May 24Liked by Frank Wright

Well said mate. I am a teacher and can confirm that the system is failing- new teachers last less than 2 years! but sadly it is producing young people who have a victim and entitlement mentality with lower self responsibility for actions. The call to follow Jesus is the only answer to this mess! By the way He is coming back soon it seems. That is very newsworthy!! Messiah 2030.

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Yes, the churn in teaching is shocking, but unsurprising as schools are horrendous places to work. Teachers are often powerless to teach, if they have anything of value to impart, as they are confined in a warehouse of embodied social problems to whose behaviour no meaningful consequences can be attached, whether that behaviour is good or bad.

In fact, the worst behaviour attracts the most indulgent rewards. The whole system is geared to the insane delusion that more time inside these boxes makes kids cleverer regardless of the contents.

School at scale is a factory of misery which hothouses the effects of moral and social collapse. There is hardly anyone in politics or the media worthy of respect, let alone love. It is unsurprising that a culture of crime, exampled from the top down, would pattern its children on toxic behaviours of consequence-free self entitlement.

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I used to love Thomas the Tank Engine before Sodor was destroyed by Bolshevism.

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May 27Liked by Frank Wright

For me, The Clangers.

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Oh, yes. Thomas was via the kids. Bagpuss is mine.

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May 24Liked by Frank Wright

Mind blowing, again, Frank. Well done!

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May 25·edited May 25Liked by Frank Wright

This kind of shallow post-Christian 'social justice' has almost entirely seduced the Western intelligentsia from the dawn of 20th c on. A bogus theoretical 'love' of everyone – all 8 billion of them. With exceptions of course. Exceptions like white people or males or both. The Social Justice religion’s most enduring missionary work on its benighted Western fellow men has been its White-Intelligentsia Guilt-Trip-by-Proxy Syndrome. The chattering class, civil lawfare against their deplorable white fellows - for crimes of Euro-centricity and whiteness - grinds on like a 21st c. Dombey & Son. https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/love-of-the-people

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It captures and does not emancipate its victim class. Like the promises of liberation more generally.

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Yes as the grieving families of the Black Lives ruined in the wake of the 'mainly peaceful' 2020 George Floyd riots know only too well. Real victims of the orgy of the opportunistic looting and arson of local businesses, the surge in raping and murdering. The near total silence of the mainstream media on the subject of THESE victims.

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I posted on twitter about the wave of black on black murders which broke out in celebration of St Floyd, and the "depolicing" which was demanded. Stats and sources included, as ever.

I get "liked" by porn bots immediately, meaning no one sees what I put up these days.


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Substack is (at my venerable age) as near as I can stand to get to social media so what you are describing is a bit over my head! But I think I get the general 'cancellation' idea of it.... and you have my sympathies.

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Same old tricks, new dog.

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Frank, you are doing God's work with articles like these.

Well researched, well written and illuminating. Absolutely great piece. Look forward to the rest.

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Thank you spiffers. The myths of the 20th century are the vestiges of a world now past.

They were always myths, and they arose due to reasons other than truth and merit and moral goodness.

These instrumental foundational beliefs no longer explain the world, because the spectacle they sustained is breaking down.

The Good Guys are a death cult, and demand we pay higher taxes with ever more worthless money for everything to get worse.

To explode the myths of “social justice” as a fundraiser for the destruction of society is an important step towards the politics of the future.

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Completely agree. I hope it reaches a wide audience.

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I will try to remember to post it on the twitters when the reparationists come a-honking along. Mind you, I think I am in tweet GULAG.

Freedom of speech, not freedom of reach as the big man said.

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Yes, that was quite a revelation as to how not in the rebellion Elon is. Lol

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It's much easier to re-fight old wars against historical enemies than it is to fight new wars against current enemies. They can do things like "adapt" and "survive" - not so when beating up opponents in a history book.

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An excellent compilation and well constructed argument. However, there is one assumption I must disagree with. Early on you state "We cannot go beyond this evil if we do not understand what is good."

The implication is that there is a way to get past this evil. I do not believe this is true. I believe we are already under the judgment of God and once under judgment we have to see it completed and in every biblical example of judgment the people (country today) get destroyed. They don't get past it. Think about what John MacArthur says in this video https://youtu.be/TlDanl_el70?si=1zFQB7d5EtUr3VLV&t=373 that the US is absolutely under judgment.

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I think God will let us know, and until He does, we do what we can. You might be right.

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... the only thing missing here is the information that whites barely owned slaves and had no control over any slave industries anywhere ever. 8 out of 10 slaves in the Deep South were owned by Yoshi. 1 in 10 by a black freeman who himself entered the slave trade. That leaves 1 slave to be owned by a poor white sharecropper who could not afford to pay wages.

The bastardized history that rules the roost in modern day America is a complete and total fantasy. Equivalent to the Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Made up out of whole cloth. Trying to talk about slavery without mentioning any yoos is identical to trying to talk about basketball without mentioning any black guys.

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TA: Turns up, says the post was insufficiently spicy.

Proceeds to elaborate

10/10 Frank would (and will) get telt again

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May 25·edited May 25Liked by Frank Wright

... otherwise, article was incredible. Sorry I didn't say that to begin with. Nigh perfect. Inspired. Certainly the whispers of an Olympian muse. Frank, you are a freakin' amazing writer.

I realize now if you had capped it with the news that whites were barely involved in slavery in North America at all, you were worried your readers skulls would spontaneously explode from the change in internal pressure and they would keel over headless at the keyboard. Kudos for leaving that part out, come to think of it. :)

P.S. Ordered a copy of Barracoon as a result of this article. Can't wait to read it.

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Hurston’s novels are very good, but the essays are exceptional.

It is a crime she was obscured by grifters of a far inferior stripe. Yet this is the case of countless others.

This is the cost of the culture industry, which impoverishes the public imagination with the saturation of substitutes.

It is the authentication of the ersatz, a refinery of fakes.

As it buries the treasure and valorises trash, it secures the humiliation of genius and the promotion of sensational mediocrity.

No one gets what they deserve under this rotten regime. Not you, not your fellow men, nor the talented. The meritless profit from a patronage system, and the mass production of fan fiction as fact carries on lucratively starving the national culture to death.

There’s more to say on the slavery industry and I do try to keep it short (lol), hoping that I have unearthed enough to start an interesting conversation.

Yours is. Thanks for that.

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I'm a great admirer of Jerry Lawson ever since I read his biography in New York. This guy had a PDP-8 he set up in his garage just so he could play games on it. He nearly singlehandedly invented the video game cartridge and the console industry. Another brilliant black man who was lauded by almost everybody he met except other black people, who were notoriously envious of his self-taught expertise in nearly everything electronic. This guy had no more privilege to do these things than anybody else. He was a self-made man. Other men his age went to night clubs when he was changing boards on his custom PDP-8 out in his momma's garage.

Every time that black people sing the praises of some hopeless mediocrity who happened to be born black, you wonder if they even realize there is plenty of real black genius to admire. Black people are by and large their own worst enemy. They celebrate their worst and malign their best, which is the opposite of meritocracy. Hurston is obviously a writer ten times the merit of Maya Angelou but look who gets lauded.

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The grievance industry relies on the reproduction of negative stereotypes pertaining to permanent victimhood without agency. It produces rage, a catalepsy of frozen spite, not anger - which is discharged. This captures an enchanted population in an inescapable torment. It is evil.

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I have a feeling when you get around to writing a book it is going to set a landspeed record for getting banned from Amazon. Too much sense in one place. That's why I really hope Substack moves into book publishing.

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