Amazing to read such hopeful analysis. But I can't help feeling a sense of dread at the dark cloud of digital/ai control. You have said we have a limited time to determine who gets to control/set policy for it, but I don't see how that could happen. I learned in my time in the software industry that there is no such thing as bug-free software. It just can't be done. Also, that the godless and immoral or amoral people that are largely behind it would think it totally reasonable to provide themselves back doors into any systems created so that they could override anything they didn't like. That coupled with the unforeseeability of inevitable unforeseen consequences, could be disastrous. So, Frank, could you do your magic and explain us out of this? :-)

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Haha! Automated death by algorithm was trialled in Israel and they still lost.

(No human input from surveillance to targeting and execution).

This is extreme, ofc - but worst case scenario is not total invincible domination. No one has advertised a counterforce, but measures do exist but now is not the time. We are not there yet.

This is battlespace of the brain stuff - if people cop for the security argument then we all lose our liberty.

I think there will be AI regulation as all this is rather Wild West atm, only it’s not the west it’s the CIA and a bunch of morally questionable Israelites.

On the plus side the whole MAGA jamboree is very much about populism and I doubt the facts of this ai transition will make it very popular.

Neither does “trialled in Israel” given the public image of the genocide state.

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Also Dr Hughes who warned of omniwar after “Covid-19” said we do have the option of opting out of most digital technology. And people will do so if it becomes tyrannical.

This is a good idea anyway as the internet seldom improves anyone.

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Except, of course, through your sage articles and substack!

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Too kind, Stan. I shall have to train some pigeons

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Presumably to deliver your articles to our doorsteps?

Also--you said:

"Sooner or later all the old globalist organisations will go.

NATO, the EU, the WEF, even the fake and gay modern “Church” - and all the liberal-globalist governments. It’s over."

Would love to hear some more detail about how you think the fake and gay modern "Church" will go and the authentic church return--seems pretty hopeless given the domination of the curia and the college of cardinals by mr. b's appointments....

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I must admit that your predictions on the direction of the global leviathan have been more accurate than any other I’ve seen online. having become quite cynical myself, I can’t help but notice the trend the West has been headed in the last two years. despite all the chaos, it’s been clear that the insanity of liberal globalism was coming to an end. I can’t say exactly when or how the change happens, but it’s clear we are in the “gradually, then all at once” stage.

as Thomas Carlyle said: No lie can live forever.

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Yes I didn’t come up with this myself and I was incredulous when I heard about such a grand Grand Strategy two years ago but here we are.

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Extraordinary intuition, and insight paired with experience, thoughtfulness, ....----probably never run out of adjectives for what’s coming and your guidance to get there!!! Hope everyone’s ready to pick up the pieces---I’ve been for some time!!! God Bless!!!

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I hope you have a jolly good weekend Ali!

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I pray that you're right, Frank, however I will remain skeptical until things truly change or I see evidence that the change is real. AIPAC still has a super-majority in Congress. Nutty Yahoo always seems to hang in there like herpes. Trump seems to want an NAU. My other hand always fills up before my hope hand...

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lol my other hand

Reminds me of the monkey house. In fact, since I have little kids, also of my own house.

I take it back. THIS IS NOTLOL. It is too close to home

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I feel your pain, good sir. My children are grown but those memories haven't faded.

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What's an NAU?

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North American Union

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Sounds reasonable!


This ->

"make money by selling misery, it’s a problem. As all the madness stops, this business model will become obvious to you. You will stop buying it.

Some of these people are mentally ill and have been broken by the demoralising corruption of the old order.

Some are in a symbiotic relationship with that old order, feeding you amplified fear and apocalyptic nightmares as hot takes.

They are affiliate partners with the business model of liberal globalism.

Some grifts will shift. Some will never recover from their addiction to gloom.

Treat them with kindness."

<- is why I stopped reading these know-it-all doomers who seem to relish demoralizing people and offering them no hope or optimism!

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Its a helluva drug

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@Observer……Amen! It gets so tiresome. Many times the comments section is full of them.

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Yes, both "sides" are hysterical, both belong to an order of chaos whose policies of brinkmanship and disaster by design are yesterday's news.

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This is indeed very sunny news on a very gloomy morning in my neck of the woods. Three cheers!

When will Bush and Cheney be extradited to Iraq to be tried? I hope they don't go squishy about the "ick" factor when handing down sentences.

FWIW, decades ago, the tests in my Pathology class would show us gruesome oral lesions and have a black bar across the individual's eyes to preserve his anonymity. Students always knew to narrow the answer down to a disease resulting from the totally normal lifestyle of the beloved gay community when the subject in question had a mustache. Just sayin'...

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I read that book about the anal lifestyle Mr Grace recommended. He warned me.

I didn’t listen and now it is all in my head.

