Excellent analysis. It’s all so harrowing Frank. I do think there are additional reasons why these grooming gangs have been able to rape our beautiful, mostly underprivileged, and typically very vulnerable children for decades. Firstly, as you note, the Luciferian powers that be, and a large portion of society (mainly, I would argue, the chattering classes) have no interest in the sanctity of life coupled with a distain for working class people. They have been totally desensitised by the atheistic/humanist agenda that’s been peddled for decades as witnessed from their zeal for abortion, euthanasia, transgenderism and so on. Secondly, we know that child rape, sacrifice, and murder is a core part of the ruling ‘elite’ satanic practices (see James Delingpole interview with Nathan Reynolds as one example but there are many other victims who have now come forward with their stories). Of course, the Epstein and more recently the P Diddy case have again exposed the utter degeneracy and evil the ruling classes are involved in particularly towards children and young people. From a spiritual perspective, Satan and his followers know that they wound Jesus Christ the King most by hurting or killing His children. It’s all so deeply disturbing.
The complicity of authorities is established, it is a question of motive. I think that is largely explained by the replacement of the pursuit of God’s grace with that of desire. You can also call that evil.
Frank, thank you so much for your in-depth accurate analytical article. Thank you again for exposing the horrific truth about what our little girls and teenage girls are going through. In my profession as a child protection social worker I tried so hard for years to get the government including my senior management to do something about the children that were raped tortured abused, yet nothing happened except calling me racist and threatening me with suspension! Because I care about our children. It breaks my heart, I’m so angry and bitter about working for 20 years in a system that doesn’t care about children. Eventually after all this time (bear in your mind that the shelf life of a social worker in cp is about 3 months, I was told that I would be promoted to director of my local authority if I kept my mouth shut, they said I speak before I think) after I went to the director to report my boss for not acting on my information about child abuse in a case where the perpetrators were immigrants and the children were White, I was given a first and final warning for my conduct. I eventually let them win and resigned. Now I am unemployed and unemployable probably and despite my absolute best efforts to protect children nothing has changed.
I mentioned in the post that I had tried to alert authorities to systematic violent and sexual abuse of children in a moslem community of England, and I will explain some of what I meant here.
Whilst working with young offenders and looked after children I helped to run a football session for the kids. One day a small boy was tackled. His shirt rode up, revealing deep weals on his back.
The boy was a Pakistani moslem - as was my co-worker. He and I were horrified, but he less surprised than I was.
Long story short, we alerted the head of child protection, the council, the local police, and eventually the Home Office - as what resulted was the discovery of systematic child abuse centred on a local mosque.
A documentary was produced and broadcasted on national television about the mosque and it closed down briefly.
None of the authorities responded. Various other incidents came to light which evidenced systematic, historic and ongoing violent and sexual abuse of children.
My co-worker was identified as a witness. Members of his community then tried to brand him as a paedophile. His life was credibly threatened. When they threatened his wife, he left for an undisclosed location under a new identity. His attempt to protect children from his own community had ruined his life.
He was a good man and a friend, and I miss him. I never saw or heard of him again.
I knew the child protection officer personally. This was a person of an impeccable progressive mentality, which I largely shared myself at the time. The response I witnessed was of a person fully aware of these horrors but completely incapable of doing anything about it. A mute witness.
This person was not to blame. Nothing could be done, I was told. This turned out to be true. When I went up the chain of command I was told the same thing by people higher up, and those higher than them refused to reply at all.
I went to a former senior investigator of non-familial child sexual abuse for help. This police detective had worked on Operation Yewtree (Savile), and also on Stovewood (Rotherham). These were (I think) the second largest and largest operations undertaken in the UK of their kind.
The impression I left with was that these crimes had been committed with the knowledge of the relevant authorities for decades. This was when I was given the Savile book.
That "racism" has provided cover for the rape gangs is one dimension of this scandal, which appears to be a conspiracy of evil involving the legal, policing, political and media establishment.
It appears to involve people in the highest positions of authority, and this is likely the reason it has flourished with apparent impunity for decades.
I know of a situation where little kids were definitely being raped by their 400 pound faggot grandfather, he was a monster you should’ve seen 400 pound with a cane with a woman’s voice and dainty mannerisms. There was a lot of evidence. They refused to look into it because the two massive mothers were lesbians with the blue hair and everything. The kid was sucking up and down on anything that looked like a dick and I showed them. He also had terrible rashes, but they used a cloth diaper and said it was because of that and nobody would look into it. The kid was molesting other people. When he was confronted, he would close his eyes and pretend nobody is there. Can you imagine how many times he had to do that at home?
Because the massive lesbians were polite, they were called. “nice” of course they were bending over backwards to be polite, they were getting away with raping their kids. One of the sons wore a dress. They adopted several autistic kids. It’s all so horrible and they will never be caught. They will just abuse any kids they can find themselves.
I can believe it as I knew a child protection officer in post, and one retired, and former looked-after-children professionals, and former police detectives, and met victims myself who had nothing done to help them.
This is an institutional problem. The policy of tolerance generally is the permission of evil in principle. In particular, it is the permission of evil in practice.
It's not your fault. You don't know and can't know if the seeds you have planted are growing or not. I do wish we all could see the good we do come to fruition but that would require a perspective none of us has. There is one who does. He sees what you've done.
I applaud you.
I'm in a similar boat and it's not easy to keep it afloat. ha...not funny, but...
This is a phenomenal essay, Frank, deserving of a very wide audience. It’s an overarching analysis that I’ve heard nowhere else, and it makes complete sense. Bravo, Frank: you are doing the Lord’s work.
Yes, the reason this has gone on for so long is that the evidence indicates the complicity of high ranking members of the establishment, including police, legal, political and media leaders.
