In this two part post, I examine why the truth is censored about black and migrant crime, when the facts are staring us in the face.
How does this relate to the destruction of our civilisation?
An international business model of black grievance and white guilt is the wider context of this project of coordinated censorship, vandalism and wealth transfer.
To enable the replacement of our civilisation, our culture is being cancelled by another. What is the nature of this culture?
Today in part one, we examine the Monkey Business Model and its partnership with liberal-global elites.
In part two, with the question of reparations once again current, I investigate how this demand for money with menaces is present in from street to state level.
You could call this Project Shakedown. It commonly goes by the name of racism.
As we shall see, whenever you see “racism” - you should think Racism Inc.
The Monkey Business model is a racket. Its aim is to take your money, jobs, institutions and power and give them to black people. Because they are black.
This is how it works.
Black people commit crimes
They are sometimes punished
This is racist
Demands for justice ensue
There are threats to commit more crimes - riots, arson, murder etc.
These crimes are often committed on a large scale
Demands for more money are made
Demands for the decriminalisation of black and migrant crime are made
These crimes are then under- or unreported
Demands for preference in employment and promotion are made
Racism Inc. takes over institutions, government, education etc
Demands escalate, becoming international, to include slavery compensation
You are here

The Monkey Business Model is a means of making demands with menaces.
It leverages influence through criminal activity. This is the definition of a racket.
This practice partners with liberal globalist governance, which is itself also a racket these days.
From street crime to the slavery shakedown, Racism Inc. is a criminal enterprise which erases the facts and criminalises the victims of its actions.
It also secures political, cultural and legal power. Finally, in securing victim status through the mechanism of recidivism, it secures exemption from the law by means of the commission of crimes.
What does it want? Well, what have you got?
When George Floyd died in police custody, MBM Inc. had a record year.
The black on black murder rate soared as demands for depolicing freed black criminals from legal consequence.
Millions were raised, much of it embezzled by the leaders of BLM themselves.
Riots erupted across America, with the May 2020 Floyd Effect sparking arson, vandalism and mob fury from Belgium to Britain. The cost of the destruction in the US alone is estimated at 2 billion dollars.
Despite lockdown, the “fiery but mostly peaceful protests” continued into the autumn.
Every death of every black man became a moment to demand money, and secure the state of exception which disproves the rule of law.
At the height of the madness politicians and public figures genuflected to St Floyd, signalling partnership with the outbreak of hysterical vandalism, looting and vengeance.
Two years later, Chris Kaba was shot dead by police in London. His death sparked a campaign to relaunch the Monkey Business Model. And how.

Kaba was described as a musician and an expectant father1. Justice was demanded for him.
The armed policeman who shot him was arrested and charged with murder.
Hundreds of UK armed police officers quit in protest. This was no mere gesture of “solidarity”, but showed how seriously the Floyd Effect has corrupted justice.
Policemen who guard the politicians who rule the country have left the armed police, because doing their job could ruin their life.

A report earlier this year showed that only six replacements have been found. Police forces are now suggesting the armed police can be replaced by 19 year old new recruits, who will be fast-tracked into VIP protection and armed response.
I spoke to one very senior police firearms officer, following the Kaba Process.
He left the service never to return. He was formerly employed in protecting senior government ministers. He has been replaced - by Racism Inc.
Racism replaces competence with absence.
The police officer who shot Kaba has now been found not guilty of murder.
A £10 000 bounty has been placed on his head, and he is in hiding, as Chris Kaba’s fellow musicians and businessmen now want to kill him. Details of his criminal life were only released after the verdict.
For two years people have heard that an unarmed black musician and expectant father was executed by police for the colour of his skin.
In reality, he had shot a man days before his death.
Chris Kaba was also shot - to prevent him committing further serious crimes.
Yet Chris Kaba is not responsible for his death. Racism is. There is no money or power in being responsible these days.
This is one of the central secrets of Racism Inc.: the business of calling for black liberation from responsibility for black actions2.

This week, calls for Justice for Chris have returned to Britain’s streets, and to the screens in the hands of those walking them.
What do they mean by “justice”?
Translated into English, it means “money or violence”. Or both.

Urban Mozart and future doting parent Chris Kaba was killed with a single shot by a police marksman.
Kaba was a “drill” artist. Drill is a rap genre whose name means to kill someone by stabbing or shooting - “drilling” - them.
He called himself Itch / Mad Itch, and was also known as Madix.
To “itch” is to hunger for sex, drugs, violence - or all three.
According to the Metropolitan Police,
“far from being focused on music, Kaba’s 67 group was the highest-harm criminal gang in London.”
I include some of his lyrics in this report. Translated from London Ebonics into English, they narrate his career path.
When Kaba was shot in September 2022, attempts to foment violent civil disorder were promoted widely, by professional black men and women (who are black). The business model was back in action.
How does political power respond to this in the media age?
As this process is repeated, police and politicians learn that any attempt to prevent black criminals committing crimes may result in
civil unrest
accusations of racism
demands for money
more crime
This amounts to the worst possible scenario for politicians
negative headlines
This is a formula for success for Racism Inc.
Crime pays.
The Monkey Business Model is an example of technique.
Technique is the refinement of method to produce a standardised result.
In a society of vast scale, technique involves modern methods of mass communication to meme a message into results.
Online and offline participation is mobilised to provide a moment of intense meaning to a normless and atomised population.
The goal is to manufacture a phenomenon having tremendous cultural power.
Power learns that this method makes it look bad. It is better to cooperate than to resist - a lesson the black martyrs seem incapable of learning when arrested.
This method is simply the large scale expression of the same criminal mentality which at the root of the problem. Instead of stating this obvious fact, of course, another explanation must be found.
That explanation is racism.

