In this post I hope to summarise the war on our civilisation, how it is being fought, in order to furnish you with the powerful knowledge of the enemy you face.
We are being led into annihilation in the name of progress. Here is an explanation of the means of the production of a universal nothing in place of everything.
History largely explains the present, which is why the present is intended to be permanently in progress - in order to erase historical memory and its explanatory power.
When the monasteries were dissolved by Henry VIII (1536-42), the gold he stole was spent on a war he lost. The settled culture, law and religious practice was changed permanently. Does this sound familiar?
Here I try to explain how we came to inhabit a mirror image of the Soviet Union, sold as the ultimate system of freedom. This is the reason everything is fake, our culture a counterfeit. The aim of our political system is the total destruction of our civilisation.

The novel system always demonises the traditions and settled culture it seeks to replace.
Broadly it is my aim to provide an evidenced explanation of the ruling ideology of the Regime, in order to help you to liberate yourself and others from its siren song.
I cannot provide a full account here, which I hope to do so in my book on the project to replace our civilisation.
Instead, here is a brief guide to the war on civilisation. It is not being won, but these are its means and its ends.
Why are all your television shows and Hollywood films tedious and formulaic? Why is comedy no longer funny? A sermonising, derivative neurosis has replaced entertainment. Why is modern art uniformly ugly? The news is fake, and the truth is called misinformation. Popular politics is a threat to democracy. Free speech is extremist when it notices the obvious. How has this happened?
The total mobilisation of culture towards ideological ends is not the product of diversity hiring alone. It is not due solely to the institutional capture of the university system. Workplace woke and the institutionalised madness of critical theory are themselves downstream of the mobilisation of culture towards political ends. A sort of mirror image of the Soviet Union is the more correct picture of the postwar Western Order, which became the US Empire through its counterposition to that of Communism.
Our modern culture is almost completely manufactured. It is an expression of a policy of organised political warfare, in which the means of cultural production are mobilised to propagandise the ruling ideology. This is the true nature of our “liberal democracy”, as set out in George Kennan’s 1948 memorandum. It reads like a how-to book to produce Gay Race Zionism for Permanent War, and was published ten days before the proclamation of the State of Israel. May 14th 1948, State of Israel - Truman recognised Israel the same day. Organised Political Warfare - May 4th, 1948
Some significant moments are 1917, 1921, 1948, 1962, 1965, 1971-3, 1989-91, September 11 2001, September 12th 2002, the Regime Change Era, Managed Financial Crisis, Lockdown, Meltdown. You are here.1
I complain a lot about the grifters who are content to monetise the rage they provoke in limiting their output to a sort of running commentary on regime insanity.
I am not doing this to promote myself. I am angered because this cynical business model leaves you, the consumer, enraged and demoralised with no means of countering the obscene spectacle to which your life has been reduced. It monetises the formation of the habit of impotent fury.
In seeking to explain the origins, with evidence, of the system we inhabit I am showing you how the machine which governs you works.
This is also to show you how to make it NOT work.
I do not believe man is capable of producing a perfect system, nor of perfecting himself by his own ingenuity. This means I think every system has its weakness. The weakness of this system is its reliance on manufactured belief in itself.
If people can be shown that the beliefs they hold are themselves mere products, they are more likely to reject the false choices presented by the counterfeit culture and its politics.
This means we can move beyond the model on offer, and demand what the elite is seeking to make impossible: a life worth living.
It is time to demand what we have been told is impossible: real change, towards a life worth living. How is this to be done? Ask why the labels we use without thinking are attached to the products they sell.
Examine the product being sold. Does it match the description?
In the following posts, which will be expanded into chapters in my forthcoming book, I explain the promises of progress, liberation, of rights-based arguments, of the voodoo curses of antisemitism, racism and transphobia.
I will show that the sincere human impulses based on the essential value of human life have been misdirected by these means to serve an agenda which will annihilate it completely.
This is the terminus of the replacement of civilisation. Sold to the public with fine words, it is a process to reduce humanity itself to a product.
This is not a political question in the sense of “left” and “right”. It is the question. It is the question of the future of humanity.
The power to change this future relies on the understanding of the past which produced the present nightmare. Only when we realise how, can we hope to accept that we have been fooled.
I was told yesterday that I look like Wallace out of Wallace and Gromit. I am flattered by comparison to this titan of cheese-fuelled traditionalism. Hardest of all is to convince a man he has been fooled. This is the task. Our politics and culture are a performance, to guide us to applaud the final curtain of humanity. We inhabit a theatre of absurd cruelty, a spectacle intended to corrupt us entirely so that when the moment arrives to discard our humanity, it is already equivalent to nothing at all. This is the argument from theory.
People are being radicalised by reality. It is not online hobbits of hatred such as myself which present the best arguments - but reality itself. We inhabit the disaster created by policy, sold to us as progress. This is the argument from reality. It is more convincing because it is not made out of words.
This reality has two dimensions. The reality of the product of regime policies is now a contradiction of their promises. Everything is getting worse, and this is called progress. The second dimension is less obvious, but becomes so as the first becomes unignorable. This is the fact that our system is itself a counterfeit, sold as “liberal” and “democratic” but in fact being neither. This is true, and is demonstrated by the actions taken by “liberal democracies” to criminalise free speech and popular politics. This is to defend themselves from the growing realisation of the public that they are ruled by people whose aim is to destroy their civilisation entirely.
The obvious destruction makes politics interesting to the common man. This is fatal to the system, as people who would prefer never to have a political thought begin to realise their rulers are criminals. The elite are committing a crime so enormous it has no name. It is so breathtakingly evil as to be incredible. Taken together, the effects of liberal-global policies can only be explained as a deliberate project to dismantle Western civilisation entirely.