The use of "racism" to shoo away investigation is a scandal, but only part of the far greater evil which created this smokescreen.
Thank you Reosizm. I try to make the best of a bad lot, I suppose. I don’t know what to say about your rather generous praise except thank you.
I am writing something on Wolf Hall at the moment which should be a pleasant departure from this diabolical theme.
If it helps, I think for all his faults the spotlight put on this matter by musk may see some change arrive. This is an evil which involves the ruling elite, and could really only be denounced from outside the establishment.
Infuriating. I wonder why Bowden said that Conservatives had given up on "Britain and the cause of the English, Irish, Scots and Welsh as a matter of policy - decades ago."
Well he was there when they did so, making the apology (as such) that it was simply too late and too awkward to do anything about demographic change. People who thought politics was about doing something - about things like this - were pushed out of the party.
Yes, the liberal consensus is finished - which means Labour and Tories as was are over. They may reinvent to survive. I think Blue Labour is probably their future - maurice glasman's nationalist Labourism.
For now, very likely Reform under Farage - with an obvious shift towards the Robinson/Shapiro/Murray/Peterson "right".
Who takes down the establishment? They will be replaced. They are all complicit, the nation is as paralysed politically as France or Germany - in the failed attempt to hold back the tide.
What I mean is though Britain will likely be the last to see this change, it cannot be stopped, and this is the last liberal government on our islands.
It will be a matter of several years at most. The government may well collapse within months. We shall see.
Yes, the establishment is completely corrupt. Yes, the state is at war with the nation. Yes, it has lost. This enemy is now in disarray and their entire international system is vanishing.
Thank you Frank for taking the time to answer to this. Looking at poor kid Charlene's pictures, one can't even grasp how extreme the level of violence and the amount of pain your nation took.
I'll leave it at that for now because i'm hurt. But i will from time to time ask how you are doing and your thoughts on things if its ok with you.
I have seen enough of the liberal wisdom of the three wise monkeys up close. I saw it going on myself, as did so many who lived beside the parallel cultures we have seen imported and empowered by the enemies of our civilisation.
This is a decades old anger, novel only to those who never knew it. It is in my view best understood in wider context - a hatred of our Christian civilisation generally, an attempt to destroy it by internationally coordinated policy - and in the UK a vengeful and vicious contempt for the white working class.
I’m all right Jack. It’s the kids past present and future who need our protection and concern.
Definitely! Not only do they not believe that gay men can be dangerous, even when they see dangerous behavior from gay men they say it’s just prejudice point it out. It’s ridiculous and they are going to get all their kids molested.
I don't disagree with the ideas of the essay, but I'm not sure you make a strong case for linking cultural production to the current mess. I agree with the premise and I'm sure you're right about how both establishment political parties abandoned the "English, Welsh, Scots, Irish" in favor of (what I call) sexy buzzwords (ex. Multiculturalism), which then downstream made raising the issue of child abuse in immigrant communities a very delicate problem and so (from your comment above) most who could respond would rather not because it could end their careers.
I take cultural production to mean the ensemble of arts produced (so radio, tv, printed media, art, etc). I don't see the link for the sake of the argument you're making. For instance, I see more of a link with the LGBT expansion as it recently tried to rehabilitate MAPs as the Q+ side of things went into overdrive.
I agree with the generic point that opening up to uncontrolled immigration can undermine culture and community. Having lived in the UK for a number of years, I think the English have always discriminated amongst themselves (for ex. Private vs Public schools, grammar schools, the South vs the North, etc), and the issue at hand was swept under the rug because it didn't happen in posh postcodes (in the south).
I think inequality is the real problem.
From my experiences, even the most ardent critics of the monarchy would get wet or overexcited if a royal turned up at an event. I'm sure this is the byproduct of cultural production (and manipulation) and helps explain why the centres of power just don't care about ordinary folks. If you join to work in the institutions (ex. Judiciary), you need to go along to get along to be promoted. The best example of this is Starmer when he was Chief Crown Prosecutor (?).
So I would say, more than cultural production, the problem of grooming gangs is the UK paying the price for being an unequal society. And a minority use the narratives to their advantage to make might right. And since power absconds from responsibility to equitably solve the mess, the only other solution is to answer just as forcibly. And we're seeing this "blowback" "evolve" in real time across the west, as the bottom of the pyramid gets more restless.
The political culture was produced by the transition to global technocracy. This political culture excluded anyone who warned about its downsides.
I think our politics a product as much as any other, sold in the same way as shoes or wars or new values.
You're right, I could and should do better, but I hope to do so in the book. I tried to show how the economic and political culture shaped policy - including the provision of mass migration through regime change and so on - to demonstrate that this and every aspect of our state of emergency is a result of policy. The policy of a system of government by an elite with global ambitions, whose aim is to replace our civilisation entirely.
People aren't equal, and we do not have a meritocracy. You are promoted if you are a suitable component. I know people who know Keir Starmer, for example. What they have in common is a perception of themselves as the rightful rulers, the brahmins if you like, because they can see through the obvious.
If you cannot see things which aren't there, and you concentrate on things which are, you are ignorant - and likely a bigot. This is pretty much the mentality of the nomenklatura, or what we call the establishment.
"It has reduced human life to the status of a product.
Liberal global consumerism is a dream of domination which has annihilated much of what makes life worthwhile, including the value of human life itself.
We are living through a moment of grand disenchantment, in which the reality behind the fantasies we have been sold for decades is revealed. The promises do not match the product."
This is it in a nutshell. Thank you for it. I've copied it for my remembrance.
I don't know how these entrenched fantasies can be wrenched from people's minds. This is the complicity with evil we all bear until each one of us finds the humility to first admit we've been corrupted with the worst of pornographic thoughts and desires (and I don't mean just sexual ones..) and then engage in the labor intensive task of dismantling and discarding them from our hearts and minds.
