Peterson has published a book about his personal God Delusion.
Jordan Peterson is a seething nutcase.
If you call him one, he acts like one. I was blocked for naming him accurately, which suggests he is indeed trans-sane, being uncontrollably triggered by a label in accordance with observable reality.
Now he is inviting his audience to join him in hell.
The Batman-villain-suited benzodiazepene enthusiast has released a new book in which he documents his wrestling match with his idea of God.
His idea of God, of course, is better than yours, because what is in his head is inspired by his belief he has become wise by going mental.
This is what his book is really about.
Peterson has discovered he is Jung at heart, and is now announcing his belief in the objective reality of the voices in his head. With this book he invites his readership to not only listen to them too - but to obey them, following his exampled transcendence of the prison of sanity.
This diary of a madman is a valuable insight into the kind of thought leader presented to you by the Red Sea Pedestrianisation of popular culture.
Today we examine the florid insanity of a leading personality in the Zionist dominated media.
Before we do so, this parody video by P1NGTRIP is extremely lol and will cheer you up before we delve into the juju of this latter-day witch doctor.
Carl Gustav Jung was once the future of Freudian psychoanalysis, before his obsession with occult fantasies saw him jettisoned as a crank. By Sigmund Freud. This is like being sacked for theft by Larry Fink.
The inspiration for Peterson’s new experimental direction appears to be Jung’s rather splendid looking “Man and His Symbols”.
I have read this book, along with most of the books written by both Jung and Freud - or “Junk and Fraud” as the occultist Austin Osman Spare called them.
“Symbolen der Wandlungen” is the best of the lot, because it is full of pretty pictures. In German, the title meant “Symbols of Transformation”.
It originally included a reference to “Libido”, too - as a final riposte in this last published book against his former friend and mentor, Freud.
Jung’s volume argues that all of human history is animated by mythological figures who repeatedly appear across the world in its history of culture and religion. But Jung went a step further than pattern recognition.
Jung insisted these “archetypes” were real - as real as you and me.
This is when the cuckoo clock should sound in your head.
It won’t be the last time.
Occultists themselves divide into two camps over whether their “magick” is merely inside - or outside their heads as well.
Satanists do this too, with few really believing in Satan as a reality - as Michael Aquino’s Temple of Set do.
This movement exists to invoke the appearance of Satan himself, placing it at variance with Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan - which did not believe in the existence of its archetypal inspiration. Aquino was a former member.
The division of inside - or out of - your head is an occult argument when it relates to the product of ritual plus belief.
What has this got to do with cleaning your bedroom and washing your privates - as Dr Peterson instructs us to do?
Peterson’s book shows he has adopted the Jungian belief of the “objective reality of the collective unconscious and its contents”. As Jung said, this means that you believe the voices in your head are actually talking to you - from the outside.
Of course, people who have not been captured by the codswallop of psychology have already guessed what this is about.
Do we know another name for the phenomenon whereby people encounter voices, visions, and encounter supernatural forces?
Indeed we do.
It is called “demonic possession.”
The cuckoo clock strikes again.
This is not the first time Peterson has recommended damnation to millions.
Peterson famously urged Benjamin Netanyahu to “give em hell” in Gaza.
He is a personal friend, it turns out.
Netanyahu is not noted for his humanitarian concerns - and a warrant for his arrest has been issued by antisemitic conspiracy theorists who allege, without any proof whatsoever, that Netanyahu is committing genocide.
Peterson’s handler, Ben Shapiro, is a big fan of Netanyahu too. Yesterday Shapiro whined nasally about the Catholic Church for antisemitically suggesting Israel’s actions might match their description. As “genocide”.
Shapiro attacked so-called Pope Francis for his support of Marxist “Liberation theology” - which is simply a lie, as Francis has in fact repudiated this in public.
Many Christians think Peterson is great. A lot of them appear to love Israel, too.
You can thank Ben’s Daily Wire for helping with that.
Dr Peterson has opened a book of curses, and now he is cursed.
How can this be happening?
I think it is obvious that sudden fame melted Peterson’s mind. The tablets did not help, and his well documented shamanic experience prompted by cider vinegar is another symptom of his continuing mental instability.
If you read his books they are littered with insane confessions. His public life is a documented and ongoing breakdown which has delivered him into the loving embrace of genocidal Zionists.
People who have done a lot of drugs and got into the occult often go through a messianic phase.
This is also an optimal point at which they might invite demonic possession.
I think it is irresponsible to refuse to challenge Peterson out of pity for his obvious insanity, as millions of people have mistaken him for a sage. He is mentally and spiritually ill.
His mental illness and spiritual sickness is being presented as the highest wisdom.
The clock strikes once more.
Dr Meltdown appears to have incorporated the dazzling mandalas and mystical methamphetamine of "Symbolen der Wandlungen", and it shows.
