Interesting it me is that our domestic battles have nothing to do with the geopolitical situation. The ideologies of critical social justice serve to divide us at home so that we may not address the far more important geopolitical issues.
Colonization is happening once again; today’s colonization is “of the mind” which terrifies us outside observers of it.
Because we see the threat that is both external and internal all at once. And we cannot even begin to address this threat due to the postmodern culture war that is pushed upon us.
“They” seem to be quite expert at this.
Yet they are incompetent. They truly are playing with fire and have no wisdom nor experience nor ability to contain it. But whipping up a culture war at home is not that hard. Creating chaos is not hard. Building things is the opposite and it is hard.
We have neither liberalism nor democracy.
We can’t protest. And we can’t fight directly. That is the trigger they need.
We will organize politically however.
And the great irony is that in all this liberal democracy we are in fact paving the way for right wing nationalism to sweep in. And that is certainly not Donald Trump. But it’s becoming increasingly inevitable.
Look up the dictionary definition for “liberal”. It’s the polar opposite of what is being promoted today as “liberal”.
It is always easier to destroy than create. The commies (I refuse to call them "liberals") are in fact earthly minions of their boss, beelzebub, who can also only mock and destroy what has been created. You might say Ol' Scratch was the original progressive.
Things are accelerating. If you asked me 6 months ago I would have said we clearly need to save and amend “liberal democracy”. Now it’s clear that there’s nothing there to “save.”
Once it collapses officially we will have just that. Collapse. And we will (clear to me now) end up with a hard line right wing form of fascism.
Stay sane, make friends, seek the grace of God. Do not despair and remember - you are not obliged to join the jamboree of insanity.
Organise and advocate for an alternative to the living hell of the liberal-global order. If you cannot do this, seek the beauty in life and cherish it. Be an example of a better world in any way you can.
I try to be less bad every day. I am never going to be perfect, but at least I can give my flaws a haircut now and then.
The solution as I see it, now that our oblivious backs are against the wall, is demolition of the systems brick by brick, mind by propagated mind, illegitimate ‘leader’ by ‘illegitimate’ leader, etc.., until the wall is no longer there---maybe in our lifetime, or maybe the next!?! In the words of Chief Dan George(Outlaw Josey Wales)---“Endeavor to Persevere”! God Bless!!!
Great essay. It is Good vs Evil, with Evil masquerading as Good. Sadly, many fellow citizens, separated from God and Light, have become.willing soldiers for this evil movement.
I'd like to raise an uncomfortable point, Mr. Wright: Gandhi and MLK were successful, in large part, because they agitated against people from a flawed but fundamentally decent (Christian) society. I don't think we are so fortunate.
The fact that Labour wanted to ‘rub our nose in (multiculturalism’ is utterly sickening. Thank you for your work, Frank. You make it ‘make sense’ - they (political elite) do actually hate us! Keep up the excellent work. 🙏
1. “I call for the of use of all nonviolent means of resistance to stand up to this evil.”
Keep dreaming, brother.
2. Our leaders in the US, the UK, and the West want immigrants to take vengeance on White Westerners.
3. Evil is violence. As an American, we tried lots of nonviolence to stand up to King George, but at the end of the day, you must answer violence with violence. “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household.” - Jesus Christ Our Savior, Matthew 10
4. Voting is shit. How long will we continue thinking that voting will solve anything, ever, anywhere? Voting is an illusion.
5. “The liberal state has done, and will do, nothing to stop this. To do so would be to admit it is responsible - and that much of this is intentional.”
Amen. Voting has gotten us to exactly where we are today. I don’t think voting moar and hardr is going to fix anything.
6. “This is the reason the liberal regime refuses to see the obvious: it is responsible for the obvious chaos it has caused in the Middle East, in Europe, and in Ukraine.”
They don’t refuse to see. They see it. They know. And they want more of it.
We must do what we can, when we can, while we are here - and we will not be here to do anything in Britain if we get locked up before we can act at all.