Of course that will also require replacing destructive fantasies with a sound relationship with our Creator and all He teaches. To relearn everything we've been duped into believing is true and follow Him. The task is simple but not easy and I cry for humanity. Especially the children.
I am a new subscriber and this is the first article of yours I've read. It's the best writing and thoughts I've read in a very long time. Thank you.
I am a little confused by one point - Are you a supporter or do you endorse the state of Israel as it currently exists? Perhaps it's my fault as a reader, but I couldn't quite tell where you stand by the end of your (as I've said) excellent article.
I'm writing a book called Radiant Fantasies. Though it's not entirely about the following, it does contain the similarities between the fantasies of serial killers and child predators and other fantasies less horrifying yet still on the spectrum of death. Down to the "everyday" variety.
Serial killers cite their fantasies as their fuel and their inability to bring them into reality as the reason they continue killing. Serial child abusers and rapists describe the same. Also why incarceration does nothing to curb those fantasies but instead prison provides them the luxury of time to further develop their fantasies which become escalated in brutality as a means of realization.
I see unbridled greed, the discard of spouses, the abortion of inconvenient unborn, etc., to be fueled by the same dissatisfaction with achieving the realization of fantasy.
As you said, a world centered on desire rather than God.
Please pardon the length of this comment. You've truly provoked my thoughts.
I write extensively on Israel, its genocide in Gaza, and its refinement of its foundational practice of state terrorism here and for LifeSiteNews.
I wrote a piece here in 2023 on the lifelong ambition of Netanyahu to destroy peace in Israel which led to my many articles commissioned on Israel for LifeSite.
This treats the assassination of the Kennedys and Zionist influence over "liberal democracy". detailing allegations of CIA/MOSSAD links to 9/11. It also shows the Talmudic origin of the doctrine of pre-emptive war, which was urged to US Congress by Netanyahu and then adopted into US National Security Strategy.
I have written here on the Israeli samson option and the plight of Mordecai Vanunu, the armageddonism of its Kahanist government members, and the decades-long pressure applied by Netanyahu and Israel to start regime change wars in Iraq, Syria, Libya and elsewhere.
My long thread about regime change is here on twitter, on an account which has been mysteriously throttled for mysterious reasons. lol.
Some cultures are totally depraved. US soldiers would tell the tale of being told to "stand down" as they witnessed Afghani and Iraqi men rape young boys (multiculturalism demands all cultures be treated the same). It was absolutely nothing for a grown man in those countries to find a boy and use him, repeatedly. For some reason, Western liberalism demands we celebrate that.
You say it's the Muzzies? Well it ain't the Iranians, Indonesians, Turks, Bengalis, North Africans, East Africans, Arabs, Palestinians, Afghans etc and they're all Muzzies. So who could it be Frank? And why now when it's been going on for 40 years? The word knobhead comes to mind.
If you had read the post, which I admit is long, you would find I do not say “it’s the muzzies”, and in fact say “it is the result of cultural production”.
This means our civilisation has been intentionally replaced with a permanent state of emergency, in which human life - that of children born and not - is reduced to the status of a consumer product.
I wrote a recent piece on how this process of “cultural production” - that is, the mobilisation of mass culture in the service of global domination - produces and virally transmits Takfiri terrorism through the same technique as any other product for mass consumption. You can find that here:
Like the Shankill Butchers came out of a British CHRISTIAN community? So what, Frank? Some would argue they had permission too because that's what it's about. State sanctioned violence. It has NOTHING to do with Islam and you know it. Bullshit baffles brains.
I think I can see your point of view, but I don't think it helpful. Again, I do not make the argument you accuse me of making.
Since you insist on this line of reasoning here is what I make of it.
You counter with an implicit appeal to a Rawlsian abstraction of human action in which race, religion and other characteristics are erased.
(I am talking about Rawls' "Original Position" - in which an idea of justice as "fairness" is arrived at through the subtraction of all distinguishing human characteristics.
This is outlined in A Theory Of Justice, published in 1971 and providing the basis for liberal-consumer jurisprudence and rights-based ethics. It is the rule set for the post-national technocracy imagined by Brzezinski in the late 1970s as a model for the world).
I think this is a fair approximation of your outrage at the mention of reality, which is that the rape gangs are largely composed of Pakistani moslem men.
To deny this is to deny a fact, which makes your argument anti-factist.
It is curious you should adduce the centuries-old sectarianism of Northern Ireland, as the only recent sign of unity between Loyalists and Republicans has been forged over the perception of a common threat - that of mass migration, and specifically the spontaneous attempted knife murder of three children in Dublin by Riad Bouchaker, an Algerian in November 2023.
I do not make the reductionist case that you seem to say I am making - that "it is the muzzies".
The gangs in question are indeed largely moslem, and mostly from Pakistan.
These facts are central to the question of how they came to behave with effective permission from the authorities - with the authorities themselves claiming severally they did not act as they wished to avoid being perceived as "racist", and that to do so would foment "racism".
This explains something of the nature of "racism" - which is simply the recognition that different people are different, they behave differently, and some of these behaviours are bad.
This is now called a "stereotype" - a word invented by the inventor of mass mind control by media, Walter Lippmann, in his 1922 book "Public Opinion".
He was talking about the deliberate creation of concepts to be broadcasted to the public in order to better govern them. This he called the placing of pictures in the public mind.
I argue their presence, the permission to act, and their relative or total impunity has resulted from the dehumanising process of cultural production - which is the imposition of international consumer normlessness to power belief in liberal-globalism.
