I am writing a book about the replacement of our civilisation. In the last century, the techniques of mass society have been constantly refined.
The resulting algorithm of global governance has produced the chaos and confusion we inhabit today.
To notice that the counterfeit culture has arrived, and that we are intended to mistake it for reality, is to ask the question why? What is all this destruction for?
The point is to replace our civilisation. This post is an attempt to explain this bold claim, showing some aspects of how and why this is being done.
To replace the tangible with intangible rewards is to repattern people generally on the virtual over the actual world.
The real world is made worse as a result of the application of technique - humanity being a problem to be solved by an equation which is now being fully automated.
Your queries are answered by AI chatbots, and the questions you raise are attempts to answer a predicament designed by an algorithm of management.
Our world is shaped by machines, put in place by people who mistrust humanity with the question of its own destiny.
The collective result of the application of this technique is to detach human life from human experience, and repattern it on “the cloud”.
This change in the climate is intended to be permanent.
Instead of the silt of centuries of human experience, which settles into the fertile soil of national culture, a new system inspired by virtual rewards in a parallel reality of desire.
It is not what we are, in this notional existence, but what we imagine ourselves to be which matters. It is mind over matter, and what matters most is what is placed in the minds of the public.
Everything is visibly getting worse. The reason for this - that it is a matter of policy and not an accident - is never mentioned. If it is, it is dismissed as a “conspiracy theory”.
The various projects undertaken by elites to produce this technique are of course in the public domain. Information saturation dissolves their significance. Being largely recorded in books and archives, which no one has time to read, these facts are simply out of sight.
Yet the effects are obvious, and everywhere. Everything is getting worse, and this is called progress. To mention the variously bad effects is prohibited by a variety of means.
The voodoo curses of racism, bigotry and antisemitism are amplified as matters deteriorate.
Complaint and and criticism attract career and legal penalties. Noticing the negative effects of the reboot of reality is risky, and sometimes even a crime.
The totalising effect - the remaking of everything after a fashion - is to detach people’s sense of reality from real things completely.
The evidence of your own life, through your own eyes and experience, is discounted. This evidence, when expressed collectively or online, is called “misinformation”.
What is happening here is an example of another technique. It is called “confession by accusation”. This is done to neutralise reality-based criticism.
The method consists in accusing your enemies of what you are in fact doing to them.
Our entire system is built on misinforming the public, through the commission of propaganda, its omissions and revisions of the real.
Since 1948, the United States has managed its empire through the mobilisation of organised political warfare, which is the absorption of all forms of mass culture into statecraft. This means art, music, academic and popular literature, activism, concepts of being and living, and everything we mistake as “organic” culture has routinely been subverted, sponsored or even created entirely by what is now known as the Deep State. Social media itself is largely a creation of this Deep State, as is the modern internet. Most things you see on it are policed by the same means.
Since the 1920s, the elites shaping the governance of the West - and aiming for global domination - have profited by the principle of power directing public opinion and never the reverse.
Our culture is a counterfeit. We inhabit it today. This is not an argument for a simulation. It is a fact, and the documents detailing its construction are available for you to read. They are published books, government archives, speeches and declassified policy briefings.
Why is this all in the open if this is some big secret plan?
It is hardest of all to convince a man that he has been fooled.
The large scale transformation of society according to the wishes of shadowy billionaires is currently shaded as antisemitic. Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, is Jewish, and so is George Soros. Fink says “you have to force behaviours on gender and race” by attaching financial penalties and rewards to incentivise “diversity”. He does not explain why you - that is, he and people like him - “have to” do this.
Soros’ Open Society Foundation has for decades driven abortionist, LGBTQ and “open borders” policies through the funding of purportedly “grassroots” activist and civil rights groups.
Jennifer Bilek has pointed out that the capture of our legal, political, educational, medical, psychological, social and professional institutions by the trans cult has been expedited by presenting a “techno-fetishist” industry as a “civil rights movement”.
This gives the impression that the large scale transformation of social behaviours and attitudes through the influential power of billionaires is a recent development.
In fact, it is coeval with the system of technocratic elite rule itself. Invented in the 1920s, its creation was the application of methods of propaganda developed in world war one to transform consumer behaviour, making the prime product of liberal democracy the placing of pictures in the heads of the public.
One picture was women’s liberation, which was heavily promoted by the Rockefeller Foundation. The reason for this was twofold: to monetise the formerly untaxed half of the population, and by absorbing mothers into the workforce to transfer the power of education and thereby of indoctrination to the State - being the government and its financial sponsors.
Feminism was not a spontaneous call for liberation. It was later promoted by the CIA in Eastern and Central Europe as a means of undermining and destabilising Communism.
With the replacement of 20th century history by a selection of myths, all of this is out of mind. So is the conclusion that much of our culture is a product sold to the public by the rule of media, by people whose interests have thereby replaced your own.
The resulting belief is that people power changes the world.
