people.

1965 United Nations Security Council Resolution 216

"Decides to condemn the unilateral declaration of independence made by a racist minority in Southern Rhodesia"


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Don't forget the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion which is actually OUTLAWED to own in Germany! I wonder why?

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

good job Ivan, on naming the jew without naming the jew. I don't mean this in a derogatory manner.

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Actually Wilson, it goes way beyond Jews - the common Jews are attacked by their Zionist elites, as much as the common Christians, the common Catholics, or any other group on the planet.

Actually I have found countless examples of the Zionists being the greatest Anti-Semites on the planet, and they likely stir up the hatred of the Jews as it makes the common Jews their useful idiots. Divide and Conquer. Theodore Herzl the founder of the World Zionism Congress was a good case in point - he admitted in his diaries that they used their influence to turn governments against the Jews to drive them to Palestine so they could take it and create Israel.

But the Zionists are not just Jews. For every Jewish Zionist there would be several Christian Zionists.

Look at all the Christian cheerleaders in the western nations that are helping the Gaza Ghetto Genocide!!!

I call the supreme Evil here the Zionist Imperial Cult - but others like Frances Leader calls them the Black Nobility.

But what is interesting is that the Ashkenazi elites, who created Zionism, violating the religious principles of the Torah, according to this article below comes from the Khazarian Empire, which explains a lot.


In this next article, if you haven't read it, you see the connections between this group and the Roman elites - and connects it all back to Israel as well.


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Jun 19·edited Jun 20

My references are what I have read that jews say in their own words about the goyim and quotes from the talmud. Also when I look at all the things that I find revolting, jews are always in front or behind those things in one way or another. Not to mention their presence in banking, finance, government, msm, porn industry and more, far out of proportion to their population. Everything that is about greed, money changing and propaganda jews are there. jews degrade and debase every country they are in.

I realize that jews aren’t monolithic and there are different sects/groups and so forth. But it is the same thing as the muslims who won’t condemn the jihadists.

I also understand there are nuances, different interpretations and a vast amount of history in this regard that I have little or no knowledge of. I am not a scholar of the jew and am just going on what I have observed, read and heard in videos in their own words. And their actions throughout history, from the 109 countries jews were removed from for clipping coins in Britain and other historical criminal acts all the way to the Bolshevik revolution, the Balfour declaration, the occupation of Palestine and Israel since 1948. Plus simple observations like why do jews have to have laws against holocaust denial? If there are no questions about the holocaust and everything jews say about the holocaust is true why is there a need for such a law? Truth is the only defense necessary. Why are there laws against criticizing jews? Are there laws against criticizing White people?

Everything I see that is destructive of western civilization is led or orchestrated by jews. From massive third world illegal alien invasion of western countries to banking systems to state propaganda of the msm, to hollywood, to ngos, to government itself, to israel American dual citizens in congress and on and on.

I would add that I could be wrong. I just won't ignore the evidence of my eyes and brain as we are all commanded to.

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Everything you have said I agree with, except I would substitute the word 'Zionists' - which includes Ashkenazi Jews, many of whom I believe descend from the Jewish converts of the Khazarian Empire, which were pretty fierce, ruthless and evil S.O.B.s, and the elites of this group have teamed up with the elites of the Roman Empire, so you could think of them as the Roman Empire Cartel, which are all Zionists, and the elites of this group, no matter if they are Jews, or Christians, or Muslims, all use their people as useful idiots for their wars on humanity.

One of the things that has attacked the Jewish moral integrity is the 1666 Shabbati Zevi movement a radical rabbi, (manufactured I am sure), who created the Redemption through Sin movement which at least 50% of the Jews in Europe signed up for - yep doing evil acts is a way of getting closer to go.

Quite apart from the numerous suspect teachings in the Talmud, particular the Bablyonian one, this Redemption through Sin movement split up the Jewish community, and very little has been written in the western media about it - because the Zionists who control it are behind the movement - it created a secular movement of Jews that don't believe in God, Jews in name only, like George Soros, who cheerfully states he does not believe in God, ergo he is not really a Jew according to the religious rabbis that say that they have to follow the Torah and the teachings of god to be a Jew.

This I think has created a lot of useful idiots for the (political) Zionists in the Jewish community, and because the bankers and billionaires have so much control over the global economy they spend a massive amount of money funding the education of useful idiots. So there is an outsized amount of Jews in leadership positions.

Our nations are really Zionist Occupied Governments, and by Zionists I include all the non-Jews in the Roman Empire Cartel, those on the team for world domination, otherwise called "World Government."

The destruction of the moral integrity of Judaism is now happening in the Catholic Church under Pope Francis and has been going on for some time.

Same people, same shit, same evil.


