I want to take this moment to publicly apologize to Ayatollah Khomeini. Four decades ago, I thought his declaration that America was "The Great Satan" positively hilarious. Qui? Nous?

Like Nietzsche's madman, his prescient and true utterance was greeted with guffaws. With GAE spreading sodomy and abortion, how can anyone dispute the Ayatollah's analysis?

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The Ayatollah's rehabilitation arc? I didn't see that coming either.

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Jun 22Liked by Frank Wright

Great stuff, Frank. 👏

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Great analysis. I believe you are entirely correct as to how things will play out in the months and years ahead.

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“There is diplomatic chatter that says Russia, China and Iran are restraining any action until the US elections deliver a Trump victory - or not.”

Can you say anything more about this?

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Yes but not now because it’s time for beddy byes

I know it sounds a bit off message but it is the people who we are told are madmen who are showing restraint, and the people we are told are our allies who are the nutters.

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I wrote about the calibration agreed in my piece “why this is not WW3 - yet” last month I think.

This was also unlikely but true. US/Iran channels remain open.

But the us has lost control of the Israelis now.

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Yes, indeed all the serially manipulative leaders of the cult of the grand poobahs want to eliminate us useless hackable eaters.

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How dare you say this about the Good Guys? I think you might be an EXTREMIST

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Oh no doubt about my being an extremist, LOl!

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Wear big leather boots. Best for GULAG soup. See you in the camps m8

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Yes those 15 minute cities are going to be far worse than the armed surveillance state we have already been living in.

Makes me think of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.

So many of our films include predictive programming.

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I get the distinct impression you are NOT a Television Believer.

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I like progs. that tell us the future, but most folks just don't look.

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Yeah - no - you are correct!

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Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, how? Not sure I get the link.

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If you watch the series again it is pretty well connected to our current events - but not explainable in a note!

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Jun 22Liked by Frank Wright

"No China, no phone, no TESLA, no electronics in your weapon systems" Worth it just for this??? (joking, snowflakes, you know who you are)

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Jun 21Liked by Frank Wright

those flip flops are the key to me implicating my neighbors when their dogs “venture” when I’m not around, “Get off my lawn!”---your stuff uncovers, what few see.....or admit to!?! God Bless!!!

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I had wondered where those mysterious deposits came from. I had suspected a gourmandising cat. NOW I KNOW THE TRUTH ALI!

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Jun 21Liked by Frank Wright

Great piece Frank! And I thank God for my wicked sense of humor. You’re damn right we need one.

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There is always lol in the notlol if you care to find it.

The clown fears the laughter.

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It's nothing personal, citizens of the West. Our Oligarchy needs to trample your rights and destroy you, lest they get Ceasescu'ed when it all unravels. No "falling on their swords" for them, thank you very much.

They have nothing but contempt for us. Return the sentiment.

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What is your problem with the Rainbow Zionist Death Machine, hmm? Paging Mr Greenblatt...

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No need. I'll turn myself in.

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Good. You sound distinctly satanphobic.

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“Rainbow Zionist Death Machine” is now my favorite description for the regime that rules the West.

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Is that a donkey? It IS a donkey.

The donkey has a sort of atavistic power in what I laughingly call my life. I will go on about this when prompted.

"Rainbow Zionist Death Machine" could be a supporting act for Zazz Blammymatazz, btw. What a band name.

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I think this is exactly correct. They sense their end. Nowhere to run to either. Wasn't New Zealand meant to be a bolt hole?

What is going through their minds? That's what haunts me. How did they think any of this would work?

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Well once you’re in that line of work it’s hard to get any other.

Some people will believe in anything to get 'ahead' in life. I mean, even if you are forcing yourself to the front of the queue to eternal hellfire. Those pantsuits cost money.

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My conspiracy theory: NZ and Australia are their SHTF havens. Nicely isolated, sparsely populated, the evil governments went "full totalitarian" to try and inject every living soul with mRNA. Gotta depopulate the plebs before taking over the island.

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Could be. I do sense it is unravelling for them. I think the elites suffer from the same blindspots feminists do. They think they can interfere with the fundamentals of society, such as banishing white men, and somehow everything they need will remain in full working order; sanitation, hospitals, logistics. Even air traffic control is dying. Are they not seeing what the rest of us see?

