Oct 4Liked by Frank Wright

It is time for serious nationalists and industrialists to start joint plans for pogroms of Jews and Jewish corporations.

Much like England gave charters to Privateers to pirate enemy ships, we will pogrom all of USA corporations traded on the Wall Street exchange. Foremost enemies are Neocon Blackrock, Vanguard, and Blackstone. Violent takeover of corporations is hard to imagine today, but conditions will worsen and opportunities will arise.

An untouchable entity needs to create charters, give material support, and coordination for Privateers to take over corporations with local force. For example, an industrial plant will be forcefully taken and the board of directors imprisoned. Local businessmen will control this locally. State governors and sheriffs would ideally be involved. But conditions could get so bad that their support is not needed.

These are the ways that we need to push forward nationalism. If we are not discussing violent pogroms against genocidal Jews now, we may fail and die like Christian White Russians did against the Soviet Bolshevik Jews. White Russians retreated and died in the frontiers of Russia. Currently, all of America’s White nationalists are retreating to the Western Redoubt AND they have no plans to take the East and West coasts and no plan to destroy Jewish Wall Street and Jewish controlled corporations. When the economy fails, you will learn that only ONE entity owns all of the publicly traded stocks in America. Your stocks are derivatives, play things. Your stock portfolio is a fantasy football team. You own jack shit until you pogrom the Jews and take back America with blood and spoil.

The victors with create the new industrialist billionaires and family dynasties. Glory, greed, and ambition will save Nationalist America.

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Have a look at Ivan Throne and The Company. He is on here. Should be right up your street. He’s a sterling fellow, too.

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Thanks. Some people are high visibility and are restricted in speech depending on where they live. My effort is to move the Overton Window for pogroms and reclaiming corporate assets.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4Liked by Frank Wright

Another good read. We do sense the end is nigh for our World Controllers. They sense it too.

We can only hope many of their improvements are reversible.

Many are noticing what is going on but don't have a mental framework with which to make sense of it. That is a problem as reality asserts itself.

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I am going to try to make the book short and readable. I think it important to have a brief, conclusive guide to explain the omnicrisis, the better to help people reject the means by which it is marketed to them.

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I agree. And brevity is especially needed in this world. Most don't read much.

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Thanks Spiffers. It is helpful to hear that. I think brief is best. Was thinking today I should avoid lengthy footnotes and simply narrate the case.

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Oct 5Liked by Frank Wright

Dearest Frank! You are an incredibly gifted writer! For intelligent people to read what you write is challenging, interesting, thought provoking! Bravo! Here's the rub! The intelligent people who read you already know much of what we are facing! I for one would hope that you are writing your book to reach the dumbed down sheep who have been brainwashed but in whose participation in liberating the world we are counting on by being able to enlighten them also as to the dilemma we all face! That being said I would ask you to write your book in a way that a child would understand it and include emotional prompts to help drive your points home! I know grown men who served in the US Airforce who only seem to come out of their media induced stupor for a short while when given logical facts about what we are dealing with! The brainwashing is real

When spoken to they respond like children! Which tells me that like children they have given their minds over to the " authority" of the State and I think if you will consider this as you write you might be able to reach a considerable number of them! Wishing you much success! Thank you for all your hard work! For the Love of Life! Respectfully, Judith

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I would definitely avoid footnotes if going for a general audience. Get straight to the point and reduce as much as possible.

It is not easy to do. I struggle.

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Yes I think this is best. Short, naturally. Height is NOT right.

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Oct 4Liked by Frank Wright

Your essays aren’t for the faint hearted are they Frank. So well written and thought out but they carry such a chill with them. I am sorry to say that at my age I bury my head in the sand and try not to lift it too much (although I am somewhat addicted to the drama of it all). I really don’t want them to come and take you away because then I would have to stir myself

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It is best not to fret and it is wise to look to what you can change. I am trying to provide a reliable manual of the governing machine. It is enough to know it is bad, and that it is also breaking down. Take heart, I think it is on the way out.

