I am blessed to have been inoculated against this from birth . I live and work less than 3 miles from where my great-great grandfather set up shop and his line were born , worked , married and died . I worship the same God in the same way in the same stone Church they built and are now buried about . How could I not strive to pass on what was given to me ?
Feminists have got to be the most delusional of souls . They have been used as a wrecking bar by the enemy to destroy the civilization that protected them and are now discarded , which I suspect is the source of their blind anger .
I work on old things . With old tools . Machinery , furniture , buildings . Nothing now is built to last . That's sort of the goal, as the august author of what we now comment on , is trying to tell us . Rebuilding a 100 year old 6 panel door with tools older than me , even than my father (God rest his soul) in some cases is a balm to the soul . Men built them so other men could fix them . My old tools have ornate castings and carvings on them so that the Men who would wield them would take pride and show care . That they did is why I am able to now once again put them to wood , metal or stone . Could I do less ?
Things and places for the lowly were once adorned with flourishes so as to give some ease from the harshness of life . To bring a little sense of better things to all . Beauty was to be shared , at least a little, by all . Now ugliness and utilitarianism rule the day and we are all the worse off .
We can change this . Slow down . Stick fast to the ways of your forebears . Save something from the past and leave something for the future . Show courage . Above all , give God his due . Do this and we will prevail .
Sending a live performance with actual instruments, and the song Old Days fits the spirit. Quite a performance considering the number of musicians, it’s another form of our unqiueness that we are throwing away.
Wonderfully well said. I revitalize old tools with some of the same vein of thought. The old ways still work and can be found in old books. I recommend Audel's Carpenter's and Builder's Guides as well as their plumbing series. I got mine from the late 1920s; they were published from the teens to the 50s.
I wish I had your connections to a place and family; sadly there are no stone churches here. Only ticky-tacky huts with sham versions of stained glass. I find that repulsive. It's the trailer park version of a church. I suppose some kind of church is better than none but I'd rather walk the empty forests of Alaska if I want to talk to Him. They seem more fitted to His presence than these grotesques, these WalMart Specials passed off as houses of worship.
I cannot wait for the day when I hear loud and clear, “WEF, globalists, CFR, HIAS, corrupt western governments, all left and subversive NGOs, Barbera Lerner Spectre, Schwab, Soros, Soros Junior, ADL, SLPC, Zionists, usurers everywhere, global banking, Federal reserve, City of London, 33rd degree masons, Mayorkas, Blinkin, Fauci, big pharma, Gates, land grabbers, gigantic farmers, Monsanto, cobalt miners, slave drivers, slave traders, Neo-cons still alive, war agitators, Pritzkers, degenerate offspring of elites, satanists, child traffickers, purveyors and facilitators of illigal immigration, the EU, Trudeau, Freud, Silverstein, Bernays, Schiff, Rothschild’s, Open Society Foundation et al, your boys took one hell of a beating”.
Something that occurred to me recently. Nothing novel. Many have pondered the point before me. In the context of satanism and demonic influence in the world we live in:
Hollywood was a Jewish business from its conception. Therefore I wondered if its original, unspoken purpose was to convince the masses that evil at the level of the demonic was exclusively the stuff of fiction, only experienced in the dreamworld of the big screen. Unreality.
By evil "at the level of the demonic", I mean not caricature figures a la Boris Karloff horror shows of yesteryear and present day "splatter" movies, although that genre has produced enormous wealth for the film industry.
I primarily mean the kind of extreme evil depicted in serious, compelling dramas, without a trace of religious or supernatural context. Hollywood made observing stories about sickening crimes of terrible sociopaths a great pleasure that countless millions flocked to in their leisure time.
That specific phenomenon, that human fascination with evil, did not start with motion pictures, of course. But the minds that turned Hollywood into something that changed the world -- they found the ultimate means to satisfy our hunger for sin.