You may have read that in Britain you can get jailed for months for making a comment on Facebook. This case in point did not, iirc, involve advocacy of violence.
Announcing violent intent in the UK online is a crime. Encouraging people here to do so online is to help them volunteer for imprisonment.
I don’t think that is your intention here, and I think your arguments sound - yet the state we are in is vindictive and will exercise the justice of Robespierre - swift, inflexible, merciless- on anyone it can use as an example.
Nonviolent means of resistance not only work, they also build strong bonds and cause like minded people to come together.
It is a form of non violent insurgency.
As you are most likely aware, insurgency and CI warfare is a cycle of escalation on both sides. The state power responding with increasingly extreme measures, as it must in the face of a determined and disciplined enemy, acts as recruiting sergeant for its own resistance.
It is imperative that people of good conscience organise to oppose the evil which calls itself good that is this rotten state.
It will cheer them up and their actions will disillusion their friends, neighbours, and a good many of their enemies too - as the vicious and destructive spirit which inspires this system is revealed in its desperation.
We must be a better example of how to live than those who have abused the right to rule to point of total illegitimacy.
This is not yet a civil war. It is time - now -for a very civil form of warfare in which mothers feel capable and obliged to join in the sake of their sons and daughters.
I hear you. I pray to God our Father it works. Courage breeds courage. I've been reading that the Brit leets are threatening to arrest Americans for online speech. Bring it on, Bobbie! :)
One’s best chance of maintaining their humanity in this chaos is a personal relationship with God and like-minded family and friends. Sounds like you have that. I admire your courage.
Oh you are kind Alan. I am a religious extremist (Catholic, Latin mass and whatnot) and yes, I do think family and durable human real -life relationships are the foundation of a sane society.
I am not afraid because I genuinely fear God. It does wonders for the jitters. I did not expect to discover that it did and was rather surprised by the fact when it occurred to me one day, like finding an old keepsake I had forgotten. Well fancy that!
I returned to the Church twenty years ago, and it was the Latin Mass that pulled me back. Our priest was a friend of Michael Davies, one of many great English Catholics.
"Judica me, Deus, et discerne causal meam de gente non sancta: ab homine iniquo et deloso erue me."
For those not familiar with Church Latin, that is how the Latin Mass opens:
"Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy; deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man." (Psalm 42)
Oh while we are here we must do what we can. There is much to do, as it turns out. See my latest call to reclaim the state from the criminals who have hijacked it. From conversations about the permanent state of emergency, through the cost of living to the criminalisation of speech, it is impossible to ignore that this is a war on our entire civilisation.
Even if all you do is prompt people to question the contradiction of the obvious that is the "news" you can help this evil regime die from the death of belief in its lies.
Yeah ive just read it... I believe this can work and perhaps we can carve up the country into county lines that has it's own rules, own currency (bitcoin have to separate money from state), no extortionate taxes just a fee to keep things running smoothly that people can opt into or not come in if it's not to their liking.. this way the benefit state is non existent and the scum have to stay away, the right to bear arms to keep ourselves safe especially during the period the scum are desperate... after the dust settles we as peaceful people would not need it.
Dear Mr Wright, we - in Hungary - didn't know about this terrible situation in Great Britain and Ireland. This is a deliberate war invasion according to Michael Yon by John Waters in Substack. And You wrote, that escalation of the Iran war could cause direct attacks of immigrants. Is this potential purpose of war against Iran? As purpose of war against Iraq was annihilate Christians. This is really the finish. God save the British and Irish people in this war! We are praying for You!
I did think Agamem was very interesting in State of Exception - though I haven’t read the one you cite.
Yes, a war in Iran with western and wider Middle East participation would almost certainly mobilise terror attacks by enraged Muslims (not without justification) and produce a worsening state of emergency across most of the West.
Thank God it appears the Iranians are as yet refusing the invitation to this hell, made by an Israel leader who is pursuing permanent war as a matter of political survival. Israel is in the abyss - there is open talk of removing Netanyahu before he destroys the nation he claims to defend.
