We inhabit a vast machine of cultural production.
This means that for a century the methods by which we are governed using mass culture have been constantly refined to produce a total system of control.
Today I will argue that this system produces terror, virally marketing violence alongside promoting the benefits of the downstream effects of regime change.
It has produced the War on Terror - as well as the terrorists required to sell it to the populations of the West.
From 9/11 to Syria today, the US and its allies have manufactured terrorism abroad and at home to replace stability with a permanent state of emergency.
This is all part of the story - of the Cultural Production of Terror.
Part One - How Terror Became the New Normal
Part Two - Starting a War on Terror - US, Israel and Al-Qaeda in concert
Part Three - The Cultural Production of Islamic Terrorism

How regime change has shaped the world today.
Regime change has been sold as the moral duty of spreading democracy. It is destroying democracy at home, of course, along with the nations which created it.
First order regime change terror is evident in the wars, revolts, coups we see on the news. See “Shock and Awe”.
Second order terror is the chaos which results in the newly democratised nations. See Iraq, Libya, and now Syria.
Third order terror comes home via resulting and increasingly refined and magnified mass migration flows. Look around your homeland.
This also extends to migrant crime, the terrorising of the working population through the creation of a permanent underclass or “precariat” into which any of us may now fall, and of course the novel phenomenon of violent Islamic terrorism itself.
To make all this make sense, and to make it all seem good, a coordinated propaganda and censorship strategy shapes the media and corporate messaging we recieve in order that we integrate these horrendous and permanent shocks into our social reality.
The whole process is normalised by the same system of cultural production which began this chain of events.
We have seen the remarkable news from Syria where a man who joined Al Qaeda in 2003 and founded ISIS in Syria is now giving podcasts on CNN1.
“Al-Jolani” leads a group called “takfiris”. These are muslim extremists who call other muslims apostates or “takfir”. They also call Christians this, and Jews - though they have never attacked Israel and explained why in a 2016 issue of ISIS Magazine.
The US backs these terrorists, as it has done for many years. So does Israel. What is going on?
These are the people who chop off people’s heads and burn them alive. You may have seen pictures or videos of victims in orange jumpsuits being executed.
I would advise you not to look for these images. I have seen a lot of them as I have to write about this sort of thing. It is better not to see these things if you have a choice.
These images and videos serve as viral marketing for unstable and disaffected young men in Europe and the wider West - as well as in the Islamic world.
Knife attacks and beheadings and the murder of children are undertaken by men who have been radicalised by the viral meme of takfirism.
It is true that these people do not represent the majority of muslims. It is also true that there are other and obvious problems with muslim populations in the West, such as the mass rape of children in Britain and the growing scandal of congenital birth defects arising from cousin marriage in places like Mirpur.
These are cultural habits, which are coextensive with some muslim populations. Bacha bazi (“Boy pleasure”) for example is present in Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan.
Yet the phenomenon of the violent jihadi who bombs concerts, buses, beheaded Fusilier Rigby, and calls for sharia law in his host country is a product of cultural production.
The process is regime change. Mass migration, radicalisation and viral barbarism are some of the results.
It was Israel - especially in the person of its current leader - which urged the US and the West for at least three decades to destroy the Middle East and North Africa.
The 1982 “Yinon Plan” - named after its author Oded Yinon- set out a vision of a Greater Israel which would expand into the territories of these soon-to-be-collapsed neighbouring nations.
This vision was shared by the founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, and this is mentioned in the dedication to him in the first pages of the book.
The Zionist plan of domination is paired with the liberal-global plan.
Formerly autonomous Arab countries have been smashed and replaced with hellholes replete with horrors. This in turn fosters the narrative that all these people are worthless savages.
The jhadis themselves are often foreign fighters, commonly from places in the former Soviet Union which have seen seven decades of covert CIA action to destabilise the Cold War enemy.
Bin Laden was one himself, coming out of the US-backed Afghan mujahideen2.
US/Israel are at once whitewashing their proxy terrorist army and also condemning them as dangerous terrorists. Having served their purpose as allies, they can now be presented as enemies to serve another.

Partners in Crime - How Long Has This Been Going On?
The media promotion of terrorists as allies is nothing new.
Israel was proclaimed after decades of Zionist terrorism against the British.
The same routine played out in Afghanistan with the US-backed mujahideen.
As otherwise globalist Jeffrey Sachs told Tucker Carlson this week, the US has planned regime change in seven nations for almost 20 years. In their review of Sach’s exchange with Tucker, 9/11 Justice said:
Citing Wesley Clark’s famous 2007 claim on Democracy Now, Sachs informs Tucker of the US plan to overthrow seven countries in five years and identifies the targeted countries as Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finally, Iran.
Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair was also involved.
Others besides Clark have testified to the existence of such plans, and documented communications between British Prime Minister Tony Blair and US President George W. Bush in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, in which multiple “regime change” wars were discussed, have been in the public domain since 2016.
This is happening now in Syria.
The US and Israel, along with Turkey and US-aligned allies in Europe and in the Gulf States, have armed, funded, trained and treated the wounded of Al Qaeda in Syria for at least twelve years.

