I have only been reading you for the past several months, so please forgive me if this has already been covered: When will feminism die? Because it has to in order to bring back the birth rate (I assume).

We have traded the happiness of our families and their home lives for (roughly) doubled productivity by farming out our wives as cogs in the consumerist machine?

We took away the family's happiness and their homes by turning women into mere producers, then told both men and women that happiness lay in buying more stuff. With such a dispiriting vision of family life it is easy to see why it is not as appealing to our recent generations as it should be.

Thank you for your time in reading this and I value your writing so no need to respond if it slows you down!

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The feminist movement began to question the wisdom of taking hormone disruptors about six years ago.

A lot of women are admitting the have-it-all lifestyle has left them with nothing.

I think feminism resurged in a sense - defining and defending women against costumed parodies of themselves. Yet the liberationist aspect which defeminised womanhood is expiring.

I think the idea that being an unpaid prostitute is some kind of emancipation is a message from our former sponsors who have now lost control of the mindwaves.

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Why are Catholics listening to this man at this late stage in the game? He's so obviously a double-talking, gobbledygook-spouting charlatan.

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He’s a well packaged product with expert marketing.

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Wearing the devil's own suits.

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There is so much heart and soul in your writing, Frank. And belly laughs too (the fat abo escaping 😂) love the reference to John Betjemen too. Just wonderful writing as ever. Don’t stop!

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Oh how kind. Thank you. I am not feeling too clever and feared that what I wrote today would be rather shabby as a result. I am glad it wasn’t subpar and you have cheered me up too!

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An excellent article, Frank, and quite a few chuckles especially the African talking about too much immigration. On a side note, there's a group in the US called The ARC; it was formerly the American Association of Retarded Children. The Universe aligns again!

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😂 I had no idea! I’m jolly happy to hear you had a few sensible chuckles at this. Thank you for your encouraging words. It’s hard to type this out because I’m laughing at the universal alignment

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You're welcome. I really enjoy your work. Your optimism often keeps me from sliding into the Doomer camp. I'd rather build our world than watch it burn down. Your staunch defense of your faith has me considering Catholicism seriously. I'm starting to appreciate ritual and ceremony. The Protestants, through Calvinism, are responsible for much of the decline in the West.

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Oh my! Well it is rather treasonous to be happy but I can't help myself.

I was an apostate. I became too clever to believe in God and thought it was a superstition to outgrow. I replaced it with other ones based on the ridiculous belief in Man instead, and other fairytales.

It was humiliating to consider seeking the grace of God but when I did, I felt the immense explanatory burden of the rationalist lift from my little shoulders. I could think better, because I was not preoccupied with providing alibis for myself and the world.

I am far happier now that I am a religious extremist and I will tell you all about how far down the hole I had fallen if you care to hear about it. The first time I went to the old mass I burst into tears at the beauty of it.

I honestly think that the rejection of the love of God in my life was a handicap so profound it blinded me to its significance. You really have nothing to lose. Try acting as if God exists. If He is just a story, so what?

I was astonished, being persuaded of the contrary, that when I came to knock there came an answer, and the door had always been open.

I will never walk away again.

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That's an impressive experience and shows the true power of Christ in redemption. Was it a Tridentine Mass or the Vatican II one? I grew up in a "non-denominational" church, the rank hypocrisy on display turned me off for a long time.

Lol some of my relatives may disown me if I become a "Papist" as they see it but they play with venomous snakes so I'd call it even. Your attitude intrigues me. Could we ever get to a faith that cries, "Ad Hoc Signio Vincis" again?

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I go to the old mass - the Latin mass if you like. Not the novus ordo version.

I think the modern church a counterfeit of the Catholic tradtion.

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There is such a faith and it has never died. I believe you will believe this when you see it. Send us an email and I will talk to you about this in person as it were (set up a time for a call). frankwrighter@pm.me

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I will do that.

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I knew Gordon Tabletson was a wrongun when I saw him concede the damage done by globalisation and say it was good to have lifted the Chinie and Subcontinentals out of poverty. He only criticised the failure to help those Westerners dispossessed of their work, community and dignity to join the “knowledge economy”. He would appear to be a spreadsheeter with minor qualms. Definitely a globalist, never mind the nuttery. Loser! Sad!

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He’s completely irrelevant to the emerging dispensation.

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Yes, he’s stuck at the dispensary

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😂 💊

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Also “Gordon Tabletson” is 😂 and thank you for that.