I have defined the group that I think as evil in the Jewish community as EJAZ - Evil Jewish Ashkenazi Zionists, but the truth is they are outnumbered by the Zionists of other religious and ethnic backgrounds that work for the global cabal.

It's a big group.

But the true power is who is at the top driving it all.

Bankers, billionaires and monarchies.

The Monarchy Imperial Cult families of the Roman Empire Cartel.

They are the hidden hands.

Frances Leader likes to call them the Black Nobility.

It's the Roman Empire Cartels leading families that go back 2,000+ years, and most can track their families to Julius Caesars era, and back to the House of David in Zion, which is where the British monarchy tracks their lineage to as I understand it. And they all use the Lion of Judah in their coat of arms, from Britain to Russia.


All of the American presidents - every single one of them since the beginning belong to the royal monarchy families of Europe.

It's a big club and we ain't in it.

Your last lines - you're not wrong. You see it clearly.

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

"Everything you have said I agree with, except I would substitute the word 'Zionists' - which are Ashkenazi Jewish converts from the Khazarian Empire"

The genetic contribution of Khazars to the Ashkenazim is close to negligible, and last I checked the Romans were responsible for the destruction of the second temple in Jerusalem?

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The disproportionate presence in these industries is roughly proportionate to jewish IQ scores (especially with verbal tilt taken into consideration), and connected to higher economic productivity and scientific output (one could observe the same pattern for nobel prize winners.)

This isn't to say that jews in the US and elsewhere in the OECD don't have their own political biases and I agree that a lot of the double-standards here are vexatious, but unfortunately our society has a robust IQ-to-liberalism correlation that extends well beyond the jewish community, plenty of non-whites get similar perks, and I feel like white nationalists are trying to disavow any responsibility on the part of white gentiles for their own situation.

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Regarding the justification for excessively high numbers of Jewish people in leadership positions being based on their superior IQs, I have included an article below that debunks this idea, and suggests that it is a myth, a narrative made up to explain away why the Jewish people occupy a much higher percentage of positions in business and in the government.

The Myth of Jewish High IQ


Regarding numbers, I read only this week that 85% of the Biden administrations leadership positions are Jewish, and considering that American Jews make up only 2% of the population, it is ridiculous to think that they are 42.5 times smarter than every other ethnic group.


This is sheer nepotism and cronyism at work, and I think it reflects the fact that the bankers, the International Money Cartel, which is overly represented by Jewish bankers, really run America.

Your last comment about saying that 'white nationalists are trying to disavow any responsibility on the part of white gentiles for their own situation' - makes me wonder if you are in fact both Jewish and a globalist that thinks we should all give up our national identities, cede our sovereign borders to the dreams of people like George Soros, and let the United Nations and organizations like the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization run our lives through a world government???

Well look at how that is working out!!!

We are on the verge of World War 3 which is going to kill a lot of people because these supranational organizations, and their puppets running our nations are out of control. And for this I don't blame the Jews. I blame the Roman Empire Cartel, which is the bankers, billionaires, and monarchies, who are the true monopolists, the true communists, because they want a monopoly on all economic, political and social control for their profit, power and politics.

In addition to that, your comment also blames the people that you call 'white gentiles' for what is a SUSTAINED WAR on western people, with the main targets being WHITE PEOPLE - who yes, most of them are NOT JEWISH.

I wrote a piece on this yesterday.

And considering the foul, sneaky, underhanded way that this war is being waged on the western citizens, I have a lot of sympathy for those that are suffering from its impacts - which includes the homeless, jobless and those driven into bankruptcy by the devastating decades of economic, political and social warfare waged against western people, and white people all over the planet, especially in Africa - who are mostly the non-Jewish white people, although thanks to the Gaza Genocide the white Jewish people in western nations are starting to feel the flak that us non-Jews have been feeling for a long time.

Here's what I wrote yesterday.

White Supremacists Waging War on White People


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who is "they"?

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I think "they" have been identified throughout the thread.

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Powerful and searing writing, Frank Wright. I am a blend, with some Irish in my background. I have never had the joy of visiting Ireland or Britain or Scotland or Wales but my ancestry is there. I will say, as a woman of God and follower of Jesus Christ, the prayer realm cannot be defeated by the secular world. Prayer may take some time to dislodge the darkness, but as God often tells me, "I NEVER LOSE". I want Ireland for the Irish and the same for other nations, for themselves as well. Stay in prayer, dear Ireland, pray for God's wisdom through all this chaos and for what to do to care for your beloved land!

The devil and the darkness talk big...but they are powerless against the faith of God and His Son.


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Glad I could help Wendy. Yes, this is a spiritual battle. You are quite right.