The denial of reality and the manufacture of a counterfeit for mass consumption is a necessary factor in the realisation of global hegemony. It is the creation of belief in the economic-military system intended to replace nations and their civilisations globally. A sort of cancel culture which cancels all culture not of its own making, if you like.
You appear to argue as a sort of anti-racist, which itself reduces to a position of counter-reality.
Race is real, being as biological a fact as sex, and to deny it is to assert that changing the names of things changes reality. It does not. Differences persist despite attempts to describe then away, and this exposes the limits of utopian attempts to gainsay reality. This attempt is central to the uniparty politics of technocratic managerialism - also called the liberal consensus.
The crisis we inhabit is complex but can be understood. One dimension of this complexity is the attempt to replace hard reality with a "pseudo environment" first described by Walter Lippmann in the early 1920s. This is the creation of a world of images, feelings, slogans and so on, and is done by propaganda - "public relations" - as Lippmann said.
The position you appear to be defending is, I would argue, itself a product of the process outlined by Lippmann - one of the earliest architects of our system of government by the mass production of belief.
The argument with reality is being lost. The pseudo environment cannot provide satisfactory explanations for the chaos it has created. This chaos has been created by the attempt to replace our civilisation with a system powered by sensational and utopian fantasies to sell a project of global domination to its subject populations.
This sale is necessary because the project will be realised at the cost of everything you value in your life, including the value of human life itself.
Difference is indifferent to our attempts to deny it, as are other hard limits of human nature and action. This too explains the moment of crisis we inhabit.
The liberal-consumer system, global in its ambitions, has reached hard limits, and its manufacture of mass belief cannot counter the attendant disenchantment. It has promised a heaven on earth, and delivered a living hell.
What is behind the curtain is being exposed, and it is not a kindly old man but a monstrous project of universal annihilation.
It is the making of a peaceful desert, and is the reason the state is at war with the nation, with God, man, woman and child. If the basis of reality can be undermined in the public mind, then nothing is true, and everything is permitted. And here we are.
So Jim Jones was a Pentacostalist, Scappatici a Catholic, the Manson Family gnostics and the IDF is Jewish? I guess Fred West was on a quest for the transcendent too. Do me a favour. The word Muslim has no place next to grooming gang and you know that.
What is your point? The gangs in question were largely Pakistani Moslems and this is cited as a significant factor in their cases. References made to the victims expressed the significance of their racial and cultural distinction from their abusers.
Your argument appears to be with reality, not me, and you have not considered any of the points I have made. You seem to be motivated to make this aspect of a far wider and seemingly institutional evil disappear.
Again, I do not make the reductive case you accuse me of making simply because I do not wilfully disregard some unpleasant facts.
Rothschilds with all royal families instigated WW1.
England was bankrupt when WW2 broke out.
Churchill took an open cheque from rothschilds.
The deal was government courts police and social services are transferred to the rothschild crown corporation.
Also Rothschilds DNA enters the house of Windsor.
Diane Spencer Quote.
“I was drugged taken to ema place where a ceremony was performed, they all wore robes and looked like lizards”
9 months later Diana Spencer gave birth to William Rothschild then paired with Middleton a plantagenet.
Their children rothschilds.
Kazerian mafia
And 9 other families.
Salisbury may be another.
Evlin de rothschilds Jacob Rothschilds and another recently in America have been executed.
The kazerians were Booted out of kazeria/Russia went to Germany France England. Booted out by Oliver Cromwell.
Failed to take back kazeria/Ukraine
With napoleon and Hitler and communism and crimean war and now the western cabal.
Starmer ant kamala Harris went to the same marxist training camp in siberia
Starlin assassinated lenin trotsky and marx because they were all working for rothschilds.
During the time of Oliver Cromwell. Rothschilds loaded the city of London with mercenaries. Cromwell couldn't get them out.
That's why they have different police.
Rothschilds also created 1 of 3 illuminati schools in Scotland where mountbatton sent Prince Philip.
CQV1666 birth certificate contract of slavery legal fiction corporate entity driftwood lost at sea.
Was created after rothschilds set fire to London for a land and asset grab.
As men were pressganged into the Navy the birth certificate took away people's sovereignty and all who signed their children away. Those children are deemed dead and lost at sea.
You have NO RIGHTS.
Open a corporation in one's name then close it declaring one is back from being lost at sea.
Then record one's live birth sovereignty with the common law courts online.
> Thatcher’s revolutionary programme of free market privatisation also did this. It undermined the traditional customs and culture that Conservatives claimed to wish to conserve.
What traditional customs? The government control of industry that Thatcher undid only goes back to the Labour nationalizations of the 1940s.
Excellent analysis. It’s all so harrowing Frank. I do think there are additional reasons why these grooming gangs have been able to rape our beautiful, mostly underprivileged, and typically very vulnerable children for decades. Firstly, as you note, the Luciferian powers that be, and a large portion of society (mainly, I would argue, the chattering classes) have no interest in the sanctity of life coupled with a distain for working class people. They have been totally desensitised by the atheistic/humanist agenda that’s been peddled for decades as witnessed from their zeal for abortion, euthanasia, transgenderism and so on. Secondly, we know that child rape, sacrifice, and murder is a core part of the ruling ‘elite’ satanic practices (see James Delingpole interview with Nathan Reynolds as one example but there are many other victims who have now come forward with their stories). Of course, the Epstein and more recently the P Diddy case have again exposed the utter degeneracy and evil the ruling classes are involved in particularly towards children and young people. From a spiritual perspective, Satan and his followers know that they wound Jesus Christ the King most by hurting or killing His children. It’s all so deeply disturbing.
The complicity of authorities is established, it is a question of motive. I think that is largely explained by the replacement of the pursuit of God’s grace with that of desire. You can also call that evil.