It came to me once in the past that your typical goody-two-shoes, pillars of the community friends and neighbors who think nothing of going to an R or X rated movie or watching one on their tell-a-vision might be scandalized if their also respectable friends or neighbors were to invite them over to watch them perform sex-acts or worse in their home. Or maybe they'd be delighted. Who knows? What the average teenage cheerleader wears and does is not much different from what a stripper wore and did in the early 20th century. Trump's third wife (and who-knows- what-number of sex-partner stripped naked for pay in her earlier years.
"Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot possess the kingdom of God: neither shall corruption possess incorruption.
Behold, I tell you a mystery. We shall all indeed rise again: but we shall not all be changed.
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall rise again incorruptible: and we shall be changed.
For this corruptible must put on incorruption; and this mortal must put on immortality.
And when this mortal hath put on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: Death is swallowed up in victory." — 1 Corinthians 15: 50-54
This is not about to change. The loss of the war in the Ukraine will change nothing. The election of Donald Trump will do nothing. Silencing this fella, our goodly author will do nothing.
The medium is the message. The trans, progressive, woke superstition/fantasia is the content and as such irrelevant (except that it’s destroying our world.)
Electricity is the global extension of our central nervous system and consciousness; it is instant and thereby eliminates time and space; We all live in a global village, cheek by jowl and the cacophony of everyone speaking at once is maddening. All information is available all the time and to everyone. This is the reordering process wrought by electricity (instantaneity). Henceforth the control of information - the pictures in our head - is the source of power.
So, if we overthrow the current regime, the new regime would end up in the same place almost immediately.
So, “ the world you were born in no longer exists”, is incorrect. We just didn’t notice back then. Our technologies are extensions of our corporeal selves and have the power to reorder our world. Marshall McLuhan said that after 3000 years of specialization wrought by mechanical technology we are collapsing into a global village by electricity, again, the extension of our central nervous system and consciousness.
The notion that just getting rid of this current Fantasia and everything will be OK is I’m afraid incorrect.
They cannot memory hole this when other country’s leaders are paying attention. A bunch of words doesn’t work that great when the enemy outproduces you in material 100:1. The end of Ukraine will be the end of the GAE, and perhaps even the end of the great vampire squid.
Yeah, our good author says the same thing. I don’t know if I’m right. All I know is I’m heavily demoralized. And in that sense they’re most assuredly winning.
The last bit is the best......This process can be called de-nationalisation. Its aim is to replace the nations with a supermarket, a borderless bazaar browsed by mutual strangers, whose only unifying principle is life as a bargain hunt.... so true!
I am very concerned about the ongoing devaluation of national citizenship... we have to fund with free hand outs the rest of the world rather than our own citizens and give them jobs via 40 ft containers. then we need to educate their kids who then expect to join as citizens or dip into our economy or allow our earned capital to be redeployed to benifit others and on top of all that we need to save the planet in the worthless task of NetZero while others continue to get on with prosperity without any concern.. Plus we white guys are also told we are the aggressors and make others victims ... give me a break.
The counterfeit culture is trans-sane. It insists that men become women and foreigners your kinsmen by virtue of their saying so.
The adoption of costume and custom does not make this thing that. It is the attempt to reduce biological identity to performance, to replace reality with mimicry. This is not bigotry, it is a simple objection to being told that two different things are the same. To accept them as the same destroys the meaning of the category altogether - be that of the nation, or of woman- or manhood.
Not sure I fully understand what you are saying....
It all sounds like communism of the worst kind to me... share ourselves to oblivion... we are tribal beings and have managed with much struggles to group up into a nation ... until recently ... I am not ready for multilateralism or globalism and certainly not all the UN is pushing. I am a nationalist pure and simple.
Maybe you would like this one..
(6) Dictator for a day! …. - by Nigel Southway (substack.com)
The Anglo-American-Zionist Empire is collapsing. The total process will take a few years and involve much suffering. Time now for all patriots to formulate the society of the future.
Just brilliant.Thank you for putting into words so eloquently what some of us are feeling It helps in coping with the sadness of it all.Best of luck with your book and hope you feel better soon.We are all being shed upon by graphene nanoparticles and spike protein making us as you say `not too clever lately`
Ooh thank you Aine I have not been feeling too clever lately and wondered how this would come across. It’s a big subject and I am still writing the book, so it is helpful to hear that I have not submerged sense in too much detail.