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You are due part credit for that moniker, Frank

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So you actually went? Well, I thought it was far too expensive so I've watched some of the recordings. I gave up on Peterson - boring rambling about who knows what - but some of the others were quite interesting. Fancy so many people going along - my daughter got dragged along last time it was in the UK (the first one I think) and said it was basically "everyone should be nice" and the audience simply waited for Douglas Murray to say the immigrants should leave. Guessing it was pretty much the same this time. Clearly, there is something in the zeitgeist at the moment and change is in the air but I don't think Jordan Peterson is going to be leading us out of the wilderness! I don't think the future looks good but I do think that the troubles coming could well start a revival in Christian belief because people are empty and that God-shaped hole hasn't been filled by the consumerist life has it? Anyway, gold star for actually going to the horrible Excel Centre of your own free will!

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I got a press pass

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I think it was two grand a ticket. There were a lot of decent people there - but not onstage.

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You’re right about Excel. It’s a momument to the sponsors of this deChristianising saviour complex

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Great piece. Yes, Reagan and Thatcher have to be removed from any “conservative” pantheon. ditto the anthropology of Hayek, et al. Sorta incline toward the old Southern Agrarian traditions myself but anything other than the debt bondage.

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I think its very important to present examples of what "economic conservatives" believe, and what their policies have done in practice.

There is nothing "conservative" at all about usurious monoculturalism. It has wrecked our nations, traditions and built environment. It is promoted by people who whine about the woke and the left who could never hope to destroy our civilisation to this extent. Mass migration, replaceable consumer populations, placeless identikit towns and cities - the neoliberals paradise is a hell on earth.

The people sponsored by this lot call you "woke right" if you notice this, because these people don't believe in anything but profit. They are appalled by the suggestion there might be more to humanity than buying, selling, and hawking their economic totalitarianism with deceitful boasts. Everything they say is as sincere as an advert.

Strategically their messaging seeks to marginalise and smear anyone who talks about returning human dignity to work and to national life, and who notices that there are no market values - only prices.

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Couldn’t agree more. and like many, i am a repentant sinner from that world. thirty years in the bond market so I saw it all unfold - the implications of Friedmanism realized in full.

I have been reading the “moral economists” like Tawney, Polyani and Schumacher. also Wendell Berry. I am Russian Orthodox, so unfamiliar with Distributism. what would you suggest as an intro?

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Good heavens. Well done. You appear to have escaped with your soul.

I do know people in that world with a conscience and it is silly to say all money men are evil.

Money’s a tool - problem is, most people don’t get to decide whether they want to become one themselves because of it. What I mean is the debt slavery consumer economy has financialised our lives beyond any meaningful dimension of autonomy and self determination, and presents this prison as freedom of choice.

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I do think Ballard saw where it was all going. He was writing about this in the 1970s. That is fifty years ago. Perhaps he deserves a more esteemed place in today's world. Will Self certainly thinks so.

I am very impressed you actually went. I am not sure I could have stomached it.

And thank you for the common sense take on things. I do find Badenoch a sign of the end of the current era. An absolute farce and a symbol of the total destruction of the Conservatives.

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Oh I groaned at the thought of it but I knocked it back last year and felt obliged to go this time. I’m glad I did because I had a right laugh and met some interesting people.

I also said a lot of outrageous things to people suffering from terminal conservatism.

You’re right about Ballard. His work is luminous, and he spoke cheerfully about the international nowhereland he envisioned in the bloom of vast sheds and shopping centres.

Some of his characters - like Gould the middle class thug - really stick with you.

Empire of the Sun is a masterpiece.

If you like all that have a look at Jonathan Meades on brutalism. He’s funny and enthusiastic about a cognate ugly modernism - and also amusing about the kidulthood that flourished in the blue screen glow of the concrete jungle.

The tories are dead. They’ve reached their apotheosis. They purged their party of nationalists and lovers of homeland in a neoliberal frenzy over thirty years ago, disposing of the little platoons for the international brigades of global finance and mass migration.

Adegoke is the product of this process. Her gap toothed sloganeering is playing to a gallery full of portraits unlike hers. Even conservatives have begun to notice the obvious, which means, as with all liberals, that they have lost the argument with reality.

lole, as the innerlekshual says.

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The sadness of the convention venue comes thru. Always for sales, booths and roaming. I have a visual from real life that would tickle Baudrillard...its 2009, a convention for Catholic Schools in Anaheim. A gaggle of nuns in their habits ditch the booths and are running across the street to Disneyland. Running.

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That was great Frank, I'm so glad you share my view on Peterson, the fragile sook. If people are looking for a hero and end up with him it's pretty sad.

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He’s a seething nutcase with a captive audience

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"Why are we being lectured in our homeland by a woman whose people were given a taxi from the Stone Age by ours?"

Hahaha. So true. But whattabout the cuisine?