In fact, the power to change people has shaped the world we inhabit. This feeds the larger myth of progress, which broadly says that time inexorably produces social upheaval.
Neither inflation nor “social progress” happen simply because the calendar flips over to another day. These are not the products of nature, nor of some notional evolution. They are a sign of a system’s designs, and these effects are produced so that it might profit and preserve its power to do so.
Progress in this sense is a superstition. If you examine its claims, it says that people become sexualised, abort their children, get gayer and mutilate their genitals, and have their societies destroyed by cults of permanent rage-fuelled grievance because the clock keeps ticking. The belief that time causes “progress” - massive social transformations - is ridiculous. It is also so widely established as to cause offence if questioned.
Most widely held beliefs are absurd. They are the dutiful superstitions of the age of replacement. As we shall see, they are not only deranged, but dangerous.
If all this is happening, you might say, why do people do nothing about it? They are put out of action, before they think to react.
How can people be put out of action? Aside from directing their energies into “rights-based” agendas, whose ultimate function is to dissolve social cohesion, our civilisational history has been recast as a litany of shame.
The civilisation founded by the Catholic Church in Europe was destroyed in two successive wars, and replaced with a modern prosthesis. This is not a limb, but the entire body politic, as if the human person had been replaced by a talking shop dummy.
One effect is of course to make us all dummies, who only ever talk shop.
This talk is supplied by the shopkeepers. Our consumer culture is the mass marketing of addiction. It sells dependence on products for the body and mind. These products include your beliefs about yourself, and your culture - present and past.
This means that the subject of our conversations is always read from a script of events and concepts prepared openly, but delivered by deceit. The sleight of mind at work is to convince the public they have come up with these ideas themselves, through the process of debate, or the elimination of ideas in a free and open contest in a liberally plural society.
In fact, our entire history has simply been demonised in order that we will reject it freely.
This includes the defamation of God, of Christ, of the Catholic Church which birthed the civilisation of the West between the 9th and 12th centuries.
It recasts the European peoples as uniquely evil, and responsible for all the crimes committed by everyone else, which either are dismissed or acknowledged as a form of retribution.
This process of demoralisation is intended to permit the complete destruction of our civilisation as a moral duty. This is what is has done. Today, to celebrate the demolition of the basis of reality, the truth of Christ and the fabric of society is the highest good. The family, at home and as the nation, is being undermined and replaced by the would-be world state.
This process can be called de-nationalisation. Its aim is to replace the nations with a supermarket, a borderless bazaar browsed by mutual strangers, whose only unifying principle is life as a bargain hunt.
Everything must go.
I am regrettably still at large.
In the interests of audience participation why not consider funding the creation and supply of a remotely operated shock collar, to be attached to my person.
This would permit readers a means of feedback on my long, problematic posts.
My thoughts in no particular order .
I am blessed to have been inoculated against this from birth . I live and work less than 3 miles from where my great-great grandfather set up shop and his line were born , worked , married and died . I worship the same God in the same way in the same stone Church they built and are now buried about . How could I not strive to pass on what was given to me ?
Feminists have got to be the most delusional of souls . They have been used as a wrecking bar by the enemy to destroy the civilization that protected them and are now discarded , which I suspect is the source of their blind anger .
I work on old things . With old tools . Machinery , furniture , buildings . Nothing now is built to last . That's sort of the goal, as the august author of what we now comment on , is trying to tell us . Rebuilding a 100 year old 6 panel door with tools older than me , even than my father (God rest his soul) in some cases is a balm to the soul . Men built them so other men could fix them . My old tools have ornate castings and carvings on them so that the Men who would wield them would take pride and show care . That they did is why I am able to now once again put them to wood , metal or stone . Could I do less ?
Things and places for the lowly were once adorned with flourishes so as to give some ease from the harshness of life . To bring a little sense of better things to all . Beauty was to be shared , at least a little, by all . Now ugliness and utilitarianism rule the day and we are all the worse off .
We can change this . Slow down . Stick fast to the ways of your forebears . Save something from the past and leave something for the future . Show courage . Above all , give God his due . Do this and we will prevail .
I cannot wait for the day when I hear loud and clear, “WEF, globalists, CFR, HIAS, corrupt western governments, all left and subversive NGOs, Barbera Lerner Spectre, Schwab, Soros, Soros Junior, ADL, SLPC, Zionists, usurers everywhere, global banking, Federal reserve, City of London, 33rd degree masons, Mayorkas, Blinkin, Fauci, big pharma, Gates, land grabbers, gigantic farmers, Monsanto, cobalt miners, slave drivers, slave traders, Neo-cons still alive, war agitators, Pritzkers, degenerate offspring of elites, satanists, child traffickers, purveyors and facilitators of illigal immigration, the EU, Trudeau, Freud, Silverstein, Bernays, Schiff, Rothschild’s, Open Society Foundation et al, your boys took one hell of a beating”.