As the great 'energy and resource contraction' gathers pace, the collapse of the global debt-based financial system is gathering momentum. The debt owners - the CBs and other institutional creditors - are rushing to foreclose and force their debtors into handing over their property deeds in exchange for 'debt forgiveness' and accepting permanent tenancy status - "you will own nothing and be happy... or else"; thus consolidating their position as the new rentier aristocracy.
This great contraction will inevitably lead to a great simplification, whereby whole swathes of bureaucratic and administrative overhead are culled - a gigantic downsizing, if you will. The battle that is underway is once again between the centralisers ("globalists") and the decentralisers ("nation-statists").
Centralisation is unnatural. It is inherently inflexible and fragile, and thus short-lived. Building the local support networks you advocate is a key step in ensuring the centralising globalists lose.
When I was working in Russia, I asked a Russian colleague why I only ever saw the police doing random stops and searches of people who were from the Caucuses.
He quickly replied, “They’re the ones who blow themselves up on trains.”
The thing is, though, how are we meant to reclaim our country? Resistance to what, exactly? The people of the West were quite happy to lock themselves in their houses, cover their faces in paper and inject themselves with poison when they were told to. What are they going to resist? How are they going to resist? They walk around with their smart devices logging every move they make, they get filmed everywhere they go, they sign up to every system designed to "make life easier" but which really just monitor them. They aren't awake. Give it a week or two and nobody will remember hating Muslims or child-murderers, the media will have moved on and so will the public. Call me a cynic, but watch nothing happen and everything stay the same.
While we are here we must do what we can. Hold them to their own standards. Radicalise your neighbours with appeals to reality. The belief in television is the power of liberal democracy.
Be an example of the better world. If you can, help to build a movement to persuade others that an alternative to a living hell is possible.
Television seems to be waning in influence as boomers shuffle off to that great RV park in the sky.
They really were a generation completely captured by the "boob tube" as it were, my source being boomer relatives and any other boomer I've talked to, who simply don't believe anything unless it is Seen On TV or legacy print media. At least half the following generation (mine) was also so captured, though some of this latter have managed to wean themselves from that particular e-mammary gland. I am not sure that sources of information have improved much (talk to any zoomer) but at least they have the advantage of being decentralized, though less so than in the glory days of web 1.0, where the freedom to say the N-word, while gauche, was a proxy for the degree of unrestricted information flow. Hope abounds if trends of young men reportedly being more conservative (euphemism for "sane" I suppose) are accurate, even if young wimmins are trending more liberal. They'll come along directly, if not quickly, when it's realized that feel-good insanity is a poor substitute for running water and electricity.
The group of people that can be persuaded in any real capacity is growing ever more miniscule. I'm afraid stuffy's comment above is more or less correct. Particularly here in the US there is basically 0 chance for meaningful consensus on anything other than "muh stuff" and all other things me. At the end of the day almost everyone is a narcissist looking out for #1 with no values or beliefs that go deeper than their skin, and it's even true of the church-goers. Covid revealed how broken the bonds between citizens with their fellows and reality really are, and it has still gotten worse. Unfortunately there's nothing left but rage that can break the apathy and illusions. The age of reason is over for good as there's simply nobody left to reason with other than dissident circles for fun and interest
All the non violent means in the world is not even going to put a dent in the demonic Muslim jihadists bent on killing and conquering. Might want to consider arming to and gathering others. War is necessary. It won't be pleasant
We will never reclaim our country without understanding that power is consolidated from the bottom up. You can learn a lot from Muslims and how they are constructing a parallel state, very community focused, traditional. NS Lyons is very good on this, he uses the example of Hungary. It is a long term project, and it requires grassroots organisation - we are weak because we are atomised. And lashing out will not get us anywhere.
Strong social bonds survive political change. I do not believe in revolution from the bottom up. All the ones which have succeeded have been directed by an elite - a vanguard if you like.
I am not fond of revolution for its blood price amongst the innocent.
The liberal system empowers minorities to suppress the advantage of the majority. When it dissolves, as it is now, all the advantages it confers disappear.