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I want to reply with a mene and comments box says no. Sad face

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Fr. Calvin Robinson was fired for speaking truths:https://stream.org/archbishop-reveals-celebrity-priest-calvin-robinson-was-fired-for-serial-antisemitism/

The Trump revolution has not yet touched the "respectable" church leaders who've led us to this sorry state.

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Oh I know him and I shook his hand and had a chat or two the other day. He is doing all right, don't worry. He got his visa back and that.

The Trump revolution has indeed shaken the Deep Church, whose reckless litigation of the US government simply shows their dedication to the globalist agenda in sharp relief.

People are beginning to notice that the Vatican is more concerned with politics than with religion, and this will simply become unignorable the more they seek to defend the departed order which partnered with this heretical Synod.

The Catholic tradition does have all the answers if only Rome would teach them. We have the teaching to inform our politics. We have no need of lectures on the morality of the rainbow people, windmills, and rapacious human traffickers.

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I'm glad to hear he's doing well.

Once this current crop of effeminates takes a final curtsey and is ushered off stage and into the dustbin, the world will have need for men like him, unafraid to speak the truth of Christianity. Indeed, the Catholic Church does have offer the antidote to the poison that has infiltrated the West.

God bless Fr. Robinson. And God bless you, Mr. Wright. I very much appreciate your writing and look forward to your witty posts.

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Oh God bless you too Mr Holliday and I am glad my antics amuse you. This is a glorious time to be alive and there is much to do. What happy work lays before us.

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Thank you. Indeed. It's time to unsheathe our swords and fight for civilization.

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As usual, a compelling and well-written essay on important topics with many a trenchant point and a fulsome set of commentaries to which I cannot add better. For some reason, I found your final line(s) the funniest: “...I now believe that being in the same room as Dave Rubin has compromised my immune system.” Lol. I hope you’re feeling better.

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Dave Rubin is a Jewish homosexual who has bought some children to enjoy with his “husband”.

Like Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin is a celebrated conservative with solid market values.

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Whatever happened to Peterson railing about The Great Reset and Net Zero as being huge threats to the West that would reduce all us plebs to nothing and bankrupt everyone but the elite? He has clearly moved on, and not in a good way.

That discussion was the most pertinent one to have, to stop the madness. After that was achieved, we could start to reallocate those considerable resources to combating immigration, rebuilding crumbling infrastructure, ending homelessness and halting the DEI corruption of education and other organisations.

I'm sorry to hear Peterson's considerable influence has been lost, as he has previously spoken convincingly of the need for ideological change. And we can all do without the vacuous psychobabble of 'Christian values' without any understanding of how it can be applied in such a greedy and corrupt world.

Meanwhile, for the rest of us, the very real fight against power-crazy loons forcing unworkable Marxist nonsense onto our countries goes on.

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Sorry Frank I do believe I have foundation in worldly politics, but I’m brand new to your site and I will go out on limb to leave myself open to criticism.

I’m trying to figure out besides Catholicism what direction you’re heading in .

It’s like reading a lot of quotes from some distinguished philosopher say poet like Emerson, but not sure what the foundational mission statement is based on overall.

Sounds like a lot of bullet statements. And some I admire .

I understand your basis is Catholic but from their on I’m not sure who your heroes are besides Christ and who you’re criticizing besides Peterson and a few others.

I will try and keep paying attention to see where you’re going with your thoughts within the realm of this revolution or counterrevolution and figure out what road you’re taking outside of the Baltimore catechism.

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There’s no serious political economy in the west because we’ve been told for forty years that no alternative to consumer elections is possible.

I’m trying to make the argument for a politics beyond adverts for a rigged system of rapacious civilisational ruin for profit.

Funny thing is these days is people will prefer any old bullshit to reality, and get very offended if you point to the product that the sales pitch has sold them.

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Why weren't you arrested attempting to debag Peterson? :-)

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I am sorry. I nicked backstage to get to Glasman and passed the croaking guru. I could have ripped his kex off then but he was behind the curtain. Mind you, the clappers would have torn me apart like Pentheus had he burst out ragged in his Israel flag boxers, mauled by a righteous hobbit.

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Oh, that is one of the most British english paragraphs I’ve ever read. Didn’t understand a word. :-)

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There is no cure for being American

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Haha. That is both accurate and ironic, because I’m Canadian which is to say (soon); American.

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Hey Frank - any thoughts on E. Michael Jones' recent take that whitey should quit bellyaching about third world immigration, miscegenation, and the end of white, "Anglo-Saxon" societies? Indeed he claims that "whiteness" is merely a social construct and that as a label it only applies to "Protestants who don't go to church".

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