May 17Liked by Frank Wright

“About six-in-ten women (61%) say focusing on increasing DEI at work is a good thing, compared with half of men."

This alleged 50% of "men" are merely trying (probably unsuccessfully) to curry favor and get laid . They are not to be listened to in most cases . 100% of women should be ignored in any case not concerning childbirth .

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These are men with email jobs.

I have been training my brain to translate female speech into the pleasant warbling of birdsong.

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The 61% figure is alarming though. How do we stop this? I know increasing numbers unemployed and struggling because companies are literally going overseas to get workers. I am aware it is largely driven by women. But how do we bring this to an end?

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Email jobs are the sample for these studies. How do you stop this?

Replacement migration is being opposed in person by ordinary Irish people who now turn up to building sites and shame workers off the job of constructing housing for people who are coming to replace them.

What is more, they set up fundraisers to donate to the men who then quit, putting their money where their mouth is.


Women do this too, now.

What you are up against here is a contest between virtual and actual reality. As women realise the real reality of hormonal contraception driving them insane, they are coming to reject it.

As women realise the consequences of waving tranny flags, they are objecting to raving sexual lunatics dressed as obscene parodies of themselves bursting into their toilets and the changing rooms they use with their children.

Turn up in real life and say no. To do this (or anything effective, ever) you need strong social bonds. Durable human relations are being destroyed and replaced with virtual substitutes for good reason. It is not guns that you need, it is real life friends and relations.

You can help reality make its arguments by being present in it to the exact degree that your courage and community permit.

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All excellent advice, Frank. And it contains some good news too if women are indeed waking up.

Definitely make a good article. I'd like to see more of this written up. We need all the hope we can muster.

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Will see about an Ireland update. Long overdue and very encouraging news altogether.

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Young man concerned has a new job now and is grateful for all the donations


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I saw that. Great to see the Irish push back. We must follow suit.

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May 17Liked by Frank Wright

A brilliant analysis of "Liberal Democracy".

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May 18Liked by Frank Wright

This is a great series of articles thankyou Frank!

It seems that parts of our biological nature, particularly the way most people " choose" the low hanging fruit in order to reserve energy for times of crisis or lack of essentials is the primary controlling target of the appointed intelligencia.

In a way, the appointees hardly needed the psy-ops and the cruelty as most crisis could be, ironically, caused by picking low hanging fruit.

The opportunities for humanity on mass to show that they can rise above their bacest animal nature are there to see for anyone who has lived long enough.

The 1980s were the peak of wealth distribution and convenience for the western world. We were freed from the chains of need, given time and the opportunity to pursue higher artistic and intellectual goals....most chose drugs and ego enhancement.

Our survival instincts betrayed us and the final crisis is here and NO ONE is prepared... Not even the bat shit crazy handlers.

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May 17Liked by Frank Wright

Much respect Frank! I can imagine you would enjoy the parts about the manipulation of the Hippy movement in the book Commitee of 300! And the author's discussion of Travistock Institute! I appreciate anyone who is able to help us understand the extent to which we have been mind controlled! It's actually fascinating to comprehend! Thanks for adding humor to the mix! It helps us overcome the grief at the loss of human potential and lives at the hands of Psycopathological sociopaths which we have only in recent years been made aware of! Please continue to inform us! I applaud your whimsical and yet down to earth literary style! Very enjoyable! Thank you!

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Oh thank you Judy. If you do like this sort of thing I will be going on about that new propaganda book, which promises to be an excellent review of the ever-refining methods of public manipulation.

I get the impression this machine is more impressive than ever, but has met its match in contemporary reality. Anyway, the book is brilliant and has taught this obstinate dog a few new tricks. Should make for a very interesting review

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I knew someone involved with the Committee of 100, from which the hippy one presumably got its name - I haven’t got to that yet and look forward to it!

