Today I go on about why we are not all going to die in a massive war, and what is likely to happen before we all pop our clogs anyway.
I am on about the production of mass culture and its effects here, with reference to the present crisis and the near future beyond it.
There is not going to be a nuclear war in Europe.
There are good reasons for this, and I have explained them here. Click the image.
It makes me unpopular to say so, but we are not all doomed.
Today I will explain how the end of the world is a useful concept - aside from being weapons-grade clickbait.
It is now being used to sell the ruling order to its increasingly sceptical populations through mass hysteria.
I will also say “buyer beware” to what is coming as the New World Order dissolves. Good times, bad times, lol and notlol. Und so weiter1.
I also go on about cultural production, because we inhabit a machinery of make-belief and that ain’t goin’ nowhere.
Nuclear War - Beatlemania for NATO?
Cultural Production Will Continue
Cultural Products Like “Winning is for Losers”
Cultural Products Like “Heroic Suicide”
Cultural Products Like Ignorance as Power
The Future: New Zionist Order?
A Second Wave of Disenchantment
You may have noticed in recent years that scaring people to death is a very effective way of getting them to believe - and do - crazy things.
People hated you for not getting those injections because that is what the television told them to do.
Now the telly is telling you that there is going to be a nuclear war with Russia. Well, there isn’t.
The baddies are trying to provoke an all-out war because that is the only play they have left.
The outbreak of peace in Ukraine is a death sentence to the liberal-global order. This is why they are trying to
Tell you Russia is the Big Problem
And there is going to be a great big war
Ukraine is full of dirty secrets, some of which you already know about, and some you don’t.
Most of the people who have invested in this war and its purpose are finished when it stops, and this all comes out.
Nuclear war is an advert for NATO, which is going to be put to sleep by Bad Orange Man. Russia is the bogeyman, NATO the saviour.
If Russia chooses to destroy itself instead of winning, then NATO wins. This is obviously not going to happen, but the television is telling you it might, so you cheer for NATO and the Empire for which it fights.
NATO, as my doctored image above shows, is GAY.
It is, more seriously, an “ideological bureaucracy”.
This is an organisation like Google or the Synodal “Catholic Church” which uses the prestige and power of its stated purpose to advance the liberal-global agenda.
NATO is the military wing of the Gay Empire of Lies. After Ukraine, it is finished.
And so is the rest of the old New World Order.
You will get a Zionist anti-woke cultural product instead.
You will learn nothing and you will be happy.
This is because our mass culture is mass produced. Here are a few observations about that.
Donald Trump is delighted about all this talk because he will appear as the saviour of the world when he puts a stop to it.
Even Putin is talking about the fact - and it probably is a fact - that people want to kill Trump to stop him stopping the war.
If “they” do kill him, this will not save the war from its certain end.
This is also true, because the war is not about Ukraine, nor even just about money and minerals. It is the beating heart of the whole rotten system at the moment. Think of the ruling elite as a gambler who has pushed all their chips into the Borderlands.
They are being tossed away by a man with a suspiciously perpetual cold.
This man Zelensky is described as Churchill, who handed our empire away. When this happened after wars we used to call it “losing”.
All the right-populists -the immediate future of Western politics- are Zionists. Theirs is the big chance of the moment, and they know that the truth about Ukraine is the end of their rivals. This truth will out.
Losing is winning these days. Look around you for the result of winning wars. What have we lost, where did it start? The First World War was the beginning of the end of our old civilisation.
The liberal system which replaced it manufactures culture to promote and preserve its power. Part of this is war talk. The culture industry was one product of the revolutionary destruction of WW1.
The same propaganda men who sold that war to Americans went on to sell them cigarettes, bacon and eggs, women’s liberation and liberal democracy.
Our side partnered with the Bolsheviks, remember. To counter their competing explanation of reality, we got postwar managerialism and Organised Political Warfare. This made the corporate and consumer cultures an instrument of ideological propaganda and power.
What this means is most of the mass culture which shaped you is a product.
A counterfeit, if you like. Our history is reproduced accordingly, as are all our beliefs. It sells nothing that is dangerous to the management, and though the product range is vast, it is becoming obviously derivative.
None of its promises have come true. People don’t believe in it like they used to. And so, again, to fear.
Our system has become an hero, as the internet says. This means it has committed suicide. The tasteless memephrase above is used because it frames the ultimate act of self destruction as heroism, and also as a sick joke.
All the policies promoted by the globalist culture industry promote a form of heroic suicide.
Killing babies is an obvious way of sabotaging your future. Killing your nation is another. Killing the family, and other norms. Killing yourself after you transition. Killing yourself when you are old. Killing people in wars. Killing Christ.
These are all celebrated as progress.
No one else seems to point out that regime change abroad changed regimes at home. One elephant in this room is that mass migration was powered by the destruction of Libya and Iraq.
