This is my statement on the past, present and future of the liberal-global order which is responsible for the ruin of my nation and yours.
I am for the restoration of the natural order of God, family, country.
The alternative is a permanent state of emergency.
If we cannot have heaven, we must fight to stop living in hell.
I call for the of use of all nonviolent means of resistance to stand up to this evil.
The chaos in Britain with two tier policing, ethnic and religious divisions, and the promise of an authoritarian crackdown is the result of the attempt to export liberal democracy worldwide.
Since 1990 and the fall of the Soviet Union the liberal democratic order has pursued global domination.
The liberal order with global ambitions - globalism - has destroyed liberal democracy.
This globalist ambition, branded as “regime change” or “liberal intervention”, has destroyed nations abroad and at home. It forbids this any many obvious facts like it from mention, which is why it may come as a surprise to you to notice it now.
The anger directed at muslims - and inflamed by the actions and inaction of the liberal globalist state - is likely to be mobilised in support of another looming war in the Middle East.1
If the West enters a war against at least four allied muslim nations, the muslim populations of Europe will be incensed. This will fuel disorder on a scale that could spark bloodshed across the West. Regime change seen in the horrific chaos in Iraq and Libya may well come home to us all.
Stop the wars now, before universal vengeance consumes us all.
The anger at immigrant crimes is justified. Yet it is the liberal state which has created these conditions and permitted these crimes to continue unpunished.
The liberal state is a criminal state, from street to state level.
The liberal state has refused to address the decades of child rape in Britain for fear of seeming “racist”.
It has used the label to attack its enemies - which are people who warned of the obvious results of the policies of forced multiculturalism. No one voted for that.
No one voted for the foreign wars which smashed open the floodgates of mass migration. No one voted for “forced multiculturalism” - a policy designed in Britain in secret by Tony Blair’s government to “rub our noses in diversity”.
Every government since his first in 1997 was elected on a promise to bring down immigration. None have. Ten million migrants have arrived since then. Neither Labour nor the Conservatives have done anything to stop it.
Voting changes nothing. Voting has not stopped the wars. People who oppose wars are accused of treason. People who oppose the chaos they create are called extremists.
Everyone who sought to correct this problem through the democratic process is attacked and destroyed as a racist, an extremist, a far right thug.
These terms are used to silence legitimate concerns over group behaviour as irrational hatred. The longer these justified concerns are silenced, the more unreasonable the people concerned will become.
The use of this force to silence anyone proposing democratic solutions has driven people to the extremes we see today.
Meaningful change is excluded from the liberal democratic process.
Consent is forced through propaganda, rewarding loyalty - and punishing dissent.
Critics of the liberal order are framed as legitimate targets of hatred, and their rights are forfeit. They do not matter.
Starmer wants you to go out of your mind over the fact he says your anger “doesn’t matter”. If they mention any motive for your anger, they call it “misinformation”.
Starmer and his liberal globalist allies are the criminals responsible for the nightmare you inhabit in every nation you once called home.
Everyone who wants to stop the wars is called a traitor.
Anyone who wants the rape and murder of children to stop is called a racist.
Everyone who is angry about this is told by their Prime Minister “it doesn’t matter”. He will do nothing about it but advance to a police state enabled by technology.
Liberal-globalists like him have prohibited any democratic solution to the problems they have caused. They will now use this formula to lock up people who have lost their minds over the nightmare they are made to inhabit, and which the system gives them no power to change.
It will even punish you for describing it.
We will get what we are given and what we are given is a hellhole to inhabit. We will now be made to shut up as we put up with a world we never wanted.
This is not liberal. This is not democratic. There is no justice. Just us.
This is the end of the legitimacy of the liberal global order.
It is the liberal state which has denied both democracy and justice to its people, who have demanded for decades that they put a stop to this.
They have been ignored. Now they are criminalised for exploding in rage at conditions they did not vote for, and which successive liberal governments did nothing to correct.
In fact, it is the liberal democratic governments themselves which have turned our homelands into a living hell in spite of the electoral process.
The refusal to see the obvious by the liberal regime is stoking rage, which will lead, if the causes are not addressed, to the replacement of peace at home with a permanent state of emergency.
The liberal utopia is the attempt to create perfection out of make-belief, through the political-consumer system.
This could never work. The only thing perfect about man is his fantasies. The Liberal Utopia is one of them.
This argument for heaven on earth is sending us all to hell.
The liberal state has done, and will do, nothing to stop this. To do so would be to admit it is responsible - and that much of this is intentional.
Liberal-globalist leaders, like Tony Blair, are never held responsible for their crimes.
Their crimes are so enormous there is no name for them.
Liberal globalists launch wars to be a force for good. They force mass migration and multiculturalism at home. They force people to flee in terror abroad. They force you to accept this, and they force you into prison or out of your job if you attract public attention to their crimes.
Liberal-globalists call themselves a force for good. They are all force - and no good for anyone.
The wars which drove this chaos are all started with lies. The West has not been told the truth about the causes and effects of these wars2.
JD Vance said this in May about the lies - and some of the awful truth - about the war in Iraq which Bush and Blair were pushed to sell by Netanyahu.
“If George W Bush had stood before the American people in 2003 and said:
“Hey guys we're going to go to War not to eradicate weapons of mass destruction or to spread democracy.
We're going to go to war to create a regional proxy for Iran - and to slaughter over a million historical Christians.
