You are living through regime change in the West
This change will be permanent
It is aimed at the total destruction of liberal power
It’s happening
Today’s report is about what is not yet in “the news”.
I explain what is happening in the world, and how much - and how quickly - things are going to change. Everything, for the better in the main, and fast.
How do I know this? I have spoken to people who made the policies which are now making these changes.
I include a briefing on what “realism” is, which is the new diplomacy replacing the old. It is based on the recognition of the national interest.
UKRAINE - mafia state revelations oh my
RUSSIA - your new security partner
ISRAEL - saved from itself?
THE DOOMED EU - dubbel lol
The only real question about the Trump Administration is - do they mean it?
The answer is yes.
This is a historic change in the way the West is ruled at home, and how it conducts itself abroad. It was made urgently necessary by the severe crisis produced by liberal globalism, and is being secured by the total destruction of that system nationally and internationally.
Sooner or later all the old globalist organisations will go.
NATO, the EU, the WEF, even the fake and gay modern “Church” - and all the liberal-globalist governments. It’s over.
You live in a newer world order now. Change has come. Winter is over and now every day feels like Christmas.
Peace is coming. This deal was arranged long ago.
Russia will no longer be “the enemy”
Renewed trade, energy deals
No NATO in Ukraine
No NATO at all for that matter
And Russia will keep the land it took
I am not at liberty to say how I know what I know about Ukraine, but there is an avalanche of filth about to pour out of that corrupt hellhole.
You should remember that war also takes place in the media whenever the killing fields are fertilised.
This means we have all been lied to for the past few years about Ukraine.
When the music stops the truth comes out and it is very, very ugly indeed.
There will be peace in Ukraine. There will be peace with Russia, and trade, and solid relations with a new order in Germany and Europe.
The political class of the Regime is implicated in very serious crimes in Ukraine.
These crimes will be used to destroy them.
For an explanation of US Ukraine policy, and the realism which now shapes the West, see this article I wrote yesterday. Skip to the second half.
The British State is totally corrupt
Decades of criminal practice has produced chaos and ruin
This will be the last liberal-global government
Is Donald Trump seeking regime change in the UK as Alastair Crooke says?
It certainly looks like it.
Britain’s rotten state is the subject of a very long report1 I have written. I will publish it soon.
I have held off doing so because it removes any reason to believe in the law, in justice, in our police, military or public officials. A barrel of laffs it is not.
Before I publish it, I would like to remind you that Keir Starmer’s government will be replaced, sooner or later, with a national populist one - which aligns with the new Imperial Agenda.
Keep your head and prepare for power. The world that is coming will have need of good men and women.
All the nations of the West will be Trumpian sooner or later. This is inevitable. You live in an Empire and there is a new dynasty bringing a new world.
German elections next month
AfD no longer “firewalled” by likely coalition partner
Musk says “Only AfD can save Germany”
The AfD is ahead of all the parties of the failed liberal coalition, which collapsed last November - after collapsing Germany’s economy.
Until this week the AfD were “firewalled” - no party would work with them.
The “conservative” CDU voted with the AfD to secure immigration controls and moves towards deportations this week.
The CDU is top of the polls, the AfD second. It is first across East Germany.
These two parties will form the next government of Germany following the elections next month.
Elon Musk has been accused of election interference for repeatedly saying “Only the AfD can save Germany”. It looks like they now will, and his “planned revolution” will take place.
You are living through regime change in the West.
Starmer appears to be trying to drag the UK back into the EU by the back door. He is rumoured to be something of a back door man himself, so this should come as no surprise.
The EU is doomed, of course - as is NATO.
The American Emperor has signalled there will be little to no direct diplomacy with the EU, with contact preferred with nation states directly.
States like Hungary and Italy today, and with the rest when they fall in line tomorrow. Hungary’s leader, Orban , has said his politics were the future of Europe. It looks like he was right.
The EU has sabotaged its own economy and has no future. Its war is over.
There is no reason for the EU to exist in the new European security architecture, and so it won’t. It has done its utmost to escalate to war in Ukraine with Russia, and has nothing to offer.
Dr Maitra wrote the policy which is now shaping US/NATO realism. His ideas are shaping the new order.
He told me that there is no single “Europe”but several, and it is certainly not united in this fading “union”.
He is a realist, and so prefers to look at how things look in reality rather than on paper.
Diplomatic realists recognise national interests and strategic requirements and seek to balance them between powers.
The old system was “submit or die”. The new one is a balance between recognised national interests.
What do realists like him - whose “Dormant NATO” policy shaped that of Trump - believe?
“Human societies generally are conservative and they prefer primarily two things: order and rule of law in society, and the perceived safety of one’s own tribe.”
In an interview with me he said the US would get rid of all the ideological bureaucracies like NATO.
Everything he told me would happen is happening.
You can hear him explain the world order you now live in here:
Hungary’s Orban explained the rules on which the liberal order was based
“LGBT, open borders and war”.
He promoted his own Hungary as a model for the future politics of Europe.
This is
He said Europe must re-Christianise and preserve its national identities or it will die. He was right, and his politics is indeed that of the future. That future is now.
Trump will dump Netanyahu
The truth about him is coming out
There will be no Iran war
Peak Israel
Netanyahu is almost certainly finished. I think Trump will hang the albatross around his neck. Why?
Netanyahu is responsible for this war and most of the others the US has been involved in.
The US is now promoting world peace as a matter of national security.
I think this is peak Israel. Its influence will recede, as it is a busted flush.