Exactly Frank
Frank, thank you so much for your in-depth accurate analytical article. Thank you again for exposing the horrific truth about what our little girls and teenage girls are going through. In my profession as a child protection social worker I tried so hard for years to get the government including my senior management to do something about the children that were raped tortured abused, yet nothing happened except calling me racist and threatening me with suspension! Because I care about our children. It breaks my heart, I’m so angry and bitter about working for 20 years in a system that doesn’t care about children. Eventually after all this time (bear in your mind that the shelf life of a social worker in cp is about 3 months, I was told that I would be promoted to director of my local authority if I kept my mouth shut, they said I speak before I think) after I went to the director to report my boss for not acting on my information about child abuse in a case where the perpetrators were immigrants and the children were White, I was given a first and final warning for my conduct. I eventually let them win and resigned. Now I am unemployed and unemployable probably and despite my absolute best efforts to protect children nothing has changed.
I mentioned in the post that I had tried to alert authorities to systematic violent and sexual abuse of children in a moslem community of England, and I will explain some of what I meant here.
Whilst working with young offenders and looked after children I helped to run a football session for the kids. One day a small boy was tackled. His shirt rode up, revealing deep weals on his back.
The boy was a Pakistani moslem - as was my co-worker. He and I were horrified, but he less surprised than I was.
Long story short, we alerted the head of child protection, the council, the local police, and eventually the Home Office - as what resulted was the discovery of systematic child abuse centred on a local mosque.
A documentary was produced and broadcasted on national television about the mosque and it closed down briefly.
None of the authorities responded. Various other incidents came to light which evidenced systematic, historic and ongoing violent and sexual abuse of children.
My co-worker was identified as a witness. Members of his community then tried to brand him as a paedophile. His life was credibly threatened. When they threatened his wife, he left for an undisclosed location under a new identity. His attempt to protect children from his own community had ruined his life.
He was a good man and a friend, and I miss him. I never saw or heard of him again.
I knew the child protection officer personally. This was a person of an impeccable progressive mentality, which I largely shared myself at the time. The response I witnessed was of a person fully aware of these horrors but completely incapable of doing anything about it. A mute witness.
This person was not to blame. Nothing could be done, I was told. This turned out to be true. When I went up the chain of command I was told the same thing by people higher up, and those higher than them refused to reply at all.
I went to a former senior investigator of non-familial child sexual abuse for help. This police detective had worked on Operation Yewtree (Savile), and also on Stovewood (Rotherham). These were (I think) the second largest and largest operations undertaken in the UK of their kind.
The impression I left with was that these crimes had been committed with the knowledge of the relevant authorities for decades. This was when I was given the Savile book.
That "racism" has provided cover for the rape gangs is one dimension of this scandal, which appears to be a conspiracy of evil involving the legal, policing, political and media establishment.
It appears to involve people in the highest positions of authority, and this is likely the reason it has flourished with apparent impunity for decades.
I know of a situation where little kids were definitely being raped by their 400 pound faggot grandfather, he was a monster you should’ve seen 400 pound with a cane with a woman’s voice and dainty mannerisms. There was a lot of evidence. They refused to look into it because the two massive mothers were lesbians with the blue hair and everything. The kid was sucking up and down on anything that looked like a dick and I showed them. He also had terrible rashes, but they used a cloth diaper and said it was because of that and nobody would look into it. The kid was molesting other people. When he was confronted, he would close his eyes and pretend nobody is there. Can you imagine how many times he had to do that at home?
Because the massive lesbians were polite, they were called. “nice” of course they were bending over backwards to be polite, they were getting away with raping their kids. One of the sons wore a dress. They adopted several autistic kids. It’s all so horrible and they will never be caught. They will just abuse any kids they can find themselves.
I can believe it as I knew a child protection officer in post, and one retired, and former looked-after-children professionals, and former police detectives, and met victims myself who had nothing done to help them.
This is an institutional problem. The policy of tolerance generally is the permission of evil in principle. In particular, it is the permission of evil in practice.
It's not your fault. You don't know and can't know if the seeds you have planted are growing or not. I do wish we all could see the good we do come to fruition but that would require a perspective none of us has. There is one who does. He sees what you've done.
I applaud you.
I'm in a similar boat and it's not easy to keep it afloat. ha...not funny, but...
God Bless.
This is a phenomenal essay, Frank, deserving of a very wide audience. It’s an overarching analysis that I’ve heard nowhere else, and it makes complete sense. Bravo, Frank: you are doing the Lord’s work.
Thank you CM. I genuinely appreciate your saying so, as I never know otherwise how all this comes across.
Sorry it was so long.
I don't think it could be shortened. If anything it could be expanded.
Yes, the reason this has gone on for so long is that the evidence indicates the complicity of high ranking members of the establishment, including police, legal, political and media leaders.
The use of "racism" to shoo away investigation is a scandal, but only part of the far greater evil which created this smokescreen.
Frank, your writing just gets better and better, unfortunately this coincides with our conditions getting worse and worse!
Thank you Reosizm. I try to make the best of a bad lot, I suppose. I don’t know what to say about your rather generous praise except thank you.
I am writing something on Wolf Hall at the moment which should be a pleasant departure from this diabolical theme.
If it helps, I think for all his faults the spotlight put on this matter by musk may see some change arrive. This is an evil which involves the ruling elite, and could really only be denounced from outside the establishment.
Infuriating. I wonder why Bowden said that Conservatives had given up on "Britain and the cause of the English, Irish, Scots and Welsh as a matter of policy - decades ago."
Well he was there when they did so, making the apology (as such) that it was simply too late and too awkward to do anything about demographic change. People who thought politics was about doing something - about things like this - were pushed out of the party.
Our leaders have turned on us.
