You make a good observation. Those who rule us, and their minions who do the actual destroying, are impervious to facts and data and observation. This is because they have a vision, they see what the world can become and are incensed you insist on dealing with reality, the world as it actually is.
A mundane example; we object to more unwanted bicycle lanes being built when people are losing their jobs and going hungry. Surely the money could be better spent elsewhere. They see a carbon-neutral future you are actively blocking with your objections.
It is a world that exists inside their heads only. And we must understand these are the types that will eradicate anyone who challenges that vision. Truly deranged and dangerous. How did this take hold so effectively in the West? Why do we seem so susceptible to this?
Why did it take hold? The notional is now supposed superior to the actual. Better than reality is the basic prejudice of progress.
The notion is presumed to be perfect, and working back from that, disagreement is not just stupidity but harm: personal and collective harm. It is an insult to perfection.
Vanity and the western eye is a reasonable theme to explain why this took hold. Western art as Kenneth Clark pointed out showed how we wished to be godlike. That of Africa, he said, was about the terror of other people.
Both may lead to barbarism in their extremes. Our intellectual culture today is a sort of professional exercise in vanity. We have petulant dandies, not serious people. For this reason I keep a collection of wigs - in order to fit in.
I agree with this. Our intellectual betters are interested in demonstrating their superiority at every turn. All these objections about destroying life are a clear sign you are backward.
"Vanity and the western eye is a reasonable theme to explain why this took hold." Nah. You need a much more concerted effort than this. I'm an American, born and bred, stock of the Founding Fathers, no home but the USA. But my "western eye" has no tolerance for this reatardery.
Brilliant piece. Lynch would not have thought for a second how his life would unravel and demise in such a short time for holding a placard. I wonder if there will be jail time for the thuggish Amesbury - no laughing at the back. This intellectualising about the evil we are being subjected to, do you think it started with de Sade Frank?
Lynch is a martyr for the cause of the truth. We should never let him be forgotten.
I think procedure will process Amesbury, and An Example Will Be Made. He may not resign, but he will probably return after a suspension when his victim is paid off and the news has cycled on to the budget and/or war.
I don't think it began with De Sade. I think the "Divine Marquis" significant for the object lesson he provides in the fruit of delimited desire. His jaded appetite, following the ticking off of a shopping list of depravities, foreshadows the affectless gaze of the modern grazer - for whom life is a series of disappointing transactions. All promise and no satisfaction, that life.
The story of evil is as old as man. This is a later chapter. As history cycles from one season to the next, the pace of everything accelerates, including sin. This also includes the imperative towards the truth.
What I'm curious about is why. Why do these "progressives" think they have the golden key? I see it. I know people like this - who think they're better, who are intellectually lazy af but still think they have it all figured out. I think about people like Sam Harris, who I once admired but who now claim special privilege (wouldn't matter how many dead children Hunter had in his basement). They're allowed to break the rules because they are special. Where does this liberal chauvinism come from?
The Perfect Belief System is severally - the end of history in Fukuyama (consumerism plus elections), and the Enlightenment belief in the replacement of God with Reason.
It appeals to people's vanity. They are the enlightened, you the crooked timber.
The ethnonarcissism of Sam Harris is another question. Remember that none of the "New Atheists" were mentioned in John Gray's excellent "Seven Types of Atheism", because neither Harris, Hitchens nor Dawkins had any serious ideas.
These people believe they are brighter because of what they believe. As I like to say, they consider belief in God ridiculous, but overlook the fact that the belief in Man is even more so.
"These people believe they are brighter because of what they believe. As I like to say, they consider belief in God ridiculous, but overlook the fact that the belief in Man is even more so."
Yes. Is narcissism brought about by mass material prosperity THE cause? It can't be the Enlightenment except perhaps by osmosis, because those who rule us cannot think and do not read.
It would seem that allowing the midwit masses access to 'higher education' (really the purchase of credentials) has created a zombie army by means of which Davos Man rules over us.
I read it, and I did like it. Thank you! I go on about what you call the "Pathocracy" (a great term for the dread machine) in this week's episode of Faith & Reason on LSNTV.
Thank you. I do try my best and it is very encouraging to hear it is helpful.