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The form that these demands take appears to be a rejection of the material excess and abundance we achieved. In order to appear more moral, the goal has become to need less things, to throw them away on purpose, and to focus on buying moral rather than physical goods - brands over products, slogans over statements, clean ideal states over messy reality.

Epicurus the NEETlosopher tells us all about it, because his philosophy is all about hiding in your basement from hard times. Of particular note is his atheism as an attempt to explain away gods - a stand against superstition that also plants the seeds for the terrifying Godlessness that provokes this reaction today.


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"Epicurus the NEETlosopher" is maximum lol. I am going to read your piece right now.

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The only reason I even picked him up was because I recognized his name, only to find he's been gravely misrepresented. He's not the philosopher of partyboys, but of basement-dwelling chicken tendie enjoyers.

I felt seen and represented.

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You must have read Diogenes the Doglike. Lol in a barrel, basically. What an informative piece you wrote on Epicureanism. The ethical physics, and the rational premise being the world were stand-out ideas. You have more than a few of them.

Tendies ftw

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Get out of my sunlight, I just wanna fap in a pot.

I see a lot of the seeds of the behavior I see today in Epicurus. It's like I'm looking at the embryonic form of the modern mentality, and reminds me that the madness has a point that has perhaps gone too far.

Atheism is great when you're still attributing everything to gods because of lack of evidence and models otherwise... but not when you try to deny things that cannot be explained, ideals, or goal states.

Rationalism is great when you're trying to understand things one by one in a world where everything is seen as a single organism... but not when you're endlessly disambiguate everything, even the social world with endless fractal complexity.

Determinism is great when you're trying to tease out logical links one by one... not so much when you overemphasize one cause is to one effect and reject alternative theories.

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Reason is an instrument far less common than its fans, and ways of measuring the world do not explain it. One idea that haunts me (lol) is that our wipe-clean scientific age is far more superstitious than that of the ancients in many ways.

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Science if left alone would destroy all pills and most medical knowledge that we have. That industry being the largest on the planet. Modern science is like religion of previoius epochs, you will believe or else.

Religion was not raised to free us. It was raised to make us conform, to stop us from ‘stealing’ the wealth held in temples. To make sure that we didn’t change those who had the money by going to war (the moneychangers that Jesus dealt to).

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The root of the scientific method is a faith-like belief that the laws of the universe must be consistent. This is an unprovable and unfalsifiable statement because you can just keep "discovering" more laws of the universe.

Arguments to pragmatism or effects can be advanced and easily conceded - "it's worked so far" is a good reason to keep doing it, and "if you don't believe it there's no need for reason at all" is literally Epicurus' argument, faith is still at the root of science, just as it is at the root of religion.

Just imagine if we did the Leaning Tower of Pisa experiment a hundred times, and of them, you get both balls hitting the ground at the same time as expected 99 times, but then the hundredth time the balls inexplicably shoot upwards instead of downwards because ???

Imagine the chimping if planes just refused to take off 1/100 of the time.

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May 17Liked by Frank Wright

Great post, spot on.

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Glad you liked it Susie. Looks like I was right to listen to the voices.

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May 17Liked by Frank Wright

Awesome post and thanks extremely accurate.

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Thanks Monk!

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Mean testosterone graph, what are the green, red & blue lines?

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“Mean testosterone by cycle, by birth cohort”. Three sets of samples from three separate intervals of birth - roughly 1918, 1935, 1945.

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Ok I was reading those dates as being different parts of a timeline. So what is a cycle then?

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I guess a cycle represents age at testing, e.g., decades starting at age 20 for Cycle 1 age 30 for Cycle 2, etc. It does seem the chart doesn't show what the author purports, though. The most recent cohort, 1946-50 boys, have outperformed the boys born earlier, by quite a bit, if I'm reading it right.

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May 18·edited May 18Author

It is not what I "purport", but a decline supported by long range samples of test levels. I include things like this as a prompt for readers to investigate for themselves, as to provide depth analysis is too time consuming. It is better to provide a spark and those caught by it would hopefully FOFO.