The legal preference, the protected and promoted status, rhe funding - pouff! Gone, like your food under communism.
I am a fan of elite theory and think a nonevent useless without an intellectual dissidence combined with financial backing and some hard power.
I also would adduce the nonviolent death of the Soviet Union, which died because people simply stopped believing in it.
I think you underestimate the power of a deeply entrenched bureaucracy that is able to thwart any change of direction in policy. Such as our civil service. In the example of Hungary, it was understood that although communism had nominally been defeated, the institutions were still dominated by the left. The only way prise the system out of their hands, democratically, and bloodlessly, is to build a voter base that believes in the cause.
It is extremely important to make the case for sanity by argument and example, yes.
However, many people will do what they are told, even if they know it is wrong, so long as they consider the person (usually on the screen- but not always) of sufficient authority.
I think this phase of the regime is extremely demoralising for television believers.
The last few years have been an extraordinary spectacle of authority versus reality and it is getting much more so now.
This is not the only process involved but it is usually overlooked as insignificant to power. It isn’t.
Very nicely and succinctly put together.
Balkanization is on the home front now.
Interesting it me is that our domestic battles have nothing to do with the geopolitical situation. The ideologies of critical social justice serve to divide us at home so that we may not address the far more important geopolitical issues.
Colonization is happening once again; today’s colonization is “of the mind” which terrifies us outside observers of it.
Because we see the threat that is both external and internal all at once. And we cannot even begin to address this threat due to the postmodern culture war that is pushed upon us.
“They” seem to be quite expert at this.
Yet they are incompetent. They truly are playing with fire and have no wisdom nor experience nor ability to contain it. But whipping up a culture war at home is not that hard. Creating chaos is not hard. Building things is the opposite and it is hard.
We have neither liberalism nor democracy.
We can’t protest. And we can’t fight directly. That is the trigger they need.
We will organize politically however.
And the great irony is that in all this liberal democracy we are in fact paving the way for right wing nationalism to sweep in. And that is certainly not Donald Trump. But it’s becoming increasingly inevitable.
Look up the dictionary definition for “liberal”. It’s the polar opposite of what is being promoted today as “liberal”.
It is always easier to destroy than create. The commies (I refuse to call them "liberals") are in fact earthly minions of their boss, beelzebub, who can also only mock and destroy what has been created. You might say Ol' Scratch was the original progressive.
Yeah. Look up the actual mw or some internet dictionary of the term “liberal.”
What we’ve got is literally the opposite in every part of the definition.
Language counts when we face Orwellian corruption.
I talked about Isaiah Berlin's two types of liberty in this here podcast yesterday.
He wanted pluralism, and deplored despotism. Our system is the second type.
Things are accelerating. If you asked me 6 months ago I would have said we clearly need to save and amend “liberal democracy”. Now it’s clear that there’s nothing there to “save.”
Once it collapses officially we will have just that. Collapse. And we will (clear to me now) end up with a hard line right wing form of fascism.
God save us all.
Stay sane, make friends, seek the grace of God. Do not despair and remember - you are not obliged to join the jamboree of insanity.
Organise and advocate for an alternative to the living hell of the liberal-global order. If you cannot do this, seek the beauty in life and cherish it. Be an example of a better world in any way you can.
I try to be less bad every day. I am never going to be perfect, but at least I can give my flaws a haircut now and then.
I appreciate my friends on this forum. I truly do. This has value. God bless.
The solution as I see it, now that our oblivious backs are against the wall, is demolition of the systems brick by brick, mind by propagated mind, illegitimate ‘leader’ by ‘illegitimate’ leader, etc.., until the wall is no longer there---maybe in our lifetime, or maybe the next!?! In the words of Chief Dan George(Outlaw Josey Wales)---“Endeavor to Persevere”! God Bless!!!
Tally-ho! For England and St George!
Great essay. It is Good vs Evil, with Evil masquerading as Good. Sadly, many fellow citizens, separated from God and Light, have become.willing soldiers for this evil movement.