I think the Regime is losing. It is dissolving. This is a dangerous moment but I think it will pass. It could ignite at any time, but it is my feeling it will not and we shall avoid nuclear disaster.
This will be an uncertain season. Still, there is much we can do. From non compliance to nonviolent direct action, and in taking civic responsibility into dutiful disobedience we may build the resilience and networks to replace the state on a local level.
I went on about this in “How to Fight Back” and (I think) “Civic Disobedience”. You can find them in the archive if you like. God bless and do not despair.
This is exactly the ethos of Mairon/ Sauron from Lord of the Rings. Everything would be perfect, if only he could completely direct others as extensions of his all-seeing will.
Those who noticed that the places he dwelt became wastelands must perforce have war levied upon them. In the end, even his willing servants must become slaves.
JRR Tolkien was a wise Catholic, who knew a thing or two about the Fall of Man.
Well yes - the ambition since the Total Information Awareness Program was an all-seeing eye. This was too controversial to be done by government, so it was done by Facebook and Google instead.
"These two cults are Bolshevism and Zionism. The first rules the radicals, the second rules the establishment."
These two cults are the two wings of Jewish supremacism: the globalist Trotskyites who want to rape and enslave or murder all the goyim(humans) everywhere now, and the Israelites, who don't at all disagree, but first want to finish raping and enslaving or murdering all the goyim(humans) in 'Eretz Israel' and finish draining the West dry of guns and money, securing their Judeobastion, and then rape and enslave or murder all the goyim(humans).
Humans (other than those in 'Eretz Israel') are slightly better off with the Israelite wing (owners of Trump and the GOP) than with the Judeo-Trotskyist wing (owners of the 'Democrats'), if one considers it better to ba raped and enslaved or killed later rather than sooner.
As well you should! As any rightXXXXXLeft-thinking person would. I tried denouncing myself, but Nosferatu would give me nary a shekel, cheap bastard. If you accept any less than 1mn shekels, I'll be miffed.
'globalism' is the root problem,,,,but not economic globalism, rather our thinking we are on a spinning water ball in an infinite vacuum....add to that 'atoms', 'climate change', 'dinosaurs', 'viruses'.....
in short, as dostoevsky said, believing lies is the root source of evil....and very few have the spirit to face this be free mankind only has to live in reality,,,,but we have been conditioned to be scared of reality,,,,so we keep holding on to what we want to believe.....instead: let's play pretend,,,forever/..
Ok, I just read a summary of The Magic Mountain. Yes, I did read the whole thing a while back. And yes, the protagonist does go off to war where it is presumed he dies a futile death in the war. That seems to be an apt denouement for today's WEF inmate and Schwab an apt characterization of the mad psychiatrist who runs the sanatarium. This today is how sane people view Davos isn't it?
I think its foreshadowed but not told. No surprises there. Thomas Mann's books are all threnodic. I would not recommend any of them. Tonio Kroger is at least short, if you must.
I have read Buddenbrooks and Dr. Faustus. Threnodic indeed. Just posted another comment on MM/Davos. Actually seems to match quite well with Schwab/Davos. An apt set of symbols for plutocracy which ultimately is a death/suicide cult. Personally I am becoming deeply appreciative of St. Paul. I think Christianity might set aside childish things, go back to Paul, and start again. A tent maker. What a symbol.
You make a good observation. Those who rule us, and their minions who do the actual destroying, are impervious to facts and data and observation. This is because they have a vision, they see what the world can become and are incensed you insist on dealing with reality, the world as it actually is.
A mundane example; we object to more unwanted bicycle lanes being built when people are losing their jobs and going hungry. Surely the money could be better spent elsewhere. They see a carbon-neutral future you are actively blocking with your objections.
It is a world that exists inside their heads only. And we must understand these are the types that will eradicate anyone who challenges that vision. Truly deranged and dangerous. How did this take hold so effectively in the West? Why do we seem so susceptible to this?
Why did it take hold? The notional is now supposed superior to the actual. Better than reality is the basic prejudice of progress.
The notion is presumed to be perfect, and working back from that, disagreement is not just stupidity but harm: personal and collective harm. It is an insult to perfection.