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I hope you're right about it unraveling. They are sword-rattling both here and abroad, perhaps in an attempt to instigate an incident to explain away the collapse and allow for a Reset...a really big one one. A Great one, maybe even.

As for the obvious incompetence pervading our societies, I have never seen weather forecasting be so badly wrong, as I have the last few years. Usually the predictions are spot-on within a few days. Just this week, the daily forecast was completely off a couple of times. Rain fell unexpectedly and predicted heavy storms never materialized.

The liberal dim/half/mid wits, I believe, really do buy into the DIE absurdity, but whoever is pulling the strings most certainly does not.

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The exclusion of the competent and talented is downstream of an ideological loyalty system.

It’s not talent but loyalty which gets rewarded. If you are insane - well - you get promoted.

I don’t think mass society is dirigible, I think it’s factional, and I think leaders are flawed.

stuff like the trilateral commission is a different game altogether mind you. I think these people know what they are doing.

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But yes - there is a plan. No - it’s not going well. I don’t think the plan is annihilation - this drift to war is an emergency landing for a crew that had a map, a plane, fuel, and inflight entertainment but the map was a load of cobblers, the plane made by Boeing and the pilot a diversity hire whose nails got stuck in the throttle.

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"Progressives" operate with a friend/enemy & who/whom mindset. Let's hope that, like the Spanish left in the 30s, they've gotten a little too far in front of their skis in their exuberance. Cometh the hour, cometh the man. I hope...

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I too have commented on the weather forecasts. Some of it is a new emphasis on climate of course. The rest has to be a reflection of diversity. The incompetents in charge.

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Jun 21Liked by Frank Wright

It will be fun to listen to the HAM radio reports of NZ going full Animal Farm / Lord of the Flies . Those guard dogs won't be too hard to hire on , but when they see what weak deviants their paymasters are , a little "Change of Command" might seem a good idea . The hard part is going to be finding any Boxers to do the work . The world may have a surplus of weak minds , but precious few are knitted into a strong back .

Oz would be out I would think as it seems ready to become a wholly owned subsidiary of ChiCom Inc . At least Yellow Peril will have no compunction about fixing the Abo problem .

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Thanks Jews!

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I am reporting this comment to the ADL.

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LOL! Good one! It’s sad though, how did we get here?

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A lot of myth-takes and a fair amount of money I'd say.

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This is what I keep asking. How and above all why? Why destroy America? Especially what America was, safe, prosperous and amazing. Absolutely worth preserving.

Some groups seem to have a deep suicidal urge. That's all I got.

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Why is a very good question. I am going up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire now, so cannot let the voices rip on this.

What you and I call “destroying” is a form of rescue to the True Believers of liberal democracy. There are other forces at work - diabolical ones - but to your managerialist the public must be protected from their own opinions, their silly traditions must be expunged and so on.

It is the evil of efficiency when humanity is seen as a problem to be solved - by the kind of people who simper about 'hate speech' and rant in pantsuits about the merits of censorship and war.

These people don’t think like you. They consider you and everything you like as something in need of expert correction.

The result is vernichtung, the reduction to nothing, benowting if you like.

It’s a sort of fanaticism, too. These midwits (they are not the brightest) consider anyone who doesn’t agree with them to be an imbecile - or suffering some mental or emotional disorder. This can be cured with the right information from the right people, producing a right-minded outlook.

Of course, when they say “right” you see “wrong” . That is because they are reading out Satan's shopping list whilst a sign saying “APPLAUSE” flashes offstage.

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I do get that. The midwit perception that pushback is based in ignorance. Covid alone demonstrated their limits, and their conformity to groupthink too.

But they too must see what their ideas have brought upon us. Any major city in Britain will do. It looks like a bad experiment in internationalism with extra poverty thrown in for good measure. Alien people shuffling about during the day and obviously not working.

Nothing works and it is all getting worse. We are all heading for San Francisco. What do these people think when they see that? I am always curious about this. And the only answer I have is mental distortion must be at play.

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No. Liberals cannot see that populism is just “no” to Liberalsm.

They can’t see it. So there must be other reasons. All these reasons are mad.

Utopians will point to the imaginary paradise this temporary embarrassment is ushering in. They don’t respect appeals to reality. That would be short sighted.

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Resources. America has resources and the independent spirit of the people is in their way.