Yes - the state has declared war on the nation.
Quite the work you did.
Do you think labors and torries are now finished with their revolting and cruel public inquiry bs.
Media and politics having been neuter by Musk. Who takes down chiefs of police and judiciaries? Does Farage can do it?
Yes, the liberal consensus is finished - which means Labour and Tories as was are over. They may reinvent to survive. I think Blue Labour is probably their future - maurice glasman's nationalist Labourism.
For now, very likely Reform under Farage - with an obvious shift towards the Robinson/Shapiro/Murray/Peterson "right".
Who takes down the establishment? They will be replaced. They are all complicit, the nation is as paralysed politically as France or Germany - in the failed attempt to hold back the tide.
What I mean is though Britain will likely be the last to see this change, it cannot be stopped, and this is the last liberal government on our islands.
It will be a matter of several years at most. The government may well collapse within months. We shall see.
Yes, the establishment is completely corrupt. Yes, the state is at war with the nation. Yes, it has lost. This enemy is now in disarray and their entire international system is vanishing.
Thank you Frank for taking the time to answer to this. Looking at poor kid Charlene's pictures, one can't even grasp how extreme the level of violence and the amount of pain your nation took.
I'll leave it at that for now because i'm hurt. But i will from time to time ask how you are doing and your thoughts on things if its ok with you.
Take care
How kind of you- and thank you.
I have seen enough of the liberal wisdom of the three wise monkeys up close. I saw it going on myself, as did so many who lived beside the parallel cultures we have seen imported and empowered by the enemies of our civilisation.
This is a decades old anger, novel only to those who never knew it. It is in my view best understood in wider context - a hatred of our Christian civilisation generally, an attempt to destroy it by internationally coordinated policy - and in the UK a vengeful and vicious contempt for the white working class.
I’m all right Jack. It’s the kids past present and future who need our protection and concern.
Definitely! Not only do they not believe that gay men can be dangerous, even when they see dangerous behavior from gay men they say it’s just prejudice point it out. It’s ridiculous and they are going to get all their kids molested.
Liberalism is the denial of reality by mandatory fantasy. In practice, this is the sort of thing these promises of utopia produce.
Very high level analysis, marvelous work Mr Wright.
Oh thank you! Glad I could help and thank you for letting me know, as otherwise I don’t.
I don't disagree with the ideas of the essay, but I'm not sure you make a strong case for linking cultural production to the current mess. I agree with the premise and I'm sure you're right about how both establishment political parties abandoned the "English, Welsh, Scots, Irish" in favor of (what I call) sexy buzzwords (ex. Multiculturalism), which then downstream made raising the issue of child abuse in immigrant communities a very delicate problem and so (from your comment above) most who could respond would rather not because it could end their careers.
I take cultural production to mean the ensemble of arts produced (so radio, tv, printed media, art, etc). I don't see the link for the sake of the argument you're making. For instance, I see more of a link with the LGBT expansion as it recently tried to rehabilitate MAPs as the Q+ side of things went into overdrive.
I agree with the generic point that opening up to uncontrolled immigration can undermine culture and community. Having lived in the UK for a number of years, I think the English have always discriminated amongst themselves (for ex. Private vs Public schools, grammar schools, the South vs the North, etc), and the issue at hand was swept under the rug because it didn't happen in posh postcodes (in the south).
I think inequality is the real problem.
From my experiences, even the most ardent critics of the monarchy would get wet or overexcited if a royal turned up at an event. I'm sure this is the byproduct of cultural production (and manipulation) and helps explain why the centres of power just don't care about ordinary folks. If you join to work in the institutions (ex. Judiciary), you need to go along to get along to be promoted. The best example of this is Starmer when he was Chief Crown Prosecutor (?).
So I would say, more than cultural production, the problem of grooming gangs is the UK paying the price for being an unequal society. And a minority use the narratives to their advantage to make might right. And since power absconds from responsibility to equitably solve the mess, the only other solution is to answer just as forcibly. And we're seeing this "blowback" "evolve" in real time across the west, as the bottom of the pyramid gets more restless.
The political culture was produced by the transition to global technocracy. This political culture excluded anyone who warned about its downsides.
I think our politics a product as much as any other, sold in the same way as shoes or wars or new values.
You're right, I could and should do better, but I hope to do so in the book. I tried to show how the economic and political culture shaped policy - including the provision of mass migration through regime change and so on - to demonstrate that this and every aspect of our state of emergency is a result of policy. The policy of a system of government by an elite with global ambitions, whose aim is to replace our civilisation entirely.
People aren't equal, and we do not have a meritocracy. You are promoted if you are a suitable component. I know people who know Keir Starmer, for example. What they have in common is a perception of themselves as the rightful rulers, the brahmins if you like, because they can see through the obvious.
If you cannot see things which aren't there, and you concentrate on things which are, you are ignorant - and likely a bigot. This is pretty much the mentality of the nomenklatura, or what we call the establishment.
"It has reduced human life to the status of a product.
Liberal global consumerism is a dream of domination which has annihilated much of what makes life worthwhile, including the value of human life itself.
We are living through a moment of grand disenchantment, in which the reality behind the fantasies we have been sold for decades is revealed. The promises do not match the product."
This is it in a nutshell. Thank you for it. I've copied it for my remembrance.
I don't know how these entrenched fantasies can be wrenched from people's minds. This is the complicity with evil we all bear until each one of us finds the humility to first admit we've been corrupted with the worst of pornographic thoughts and desires (and I don't mean just sexual ones..) and then engage in the labor intensive task of dismantling and discarding them from our hearts and minds.
Of course that will also require replacing destructive fantasies with a sound relationship with our Creator and all He teaches. To relearn everything we've been duped into believing is true and follow Him. The task is simple but not easy and I cry for humanity. Especially the children.