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Oct 4Liked by Frank Wright

Thank you Frank, that reply really touched my heart (I’m not sure why)

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23 hrs agoLiked by Frank Wright

I do hope you are right

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I am not one for false hope. I say this because I am convinced it is true, being the verdict of the evidence I have seen so far. We are in a moment of crisis, in which all of us may perish. This cannot be altered by our actions. If it passes, as it may, then there is a better chance than not that the entire system of liberal-globalism will resolve into some renationalised, rebalanced order - with the former systems of patronage dissolving along with their sponsorship of much of the current insanity.

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Frank this hurricane was very unusual and broke records. People are saying the government seeded the clouds to do that. They killed a lot of people. Some are dying right now because FEMA won’t even help them. What if they are going to use the weather against us until they get down to 500,000 people like they want?

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I don’t know enough about that to comment, but I do know Elon Musk and Stephen Miller are saying they have evidence FEMA is confiscating rescue supplies and prohibiting rescue efforts. Their claims appear to be credible.

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Oct 4Liked by Frank Wright

Yes, exactly. Every Substack I read about the situation said that FEMA was hindering the heroes left and right.

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There are more reports from people attempting to deliver aid which support the claim that FEMA is preventing aid deliveries.

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Are there any US nonprofit organizations that are managing to get around FEMA to deliver aid that we can contribute to?

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Oct 4Liked by Frank Wright


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Thank you Frank. I will ask my mum to buy your book for me whenever it's published, but to read it herself, and pass it on to my brother, before she gives it to me. - She needs all the help she can get navigating the absurdity of post-post-modernism, as does my school teacher brother.

As ever, I enjoyed your mene-ings! 😁💚

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I’ll send you a copy for nowt don’t worry.

also - menes : DDDD

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I’m touched, Frank. Such a very kind offer. Bless you. 🙏

Tell you what, how about you bring a copy to the mountain? Of course you’d have to stay for at least a week to make it worthwhile, so better if you also bring the family too. Accommodation may be meager (we can offer a caravan, maybe even one WITH running water 😁) but the setting is stunning beyond words. (Some pics here: https://cmalatesta.substack.com/p/welcome-to-my-garden-an-introduction and here: https://amillionmarchtogaza.substack.com/p/pre-tender

Summer here is far too hot for comfort, but I recommend any other time if year, especially spring. Completely genuine invite! With love and gratitude. 💜🙏😊

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Well that is very kind of you indeed! Fear not, the hobbit of hate will not be leaving the shire to trouble you. I cannot go too long without cheddar cheese.

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Yes, it’s true - life without regular and frequent helpings of cheddar cheese is a hardship. They do sell it here, but for far too much money. (That said, some of the goat and sheep cheeses around here are world class!)

Anyway, I’ll leave the invite open should you ever change your mind. Wishing you a wonderful day, Frank! 🙏💚😁

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I wondered why I had become so averse to international travel. I do not like whinging, so when I do it I think of it as the work of a latter day Socrates.

My method has led me beyond the obvious miseries of airports and the manual and digital molestation they mandate, through the realisation that I am one of those tourists turning formerly beautiful places into resorts.

It comes down to the cheddar. Without it, life is simply unworthy of being lived. For this reason travel fills me with dread and I prefer to potter about in my neglected garden, thinking Important Thoughts. About cheese.

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Speaking of neglected gardens, it's been so busy with people around here lately, I'm way behind on my gardening projects! But, thanks to at least one of those people I now have - as of 20 minutes ago - a fully constructed, good-to-go poly-tunnel to play in!!! Wooihooo! Such a shame I have to go out socializing today. The upside of that is, the friends were visiting are our regular cheddar cheese hook-up. Fingers crossed they have some left... 😁

Lots of love Frank. Take care. 💚🙏💚

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Love your work Frank can't wait for your book, when do you think it will be released? It would be fascinating to see how you believe it all plays out and how we can win.

