I am very close to being doom pilled. But I refuse. We must be happy warriors. Look forwards to the return to sanity piece.

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This whole charade is ending In ignominy and not in success.

This is good news in itself, but what is more is the end of the ideology of fantasy which has animated the west for three decades is the main reason nonsense like this has reached its sell-by date.

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I see Wilders has won in Holland. And the EU is ending national vetos. As you predicted, Bonapartism seems to be coming. All I have is maniacal laughter.

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Champions of the people will emerge and win as most now realise the liberal establishment is not only corrupt but its own rules forbid any remedy.

These champions of the people may be good, bad, or a curates egg- good in parts.

I doubt wilders will become PM or even form a government. Rutte is caretaker till next year - perhaps indefinitely.

It took him 300 days to form his last coalition.

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If the politicians are kept arguing amongst themselves then I suppose it at least no bad laws are being made.

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To think, Wilders was seen as somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan only a few years ago. Every nation has their breaking point.

Wilders best trait is his bluntness. He takes no prisoners.

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I’m watching France with great interest. How much more are they going to take. Of course, France being France it is always a contest between two shades of collectivism.

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Their saving grace is the police have not succumbed to woke and show signs of patriotism. They were ready for civil war in summer.

And we can rely on the New French to not behave themselves. Plus the contagion. As soon as it becomes fashionable in one European country to deport en masse, even the Netherlands, then I suspect contagion will follow.

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Yes. I see the Swedes have had enough, and when the land Billy bookcases loses patience, you know the jog is up.

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I've tried it, didn't fit me, I couldn't make it make sense. The world has seen such insanity for so long as to make now really no different. So why doom out? That is simply not accepting reality.

The challenge isn't to be good in good times, the challenge is to be good when it all sucks.

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My cope is the money. How much does it all cost them, Daily Wire included? It is a measure of the artificiality of it. Compare to Brexit and Trump's victory, both organic albeit with committed campaigners.

Anything needing artificial mega-funding is not destined to last.

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Luxury beliefs whose propagation is funded by the supernaturally wealthy.

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Indeed. Bored dilettantes in many cases. Or religious oddballs perhaps.

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I was going for nuclear war obsessed child rapists.

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I think you mean the diplomatically-impaired minor attracted persons, no?

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Apologies, my bad. I will educate myself.

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The Daily Wire. We now see even Candace Owens has had enough. Shapiro lost his mind and in doing so exposed his true motives, not that they were hard to spot.

I note these kinds of shows, including Denis Prager's various appearances, take their lead from the mainstream. They look like TV studios. All this in an era when the media landscape is fragmenting. I think regular TV shows look old fashioned to many. Why listen to a scripted rant from a talking head when you can watch a real riot live?

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Frank Wright

Shapiro said the "quiet part" outloud when he admitted he was only in the US to despoil us of resources and wealth, while his REAL love is Israel.

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Oh it’s worse than that. He goes full apocalypse at one point, using the Hebrew name for the Temple he wishes to rebuild. He’s an armageddonist. BUT HE OWNS THE LIBS FRANK DON’T SAY ITS GORDON TABLETSON TOO NOOO HOW WILL I WASH MY GENTLEMAN’S AREA WITHOUT HIM NOOO

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It is definitely playing a part in eroding the influence of Jews in the US. The ADL aren't doing too well either. Plus all those Gen Z protestors chanting slogans. Perhaps we are seeing a realignment of those who have dominated the media for a long time.

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Oh definitely a sea change. Yes. We inhabit an accelerating narrative collapse.

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His comments about mass immigration also came back to haunt him. It didn't help with the JQ people when he dramatically expressed concern about immigration once they realized the complexion of the people holding a lot of cardboard signs.

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Frank Wright

I got into researching the occult and mystery religions when I was in my early 20s. Never did any gay rituals and it ended up leading me back and bringing me closer to Christ. Your takedown of Juden Pederstein is spot on. He absolutely is a theosophist. All that new age/occult bullshit is the same. It's the first lie- that you can become a god.