Not that they will be slaughtered at our hands - but that our actions will lead to the genocide of a historical Christian community
I don't think Americans would have supported it”
The means of nonviolent resistance have delivered decades of success to the progressives. It is time we paid attention to these methods - and used them.
Name the lies. Blame the system. Refuse cooperation. Resist.
This is not only about friend and enemy.
It is about Good and Evil. It is for God, or against Him.
It is this system of democracy, denied to it’s people at home, whose export by force is destroying law and order everywhere3.
This is the reason the liberal regime refuses to see the obvious: it is responsible for the obvious chaos it has caused in the Middle East, in Europe, and in Ukraine.
Anti-muslim sentiment has rocketed due to the refusal of the authorities of the liberal state to address the real and serious causes.
This sentiment may now be directed towards supporting another war, provoked by the Zionist ally of the liberal-global order, on Iran. Church leaders in the Holy Land have accused Israel for years of “persecuting Christianity to extinction”.
You must kill the fear in your heart implanted by the voodoo curses of racism, antisemitism, transphobia, and all the other helpmeets to harm which silence the naming of the crimes these terms are designed to turn into weaponised grievance.
They combine into a declaration of war on the natural order, on God, the family and the cohesion of the nation. They are the weapons of His enemies, and yours.
These lies which make victims of criminals, and criminals of their victims, are used to demoralise, demonise and marginalise anyone who speaks for the truth, for sanity, and for the restoration of balance and justice in the world4.
This campaign of mind control and moral inversion will unleash universal vengeance. Resist the temptation to do evil. The enemy is the state.
The people who condemn violence on our streets are setting your world on fire.
Keir Starmer said his government would be a force for good. His brand of liberal-globalism is a lie. It is simply force, exercised in the name of good, which does nothing but evil to everything it touches.
The chaos in Britain is the mark of this touch of evil. The liberal global order is the enemy of the natural order of God, family, country.
Regime change has come home. In doing so, it has made all of us homeless.
Thanks to the liberal order with its global ambitions, nowhere is safe.
Home is where the hurt is.
Astonishingly, I am still at large to pump out reality-based propaganda against the regime of the differently-saned.
You can help to send me directly to jail by sharing my reckless advocacy of the restoration of the natural order far and wide.
Against universal vengeance. For a future worth the name for all our children.
Stop the wars, restore the nations.
For God, family, country.
Benjamin Netanyahu is doing his best to provoke a war with Iran and drag the US and the West into it with him. Recently, one of his closest friends explained why. He is insane. This is a point also made by Seymour Hersh this week.
In a speech given in May 2024 to the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, JD Vance became the first leading US politician in decades to invoke the Christianity in US foreign policy without doing to to support another Neocon-Zionist war of “liberal intervention”.
You can watch him say this here.
He is not perfect. His agenda is better than hell.
In his Pascendi Domini Gregis of 1904, published as A Catechism on Modernism, Pope St Pius X gave a peerless exegesis of the madness of the cult of the self which would dominate - and destroy - Western civilisation in the coming century.
The mad cult of the self has been encouraged by mass consumerism. It has produced a counterfeit culture, where everything you take in is a product designed to displace reality. This is the mobilisation of an industry of desire to nullify the human spirit into permanent Godless stupefaction.
It has substituted manufactured desire for the Divine, and manufactured consent for democracy.
The modern cult promised emancipation, and Pope Pius X predicted it would deliver only annihilation. He was right.
Our political, moral, material and spiritual condition under liberal globalism is absurd. It is not pluralism but a despotism of the degraded, and the greatest champion of liberalism, Sir Isaiah Berlin, would be certain to denounce it as such were he alive today.
In his 1961 book The Theatre of the Absurd, Martin Esslin defined the school of absurdism as "the inevitable devaluation of ideals, purity, and purpose".
This is the art of the liberal global state. It is a nihilistic theatre of the absurd determined to destroy all norms, disfiguring everything good, beautiful and true.
It is a declaration of war on God’s creation.
Very nicely and succinctly put together.
Balkanization is on the home front now.
Interesting it me is that our domestic battles have nothing to do with the geopolitical situation. The ideologies of critical social justice serve to divide us at home so that we may not address the far more important geopolitical issues.
Colonization is happening once again; today’s colonization is “of the mind” which terrifies us outside observers of it.
Because we see the threat that is both external and internal all at once. And we cannot even begin to address this threat due to the postmodern culture war that is pushed upon us.
“They” seem to be quite expert at this.
Yet they are incompetent. They truly are playing with fire and have no wisdom nor experience nor ability to contain it. But whipping up a culture war at home is not that hard. Creating chaos is not hard. Building things is the opposite and it is hard.
We have neither liberalism nor democracy.
We can’t protest. And we can’t fight directly. That is the trigger they need.
We will organize politically however.
And the great irony is that in all this liberal democracy we are in fact paving the way for right wing nationalism to sweep in. And that is certainly not Donald Trump. But it’s becoming increasingly inevitable.
Look up the dictionary definition for “liberal”. It’s the polar opposite of what is being promoted today as “liberal”.
The solution as I see it, now that our oblivious backs are against the wall, is demolition of the systems brick by brick, mind by propagated mind, illegitimate ‘leader’ by ‘illegitimate’ leader, etc.., until the wall is no longer there---maybe in our lifetime, or maybe the next!?! In the words of Chief Dan George(Outlaw Josey Wales)---“Endeavor to Persevere”! God Bless!!!