This is the observable reality which is “radicalising” people. To see what is there is to be an extremist. To notice the obvious is to be a conspiracy theorist. It is hateful to mention this product of “sensible centrist” politics, because it contradicts the promises of the powerful. These promises, of course, are all lies.
The politics of consensus is maintained by the manufacture of consent, and this is breaking down. It is not breaking down because of the spread of lies on the internet, but due to the outbreak of the truth, prompted by the large scale collapse of your entire way of life. This collapse is the result of the politics of the elite. It is intentional.
The price of your groceries is enough to raise the cry unto heaven, the right to rebellion2. Yet the price of goods leads to the realisation that our birthright is being sold at the price of everything that is Good. Our Values are destroying everything of value, including the value of human life itself. This too is no mere “political” question. It is an existential matter for all humanity.
Populism is the rejection of unpopular politics with policies popular with national populations. Popular policies are bad for the unpopular people in charge. This is the reason that sanity is treason, and that popular politics are dangerous extremism. They are dangerous to the extremely unpopular extremists in power. This is the reason for “lawfare”, for the attempt to criminalise populists and their parties in the USA, Germany, France, and the UK.
Liberal-globalism is denationalisation. The nation is the extended family. Liberal-globalism is anti-family, wishing to replace the family with its novel distortions of this foundational unit of society. The Regime replaces the family with itself, its morally inverted values, its state and corporate patronage of lifestyle sexuality and antinatalism.
What is Good is said to be Evil. What is good for you is bad, says the Regime, and what is bad for you is good. This is because what is bad for you is in fact good for them. Usury, war, plunder, wealth extraction, censorship, the dissolving of the family and of social bonds, denationalisation, deindustrialisation, universal thirdworldisation, the partition of society into factions of mutual resentment, and no higher purpose for mankind than grazing and fornication.
The final destination of consumer fetishism is the reduction of human identity to a product, fired by advertised desire, furnished by technology, to replace the human condition with the terms and conditions of a managerial algorithm.
There is to be nothing to look up to in the New World Order.
It is my belief, from the evidence I will provide next, that liberal-globalism is in its final crisis and will not survive it.3
Every measure the “liberal democracies” are taking to preserve Regime power is an act of self-harm.
All of them, from warfare to lawfare to censorship, through aggressive denationalisation, moral inversion, borderless consumerism and the universal state of emergency produced by constant war and its downstream effects in corruption, migration and mass propaganda, are undermining its claim to legitimacy.
It is not and never has been legitimate. The Regime is in a losing argument with reality. It has produced this awful reality itself. Finally being held responsible, this perception in the public mind is fatal to its power.
The Monster is not only afraid. It is dying. The times ahead will be dangerous, but they are certainly the End Times for this terrible anti-human system.
Despite the Red Sea Pedestrianisation of our entire culture, I somehow remain at large to promote the dangerous ideology of factism to people like you.
If you would like to see me hysterically confessing my crimes against Progress in the Church and State before a clown-haired panel of homosexualist commissars, consider funding my career suicide mission here:
I am trying my best to get you addicted to the truth that will set you free. Make sure I pay for this with my liberty, by paying me to do so.
With your help I will soon be shaving down a table leg to make a GULAG quiche with my ruined fingernails, instead of hammering out hatefacts here.
I will explain these dates in the book and in the future post. They are not the only milestones on the road to the replacement of our civilisation, but they are some of the more important ones. Bolshevism, WW1 propaganda and the Council on Foreign Relations, the Wall Street Crash, The Focus Group, Organised Political Warfare, the proclamation of the state of Israel, the capture of American Evangelical Christianity, the Kennedy assassinations, the global financial system of the early 70s and the Kissinger memorandum, the Club of Rome etc, the fall of the Soviet Union, Regime Change, removal of balance, globalism, massive wealth transfer, and the present moment in which every act to preserve itself results in self-harm to the Regime.
Astonishingly, the “right to rebellion” is an early Liberal idea. This “Cry unto Heaven” was advanced by John Locke in his Two Treatises on Government, providing for the legitimacy of the overthrow of a corrupt state as a last resort to liberate people from despotism. This concept is a curious omission from our “Liberal” education. Whenever it is mentioned, the remedy is said to be “elections”. Of course it is.
I am not a DOOMER. DOOMERS make more money. It is a popular theme. I think demoralisation leads people to desire the nuclear fire, thinking it the only way out of a total system. Armageddon is not only possible, but seen as the literal nuclear option by some in the Regime to save them and their awful system from replacement - with sanity. Yet a complex system such as that envisioned globally is neither dirigible nor practical - or even feasible today. The world has changed.
I cannot be certain, but I believe that we will survive this present crisis, serious as it is, and that the demand to restore civilisation will succeed in realising a future worth the name for humanity. To look at the alternative is to stare into the face of Satan. This is becoming obvious even to people who do not believe in God.
Belief is necessary for ruling systems. Especially this one, which “moralwashes” its obscenity with the values of a civic religion it has created for this purpose. This is a creed which presents genocide as self defence, mutilation and suicide as health care. It believes itself victimised by those who tell the truth about its actions. This too is becoming a popular belief, leading people into popular politics and away from the unpopular ones of the current dispensation.
Your essays aren’t for the faint hearted are they Frank. So well written and thought out but they carry such a chill with them. I am sorry to say that at my age I bury my head in the sand and try not to lift it too much (although I am somewhat addicted to the drama of it all). I really don’t want them to come and take you away because then I would have to stir myself
Another good read. We do sense the end is nigh for our World Controllers. They sense it too.
We can only hope many of their improvements are reversible.
Many are noticing what is going on but don't have a mental framework with which to make sense of it. That is a problem as reality asserts itself.