Sorry for tardy response Frank, not long back from Latin mass. You have been given an incredible intellect by God. I could only dream of being able to articulate so clearly! However I draw huge strength from your knowledge and understanding because it aligns so closely with mine (since my conversion). It can be a lonely place this putrid old world without at least the odd kindred spirit! God bless Frank.
Are you joking Frank? Each of these recent pieces have been perfectly lucid analyses. I think it is a wonder that such a topic can be as econimically captured as you have. Well done!
Its interesting to me that every other civilization that has experienced the current conditions would’ve already collapsed by now or been swiftly conquered by neighbors or fallen into civil war (though the last one is still in the cards). I wonder if we will keep falling until we “fall through the sky” into a new area of stability. Somewhere humans haven’t been able to get to before due to civilization always collapsing first.
This is both a terrifying and hopeful idea. It might be a pipe dream, but I need something to latch onto, no matter how slim the odds. Both the idea that this is possible and wouldn't lead to hell on earth.
My thoughts in no particular order .
I am blessed to have been inoculated against this from birth . I live and work less than 3 miles from where my great-great grandfather set up shop and his line were born , worked , married and died . I worship the same God in the same way in the same stone Church they built and are now buried about . How could I not strive to pass on what was given to me ?
Feminists have got to be the most delusional of souls . They have been used as a wrecking bar by the enemy to destroy the civilization that protected them and are now discarded , which I suspect is the source of their blind anger .
I work on old things . With old tools . Machinery , furniture , buildings . Nothing now is built to last . That's sort of the goal, as the august author of what we now comment on , is trying to tell us . Rebuilding a 100 year old 6 panel door with tools older than me , even than my father (God rest his soul) in some cases is a balm to the soul . Men built them so other men could fix them . My old tools have ornate castings and carvings on them so that the Men who would wield them would take pride and show care . That they did is why I am able to now once again put them to wood , metal or stone . Could I do less ?
Things and places for the lowly were once adorned with flourishes so as to give some ease from the harshness of life . To bring a little sense of better things to all . Beauty was to be shared , at least a little, by all . Now ugliness and utilitarianism rule the day and we are all the worse off .
We can change this . Slow down . Stick fast to the ways of your forebears . Save something from the past and leave something for the future . Show courage . Above all , give God his due . Do this and we will prevail .
Well said NI. You're an example to us all.
Sending a live performance with actual instruments, and the song Old Days fits the spirit. Quite a performance considering the number of musicians, it’s another form of our unqiueness that we are throwing away.
Love Leonid and Friends!
Wonderfully well said. I revitalize old tools with some of the same vein of thought. The old ways still work and can be found in old books. I recommend Audel's Carpenter's and Builder's Guides as well as their plumbing series. I got mine from the late 1920s; they were published from the teens to the 50s.
I wish I had your connections to a place and family; sadly there are no stone churches here. Only ticky-tacky huts with sham versions of stained glass. I find that repulsive. It's the trailer park version of a church. I suppose some kind of church is better than none but I'd rather walk the empty forests of Alaska if I want to talk to Him. They seem more fitted to His presence than these grotesques, these WalMart Specials passed off as houses of worship.
You are a most fortunate person, NI.
I cannot wait for the day when I hear loud and clear, “WEF, globalists, CFR, HIAS, corrupt western governments, all left and subversive NGOs, Barbera Lerner Spectre, Schwab, Soros, Soros Junior, ADL, SLPC, Zionists, usurers everywhere, global banking, Federal reserve, City of London, 33rd degree masons, Mayorkas, Blinkin, Fauci, big pharma, Gates, land grabbers, gigantic farmers, Monsanto, cobalt miners, slave drivers, slave traders, Neo-cons still alive, war agitators, Pritzkers, degenerate offspring of elites, satanists, child traffickers, purveyors and facilitators of illigal immigration, the EU, Trudeau, Freud, Silverstein, Bernays, Schiff, Rothschild’s, Open Society Foundation et al, your boys took one hell of a beating”.
