Jul 2Liked by Frank Wright

Great article Frank. I appreciate your insights into the European version of the same insanity afflicting the US.

I too think this is the just the start of the death throes of the evil International Rules Based Order cabal. It’s going to take awhile to die, but the little Napoleons will be coming to countries around the world. I hate to say it but it really does appear they may be the only way forward from the rubble left behind by those who’ve ruled over us. It’s going to get messy.

Still praying and trusting my children and grandkids will live to see freedom reassert itself in the minds and hearts of the people of the west. And if God is very gracious, I might see it too.

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Oh it’s the beginning of the end of the liberal order I’m sure. History has its seasons. We may see but a brief winter, God willing.

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Jul 3Liked by Frank Wright

"Anti-Islam [has been] a means of universalising the Israeli security situation."

Yes. I am detransitioning from thinking that "they hate us for our freedoms."

"We have to fight them over there so we don't have to fight them here."

Lindsey said just the other day,

"Hamas would kill everybody here if they could get here... [but] they're pinned down over there. I want them destroyed so they can never come back to hurt Israel or us....

Radical Islam wants to slit the throat of every Jewish person, and your throat too. [So] I want to give [Israel] the weapons they need."

Hey how about we close up that southern border and stop chain migration and birthright citizenship.

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Jul 2Liked by Frank Wright

The quote by Padre Pio was really encouraging. Thank you Frank!

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Oh you're welcome Simon! The fear of God is the solvent of anxiety.

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Jul 2Liked by Frank Wright

Undeclared ? Perhaps unnoticed , at least by one side , but the intentions to grind under the boot heel of International Finance every free man in the West has been openly declared from London to New York to Tel Aviv for decades .

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You’re right of course. It has become normal - as if natural - to accept that everything tethers us to usury. The education we buy on credit helps us never to notice obvious facts like this.

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I have deep forbidding for the fate of post election United Kingdom.

Labour is full of closet Communists and wannabe gulag guards.

On a plus side it will definitely speed up collapse.

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The plan appears to be a transmission of remaining state power to NGO like structures. This would entrench a "permanent government" of policy continuity.

I don't think Labour has any other ideas. Very disciplined machine atm, purging lefties and wokies and race baiters etc. They know how to get power- according to a media strategy from a previous era. If they do get power, whether they can keep it is the question. There are serious problems in the Labour movement.

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Invasion of the Body snatchers redux.. .**.

.Medusa..*...the eye of Horus.The eye of Sauron

...like the fish god Dagon..baphomet.......**.moloch-morlock--Jews**...hetmaphroditic *lillith* minded jews....those Talmudic preternatural deranged bolshevists being exposed as false angels of false light..s.......Hello all sentient biological males and biological females. it was a great pleasure to discover this riveting spell binding zero pretense. zero appeasing fine commentary..we can only repeat..this actual article -reportage... is a great service to all decent humanity..some cavil..some

insensibly... idiotically..self destructively.. virtue signal as effete ..craven..feckless desperate..fouble minded...30 pieces of silver Jew- tool --fools.....some as compromised spiritually dead self condemned folk..attack the pristine fact that proper balanced correct exposure to isreali Jewdevitry....Talmudic bolshevist seditionary 5th columnist.. subversion ...has serendipitously..become more global..more mainstream..We have the diametrically opposite view. ....we are thrilled also by this very fine article that we salute.. in this very article..extensively reveals simple yet absolute objective verifiable fact ..for the proletarian and intellectual..we make no celebration of say.. dcleroticmoney grubber Judas goat Juden Peterson..or "otherized..*demonic Jew influencers who are obvious odious onerous globohomosexual demon inhabited filth...we all recognize theirr hideous evil digitized foot print....and no..we do not only refer to schwab..kushner. trumprat..rfk....harari fink Soros Satanyahoo..garland linked zelensky bronfman..ballmer Ellison green.....newsome pritzker pollard green chertoff. geveer Ben Shapiro..Maxwell boteach or Rothschild. Schumer dettlebach..chipman..or the Jew bergoglio and Jill Biden.."there are far too many of the same red bracelet kabala mindset.. if you push hard enough they will reveal..***Adam Cadmon*the new Man **the communist non -man with zero non Jewish history..built like a successful lab experiment by lyshenkoistic white coated *expert..?* jews----...these mentally deficient JEWS clearly out of the fiery darkness.. rise up from Hell and impose on us Non Jews and our children....Thank you frank...we insist...!the world needs this very explosive subject..I..e..The *question-fact of extreme Jewish subversion* we doubt the world can tolerate so much more holocausts of Palestinians..genocides exterminations by Isreal and The Synagogue Of Satan..much longer without WW3 exploding asymetrically globally**We wish for no innocent person to suffer anywhere but we hear global cries for both the dismemberment of the satanic Zionist entity and the absolute final end of all Jewish secular power (s) over any Non Jews**perhaps only one year ago articles of this extensive depth would not be tolerated..normalized..gentrified..but even AI knows straight line logic points to the satanic causitive malaise behind 100 percent of all america s ..and the worlds triages..Covid..preplanned mass starvation..Jewdevil bioethics Jewish eugenics .Jewish planned parenthood with jewrat bill gates ..depopulation of non Jews...We salute all who dare to destroy the tidal waves of false Jewish narratives...now millions know the premiere auto destructive force in America and the late great planet earth is and..was..The Synagogue Of Satan.**Destroy it utterly..leave no stone unturned..fact check more. do not submit to Israeli Jewish online stalinist censorship. Start now by destroying the WEF-blackrock Biden U.N...E.U.junta..Le. all decent folk Rearm Now...while some of us slept..The Jews have aggressively Rearmed*Do not be deceived* To close we state uniquivocably .....bilaterally.**..All common sense gun control is Jewish Communist sedition*

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Typo...double minded neoliberal neofeudal appeasers to the New Jew Kung Flu..Brownoser-weasal colluders with The New Jew Order**

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