Vanity and the western eye is a reasonable theme to explain why this took hold. Western art as Kenneth Clark pointed out showed how we wished to be godlike. That of Africa, he said, was about the terror of other people.
Both may lead to barbarism in their extremes. Our intellectual culture today is a sort of professional exercise in vanity. We have petulant dandies, not serious people. For this reason I keep a collection of wigs - in order to fit in.
I agree with this. Our intellectual betters are interested in demonstrating their superiority at every turn. All these objections about destroying life are a clear sign you are backward.
"Vanity and the western eye is a reasonable theme to explain why this took hold." Nah. You need a much more concerted effort than this. I'm an American, born and bred, stock of the Founding Fathers, no home but the USA. But my "western eye" has no tolerance for this reatardery.
Thank you, Frank. This was an excellent essay.
Cheers TI. We are all in the asylum, but we are not obliged to go insane.
Brilliant piece. Lynch would not have thought for a second how his life would unravel and demise in such a short time for holding a placard. I wonder if there will be jail time for the thuggish Amesbury - no laughing at the back. This intellectualising about the evil we are being subjected to, do you think it started with de Sade Frank?
Lynch is a martyr for the cause of the truth. We should never let him be forgotten.
I think procedure will process Amesbury, and An Example Will Be Made. He may not resign, but he will probably return after a suspension when his victim is paid off and the news has cycled on to the budget and/or war.
I don't think it began with De Sade. I think the "Divine Marquis" significant for the object lesson he provides in the fruit of delimited desire. His jaded appetite, following the ticking off of a shopping list of depravities, foreshadows the affectless gaze of the modern grazer - for whom life is a series of disappointing transactions. All promise and no satisfaction, that life.
The story of evil is as old as man. This is a later chapter. As history cycles from one season to the next, the pace of everything accelerates, including sin. This also includes the imperative towards the truth.
What I'm curious about is why. Why do these "progressives" think they have the golden key? I see it. I know people like this - who think they're better, who are intellectually lazy af but still think they have it all figured out. I think about people like Sam Harris, who I once admired but who now claim special privilege (wouldn't matter how many dead children Hunter had in his basement). They're allowed to break the rules because they are special. Where does this liberal chauvinism come from?
The Perfect Belief System is severally - the end of history in Fukuyama (consumerism plus elections), and the Enlightenment belief in the replacement of God with Reason.
It appeals to people's vanity. They are the enlightened, you the crooked timber.
The ethnonarcissism of Sam Harris is another question. Remember that none of the "New Atheists" were mentioned in John Gray's excellent "Seven Types of Atheism", because neither Harris, Hitchens nor Dawkins had any serious ideas.
These people believe they are brighter because of what they believe. As I like to say, they consider belief in God ridiculous, but overlook the fact that the belief in Man is even more so.
"These people believe they are brighter because of what they believe. As I like to say, they consider belief in God ridiculous, but overlook the fact that the belief in Man is even more so."
Yes. Is narcissism brought about by mass material prosperity THE cause? It can't be the Enlightenment except perhaps by osmosis, because those who rule us cannot think and do not read.
It would seem that allowing the midwit masses access to 'higher education' (really the purchase of credentials) has created a zombie army by means of which Davos Man rules over us.
Typo? "prophet and loss"
no lol
Maybe I should have explained they prophesy a paradise and deliver loss. Soz.
The age of reason has produced monsters
The death of reason shall produce magic
Especially this one:
I read it, and I did like it. Thank you! I go on about what you call the "Pathocracy" (a great term for the dread machine) in this week's episode of Faith & Reason on LSNTV.
I put the boot into Cromwell. Again.
Brilliant. You may like my writing:
Brilliant Frank, thank you for your work.
Reassuring to know that there are people out there who know what evil we face but know how we fight back and dismantle them
Thank you. I do try my best and it is very encouraging to hear it is helpful.
I think the Regime is losing. It is dissolving. This is a dangerous moment but I think it will pass. It could ignite at any time, but it is my feeling it will not and we shall avoid nuclear disaster.
This will be an uncertain season. Still, there is much we can do. From non compliance to nonviolent direct action, and in taking civic responsibility into dutiful disobedience we may build the resilience and networks to replace the state on a local level.
