Dude how do you produce so much writing? If it's drugs I want to know what they are.

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Clean and serene m8. I even gave up the boose and the fags.

shamefully I have become a VAPIST

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A pufferfish. A regular Nicotemus. Aficionado of the alternative leaf juice. Employer of the battery-powered pocket boiler.

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lol - too kind -,”pufferfish” 😂

that last one is a belter.

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Guys with vapes are always doing the good old suck and blow lmao

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Jun 26Liked by Frank Wright

“Nicotemus” u/a.

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👌🏻 💯

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Jun 26Liked by Frank Wright

When Man ceases to worship God he does not worship nothing but worships anything.

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Yeah well you're a religious bigot so you would say that wouldn't you *huffs vape*

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Great stuff, Frank. It is all idol worship, and obviously so once you've seen it.

Western society worships a golden calf and they'll throw you in jail for pointing out the gilding or the horns.

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Hollow men in a hollow world, stumbling about for meaning, but dismissive of the the source of all goodness and peace. Restless hearts and all that...

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Great work. Never does anyone ponder the origin of where their thoughts, passions, or feelings come from. If they did, they'd be surprised at the source.

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Jun 24Liked by Frank Wright

Insanity at all levels

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Sure do look like it’s a feature and not a bug

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Jun 27Liked by Frank Wright


Dear Mr. Wright!

Many thanks for your writings! The truth is so liberating (Jn 8,32). You are the biggest political philosopher in the postcatholical era. It's sad, that world terror of antirealism has begun not with renaissance or reformation, but nominalism = betrayal of Catholic theologians!

God bless you and your family!

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Thank you Zita, and God bless you and your family too!

Sancte Pie decime, ora pro nobis

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Jun 26Liked by Frank Wright

" The normal has been marginalised by the normalisation of the marginal." Excellent. My English teacher would have given this 10/10.

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Jun 25Liked by Frank Wright

So many great lines and quotes!

A piercing piece that gets right to the dark heart of society. Lord bless you and keep you!

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Jun 24Liked by Frank Wright

Thanks Frank. So true.

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Curious how many “fly by nighters” nowadays think idolatry in the Ten Commandments is adultry!?!----of course, they both seem to be a bit of a problem!?!

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I’m so glad I don’t have to be in London anymore. Khan has destroyed it.

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I used to live in that London but I emigrated to England.

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Jun 26Liked by Frank Wright

My bro. also sees London as 'another country'. (He lives East Mids)

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London is a collage of exclaves, some of them English, punctuated by chicken shops in the middle of a vast roundabout.

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😂😂😂 I love down south.

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Do not enshrine, be enlightened.

I personally identify as an alt-right gigachud thundercock who tore apart his nuclear family with Jewbollah sperging and owning every lib I hear, even random people passing on the street. I am a confirmed stablegenius with boiling water temperature IQ (in Celsius, not Fahrenheit). I have been cancelled by my entire nuclear and extended family.

lol, lmao

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