Jun 3Liked by Frank Wright

Once you know these things it allows you to harden yourself . Come to terms with what is necessary , make peace with it , because it is coming .

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“This is how the rainbow ends”.

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The sad realization that there's not other way than what is inexorably coming.

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At the commencement of the degenerate and wicked perversion of the holy month of June, it is useful to stare into the abyss and be reminded of just how monstrous the people orchestrating and participating in the movement really are.

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Jun 3Liked by Frank Wright

I knew a fair bit of what you've written here, but nonetheless feel like I need a shower.

Regardless, thank you for a very well done piece. May God and good things be with you, always.

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Thank you AJ. It’s horrible work, but it must be done. The Democracy Believers have a lot to learn.

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Your Substack is one of my favorites so far. I knew many stuff about this topic, but it's good to see some other people will do too, thanks to you. Thank you.

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Thanks CW. Time is short and I hope not to waste anyone’s.

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I went to a recent "LGBT" event in Novi Sad, Serbia at the "progressive leftist center" sponsored by the German (probably Greens). There, a drag show was happening. The kids were terrible. I don't go to these events for over 10 years since it started sliding into more and more openly degenerate content that has nothing to do with certain minority of people wanting to be legally recognized as life partners. So, I witnessed a dude, I dunno if he was gay or not, Dj-ing some music with a silicone prostetic breasts, made for sexual perverts and "drag queens" in public, among barely above 18 adolescents. It was so disgusting. I and a couple of female friends were standing there, commenting on how insulting it was to the women. I know there's going to be a day when a bunch of thugs will come in there and fuck everyone up. For me, being that I'm middle aged woman born and brought up in Yugoslavia, it's like watching Nazism never went away. The fucking young over there don't know they are the baddies while they surround themselves with mantras of "personal freedoms" to offend everyone who is not a sexual (male-centric) deviant. It's really bad.

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Very hard to read. But very clear writing about subject matter that tries hard to remain in the dark.

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Weimar Appreciators like Mel Gordon simply refuse to believe that such behaviours could cause any backlash. It cannot happen, therefore it did not happen, and this is why there is no reason to talk about it.

We are ruled by people like Mel Gordon today, who label any opposition to the rainbow banner of Satan as irrational hatred deserving of silence.

That is the reason the reality of Weimar is news to us all.

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'That which does not fit the narrative of Progress did not happen.' I remember hearing some about the perversion of Weimar when I was younger but it was quickly whisked out of view. Certainly the details were never discussed, just 'They came for the queers and I wasn't a queer so I said nothing.' or whatever.

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Myths are explained by what they omit as much as by what they permit.

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The links between our new 21st century tyranny and the early 20th century variety are staggering.

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I performed in Berlin at the Wintergarten cabaret, the theater Cabaret was based upon. Maybe I’ll write about it this week in my publication I publish late Friday. I would love to reference you! Thank you, fascinating history!

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Glad I could help!

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Great piece! 👏I’m thrilled I came across your publication today! 😍

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Great extension of an article I wrote (https://libertyuncensored.substack.com/p/histories-lessons-weimar-republic) on the parallels of Weimar and modern America. I speak shortly of the sexual depravity but the detail you provide and context is really great.

Most incisive line in my opinion:

"The fight for freedom is a common blazon of the progressive faction. Freedom from any moral restraint or tradition - such as that of marriage, or any conception of morality which does not glorify the supremacy of desire."

People do not understand today the history they are repeating. Destruction lies ahead of those who allow the sexually deviant, communistic, morally depraved, tyrannical, and satanic lost souls to lead our world.

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Jun 5Liked by Frank Wright

Shocking revelations 😯

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Didn’t that “ doctor “ also save each penis he removed and kept them in jars at his home?

I couldn’t bear myself to read the entire article, so my apologies if that was mentioned.

It appears what’s old is new again.

I walked away from the “ community “ in 2008 and never looked back. They have absolutely no idea what they’re doing.

They’re doing well in creative writing and art class, but they skipped world history and current events.

They’ve gone from “ We are family” to “ I feel like chicken tonight”, everything we’ve ever been accused of they are willingly proving to be correct.

And as much as it pains me to even say something like this, it appears that once again a certain “ religious group” is responsible for fanning the flames of this.

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"Despite working to subdue the queer potentialities of his evolutionism, Darwin nonetheless laid the foundations for a new, modernist sexology to emerge, a situation that was exploited by a cohort of Darwinist sexologists, Sigmund Freud chief among them, who followed in his path." The Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, who, more than anyone else, fully extended Darwin’s evolutionary vision of sex into the realms of human psychology and behaviour, counted Descent among the ten most significant books that he knew (Freud, 1960: 269). Following a visit to London in 1913, the German homophile sexologist and sexual rights’ activist, Magnus Hirschfeld, praised Darwin above others for sowing the seeds of a new biological sexology that had borne fruit ‘even in the stony earth of England’ (Hirschfeld, transl. Lombardi-Nash, [1914] 2000: 623).


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Jun 3Liked by Frank Wright

I was just at my Public Library. They had none of the books recommended on WW2. But thankfully the kind librarian was able to special order the old books

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A lot of stuff is up on the internet archive. For example, the war diaries of Goebbels - which are a remarkable read.

I send money to the internet archive, without which much of my research would be impossible.

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David Irvings books are usually available on there, while being banned for open sale in the UK.

Mr Irving had painstaking researched the entire timeline of events of WW2, directly from the German archives, including times dates, locations and communications of all of the German command throughout the war.

When he was away speaking abroad, the UK government illegally confiscated his entire collection of notes.

How dare someone do actual research and not follow the allowed narrative.

There is a decent and easy to follow book by M.S King called The Bad War, which also shows a great deal of the propaganda that we have been forced to accept.