His book appears to be an unattributed tribute to this, which sees Peterson advance the Jungian foundational belief in the immortality of non-human entities who are here to teach us to be just like him.
It is this belief which distinguishes Jungian "analytical psychology" from Freudian psychoanalysis.
Depraved mumbo-jumbo merchant par excellence Sigmund Freud warned Jung of this sojourn in the exotic colonies of occultism:
Dear Friend,
I know that your deepest inclinations are impelling you toward a study of the occult and do not doubt that you will return with a rich cargo.
There is no stopping that, and it is always right for a person to follow the birthings of his own impulses.
The reputation you have won with your “Dementia” [Jung's classic summary and integration of the literature on schizophrenia, published in 1907] will stand against the charge of “mystic” for quite a while. Only don't stay too long away from us in those lush tropical colonies, it is necessary to govern at home.
Freud dumped Jung later on, describing Jung's absorption in occult woo woo as mental illness. Of Jung, he wrote,
“while behaving abnormally keeps shouting that he is normal,”
Does this remind you of anyone? Is that a novelty clock I hear faintly in the distance?
Freud said this gave rise to
“the suspicion that he lacks insight into his illness”
DONG! DONG! DONG! DONG! There goes that cuckoo again. Ring any bells?
Freud continued,
Accordingly, I propose that we abandon our personal relations entirely.”"
The parallels here are striking.
Though Peterson obviously has not read about this - he presents a close match to the man described above, and whose work now animates him.
The cuckoo will continue to pop out of Jordan Peterson’s clock, as his book shows the inner workings of the mentalist mechanism which propels it.
The theory of the "collective unconscious" echoed in Peterson means he thinks "archetypes" are real, and that what is in his head is also real outside of it.
Accordingly, “archetypes” are objectively real, they animate myths, and they are now animating the myth of Dr Tabletstein.
What he is telling you - is what he believes THEY are telling HIM.
Think about that.
He is telling you this himself - and presenting himself as a sage for doing so.
This would explain his ballooning lunacy, and not only that - he presents his estrangement from reason as the highest form of ascended wisdom.
Jung did this too, pronouncing himself timeless, immortal, present in the precession of the seasons.
He said others could reach this state too, if they followed his example. People like him even have a name for this state of stark raving enlightenment - they call it “hypersanity”.
This is to say a state beyond sanity exists which exceeds it.
This is true, but I would not call it sane.
All this is lol, of course - as well as being a formal heresy - and the promotion of demonology as a means of personal perfection.
This kind of falderol has inspired "scientific illuminism" since Adam Weishaupt. It is traced through the theosophy of Blavatsky, the Freemasons, to the 20th century occultism of Theodor Reuss. It is the belief that communication with non-human entities can infuse the ritual pursuit of “godmanship”.
This explains why Peterson's deranged messianism is so strongly reminiscent of Crowleyanity, as the “Great Beast 666” promised much the same in his “satanic religion” of Thelema.
This is broadly known as the “Luciferian current” - a means of “light-bringing” exampled by a fallen angel. Which is a nice way of saying “Satan”.
Carl Jung presented himself as a thaumaturge - a miracle worker - who performed seances and claimed clairvoyant powers. His mission was not confined to psychology, but he also aimed to “undermine Christianity”.
The Peterson “Wrestling with God” is a parody of the self-styled alchemist he has found in Jung. It is this archetype which animates the most famous psychologist in the world today.
Peterson believes in the same things which inspire and animate the Western current of occultism. He appears to believe he embodies them, too.
He is not only a seething nutcase.
He is a mouthpiece for the enemies of Christ.
If you would like to see my life destroyed by an archtypical force whose influence can only be explained by baseless conspiracy theories, please share my work.
If you wish to sponsor my own insane dedication to self-sabotage in publishing appeals for my own imprisonment, you can send your money to my wife here.
I used to quite like Dr Peterson, when he first got onto the scene. The pull yourself up by the bootstrap and find your own meaning in the limitations of this world resonated quite well and dovetailed with my own life and expirences through my mid-20's unto maturity. Those uni lecture on YouTube had some good ideas and I enjoyed his way of communicating.
I liked that he did battle with the screeching hordes of retarded leftiods at the time.
Standing up to resist the idea of compelled speech and group think conformity I think was quite watershed at the time and I'll forever appreciate him for that
Alas the description of his mind melting to mush over the years rings true now. Sucks to see him takin in and used by gods chosen to lead Christians into whatever nafarious designs they be cooking up.
I guess it might be hard to wander balls deep into the culture wars and remain unscathed, mental/spiritually
Peterson has risen because of the general spiritual degradation of the West, which has created a vacuum for men like him to appear without the old immune system of our ancestors picking him up.