Best article I have read by you since I subbed. And makes explaining the coming changes a lot simpler by being able to share this with loved ones. Thanks.

Won't get thru to NPCs but that's expected.. The information will be there if they have an awakening experience at some future moment.

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Oh that’s great to hear JB. I thought it might help to make sense of sensational times.

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Very interesting. A couple of questions:

What is to happen to the evil people who tried to destroy Western Civilization? It seems unjust to let them off the hook and allow them to scurry into their rat holes with their ill-gotten gains.

If these, to use the evil-doer George Bush's phrase, "evil-doers" feel their fortunes, freedoms, and lives are at risk, what's to prevent them from pulling a Samson Option and destroy everything? They still wield enormous power.

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Why is it that the few times I tell ppl that there is vast criminality, I am met with disbelief? Was Q a way to discredit this idea? Buy there is plenty of evidence so I think it's about choosing not to care. About casualties. Until you are one.

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People have been increasingly ruled by an industry of make belief for a hundred years. It’s hard to convince anyone they’ve been fooled these days.

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It’ll improve as more corruption comes out, which was the business of government.

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Great explanations Frank. You are well over target once again. I wrote this comment on Donald Jeffries SS. Told him about this SS in another post. I saw Elon’s post last night. Last weekend I was telling my fam what I thought was really driving Musk & Trump.

Elon reposted a message the other day. It was a pic of Mel Gibson in Road Warrior. The scroll suggested that it might be a good idea for ladies to look for War Lord potential in their next man.

It’s funny enough I suppose. That being said I think there’s a kernel of truth in it. I just told my close fam last weekend that I thought fear of collapse is what is really driving Musk & Trump at this late hour.

There’s little doubt in my mind this was going to be the desired consequence of the Globalist and their Democrat lackeys. The latter mostly comprised of clueless idiots. It goes back to Schwab saying “You will own nothing.” Well, he meant it.

This is our last gasp IMHO. I think Musk & DT understand this and are trying to hold it back. Get us back on solid ground anyway. Will they be successful? That I cannot answer. I certainly hope so for the sake of all of mankind.

God only knows the horrors that await should the system go to hell. Sure small countries have went belly up before without much noise. However I got a sneaking suspicion that ours collapsing would make the USSR’s demolition look like a cakewalk. These are the stakes!!

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I always wanted to be wailing on a flame guitar on the front of a war rig, and I will never overcome my discheesement that this future career move has been denied me.

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Nice read. Thank you for your effort, it is appreciated.

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Thanks Daryl. I thought it might be a helpful overview.

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It's interesting that it may be the world that changes the Church. I always thought it would be the other way around eventually but it makes sense that the anti church cozied (always thought it was spelled with an "s") up to the world thinking the world would remain on the same tangent but now the world is changing and the anti church allegiance is with those losing power. Of course the anti church is the world but what of all those Catholics who aren't even aware that the anti church is a thing, I guess they are going to be bewildered and will probably be yelling that "the church cannot change" just like the old revolutionaries in the church think that it is always 1977.

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I am happy to have lived to see the death throes of this evil system

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