I'd like to raise an uncomfortable point, Mr. Wright: Gandhi and MLK were successful, in large part, because they agitated against people from a flawed but fundamentally decent (Christian) society. I don't think we are so fortunate.
Of course, liberalism is all fake. It's the mask put on by the masters to disguise totalitarianism and its cult of death. Like the vax.....
I could go on.....
Quite right. Mask off. What will the television believers make of it? They will be told to turn on you. Stay sane and be a good example.
The fact that Labour wanted to ‘rub our nose in (multiculturalism’ is utterly sickening. Thank you for your work, Frank. You make it ‘make sense’ - they (political elite) do actually hate us! Keep up the excellent work. 🙏
1. “I call for the of use of all nonviolent means of resistance to stand up to this evil.”
Keep dreaming, brother.
2. Our leaders in the US, the UK, and the West want immigrants to take vengeance on White Westerners.
3. Evil is violence. As an American, we tried lots of nonviolence to stand up to King George, but at the end of the day, you must answer violence with violence. “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household.” - Jesus Christ Our Savior, Matthew 10
4. Voting is shit. How long will we continue thinking that voting will solve anything, ever, anywhere? Voting is an illusion.
5. “The liberal state has done, and will do, nothing to stop this. To do so would be to admit it is responsible - and that much of this is intentional.”
Amen. Voting has gotten us to exactly where we are today. I don’t think voting moar and hardr is going to fix anything.
6. “This is the reason the liberal regime refuses to see the obvious: it is responsible for the obvious chaos it has caused in the Middle East, in Europe, and in Ukraine.”
They don’t refuse to see. They see it. They know. And they want more of it.
7. Praise God, and pass the ammunition.
We must do what we can, when we can, while we are here - and we will not be here to do anything in Britain if we get locked up before we can act at all.
You may have read that in Britain you can get jailed for months for making a comment on Facebook. This case in point did not, iirc, involve advocacy of violence.
Announcing violent intent in the UK online is a crime. Encouraging people here to do so online is to help them volunteer for imprisonment.
I don’t think that is your intention here, and I think your arguments sound - yet the state we are in is vindictive and will exercise the justice of Robespierre - swift, inflexible, merciless- on anyone it can use as an example.
Nonviolent means of resistance not only work, they also build strong bonds and cause like minded people to come together.
It is a form of non violent insurgency.
As you are most likely aware, insurgency and CI warfare is a cycle of escalation on both sides. The state power responding with increasingly extreme measures, as it must in the face of a determined and disciplined enemy, acts as recruiting sergeant for its own resistance.
It is imperative that people of good conscience organise to oppose the evil which calls itself good that is this rotten state.
It will cheer them up and their actions will disillusion their friends, neighbours, and a good many of their enemies too - as the vicious and destructive spirit which inspires this system is revealed in its desperation.
We must be a better example of how to live than those who have abused the right to rule to point of total illegitimacy.
This is not yet a civil war. It is time - now -for a very civil form of warfare in which mothers feel capable and obliged to join in the sake of their sons and daughters.
God bless you my friend.
I hear you. I pray to God our Father it works. Courage breeds courage. I've been reading that the Brit leets are threatening to arrest Americans for online speech. Bring it on, Bobbie! :)
Yes, this is one LOL in the NOTLOL. We must remember to laugh at our betters, as they menacingly lace up their clown shoes.
One’s best chance of maintaining their humanity in this chaos is a personal relationship with God and like-minded family and friends. Sounds like you have that. I admire your courage.
Oh you are kind Alan. I am a religious extremist (Catholic, Latin mass and whatnot) and yes, I do think family and durable human real -life relationships are the foundation of a sane society.
I am not afraid because I genuinely fear God. It does wonders for the jitters. I did not expect to discover that it did and was rather surprised by the fact when it occurred to me one day, like finding an old keepsake I had forgotten. Well fancy that!
A Latin Mass goer! That explains it.
