A long time ago as an undergrad, my Philosophy of Science professor brought up Xerxes' flogging of the Hellespont as an example of ancient superstition and category errors that Enlightenment thinking had presumably dispelled. I argued that it really was no different than you slapping your computer monitor when the system freezes or kicking the grill of a car that won't start. Whatever may have been wrong with Xerxes, that wasn't it. Some historical metaphors are misunderstood and overstated, not that this changes what our ruling class is doing.

However, if I wanted to pick an anecdote, the image of Covidian Cops attacking children for playing outside while real criminals go unchallenged is more fitting than anything I can recall from the annals of classical history. Nothing illustrates the complete weakness, fecklessness, and cowardice of the regime quite like the way it brutalizes children. Anybody who was in favor of Covidism has earned a reprisal that has not yet even begun to be brought to account.

As always, I consider that Steve Sailer must be destroyed.

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Great article Frank. I haven't had time to research this further, but the word is that Baron Nathaniel Rothschild recently send a letter to someone in the UK government telling them that Ukraine must win and Putin be gotten rid of. Reuters said they fact-checked it but could find "no evidence" authenticating the letter.

Then we have Macron bleating like an impaled ewe (my metaphor). It's a well-known fact that Macron, a former banker, is a Rothschild puppet. Then we know that the Rothschilds are the official sponsors of Israel going way, way back. Add to that Zelensky's stated attempt to make Ukraine the "big Israel" and Nuland's Ukrainian family heritage. Her husband is Robert Kagan. Stalin's leading Jewish murderer of millions was Lazar Kaganovich. On the US side of the water, it was the Rothschilds who created the Federal Reserve.

So I would have to say there seems to be a "pattern" here. Maybe from one point of view it's the Rothschilds that are crumbling.

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I am writing this in the Fratry Hall of one of England’s Great Cathedrals.

Indeed 500+ years ago this was a hive of activity.

Then the Reformation…..

Only in a place like this can you get a jest of the how monumental events happen.

Are we the Friars , Nuns , Abbots of out time?

At least they had the Eternal.

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I am inclined towards pessimism but hope our goodly author is right. I think it’s a truism that, as he says, the competent and knowledgeable have been for decades excluded from political power and thereby we have a ready made opposition. Apparently a constant theme of revolutions is that they need to be led by disaffected elites who take up the opposition cause, align with us the deplorables.

Trump is an incendiary device, I hope there is good security around him, assassination is a very real possibility.

One prediction our author makes that is particularly worrisome: they are going to unleash their entire fusillade of informational warfare on dissent at home. This is evil. This is coming.

I quote professor Deneen, “ the political Gnosticism of the liberal imperium “ has been deployed abroad and now it is coming home and as Frank said we are the extremists. This philosophy is self hatred turned into action.

Dear author, do you think it will require kinetic activity? I do. They have gone to the ramparts. And once again I point to their capture of the means of cultural production as their primary source of advantage: schools and media. They own your children.

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