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Fantastic, top notch writing and ideas. Very good analysis of Jordan Peterson.

Jordan started out reassuring and tame in the beginning, telling kids they should make their beds and clean their rooms. That I could get behind.

Then he went totally insane on meth and began eating boiled beef and did nothing but weep incessantly like a menstruating woman for years.

That's all just prologue before he REALLY WENT NUTS.

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Vox Day did a deeper dive on his occult influences which I was told about by a reader and subscriber here - Ahnaf ibn Qais.

I was sent the stuff by Vox Day on Peterson by an editor I worked for last year, but never read it all.

I was just struck when hearing Petersons ARC speech at the strong parallels to the Thelemic idea of the self and of its role in the world.

Aside from this Peterson’s mind has melted under his exposure to fame, and is an object lesson in how mass media culture warps a man.

Just look at him. It’s sad, I feel sorry for him, but what he is pushing is evil.

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Also thank you for your high praise. I lose subscribers paid and not for investigating the belief systems of the so-called conservatives, so your remarks are warmly appreciated.

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If you expose all the false flags on the right pretending to be conservatives, you can expect to lose half your subscribers. Hopefully once you start to reach your target audience you will discover far better adherents who are more than willing to support your writing indefinitely.

P.S. We should all be suspicious of any author who has to cry every time he speaks, it's a sign he is so immersed in self-pity that most of his message is designed to get validation from others. I do it sometimes and dwell too much on the fact my life has seemed hard. The truth is that everybody's life is hard but a man really devoted to truth will realize his own fate is less important than his whole civilization and our ideals in the West. Got to stop crying at some point and man up. I don't think that is ever going to happen with Peterson.

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Sometimes I write about propaganda methods and their development.

If you want to gain mass appeal what you must do is attach positive feelings to your product.

The products quality - and whether it is in fact bad for you - is irrelevant.

In this game the attachment of feelings of superior wisdom and a sense of personal destiny magnified by a quasi-divine purpose is a winning formula. To make emotional displays is to appeal to the emotionally motivated.

For all the talk of facts and feelings the substance of these grifters is an appeal to the need for personal significance: to feel important and better - wiser - than someone else.

It is the sale of a synthetic identity - a consolation prize for the near total destruction of meaningful human scale relations in mass society.

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I would describe that as near perfect analysis of every single pop culture phenomenon of "wisdom" we have right now in the West. Real wisdom has been replaced with emotional appeals that feel right. Otherwise you're losing the females altogether to support your cause. I have Dr. Phil on television downstairs when reading this and can hear him canvassing for applause every minute or so from his audience clapping like seals for something he has said that somehow seems authentic but is really just an empty sentiment. It is a game and if you want to win the most money you go for quantity of sentiments and not quality of the message itself. This is why I figure anybody who is actually a good writer needs to be patient and appreciate it takes a while to build a group of people who think your writing warrants supporting it.

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What Wut? You are putting a cap on Doom? But why? ;-P

In seriousness: Love your writing my friend, keep it up!

And yes, the mark of the believer is to shun Despair & believe in the Will of Allah Most High and All that it has Predestined; be it Good or Ill.

For He is Most Gracious & Most Wise.

Addendum: There will definitely be “sanity” returning soon. The only question is… what will be the REM reading outside when it does? :-’P

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Frank Wright

Give 'em hell Frank, but please don't take Candace from me.

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Oh no. Candace struck back with her recent contribution which was a clear move against BS. You can have your Candace. She’s not a baddie in my book.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Frank Wright

I think Gordon Tabletson is a figment and I'm deeply suspicious that no one else reading this Substack seems remotely interested who he is, despite his various mysterious mentions. I think this entire Substack and everyone on it was created to mess with my head. That's how important I am.

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You got me Colin - but it looks like I got you first.

The insoluble mystery of the LOL and the NOTLOL strikes again.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Frank Wright

I always knew I was special. You were right, Mum...you were right.

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FaR RiGhT HiTleRy EviLdOeRz

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