I returned to the Church twenty years ago, and it was the Latin Mass that pulled me back. Our priest was a friend of Michael Davies, one of many great English Catholics.
"Judica me, Deus, et discerne causal meam de gente non sancta: ab homine iniquo et deloso erue me."
For those not familiar with Church Latin, that is how the Latin Mass opens:
"Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy; deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man." (Psalm 42)
Frank love your work, it's such a breath of fresh air and reinforces the truth that we are right in how we feel and they are blatantly lying to us.
The thing is where does it end, we have to stop this but how.... ? and can it even be done at this point.....
Oh while we are here we must do what we can. There is much to do, as it turns out. See my latest call to reclaim the state from the criminals who have hijacked it. From conversations about the permanent state of emergency, through the cost of living to the criminalisation of speech, it is impossible to ignore that this is a war on our entire civilisation.
Even if all you do is prompt people to question the contradiction of the obvious that is the "news" you can help this evil regime die from the death of belief in its lies.
We are going to win.
Yeah ive just read it... I believe this can work and perhaps we can carve up the country into county lines that has it's own rules, own currency (bitcoin have to separate money from state), no extortionate taxes just a fee to keep things running smoothly that people can opt into or not come in if it's not to their liking.. this way the benefit state is non existent and the scum have to stay away, the right to bear arms to keep ourselves safe especially during the period the scum are desperate... after the dust settles we as peaceful people would not need it.
Yes sir spreading the word everywhere I can.
Keep up the great work
Yes we're gona win 🫡
Thank you my e-friend. You are not alone. We are coming. We are you.
Yes sir 🫡
Dear Mr Wright, we - in Hungary - didn't know about this terrible situation in Great Britain and Ireland. This is a deliberate war invasion according to Michael Yon by John Waters in Substack. And You wrote, that escalation of the Iran war could cause direct attacks of immigrants. Is this potential purpose of war against Iran? As purpose of war against Iraq was annihilate Christians. This is really the finish. God save the British and Irish people in this war! We are praying for You!
Giorgio Agamben wrote an excellent Requiem for the West:
I did think Agamem was very interesting in State of Exception - though I haven’t read the one you cite.
Yes, a war in Iran with western and wider Middle East participation would almost certainly mobilise terror attacks by enraged Muslims (not without justification) and produce a worsening state of emergency across most of the West.
Thank God it appears the Iranians are as yet refusing the invitation to this hell, made by an Israel leader who is pursuing permanent war as a matter of political survival. Israel is in the abyss - there is open talk of removing Netanyahu before he destroys the nation he claims to defend.
Good on you, Frank. Another excellent write up.
As the great 'energy and resource contraction' gathers pace, the collapse of the global debt-based financial system is gathering momentum. The debt owners - the CBs and other institutional creditors - are rushing to foreclose and force their debtors into handing over their property deeds in exchange for 'debt forgiveness' and accepting permanent tenancy status - "you will own nothing and be happy... or else"; thus consolidating their position as the new rentier aristocracy.
This great contraction will inevitably lead to a great simplification, whereby whole swathes of bureaucratic and administrative overhead are culled - a gigantic downsizing, if you will. The battle that is underway is once again between the centralisers ("globalists") and the decentralisers ("nation-statists").
Centralisation is unnatural. It is inherently inflexible and fragile, and thus short-lived. Building the local support networks you advocate is a key step in ensuring the centralising globalists lose.
Thank you DK, and I wholeheartedly advocate the descaling of the inhuman - and non-dirigible - mass scale machine that has replaced our societies
When I was working in Russia, I asked a Russian colleague why I only ever saw the police doing random stops and searches of people who were from the Caucuses.
He quickly replied, “They’re the ones who blow themselves up on trains.”
Amen my brother.
Thank you Richard. Will be in touch soon.
Another good article!