There is a clever point to be made here about how all the promises of liberal liberation reduce to annihilation, but the broader point here is that the maximum power of the system has been exceeded by reality.
This power is the power to manufacture belief, which, when it succeeds, can replace reality in people’s heads with itself.
No amount of make-belief can save the system now. And so, once again, to fear.
People who blaspheme against the secular religion and its totems are called ignorant.
People who disbelieve propaganda are misinformed.
It is not ignorance but knowledge which produces “hate speech”2.
“Misinformation” is usually just information that is missing from the official version of events.
To notice the obvious is a sort of crime, and you can be cursed for doing so. This extremely superstitious behaviour is normal. It is now part of our culture.
People are cancelled by the “left” and the “right” for doing so.
Expect to be cancelled for antisemitism under the NZO. You will be able to laugh at trannies with Ben Shapiro3 though.
We in the West are undergoing a period of buyer’s remorse. Everything our system of freedom and consumerism has sold us is suspected to be a fake.
This is more true than anything its cultural products will tell you.
The next big idea is also a fake. You will probably be and feel better off. The wars will stop, until they decide whether China was just a bone to throw the military industrial complex, or a serious pivot to another escalation to war.
I think the religious loonies will be replaced in Israel with secular loonies. They will get more money and weapons than before but they won’t get a war with Iran.
A second wave of disenchantment will swiftly follow the one we are seeing now. After that, things will get really interesting.
There are serious dangers in provoking Russia to launch its nuclear arsenal but in order to do so, it must play along.
Why would the Russians throw away a future in which they get almost everything they want?4
Aside from this, NATO is not a serious force without the US. Elvis is leaving the building.
Most of the war hysteria is Beatlemania for an act no one likes.
It is yet another campaign for domestic consumption, a final gambit to legitimise an industry of death, usury, plunder, propaganda, censorship and counter-Christianity which has brought us to the brink of an existential moment: either we survive, or them. That is the meaning of the pitch.
The main target audience of Western propaganda is the domestic population.
The leadership in the West, as in Israel, relies on the wars never ending.
Immediate peace is fatal to this model, but not to the next. This is an improvement of sorts. If remigration follows - even better.
War with Russia is the final bargain GAYTO is offering to revive the product line.
Almost three years ago, with my first post on here, I said NATO stood for No Alternative To Obsolescence.
The military wing of liberal-globalism is now going out of business. These people are your enemies. Have a look at your new friends5.
Two ideas are at war here. One strongly resembles a Western order of “Judeo-Christian” nationalism, the other a world dominated by rainbow techno-bolshevism.
This fool’s bargain is the result of a hundred years of cultural production.
If you would like more of this sort of thing, consider doing this.
If you think others would, you can do this too.
The future is going to be very interesting and I am certain we all have one.
Enjoy your weekend.
It is important to learn another language, even if you are not very good at it (like my German). It is curious to find out that the same things are conjured by very different, or sometimes very similar, sounds. The pictures in your head they produce are not identical with the ones you call your own.
I am doing another post on this. More later.
There will be a new security architecture involving Russia in Europe. It will sell gas and oil to Europe again.
Europe dies without this, and there is no stability for either Russia or Europe in the absence of good Russo-German relations. It has won its war in Ukraine, and Europe has been rekt. I do not believe Russia will invade Europe. I think this is also a meme for promoting NATO etc. If you care, all the combat estimates since WW2 said Russia could only be stopped with nukes. It would have won a land war at the height of NATO power in Europe, and now is not then. Russia has problems of its own and though its army would very likely win, the result would not be peace to say the least.
If the Russians were into the same insane gambits pursued by Liberal Democracy we would all be dead by now. Putin’s thesis was on the strategic power of oil and gas, and he is a managerialist - not Hitler. This is an example of Grand Strategy. Escalation, red line edging etc are tactics.
Finally, Europe has defeated itself with its disarmament (reliance on US), sanctions, pipeline kaboom and so on. The current leadership has led us here.
Blah blah blah Schmittian “friend and enemy” blah blah yeah I will go on about this later. In brief, the “permanent state of denial” of Liberalism is not going to be resolved by the New Dispensation, but simply replaced with a new denialism. A lot of things will get better if they do them, but not this.
I believe the Internet is destroying the weaponization of language. Propaganda reached its zenith in the 20th century with broadcast radio and television. The Internet is taking us back to the Stone Age, ironically. It’s kind of like the tower of Babel was destroyed by everybody speaking all at once in different languages, and nobody could keep building, because the they couldn’t be commanded or ordered about by a central voice. Can the Internet itself survive the destruction of the old command and control systems that built it?
WW3 is already taking place - yes it doesn't neccesarily look like the images of war we have in our head. It has to be fairly catestrophic to cover up the financial reset. Putin wll play his part.