According to Oswald Spengler when Caesariam arrives.He smashes the Secret Society’s and the Gullds…..
Unfortunately it takes 200 years and I’m not sure the Caesars will be much fun
Something that occurred to me recently. Nothing novel. Many have pondered the point before me. In the context of satanism and demonic influence in the world we live in:
Hollywood was a Jewish business from its conception. Therefore I wondered if its original, unspoken purpose was to convince the masses that evil at the level of the demonic was exclusively the stuff of fiction, only experienced in the dreamworld of the big screen. Unreality.
By evil "at the level of the demonic", I mean not caricature figures a la Boris Karloff horror shows of yesteryear and present day "splatter" movies, although that genre has produced enormous wealth for the film industry.
I primarily mean the kind of extreme evil depicted in serious, compelling dramas, without a trace of religious or supernatural context. Hollywood made observing stories about sickening crimes of terrible sociopaths a great pleasure that countless millions flocked to in their leisure time.
That specific phenomenon, that human fascination with evil, did not start with motion pictures, of course. But the minds that turned Hollywood into something that changed the world -- they found the ultimate means to satisfy our hunger for sin.
It came to me once in the past that your typical goody-two-shoes, pillars of the community friends and neighbors who think nothing of going to an R or X rated movie or watching one on their tell-a-vision might be scandalized if their also respectable friends or neighbors were to invite them over to watch them perform sex-acts or worse in their home. Or maybe they'd be delighted. Who knows? What the average teenage cheerleader wears and does is not much different from what a stripper wore and did in the early 20th century. Trump's third wife (and who-knows- what-number of sex-partner stripped naked for pay in her earlier years.
Yes. It is what happens when people no longer believed in God, never mind feared his wrath. They are to be pitied.
You are calling Melania a whore. FU
Slur inserted for the Harari meme, as per your request: "We live in a society where we are lectured on humanity by the runt of Satan's litter"
"Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot possess the kingdom of God: neither shall corruption possess incorruption.
Behold, I tell you a mystery. We shall all indeed rise again: but we shall not all be changed.
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall rise again incorruptible: and we shall be changed.
For this corruptible must put on incorruption; and this mortal must put on immortality.
And when this mortal hath put on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: Death is swallowed up in victory." — 1 Corinthians 15: 50-54
Brilliant bull’s-eye.
This is not about to change. The loss of the war in the Ukraine will change nothing. The election of Donald Trump will do nothing. Silencing this fella, our goodly author will do nothing.
The medium is the message. The trans, progressive, woke superstition/fantasia is the content and as such irrelevant (except that it’s destroying our world.)
Electricity is the global extension of our central nervous system and consciousness; it is instant and thereby eliminates time and space; We all live in a global village, cheek by jowl and the cacophony of everyone speaking at once is maddening. All information is available all the time and to everyone. This is the reordering process wrought by electricity (instantaneity). Henceforth the control of information - the pictures in our head - is the source of power.
So, if we overthrow the current regime, the new regime would end up in the same place almost immediately.
So, “ the world you were born in no longer exists”, is incorrect. We just didn’t notice back then. Our technologies are extensions of our corporeal selves and have the power to reorder our world. Marshall McLuhan said that after 3000 years of specialization wrought by mechanical technology we are collapsing into a global village by electricity, again, the extension of our central nervous system and consciousness.
The notion that just getting rid of this current Fantasia and everything will be OK is I’m afraid incorrect.
The west losing the war in Ukraine would do a lot actually.
They will memory hole it. They controlled thenarrative.
They cannot memory hole this when other country’s leaders are paying attention. A bunch of words doesn’t work that great when the enemy outproduces you in material 100:1. The end of Ukraine will be the end of the GAE, and perhaps even the end of the great vampire squid.
Yeah, our good author says the same thing. I don’t know if I’m right. All I know is I’m heavily demoralized. And in that sense they’re most assuredly winning.