How can you reconcile peace and the national interest with “America is Israel”?
I think this begins with Trump dumping Netanyahu.
The case against Netanyahu
Netanyahu has
Tried to drag the US into war with Iran for 40 years
Incited the murder of Yitzhak Rabin (who moved to create a Palestinian state)
Sought to destroy the “two state solution”
Supported Hamas for over a decade
Permitted October 7th to happen
Sabotaged every peace and hostage deal until now
Urged the US to attack Iraq, Libya, Syria
Dedicated his entire career to war
Netanyahu is dedicated to the death of peace. Peace is fatal to him.
He is currently in court facing corruption charges.
I think Trump will push for peace, which will push Netanyahu out.
In 2022 the former head of Mossad said Netanyahu is leading Israel into self destruction. Trump can dump him and declare himself Israel’s saviour.
I think he will, as I said he would last November.
Grifters hardest hit
Denial, bargaining, acceptance?
Expect “it’s all planned” to replace doom
A lot of it is, and it is very good news lol
Be kind to people who make a living from ragebait and fearposting
The liberal global order provided endless horrors to monetise.
As I predicted, nuclear war did not break out in Ukraine. A major war did not erupt in Iran. I do not think it will.
Society is not going to collapse, and the mass deportations have not only begun - but this meme is spreading throughout European politics.
There is a future for us all and it is within an American Empire which has realigned. With common sense, with pro-life and anti-war values. Rather like those of our Christian civilisation.
If you are sane, this is very good news.
If you make money by selling misery, it’s a problem. As all the madness stops, this business model will become obvious to you. You will stop buying it.
Some of these people are mentally ill and have been broken by the demoralising corruption of the old order.
Some are in a symbiotic relationship with that old order, feeding you amplified fear and apocalyptic nightmares as hot takes.
They are affiliate partners with the business model of liberal globalism.
Some grifts will shift. Some will never recover from their addiction to gloom.
Treat them with kindness.
We have inhabited a nightmare which is ending. Nightmare scenarios were not only likely, but a matter of policy. There is now an alternative to a system which said there were none.
The people who sold you reasons not to be cheerful will not go out of business. They will probably tell you everything is scripted, and this is all a show.
This is a child’s idea of reality. There are limits to power, as there are to the people who dream about limitless control.
If you know anyone in power it is obvious that complexity and dirigibility are a a tradeoff.
The more complex, the less anyone can direct any system. Minor problems lead to major malfunctions. Complexity produces a chaos all of its own.
This is usually produced by large scale efforts to manage societies into some rules-based order or other.
As we can see.
It is highly likely that the influence of artificial intelligence will increase. It is also looking very likely that you’ll like it.
If you think this means certain doom consider all these AI innovations were used in Israel and they have just lost their war regardless.
When I warn you about digital governance I am not dooming you, bro. I am not saying “nothing is real”, or “there is nothing to be happy about”.
I am saying “watch out”.
I think the old technique of governance is getting an update with the new technology of predictive artificial intelligence.
You should watch the Oracles closely, and see what their seeing stones- the Palantiri - can see and say about you.
The people behind big data were backed by the CIA in the main - and have replaced the power of that agency with their own in some ways.
I wrote about the digigarchs of the new order here.
I wrote about those of the old globalist order here.
I did a summary of what you can expect here (click the image for a link):
This is an example of the virtual replacing the real. Irrealism is one feature of the emerging order. We will either put the machine in its box, or it shall put us all in a box of its own. We will probably like this box, because it will be made out of our freely volunteered opinions. A form of indirect democracy if you like.
This is the populist moment. It will pass. This means power listens now, or at least it wishes to appear so. If you don’t like the thought of robot overlords, make this known to those who can do something about them.
Or make yourself into someone who can do it themselves.
Breaking: I am growing a moustache. This is not in order to enter politics, but to enrage my wife. Early signs are encouraging.
I report on decades of institutional permission for the most obscene crimes, alongside policies which have replaced order with chaos, common sense with madness, and the homelands we loved with a permanent state of emergency.
In Britain today, no one gets what they deserve. This is a matter of state policy, and our state is run by criminals and degenerates. It is evil, and its idea of justice is an organised hate crime on basic human decency.
This will pass. Do not cooperate with the enemy. Do not seek justice from its agents. Do not ruin your life in a moment of rage.
Expect to be frustrated. Expect to be victimised for being morally principled, happy, talented or successful in any way. Though the enemy will be extremely bitter, they are going to be completely demoralised and permanently locked out of power.
Just like you were.
Amazing to read such hopeful analysis. But I can't help feeling a sense of dread at the dark cloud of digital/ai control. You have said we have a limited time to determine who gets to control/set policy for it, but I don't see how that could happen. I learned in my time in the software industry that there is no such thing as bug-free software. It just can't be done. Also, that the godless and immoral or amoral people that are largely behind it would think it totally reasonable to provide themselves back doors into any systems created so that they could override anything they didn't like. That coupled with the unforeseeability of inevitable unforeseen consequences, could be disastrous. So, Frank, could you do your magic and explain us out of this? :-)
I must admit that your predictions on the direction of the global leviathan have been more accurate than any other I’ve seen online. having become quite cynical myself, I can’t help but notice the trend the West has been headed in the last two years. despite all the chaos, it’s been clear that the insanity of liberal globalism was coming to an end. I can’t say exactly when or how the change happens, but it’s clear we are in the “gradually, then all at once” stage.
as Thomas Carlyle said: No lie can live forever.