I am a new subscriber and this is the first article of yours I've read. It's the best writing and thoughts I've read in a very long time. Thank you.
I am a little confused by one point - Are you a supporter or do you endorse the state of Israel as it currently exists? Perhaps it's my fault as a reader, but I couldn't quite tell where you stand by the end of your (as I've said) excellent article.
I'm writing a book called Radiant Fantasies. Though it's not entirely about the following, it does contain the similarities between the fantasies of serial killers and child predators and other fantasies less horrifying yet still on the spectrum of death. Down to the "everyday" variety.
Serial killers cite their fantasies as their fuel and their inability to bring them into reality as the reason they continue killing. Serial child abusers and rapists describe the same. Also why incarceration does nothing to curb those fantasies but instead prison provides them the luxury of time to further develop their fantasies which become escalated in brutality as a means of realization.
I see unbridled greed, the discard of spouses, the abortion of inconvenient unborn, etc., to be fueled by the same dissatisfaction with achieving the realization of fantasy.
As you said, a world centered on desire rather than God.
Please pardon the length of this comment. You've truly provoked my thoughts.
God Bless.
I write extensively on Israel, its genocide in Gaza, and its refinement of its foundational practice of state terrorism here and for LifeSiteNews.
I wrote a piece here in 2023 on the lifelong ambition of Netanyahu to destroy peace in Israel which led to my many articles commissioned on Israel for LifeSite.
This treats the assassination of the Kennedys and Zionist influence over "liberal democracy". detailing allegations of CIA/MOSSAD links to 9/11. It also shows the Talmudic origin of the doctrine of pre-emptive war, which was urged to US Congress by Netanyahu and then adopted into US National Security Strategy.
Here is a list of articles of mine you might be interested to read on LifeSite.
The creation and use of the term "Judeo-Christian"
Here is my report on the Zionist occupation of America
Here is a long report on the USS Liberty I wrote
Here is my report on the Zionist support of the genocide of 1.5 million Armenian Christians
A report I wrote on the technique of "hasbara" - Israeli Zionist propaganda
A report on the long history of Israeli espionage in the United States
...and a report on Israeli attempts to "police the planet" using AI, content moderation - on platforms such as Twitter - as announced by Netanyahu.
I have written here on the Israeli samson option and the plight of Mordecai Vanunu, the armageddonism of its Kahanist government members, and the decades-long pressure applied by Netanyahu and Israel to start regime change wars in Iraq, Syria, Libya and elsewhere.
My long thread about regime change is here on twitter, on an account which has been mysteriously throttled for mysterious reasons. lol.
Hope this helps. Glad to meet you and I will happily answer any questions you have as soon as I can.
Thank you for this Frank, I will read with great interest! Another great article. I am curious, what do you think of the Groypur Army? Thank again!
Thank you so much. I feel I am about to be schooled. Good. Looking forward to it.
Oh you’re welcome. I have done a lot of this sort of thing and haven’t had time to put it all in one place.
Excellent! No wonder why people are saying you are doing God’s work!!! This is all so important
I pray to God that He make me His soldier - as I found the army too gay to soldier in any more. lol
This past article might help give an answer to your Israel question:
Thanks Mark.
Thanks. I'll take a gander...appreciated.
Some cultures are totally depraved. US soldiers would tell the tale of being told to "stand down" as they witnessed Afghani and Iraqi men rape young boys (multiculturalism demands all cultures be treated the same). It was absolutely nothing for a grown man in those countries to find a boy and use him, repeatedly. For some reason, Western liberalism demands we celebrate that.
You say it's the Muzzies? Well it ain't the Iranians, Indonesians, Turks, Bengalis, North Africans, East Africans, Arabs, Palestinians, Afghans etc and they're all Muzzies. So who could it be Frank? And why now when it's been going on for 40 years? The word knobhead comes to mind.
If you had read the post, which I admit is long, you would find I do not say “it’s the muzzies”, and in fact say “it is the result of cultural production”.
This means our civilisation has been intentionally replaced with a permanent state of emergency, in which human life - that of children born and not - is reduced to the status of a consumer product.
I wrote a recent piece on how this process of “cultural production” - that is, the mobilisation of mass culture in the service of global domination - produces and virally transmits Takfiri terrorism through the same technique as any other product for mass consumption. You can find that here:
Like the Shankill Butchers came out of a British CHRISTIAN community? So what, Frank? Some would argue they had permission too because that's what it's about. State sanctioned violence. It has NOTHING to do with Islam and you know it. Bullshit baffles brains.
I think I can see your point of view, but I don't think it helpful. Again, I do not make the argument you accuse me of making.
Since you insist on this line of reasoning here is what I make of it.
You counter with an implicit appeal to a Rawlsian abstraction of human action in which race, religion and other characteristics are erased.
(I am talking about Rawls' "Original Position" - in which an idea of justice as "fairness" is arrived at through the subtraction of all distinguishing human characteristics.
This is outlined in A Theory Of Justice, published in 1971 and providing the basis for liberal-consumer jurisprudence and rights-based ethics. It is the rule set for the post-national technocracy imagined by Brzezinski in the late 1970s as a model for the world).
I think this is a fair approximation of your outrage at the mention of reality, which is that the rape gangs are largely composed of Pakistani moslem men.
To deny this is to deny a fact, which makes your argument anti-factist.
It is curious you should adduce the centuries-old sectarianism of Northern Ireland, as the only recent sign of unity between Loyalists and Republicans has been forged over the perception of a common threat - that of mass migration, and specifically the spontaneous attempted knife murder of three children in Dublin by Riad Bouchaker, an Algerian in November 2023.