Far worse than anyone could imagine.

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Indeed, it is horrible. Joseph Sciambra's unsparing essay( https://josephsciambra.com/surviving-gaybarely/) was eye-opening and vomit-inducing for me.

Looking back, it turns out that the closet door we opened to let the gays out was really the lid to Pandora's Box.

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It certainly is the end of an age. This time Gabriel has traded his trumpet for Frank Wright and his menes

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Bold predictions but I hope you’re right

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How dare you question the voices in my head?

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Thanks for the first bit of hope I've felt in a long time. I pray daily for the salvation of our country and the rise of Christendom 2.0. It wouldn't solve all problems, but it would solve a hell of a lot.

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You have common sense domestic politics and realism internationally. What is the ultimate reality? It is God, from whom the natural order flows. The new politics is aligned with this and not with a competitor explanation to reality itself.

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That's exactly it. We abandoned God, and with Him, good sense. I have only woken up to Christ in the last few years. Before that, I was a lukewarm agnostic type. I can't believe how much sense and truth I deprived myself of. God's love is immense and His order works.

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I sometimes say things I don’t regret and one of them was “the Church has the answers to life if only it would teach them”.

God does indeed make sense of life. I was an apostate too. Quite the smarty pants about it at the time, though it did not do me any good.

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Great piece Frank! I don’t have the sources you do but what you stated is just about what I see coming. Thank you for this!

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Some people will talk to you if you ask them, some won't. Some of the Ukraine stuff is dodgy to put out because of UK law on "national security". It's still state policy to back the mafia state in Ukraine to the hilt, even though it is finished. Perhaps they will do so after the war ends, too.

The global realignment stuff was impossible for me to believe when I was first made aware of it two years ago but here we are.

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To your last paragraph I have to agree with zeal. If someone would have told me that I would have accused them of being chemically adulterated. After 2020 as I watched 2021 unfold I was very afraid. Imho the only people who were not didn’t live in the real world. And it is this unreality that must be taken apart.

This above all else frustrates me with regards to the Doomer Conservative crowd. They are essentially traitors at this point. We have nothing to lose by pitching in and help spread the optimism. I am not referring to the ones who make money. That I can understand. I don’t like it but I can at least understand it.

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Look it’s fair enough in many cases because there genuinely seemed to be no hope of change for decades. We all grew up with that. It becomes second nature.

Also we live in an addiction economy and it’s a case of what’s your poison. People who have come to rely on being poisoned look at you funny if you don’t have one.

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I just sent your piece with a comment to Lily. She seems so sad. She’s pretty too lol. I left a comment on this and built you up. 😉


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Keep an eye on Greenland.

Trump is eyeing its Trillion upon Trillion of Natural resources.

Opening up the Arctic.

It would reinvigorate the US.

The Danes/EU are powerless to stop him.

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UK has first shout apparently but we shall see how far that paper aeroplane flies.

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Are we not handing some God forsaken islands in the Indian Ocean to Mauritius.

Handing them £800 million as well.

Trump is not amused.

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There’s a US base on Chagos. I think even Mauritius has complained about the deal. It’s a mess.

Some bloke who knows (because he is a Labour wonk) told me last February about a meeting he had with Rachel Reeves.

“So what is the Reeves vision then?” He was asking so he could write up a pitch for it.

Turns out there wasn’t one.

He said that no one in Starmer’s lot has a plan, or a clue - except the green zealots like milibob.

They honestly don’t know what they are doing and are being found out on a daily basis.

The corruption, the ties between Labour Friends of Israel and paedophilia/sex crimes, the coverups and the prosecution of critics of the chaos they have caused - this is serious and will in my view finish them.

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I have this lingering feeling our country Great Britain is descending into some kind of woke North Korea.

We will be the last bastion for woke filth and degeneracy.

Almighty God show us the way.

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I would ask your readers to read the following as a brief overview: "The Death of NATO"


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If it plays out as you say, the regime will not go down without a fight. The holdouts will certainly be UK and France, and possibly Germany depending on what Trump does with the garrison. There will almost certainly be casualties.

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is this the harlot being taken down by the beast in Revelation?

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I don’t know. I know people who are good at this sort of thing but I am not one of them.

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There's only so far down the extremists liberal path a society can be intentionally pushed before it pushes back the other way. Think pendulum. But extremist conservatism, which many will push for in the aftermath of its opposite, wouldn't be a bed of roses either.

There are many agenda items the powers that shouldn't be can achieve with conservatism at the helm, increased "border security" and so-called "Christian" morality among them. Both of those ideals can and in my opinion will be warped to meet certain ends, initially applauded by a public tired of wokeism.

But extreme morality and public safety don't make for a better society any more than extreme wokeism and unchecked immigration do. Just a more controlled one. And that, not LGBT rights, is what they're after in the end.

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