Racism and its institutional presence becomes the single issue by which talentless grifters can secure a career - especially in politics.
The wider political power of racism was identified by Lev Bronshtein. Better known as Leon Trotsky, the man who made the Russian Revolution, this foundational Bolshevist sought to promote this concept in the USA in order to capture it for his world revolution.
When plotting his coup d’etat, he was asked where his army was. Trotsky pointed to riots in the streets of Moscow. This is my army, he said.
And so it is.
Black urban culture is a parallel culture3. It is a subset of the culture of crime.
Its music narrates the day and night activities of drug dealers, murderers and rapists. Like Chris Kaba.
Pictured as a smiling youth with a baby on the way and a promising career as a musician, reports about the reality of his life were legally restricted until the end of the trial of the policeman who shot him dead.
In fact, Chris Kaba was under a restraining order to prevent him harming the expectant mother of his child. The parallels with George Floyd continue.
A week before his death whilst resisting arrest, Kaba had attempted to shoot dead another black man in a nightclub popular with his audience.
Kaba was stopped by a police roadblock. He was shot whilst attempting to kill two policemen via vehicular manslaughter.
His music had one message: “I am a violent criminal”.
Kaba’s lyrics stress his lucrative business dealings and his method of securing market dominance.
You can read them in the original here.
Fuck around and get smoked
All my niggas on volts
4 Towns 1 Me
You know I’m getting the cash flow
These lyrics, along with all his music and the proud boast that Kaba was a member of the 674 Brixton Hill gang in London, have been available to the public since 2017.
They call themselves “drillers, trappers”. A “driller” is someone who stabs and shoots people - and sings about it.
A “trapper” is a drug dealer.
This is the music of the urban hunter-gatherers, whose quarry is money, and whose glory is in dealing death.
As Kaba said himself in his collaboration track “Drillin’ Off” - performed with his friends Dimzy, ST and R6:
Niggas know
Money, power, respect
friends Dimzy, ST and R6:
Niggas know
Money, power, respect
Labour MP Kim Johnson - who identifies as black - claimed the media was using racist cliches to present Chris Kaba as a drug dealing violent criminal.
Seeking election in 2019, she said of her hopes to win a seat in Parliament:
"For me it would be very historic and I would be very proud to be Liverpool's first black MP”
What was her campaign about?
“There is a deep seated issue of institutional racism in the city and I believe that having black MPs, councillors and a commitment to instigate change is urgently needed.”
This is a nation which in 2015 saw claims that a million white children had been raped or sexually used by Pakistani rape gangs.
It is a nation in which people who are enraged about the murder of white children by an African migrant are sent to prison to die.
Clearly, the problem is…racism.

Kim Johnson is of course telling the truth. She is telling you that accurately describing black and migrant crime is racist.
The goal of anti-racism is to criminalise any mention or attempt to halt black and migrant crime.
Promoting this goal is a good career move. It confers money, power - and respect.
These people would have nothing without “racism”. That is why everything is racist, and why they never talk about anything else.
“Racism” is the grift that never ends - until everything else does.
In part two - reparations, white slavery, the price of civilisation and why a woman with a vision for black people beyond victimhood died in poverty.
If you would like to see me rightfully destroyed for writing this racist drivel, please share my work widely.
Whilst I remain at liberty and have not (yet) been “drilled” by vengeful murderbards of colour, you might consider sponsoring my efforts to bring you this sort of deplorable misinformation.
Responsible black people do exist, of course, and they reliably remind black people that they are responsible for the crimes they commit and the fatherlessness that fuels the culture of youth crime. Responsible black people are victims of Racism Inc., too. They do not wish to be bracketed with criminals and grifters, and recognise that “racial trauma” pushed by Racism. Inc. simply isn’t real.
I will write in more detail on my theory of parallel cultures, which I believe better explains the multicultural condition and the pervasive nature of digital identitarianism - as well as cultures of sexual and criminal identity.
What you might call your traditional culture is now just one of many, the nation being replaced by a marketplace of membership options defined by various characteristics not confined to race or paper citizenship.
William the Conqueror committed genocide against my Anglo-Saxon ancestors. King Charles owes me reparations!