I keep coming back to my core belief that we will not vote our way out of this but unlike many other society collapsing 4th turnings the evil fukers at the top have flooded us with 3rd world shit that is like an anchor and causing all kinds of problems tying us up as we the good guys try to shake free. We will continue to get puppet after puppet lying to get elected then doing the opposite, to me its gone too far they won't allow us to have someone we need ... they will cheat every time.

One way out, always has been with an authoritarian state, revolution, they all need ripping out, root an all.

The question is...is the British man is ready for that?

What do you think sir?

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Yes, I think he is. I do not think that time is now, but in the absence of change, it will come.

I hope it does not come to this, as political violence tends to unleash universal vengeance.

Sane, decent people should be encouraged to disregard the state, its diktats and its propaganda. I think it suffers a credibility crisis that is irrecuperable right now. As yet, no alternative is present in Britain. This is not the case elsewhere. I think others will lead and we shall follow in this case. The next few months I think crucial, and whilst what follows should we avoid nuclear war will not be paradise, there is reason to believe it will promise a significant change in the order which has ruled the West. This will undermine the authority of the current government even more than its own actions have done so since it came to power.

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I hope it doesn't end in violence either Frank I really do.

I believe as you say the collapse is in progress. People say the British man is to soft and selfish and many are however we are here and good people. I often tell the disillusioned that I'm sure there were thousands millions even of Soviets who ratted their own out for more rations or clothes, wood or coal. Why didn't every strong decent Russian get together and overthrow their government... just doesn't work that way until the crescendo is built.

We are where we are because incrementally our society has been poisoned intentionally by the state... but all that is unwinding and coming undone and it doesn't happen overnight just like we didn't get into this position overnight, it takes time.

Loads and loads of good people still out there and we'll be the ones to rebuild, in my view the quicker it happens and things unravel the better so the state gets as little chance as possible to do more damage

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I believe one main reason for the moment in this crisis is that decent people simply cannot believe that an evil of this magnitude could be committed by anyone.

This is a tragic fact, that good people find wickedness incredible - until it is undeniable. I think we are approaching this point. The confrontation with evil does not make good men bad, but determined.

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Agreed 🤝🏻

As you say... in the end we're gona win

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I have been writing chapters today and hope it is worth the wait. I tested a summary out on my wife, who understood what I was on about and thought it concise and to the point. This is what I am after - a short book having the power to undermine mass deception.

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I'm sure it will be sir. Thanks again 🤝🏻

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4Liked by Frank Wright

Some Brit wrote this a long time ago. Maybe not a bad idea to read more of such stuff going forward.

"If we are mark'd to die, we are enow

To do our country loss; and if to live,

The fewer men, the greater share of honour.

God's will! I pray thee, wish not one man more.

By Jove, I am not covetous for gold,

Nor care I who doth feed upon my cost;

It yearns me not if men my garments wear;

Such outward things dwell not in my desires.

But if it be a sin to covet honour,

I am the most offending soul alive."

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That was splendid. Thank you.

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It gives me pleasure to imagine a 'back to the future' movie with a school bully who is handled by students on the playground not by administrative anti-bullying campaigns from on high who usher in rules protecting pedophilic behavior, criminal activity, etc turning normal children into bullies. I look forward to the book.

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In a just world you would be in that directors chair right now. What a great idea

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Can I just say that I am so FUCKING EXCITED to read your book. Don’t hurry it obviously, but just saying.

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I will get it done as soon as I can. I am actually writing it, which helps. I’m just going over the mid 20th century bit now. Have done most of the rest

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Are you some kind of brainiac, or something?

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Nah. I just made it all up.

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That's what I do, make it up as I go along.

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That’s fantastic! That’s the only way they are going to meet a decent girl.

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That's all I do, make it up as I go along.

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Very good, I laughed at your parting words! Thanks Frank!

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