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‘I’d like to see them shot in the head’: FIANNA Fáil councillor Azad Talukder Councillor’s hard line on Dublin riots

This guy should have been thrown out of the country for this comment.

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He was voted back into office after that.

Why? How much coverage did his comments get? Not a lot.

Most Irish people can’t believe their state would do what it is doing to them, and so they don’t.

quite a few can see it for themselves now

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Tandulkar will be assassinated at some point in the future. Not that far off too.

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Imagine if a real Irishman or woman had said that about the illegal alien invader talukder? And by the way what right does talukder even have to be in Ireland? Let alone vote and be an office holder.

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Imagine if a real Irishman or woman had said that about the illegal alien invader talukder? And by the way what right does talukder even have to be in Ireland? Let alone vote and be an office holder.

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Jun 15Liked by Frank Wright

Everything there is news about a free people being subverted by abuse of immigration there is always so-called "NGO"s doing the handiwork. Bringing NGOs to full accountability is vital. Cutting off *all* government support is a small start. Hokding the billionaire backers to account for their efforts to undermine the rule of law and destroy nations by their NGO front groups is another important step.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by Frank Wright

I wish them well . For too long have the Irish fought other's wars .

"Fighters in every clime.

Fillers of trench and of grave.

Mockers, bemocked by time.

War-dogs, hungry and grey,

Gnawing a naked bone,

Fighters in every clime.

Every cause but our own."

The war is at home . It has always been thus .

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I am proud to be Irish

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Jun 16Liked by Frank Wright

As I am, Elsie. What a wonderful culture we have. We will not let it be destroyed ☘️🙏

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Jun 15Liked by Frank Wright

It is terrifying how evil so many are now. It is easy to see the strings of the puppet masters now. And the media is past the point of no return.

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I'm just so thankful that our American Founders protested their way to creating a new Nation and government of rights for the People. Thank God Almighty that we protested our way to having 120 firearms per 100 people, unlike Ireland's 7 firearms per 100 people. Obviously, liberty doesn't sustain itself, tho, so , there's hard times ahead for us all. Maybe some harder than others. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure." - Thomas Jefferson

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It is rather odd to hear about the brouhaha of insurrection from a republic founded on it.

In fact, it also says it can be defended by the right to rebellion if it is threatened by despotism.

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Jun 15Liked by Frank Wright

God bless Ireland indeed. The finest people, whether in Ireland or without. And yes, what is being done to them is an obscenity. It was done to us first and it sucks. Can anyone recommend good sources to follow this? Besides Frank of course.

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John Waters on Substack

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Meant to include a list of contacts and forgot. Will try to do one and put it up soon.

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Jun 15Liked by Frank Wright

Best post ever!

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I really like the idea of crowd funding people who stand up and do the right thing!

Because threatening people's sources of income is the method most used by leftists.

"Play along and we'll *let* you keep what's yours..." That's how this plays out.

Removing the potential loss of income for those standing up -- will cause many more to stand up.

This is what's needed everywhere!

I wonder how many people would have walked off their jobs during the vaccine mandates, if crowd funding was available?

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That post got well over a million views and the young lad definitely got enough to money to see him through. He was very grateful too. What a precedent

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Jun 15Liked by Frank Wright

Definitely the way . Even though I am just a small operator , I was able to keep all ne workers (and their families) safe from the vaxx . No layoffs and no masks either and all without taking the Devil's Bargain of PPP or other government handouts .

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God bless you NI

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That wasn’t easy! Many companies used the government handouts.

The company I worked for at the time only used the deal where they would receive reimbursement for workers out on sick leave from COVID-19.

Remember that you had to have workers who tested positive for COVID-19 stay out for two weeks in the beginning.

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Jun 15Liked by Frank Wright

In all honesty , the choice was fairly easy . I figured for sure that Uncle Sugar was going to come looking for that money after the dust cleared . Like Adendorf's retort to Bromhead's offer of help , "It all depends on what you damned English want for it afterwards." I turned out be wrong in this case , but still kept my people whole and my principles intact .

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God save Ireland. Remember, this is being done to her for spite, purely. Fiercely loyal daughter of the Church, proud, united; it had to be crushed. What the Masons started, may the Enemy be overcome. St. Michael come to our defense.

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Jun 15Liked by Frank Wright

Brilliant insight:

"alternatives to the industry of national suicide"

Thank you.

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Jun 14Liked by Frank Wright

This is an incredible piece of reporting on the wipeout of my beloved ancestral home. I'm in tears.

Here is my latest btw:


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The Irish fought most of a millenium to liberate themselves from an oppressive regime. Now it is almost as if Cromwell's ghost, roasting in hell, has installed the current Irish regime to enslave the Irish only this time using Irish slavemasters.

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