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Looks like the Gods of the Copybook Headings have returned and bring within terror and slaughter as always . After 70 years of absence (long enough for the coddled children of Men who saw the Beast to think themselves clever) War has returned , red in tooth and claw . The US learned nothing bleeding into the sands that bled Alexander and now , forgetting the past (both recent and not so) we march where Neither Napoleon nor Guderian could conquer .

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Anthony Blinken's mask when Jake Sullivan was talking made me laugh so much. What an odd superstition...

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All of this only happens with the singular loudmouth pedo presence of the decades-long massively corrupt hating idiocy of Joe Big Guy Biden, though he's fairly typical of the most corrupt political party of the world today. I can't feel much grief over Moslem / Palestinian deaths. Hamas' calculated launching of the October 7 attack, & the outright savagery of the killing of several hundred civilians, all so calculated. Jews don't slaughter as a matter of centuries-long hating 'policy' practiced everywhere they settle. Moslems do. Israel was pushed to the edge for decades, & finally their leader snapped. About time. Then we see the entire Western world led by the failing US empire go full Nazi on Israel & Jews.

Yeah, the hideous manipulation & setting up of many Moslem leaders by the US deep state is contemptible. And I could go on for hours about the setting-up of Putin & Russia for decades! ... leading up to the Western coup in Ukraine, the endless violation (5 times) of promises made to Russia not to expand NATO.

There are 2 common factors, or maybe 3 in all this clownshow mayhem: the readiness of US/NATO to lie & manipulate to provoke others to initiate some outrage, justifying an immediate overwhelming military 'response' (plus of course staging false flags to justify said response time after time); the readiness of Moslem terror groups or just Moslem folk to launch flat-out murderous hate attacks on Christian/Jewish civilians anywhere/everywhere (for centuries, & Western regimes recently ushering in such folk to do their waltz everywhere in the West); & the now seeming very likely invitation made to 'metaphysical evil' by Western pedo satanists to back their Great Reset efforts. That 3rd really no longer seems so far-fetched.

What gets me going is the rank perfidy of US/NATO, the globalist eagerness to bring in their moronic dystopia, & Islamic psychopathic steroidal centuries-long hating/raping/killing for their hellbound dystopia. US/NATO will likely get their wish, global nuclear WW3. The atheist West & its woke battalions may not get off so lightly this time.

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The meaning of the word " country" is not what everyone might want it to be.

It seems to me that its meaning is purely subjective, depending on the level sin of pride one holds in it.

I believe that this word and any of it's it's labelled prefixes do not describe the "native people" that are contained in it's imaginary geographical boundaries.

The " countries" names might as well be called pieces of the chessboard as I think this is a more honest description and depiction of the times, with the players of these pieces having no more invested than their egos and perhaps a side wager.

I think that the players know that they are going to die like ordinary plebs... Maybe that's their only commitment - no one gets to live if they can't live forever in some sort of material form.... And they surely do not have enough virtue credits to pay the ferryman for their " indiscretions"

"Without me there is nothing".... Must be their mantra.

mid-13c., "(one's) native land;" c. 1300, "any geographic area," sometimes with implications of political organization, from Old French contree, cuntrede "region, district, country," from Vulgar Latin *(terra) contrata "(land) lying opposite," or "(land) spread before one," in Medieval Latin "country, region," from Latin contra "opposite, against" (see contra-). The native word is land.

Also from c. 1300 as "area surrounding a walled city or town; the open country." By early 16c. the word was applied mostly to rural areas, as opposed to towns and cities. Meaning "inhabitants of a country, the people" is from c. 1300.

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Frank, I’m with you most of the way, but I’m still hung up on your mistrust of Israel. I’m keeping an open mind so I could be convinced with the right info, but I haven’t seen it yet.

I don’t know what to believe about that report that Israel knew about Oct 7 and did nothing. I do see how their only option is escalation, but I’ve always been on the side that they never go far enough and it always bites them in the arse. God gave them that land 3500 years ago and said destroy all of the canaanites, leave none alive, or they’ll forever be a thorn in your side. They didn’t, so they were, and they still are.

I know this, though, that tweet about dog rape is absolutely garbage. No credibility whatsoever. Don’t bet your career on that one being verified.

It’s already written how it ends, and though we might be close in years or a decade, it’s not imminent. Plenty still has to change before we get to the scene that has already been declared from the beginning.

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Well, I know it sounds incredible but if you read the piece I linked, what I wrote yesterday, it details information freely available from the Israeli and US mainstream press which shows how, in detail, the Israelis knew an attack was coming.