Indeed at some stage will the Russians do a 2024 version of 1944 Operation Bagratron?
The last bit is the best......This process can be called de-nationalisation. Its aim is to replace the nations with a supermarket, a borderless bazaar browsed by mutual strangers, whose only unifying principle is life as a bargain hunt.... so true!
Thanks Nigel. I am glad you found that helpful. No one asked for their nation to be replaced with a jumble sale.
I am very concerned about the ongoing devaluation of national citizenship... we have to fund with free hand outs the rest of the world rather than our own citizens and give them jobs via 40 ft containers. then we need to educate their kids who then expect to join as citizens or dip into our economy or allow our earned capital to be redeployed to benifit others and on top of all that we need to save the planet in the worthless task of NetZero while others continue to get on with prosperity without any concern.. Plus we white guys are also told we are the aggressors and make others victims ... give me a break.
The counterfeit culture is trans-sane. It insists that men become women and foreigners your kinsmen by virtue of their saying so.
The adoption of costume and custom does not make this thing that. It is the attempt to reduce biological identity to performance, to replace reality with mimicry. This is not bigotry, it is a simple objection to being told that two different things are the same. To accept them as the same destroys the meaning of the category altogether - be that of the nation, or of woman- or manhood.
Not sure I fully understand what you are saying....
It all sounds like communism of the worst kind to me... share ourselves to oblivion... we are tribal beings and have managed with much struggles to group up into a nation ... until recently ... I am not ready for multilateralism or globalism and certainly not all the UN is pushing. I am a nationalist pure and simple.
Maybe you would like this one..
(6) Dictator for a day! …. - by Nigel Southway (substack.com)
I think you and I would get on, Nigel, and I think your platform of sanity would have broad appeal amongst the sane.
The Anglo-American-Zionist Empire is collapsing. The total process will take a few years and involve much suffering. Time now for all patriots to formulate the society of the future.
Well in the last 24 hours I have watched a couple of videos claiming the average iq in the British Labour Government is under 95.
In fact between 80-90….
Banana Republic comes to mind.
Which member of the government managed to drag it that high?
ARs Growler….
What an excellent article.
Explains clearly why so many of my family and friends are indoctrinated.
There is a lot more to say on the matter, and I hope to cover that in the book, but TLDR we are governed by media.
Just brilliant.Thank you for putting into words so eloquently what some of us are feeling It helps in coping with the sadness of it all.Best of luck with your book and hope you feel better soon.We are all being shed upon by graphene nanoparticles and spike protein making us as you say `not too clever lately`
Brilliantly said.
Thanks Ben. I’m glad you liked it.
apparently, Soros has a small statue of Lenin in his office.
he’s a big fan..!
I reckon Satan has a small statue of Soros in his office too.
He will have the real thing soon enough
Outstanding! Look forward to your book so much Frank!
Ooh thank you Aine I have not been feeling too clever lately and wondered how this would come across. It’s a big subject and I am still writing the book, so it is helpful to hear that I have not submerged sense in too much detail.
Sorry for tardy response Frank, not long back from Latin mass. You have been given an incredible intellect by God. I could only dream of being able to articulate so clearly! However I draw huge strength from your knowledge and understanding because it aligns so closely with mine (since my conversion). It can be a lonely place this putrid old world without at least the odd kindred spirit! God bless Frank.
Are you joking Frank? Each of these recent pieces have been perfectly lucid analyses. I think it is a wonder that such a topic can be as econimically captured as you have. Well done!
Given your take on the world here, is it wrong to feel happy and fulfilled?
Its interesting to me that every other civilization that has experienced the current conditions would’ve already collapsed by now or been swiftly conquered by neighbors or fallen into civil war (though the last one is still in the cards). I wonder if we will keep falling until we “fall through the sky” into a new area of stability. Somewhere humans haven’t been able to get to before due to civilization always collapsing first.
This is both a terrifying and hopeful idea. It might be a pipe dream, but I need something to latch onto, no matter how slim the odds. Both the idea that this is possible and wouldn't lead to hell on earth.