The thing is, though, how are we meant to reclaim our country? Resistance to what, exactly? The people of the West were quite happy to lock themselves in their houses, cover their faces in paper and inject themselves with poison when they were told to. What are they going to resist? How are they going to resist? They walk around with their smart devices logging every move they make, they get filmed everywhere they go, they sign up to every system designed to "make life easier" but which really just monitor them. They aren't awake. Give it a week or two and nobody will remember hating Muslims or child-murderers, the media will have moved on and so will the public. Call me a cynic, but watch nothing happen and everything stay the same.
While we are here we must do what we can. Hold them to their own standards. Radicalise your neighbours with appeals to reality. The belief in television is the power of liberal democracy.
Be an example of the better world. If you can, help to build a movement to persuade others that an alternative to a living hell is possible.
Television seems to be waning in influence as boomers shuffle off to that great RV park in the sky.
They really were a generation completely captured by the "boob tube" as it were, my source being boomer relatives and any other boomer I've talked to, who simply don't believe anything unless it is Seen On TV or legacy print media. At least half the following generation (mine) was also so captured, though some of this latter have managed to wean themselves from that particular e-mammary gland. I am not sure that sources of information have improved much (talk to any zoomer) but at least they have the advantage of being decentralized, though less so than in the glory days of web 1.0, where the freedom to say the N-word, while gauche, was a proxy for the degree of unrestricted information flow. Hope abounds if trends of young men reportedly being more conservative (euphemism for "sane" I suppose) are accurate, even if young wimmins are trending more liberal. They'll come along directly, if not quickly, when it's realized that feel-good insanity is a poor substitute for running water and electricity.
The group of people that can be persuaded in any real capacity is growing ever more miniscule. I'm afraid stuffy's comment above is more or less correct. Particularly here in the US there is basically 0 chance for meaningful consensus on anything other than "muh stuff" and all other things me. At the end of the day almost everyone is a narcissist looking out for #1 with no values or beliefs that go deeper than their skin, and it's even true of the church-goers. Covid revealed how broken the bonds between citizens with their fellows and reality really are, and it has still gotten worse. Unfortunately there's nothing left but rage that can break the apathy and illusions. The age of reason is over for good as there's simply nobody left to reason with other than dissident circles for fun and interest
"Sometimes reasonable people must do unreasonable things."
I think about this bit of wisdom a lot lately.
All the non violent means in the world is not even going to put a dent in the demonic Muslim jihadists bent on killing and conquering. Might want to consider arming to and gathering others. War is necessary. It won't be pleasant
We will never reclaim our country without understanding that power is consolidated from the bottom up. You can learn a lot from Muslims and how they are constructing a parallel state, very community focused, traditional. NS Lyons is very good on this, he uses the example of Hungary. It is a long term project, and it requires grassroots organisation - we are weak because we are atomised. And lashing out will not get us anywhere.
Strong social bonds survive political change. I do not believe in revolution from the bottom up. All the ones which have succeeded have been directed by an elite - a vanguard if you like.
I am not fond of revolution for its blood price amongst the innocent.
The liberal system empowers minorities to suppress the advantage of the majority. When it dissolves, as it is now, all the advantages it confers disappear.
The legal preference, the protected and promoted status, rhe funding - pouff! Gone, like your food under communism.
I am a fan of elite theory and think a nonevent useless without an intellectual dissidence combined with financial backing and some hard power.
I also would adduce the nonviolent death of the Soviet Union, which died because people simply stopped believing in it.
This process is also underway now.
I think you underestimate the power of a deeply entrenched bureaucracy that is able to thwart any change of direction in policy. Such as our civil service. In the example of Hungary, it was understood that although communism had nominally been defeated, the institutions were still dominated by the left. The only way prise the system out of their hands, democratically, and bloodlessly, is to build a voter base that believes in the cause.
It is extremely important to make the case for sanity by argument and example, yes.
However, many people will do what they are told, even if they know it is wrong, so long as they consider the person (usually on the screen- but not always) of sufficient authority.
I think this phase of the regime is extremely demoralising for television believers.
The last few years have been an extraordinary spectacle of authority versus reality and it is getting much more so now.
This is not the only process involved but it is usually overlooked as insignificant to power. It isn’t.