I do not make the reductionist case that you seem to say I am making - that "it is the muzzies".
The gangs in question are indeed largely moslem, and mostly from Pakistan.
These facts are central to the question of how they came to behave with effective permission from the authorities - with the authorities themselves claiming severally they did not act as they wished to avoid being perceived as "racist", and that to do so would foment "racism".
This explains something of the nature of "racism" - which is simply the recognition that different people are different, they behave differently, and some of these behaviours are bad.
This is now called a "stereotype" - a word invented by the inventor of mass mind control by media, Walter Lippmann, in his 1922 book "Public Opinion".
He was talking about the deliberate creation of concepts to be broadcasted to the public in order to better govern them. This he called the placing of pictures in the public mind.
I argue their presence, the permission to act, and their relative or total impunity has resulted from the dehumanising process of cultural production - which is the imposition of international consumer normlessness to power belief in liberal-globalism.
The denial of reality and the manufacture of a counterfeit for mass consumption is a necessary factor in the realisation of global hegemony. It is the creation of belief in the economic-military system intended to replace nations and their civilisations globally. A sort of cancel culture which cancels all culture not of its own making, if you like.
You appear to argue as a sort of anti-racist, which itself reduces to a position of counter-reality.
Race is real, being as biological a fact as sex, and to deny it is to assert that changing the names of things changes reality. It does not. Differences persist despite attempts to describe then away, and this exposes the limits of utopian attempts to gainsay reality. This attempt is central to the uniparty politics of technocratic managerialism - also called the liberal consensus.
The crisis we inhabit is complex but can be understood. One dimension of this complexity is the attempt to replace hard reality with a "pseudo environment" first described by Walter Lippmann in the early 1920s. This is the creation of a world of images, feelings, slogans and so on, and is done by propaganda - "public relations" - as Lippmann said.
The position you appear to be defending is, I would argue, itself a product of the process outlined by Lippmann - one of the earliest architects of our system of government by the mass production of belief.
The argument with reality is being lost. The pseudo environment cannot provide satisfactory explanations for the chaos it has created. This chaos has been created by the attempt to replace our civilisation with a system powered by sensational and utopian fantasies to sell a project of global domination to its subject populations.
This sale is necessary because the project will be realised at the cost of everything you value in your life, including the value of human life itself.
Difference is indifferent to our attempts to deny it, as are other hard limits of human nature and action. This too explains the moment of crisis we inhabit.
The liberal-consumer system, global in its ambitions, has reached hard limits, and its manufacture of mass belief cannot counter the attendant disenchantment. It has promised a heaven on earth, and delivered a living hell.
What is behind the curtain is being exposed, and it is not a kindly old man but a monstrous project of universal annihilation.
It is the making of a peaceful desert, and is the reason the state is at war with the nation, with God, man, woman and child. If the basis of reality can be undermined in the public mind, then nothing is true, and everything is permitted. And here we are.
So Jim Jones was a Pentacostalist, Scappatici a Catholic, the Manson Family gnostics and the IDF is Jewish? I guess Fred West was on a quest for the transcendent too. Do me a favour. The word Muslim has no place next to grooming gang and you know that.
What is your point? The gangs in question were largely Pakistani Moslems and this is cited as a significant factor in their cases. References made to the victims expressed the significance of their racial and cultural distinction from their abusers.
Your argument appears to be with reality, not me, and you have not considered any of the points I have made. You seem to be motivated to make this aspect of a far wider and seemingly institutional evil disappear.
Again, I do not make the reductive case you accuse me of making simply because I do not wilfully disregard some unpleasant facts.
Who do you work for Frank?
You belong in Pseuds Corner, Frank
Well that is fair enough I suppose lol
Only one aspect of the horror of child rape and abuse is examined in the article.
Jimmy Saville was as British as it gets. It's endemic. That's clear.
Rothschilds with all royal families instigated WW1.
England was bankrupt when WW2 broke out.
Churchill took an open cheque from rothschilds.
The deal was government courts police and social services are transferred to the rothschild crown corporation.
Also Rothschilds DNA enters the house of Windsor.
Diane Spencer Quote.
“I was drugged taken to ema place where a ceremony was performed, they all wore robes and looked like lizards”
9 months later Diana Spencer gave birth to William Rothschild then paired with Middleton a plantagenet.
Their children rothschilds.
Kazerian mafia
And 9 other families.
Salisbury may be another.
Evlin de rothschilds Jacob Rothschilds and another recently in America have been executed.
The kazerians were Booted out of kazeria/Russia went to Germany France England. Booted out by Oliver Cromwell.
Failed to take back kazeria/Ukraine
With napoleon and Hitler and communism and crimean war and now the western cabal.
Starmer ant kamala Harris went to the same marxist training camp in siberia
Starlin assassinated lenin trotsky and marx because they were all working for rothschilds.
During the time of Oliver Cromwell. Rothschilds loaded the city of London with mercenaries. Cromwell couldn't get them out.
That's why they have different police.
Rothschilds also created 1 of 3 illuminati schools in Scotland where mountbatton sent Prince Philip.
CQV1666 birth certificate contract of slavery legal fiction corporate entity driftwood lost at sea.
Was created after rothschilds set fire to London for a land and asset grab.
As men were pressganged into the Navy the birth certificate took away people's sovereignty and all who signed their children away. Those children are deemed dead and lost at sea.
You have NO RIGHTS.
Open a corporation in one's name then close it declaring one is back from being lost at sea.
Then record one's live birth sovereignty with the common law courts online.
> Thatcher’s revolutionary programme of free market privatisation also did this. It undermined the traditional customs and culture that Conservatives claimed to wish to conserve.
What traditional customs? The government control of industry that Thatcher undid only goes back to the Labour nationalizations of the 1940s.