Not only did intelligence chiefs dismiss the reports as "fantasy", but continued to stand down the intelligence unit tasked with monitoring the situation, and whose members had reported that detailed plans discovered by the Israelis were being carried out.

The detailed plans included the hang gliders, motorbikes, kibbutz and military targets and the unit responsible for executing the attack. An analyst reported the plan was being rehearsed in preparation for action in July last year. This information was also dismissed.

I think it was the plan, not an "intelligence failure". The intelligence did not fail. It was ignored.

Bizarrely, some commentator invoked parallels with the "intelligence failure" which led to 9/11. This too was a case of the obvious being ignored, as has also been established. A curious parallel indeed. Israel has said it will "investigate" the "intelligence failure" when the war is over. Which war?

. Did you know Netanyahu defended the practice of walking suitcases of millions of dollars into Gaza to supply Hamas with cash? He has for years explained why. If you want to kill the two state solution, you must support Hamas - he said this himself.

There is no doubt at all they knew it was coming.

The dogs? I would not be surprised if it is true. There's a story the US did this in Bagram, and Pinochet did it too, allegedly. It wouldn't be the first time.

The non-dog torture is horrific of course. This too relies on witness testimony.

I think that if you find "mistrust" of Israel a sticking point you might want to look into the terror attacks on the British, the espionage in the US, the passing of US secrets to the Soviets, the USS Liberty, the Kennedys and their coincidental opposition to Israel's secret nuclear programme and their powerful US lobby, the preemptive strike doctrine, the nuclear blackmail, the fact Israel itself introduced WMD into the middle east, that it refuses to this day to acknowledge its nuclear arsenal, that its active lobby in the UK is the largest in Europe, that its leadership has constantly exhorted wars in the Middle East, and that 200 Israeli spies were deported before and after 9/11.

This might seem a bit strong, but I think if you look into this you are left with two outcomes. You are either motivated to deny the behaviour of Israel towards its "allies", or you aren't.

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I promise I will look into those with sincerity. I would also ask how you reconcile your view of Israel in light of Genesis 12:3 and Numbers 24:9.

“I will bless those who bless you, I will curse anyone who treats you with contempt, and all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

‭‭Genesis‬ ‭12‬:‭3‬ ‭CSB‬‬


“He crouches, he lies down like a lion or a lioness — who dares to rouse him? Those who bless you will be blessed, and those who curse you will be cursed.”

‭‭Numbers‬ ‭24‬:‭9‬ ‭CSB‬‬


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I wrote a piece for LifeSiteNews on how Christians are treated in the Holy Land. I suppose that would be my answer to your question.

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Jun 21Liked by Frank Wright

Your assigned hasbarah agent is pretty weak

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Author

I guess they have their hands full at the moment. Anal month has been quiet too. It’s a busy time for our Greatest Ally.

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Today's Jews are not God's "Chosen People". The Israel of the Old Covenant ended when the Jews shouted "His blood be upon us and our children!". "Isrsel" today exists as the Church.

The modern idea that a Jewish state in Palestine is essential (what we call Zionism) was created by exiled Jews from Russia with the support (and money) from Lord Nathaniel Rothschild, who hired "Christian occultists" to create a "theology" that would get Christians, especially American Christians, on board with the Zionist idea.

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Aaron you could not be more wrong. Replacement theology is a lie from the pit of hell, and I suggest you get involved in some serious Bible study before you find yourself on the wrong side of the end times. Maybe the people in Israel since 1947 don’t all know what tribe they are from, but you can be absolutely sure that God protected and returned a remnant from each tribe, because He doesn’t lie and He will be choosing 12,000 from each tribe before the end to preach his word. The Israelites rejected Jesus for the most part, this is true, but that was also foretold so that we, the gentiles, would be GRAFTED IN, NOT REPLACE THEM. They, most of them, will not believe en masse until the final years. Nothing the Rothchilds or other globalist hell spawn do is going to change that.

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You having a bad day, Frank?

Pop outside and smell the roses.

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I am happy as a lark Stuffers - I just think the nutters have painted themselves into a rainbow-striped corner, and I think they might hit the panic button as a result.

This is notlol, but if it is to be - so be it. The memes will be lit.

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Jun 21Liked by Frank Wright

Gallows humor has always been a favorite of mine

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