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It’s strange that so much of our “progress” in movies, books, TV, media in general, since 1900 has been solely about sex. A constant attempt to normalize sexual degeneracy. A constant attempt to sexualize children. And so many Americans just went along with it.

My sexual escapades in high school and college weren’t degenerate. I was just trying to bang chicks. But this shit today, and in Weimer, is faggotry, faggotry of the highest order.

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I'm as repulsed as anyone at how sexuality has permeated every aspect of public life , I'm horrified at the thought of transitioning children, I despise paedophilia and sexual exploitation, but. I still recognise that some people are born gay. I have witnessed it first hand in my own family and in childcare where I worked for a number of years. I don't know why, but it's true. And much as I despise the above, I also despise shoving everyone into one basket and naming it "depravity". Let everyone live as they wish, provided they stay away from kids, have consensual relationships, don't coerce or oppress anyone else, and keep their bedrooms locked to public view. Reading your article, I kept on thinking of my poor dear cousin, a brilliant man and doctor, who still has to hide and pretend in his mid 40s, because his father still can't accept what the whole family has known for 45 years: his son was born gay, and deserves a normal life like the rest of us.

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You are what you do.

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For sure, but I can't see how this relates to my comment. Would you like to explain further?

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Sodomy is depraved. Stop doing it. Poof! You are no longer a depraved sodomite.

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In a recent poll 100% of men admitted to have had some sort of homosexual experience. And the harder someone screams "SODOMITE!" the more I suspect skeletons in the closet. Sorry, I'm not young, I've seen a lot

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There's male sexuality, and then there's gay male sexuality. Both put their "right to sex" above the rights of women and children. Every time. This is not about your cousin or my gay male friends. It's again and again about the male, and mostly gay movement that manages to do everything anti-human under the umbrella of LGBT. There are literal gay men yelling at their peers in LGBT organisations to not support the sterilization of children, yet they choose most of the gays choose the privilege to not care about the family and live permanently adolescent lifestyles, and they choose to be the ones who hold unprecedented power over the Western society. They are currently involved in getting a law about sterilization of people put in power. The Dems are proposing it, whose donors are the most depraved men in "LGBT". So, this is worse than "fucking each other in the ass". Men are usually obsessed by it because it's in the Bible and because anal sex is only enjoyable to males (who have a prostate).

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Not all men put their rights above those of women and children.

You've clearly no experience of decent men.

Psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists do and they are just as frequently women nowadays.

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Jun 3Liked by Frank Wright

Standing firm against the darkness is hard . Few can do it . Rationalization and soft-handed platitudes about acceptance and all that jazz is so much easier . The Sin ("love" to the rationalizers) That Dare Not Speak It's Name will not shut up until forced by resolute Men .

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Taking a nuanced approach, moving away from binary thinking, reconsidering one's positions, and recognising that one cannot possibly know the truth is hard. It's so much easier to hide one's fear, weakness, and vulnerability behind a fortress of fanaticism that claims to be the holder of universal truth.

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4Liked by Frank Wright

Typical blather . Every tell is there . You are "nuanced" in your acceptance of abomination . I live in "fear" and am a "fanatic" . And of course ths boilerplate "no one can no know The Truth" .

Some people , I suppose , are born to abuse drugs , beat women (unbidden , of course) or murder . What nuanced approach to these, , say you ?

You say you are "as repulsed as anyone" by this affront to God , but I have my doubts.

I salute the buggers father for standing in the breach .

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😂 Salute him all you like, he's still the unhappy father of an unhappy son. And yes, some people are born with weird tendencies, I'm not here to play god and administer judgment and punishment, I just try to understand. You can't believe in a god that's simultaneously loving AND vengeful, it doesn't make sense. Also, conflating murder and physical abuse with CONSENSUAL sexual relationships that don't concern you, is a bit of a stretch, don't you think? You wouldn't be in the closet by any chance, would you?🤔

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I think you weaken your arguments and reveal your own biases by accusing those who disagree with you of latent homosexuality.

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Did you read anything of the several thousand words above ? This , people , is where poor , or nuanced if you prefer , catechesis and educational standards gets us . One can be both right (that faggotry is degrading and downright unhealthy behavior) and unhappy (about the fact that someone may choose to engage in it) . That would seem nuanced to some . Just as God can most certainly ge both loving and vengeful . To think otherwise seems very rigid of you . The "you stand against the abominable acts of sodomisers" , that of course always lead to more degrading and brutal behavior, even (always) the pedophilia you are fairly certain you are against , so you must be a closeted fag is weak and beneath contempt .

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I read every word of it. Funny you should mention the word "rigid". I'm not religious, I'm agnostic, which I think is a healthy way of admitting one's ignorance on the face of thousands of years of religion that has failed to prove anything in concrete. But if it works for you, be my guest, I respect people's right to believe, for as long as "loving" outshines "vengeful". As for the closet, I'm an older woman who has seen a lot, it wasn't a way to get to you per se, it's just that in my experience the more fervent the righteousness the uglier the beast within.

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Jun 4Liked by Frank Wright

Suddenly , all becomes clear .

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Everyone is religious. I used to profess agnosticism. I even had a bumper sticker that read "I don't know and you don't either." Now I can see where my cleverness bespoke nihilism, not tolerance. The absence of meaning is not, in itself, meaning. You don't get to police what people have a right to believe.

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Another one of the things that the "evil Nazis" did.

That upon closer inspection, turns out to be quite the opposite of what we were told.

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The trick is not just having kids, but guarding them against Commie subversion. No better guard than a dog.

To get more grandkids, bond your babies with a Samoyed puppy, and guard teen daughters with a big watchdog.


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It’s so refreshing to see that someone else is aware of history and the frightening echoes between Weimar and the modern day west. Thank you

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