I went on about this in “How to Fight Back” and (I think) “Civic Disobedience”. You can find them in the archive if you like. God bless and do not despair.
You're a great man sir 🙏🏼
We're gona win
This is exactly the ethos of Mairon/ Sauron from Lord of the Rings. Everything would be perfect, if only he could completely direct others as extensions of his all-seeing will.
Those who noticed that the places he dwelt became wastelands must perforce have war levied upon them. In the end, even his willing servants must become slaves.
JRR Tolkien was a wise Catholic, who knew a thing or two about the Fall of Man.
Well yes - the ambition since the Total Information Awareness Program was an all-seeing eye. This was too controversial to be done by government, so it was done by Facebook and Google instead.
In fact, Herman Kahn at the Hudson Institute proposed this in the 70s. Kubrick modelled Dr Strangelove on him.
Joe Katzman from Vox Day, Joe?
Whatever disagreements Vox and I have, I recommend Castalia's books highly. Classic texts done beautifully for the ages, esp. Discourses on Livy.
With the Legend on board as well, Bane walks on. And it's nice to talk to people who know what you mean when you say "it's time for Sulla to return."
"These two cults are Bolshevism and Zionism. The first rules the radicals, the second rules the establishment."
These two cults are the two wings of Jewish supremacism: the globalist Trotskyites who want to rape and enslave or murder all the goyim(humans) everywhere now, and the Israelites, who don't at all disagree, but first want to finish raping and enslaving or murdering all the goyim(humans) in 'Eretz Israel' and finish draining the West dry of guns and money, securing their Judeobastion, and then rape and enslave or murder all the goyim(humans).
Humans (other than those in 'Eretz Israel') are slightly better off with the Israelite wing (owners of Trump and the GOP) than with the Judeo-Trotskyist wing (owners of the 'Democrats'), if one considers it better to ba raped and enslaved or killed later rather than sooner.
I am reporting this comment to Jonathan Greenblatt who will see to it that you are appropriately disprivileged.
As well you should! As any rightXXXXXLeft-thinking person would. I tried denouncing myself, but Nosferatu would give me nary a shekel, cheap bastard. If you accept any less than 1mn shekels, I'll be miffed.
Justice is its own reward - as Mr Greenblatt likes to say.
'globalism' is the root problem,,,,but not economic globalism, rather our thinking we are on a spinning water ball in an infinite vacuum....add to that 'atoms', 'climate change', 'dinosaurs', 'viruses'.....
in short, as dostoevsky said, believing lies is the root source of evil....and very few have the spirit to face this be free mankind only has to live in reality,,,,but we have been conditioned to be scared of reality,,,,so we keep holding on to what we want to believe.....instead: let's play pretend,,,forever/..
'the sooner we realise
we cover ourselves with lies.....'
trent reznor ....(love is not enough)
Ok, I just read a summary of The Magic Mountain. Yes, I did read the whole thing a while back. And yes, the protagonist does go off to war where it is presumed he dies a futile death in the war. That seems to be an apt denouement for today's WEF inmate and Schwab an apt characterization of the mad psychiatrist who runs the sanatarium. This today is how sane people view Davos isn't it?
Yes, a bunch of loonies whose remedy is doom, likely to be savoured by themselves.
Thanks Frank. As I recall the protagonist in the Magic Mountain ended up as cannon fodder in the trenches of World War I. Am I wrong about that?
I think its foreshadowed but not told. No surprises there. Thomas Mann's books are all threnodic. I would not recommend any of them. Tonio Kroger is at least short, if you must.
I have read Buddenbrooks and Dr. Faustus. Threnodic indeed. Just posted another comment on MM/Davos. Actually seems to match quite well with Schwab/Davos. An apt set of symbols for plutocracy which ultimately is a death/suicide cult. Personally I am becoming deeply appreciative of St. Paul. I think Christianity might set aside childish things, go back to Paul, and start again. A tent maker. What a symbol.
I think you would get on well with Prof. Paunio. His work on the occult madness at the WEF and UN, and in the Green mob generally, is peerless.
It’s all so tragic
It must be wild to write original thoughts and analysis, and then have tards on the internet comment and complain about poetry.