There are many of these studies, and for brevity I did not include them.

What I am saying is that test levels have fallen and continue to fall faster. Here's a piece which summarises claims and evidence from studies made to observe falls between 1985 and 2004, and from 1999 to the 2010s.

It is strictly correct to say that test levels have not fallen by 50 percent since the 1980s in American men, but it also shows that two consecutive studies over the period show a decline first by 22 and then 25 percent, with a three year overlap between the groups.


"Both studies observed significant reductions in testosterone levels over time. In the 2007 study, testosterone decreased by about 22% when comparing 1985-1987 levels to those from 2002-2004. In the 2021 study, researchers found a roughly 25% decrease between 1999 and 2016."

The first study is called "A Population-Level Decline in Serum Testosterone Levels in American Men" published in 2007 https://doi.org/10.1210/jc.2006-1375

The second is "Decline in Serum Testosterone Levels Among Adolescent and Young Adult Men in the USA", published in 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.euf.2020.02.006

Taken together, the two overlap in their cohort. Yet the decline from the 1980s to the 2020s is evidenced in two stages, each showing over 20 percent reductions in serum test levels. It is an accelerating decline against that of earlier 20th cohorts, and it is not restricted to the fat and the elderly.

As the second study's summary says

"We conclude that TT levels have been declining in young adult men in recent decades."

It used to be called "andropause", and was (in say, 2000) considered to be a coefficient of ageing. Not any more.


Test levels in women are depressed by "oestrogen treatments" such as hormonal contraception.


A 2020 study attempted to analyse why Western women are increasingly sharing "their dissatisfactory experiences with hormonal contraception".

This is significant due to the established action of test observed in mood, motivation, regulation of sleep cycles and general mental health. No one mentions the grief cycle of periodic abortion to my knowledge, citing instead "depression," "anxiety" and a feeling of "going crazy".

In women, "Lower [test]levels are related to depression, osteoporosis, declining libido, dyspareunia ("painful intercourse") and an increase in total body fat mass."


Low T also results in bone loss, which is accelerated in mtf trannies.


The decline in test is a decline in cognitive ability, psychological and emotional stability, and the bones and muscles you rely on to remain functional. There is a lot of this evidence and the picture it presents is of a sustained decline over the last century which has accelerated in the last 40 years.

I think a mass scale consumer society which requires voracious passive consumption is a factor, but that to acknowledge this would endanger the addiction economy.

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Processed food additives like carrageenan and seed oils may cause inflammation and autoimmune issues that affect testosterone production. Lack of physical exercise and vaccines are possibly contributing factors.

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Yep. The bloke who trained me in lifting is a molecular biologist and frequently scienced me about seed oils and processed foods generally. Also recommended zinc, vitamin d3 and magnesium supplements (generic) and unflavoured whey protein. You can take creatine too, but drink more water apparently.

Some foods and also xenoestrogens in packaging, hygiene products and pollution contribute to hormonal disruption, an effect noted in wildlife and celebrated as the “queering” of nature by the mentally ill in our universities.

More on that later.

Omega 3 good, omega 6 not so good. Lamb, oily fish and so on are a great choice. Blueberries contain l-tyrosine, which helps with muscle repair iirc.

Why did he advise me not to take steroids like clen and tren?

“You will grow tits, your nuts will shrink, and you will end up weeping at episodes of ‘Call the Midwife’”

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Agreed. I wonder why. Psychological for some reason?

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It gets worse. Plastic found in "all testicles" examined as sperm counts continue to fall. (20th May, 2024)

"Sperm counts in men have been falling for decades, with chemical pollution such as pesticides implicated by many studies.

Microplastics have also recently been discovered in human blood, placentas and breast milk, indicating widespread contamination of people’s bodies.

The impact on health is as yet unknown but microplastics have been shown to cause damage to human cells in the laboratory."


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