How long have the US and Israel been cooperating with Al-Qaeda?
We were told Al Qaeda were responsible for the September 11th attacks in 2001, which triggered the wave of regime change wars still unfolding today. Of course, Bin Laden himself was formerly a US-backed “rebel” leader in Afghanistan.

Sachs does not ask the final question begged by his explanation of the long partnership between Al Qaeda and the US/Israel.
Were they working together to start the War on Terror on 9/11?
Today, in Syria, the US is also aligned with Marxist-Leninists Kurds whose PKK it still lists as a terrorist organisation. The leader of the Syrian Defence Force is a PKK member, as are many of his lieutenants. The US government partnership with people it describes as terrorists continues to this day.
These terrorists will be discarded and even killed when they are no longer useful. US NATO ally Turkey is currently malleting the Kurds and preparing a larger invasion.
The US takes the Syrian oil from this Kurdish region and transports it to another US-Kurdish protectorate in Iraq’s Irbil, where it is refined, and then sold to Israel.
This explains Israeli condemnation of Turkish attacks on the Kurds in the north of Syria.
The terrorists were useful to Israel in toppling Assad, and now they are useful in justifying Israel’s invasion and annexation of parts of Syria. The reason supplied to our media is the creation of a “buffer zone”.
The real reason is Greater Israel, but saying this to Western audiences would alarm people trained to reject the obvious as an insane conspiracy theory.
What is even more insane, as Alastair Crooke has reported, is that in 1996 the Saudis offered to help the US to create this Sunni insurgency in Syria, “inverting” the former Iranian-led Shia dominance of the region.
Interests, not friendships between state level actors, have shaped the procedure of regime change.
The attempt to present these interests as the same as yours lead to interesting consequences in your world, and the picture of it that you entertain in your head.
The promotion and backing of Takfiri extremists creates two narratives.
One of “liberation” - which helps to dispose of leaders and nations who do not submit to the liberal-global order.
Libya and Iraq were “liberated”.
The second is to promote the idea in the West that muslims are all dangerous savages who should all be killed.
Of course, there is good reason to demand that people who stab children and attack civilians should be killed. That they are not is also indicative of the justice of our system.
Giving the death penalty to even some of the terrorists such as these would provide a strong countersignal to the glorified violence of “jihad”.
It would interrupt the sponsored message.
Instead, delayed trials, and a news cycle resumes to frame anyone who gets upset as a sort of extremist themselves.
Al-Qaeda and ISIS are takfiri Islamists.
They describe other muslims as apostates - along with everyone else. Like Barry in the satirical film Four Lions, pictured above, they are tools.
Everyone knows that Barry is a tool - except Barry.
Takfiri antagonism to existing Islamic regimes makes them extremely useful to anyone who wishes to use an arms-length guerrilla army. This is why they are so successful, and why they are routinely backed by Israel and the US-led West.
In summary, takfirism is a product of cultural production.

This means the bombers, knifemen and headchoppers have been created by our liberal-global system to perform several functions useful to the overall goal.
The West is now becoming as polarised as Israel itself, which if you ask me is no accident.
It was the Israelis who sent you these migrants, and it is their US-backed proxies whose example the headchoppers in your homeland seek to emulate.
The regime change wars have sparked the so-called “migrant crisis”, trafficking millions into the West from Africa and the Middle East.
The people of the formerly free world would never accept a biodigital tyranny in place of 1980s aspiration without a sense of insoluble and deepening doom.
The replacement of civilisation with chaos is the grand strategy of the liberal-global order.

To create chaos is to urge the argument for order -any order - at no matter what price, to replace this nightmare.
The price we are intended to pay is to swap the manufactured permanent state of emergency with a permanent state of tyranny.
This is the end of the product line of cultural production.
Terror is one dimension in the multifaceted and constantly refined technique of replacing our entire civilisation with a counterfeit, whose aim is the extinction of every supply of meaning and culture outside of itself. Forever.
This is all extremely notlol, and to balance things out I shall bring you some lol before Christmas - along with a story from my own life about children, childhood, and the infant Christ.
Do try to remember you are not obliged to go insane with fear and rage.
Life is beautiful and there is much good in it.
As we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Lord, remember also to help, where you can, the casualties you encounter on the battlefield of life.
CNN continues to faithfully produce counterfeit culture. Here it interviews a “recently released prisoner of Assad” in one of the most obviously staged videos of all time, and here it interviews another “recently released prisoner” who turns out to have come from Lebanon and who asks what the crazy CNN woman is on about, on camera.
Readers may be interested in the story of Ahmad Shah Massoud, the Lion of Pantsjir, who was an extremely impressive warfighter and who refused to bow to the Soviets, the US, its proxies or their former proxies which had become, by 2001, the enemies of the US. He was assassinated two days before 9/11.
His story is an insight into the tangled web woven by decades of regime change by competing interests in Afghanistan.
Former British Ambassador to Moscow Sir Rodric Braithwaite’s book Afgantsy provides a good account, and Sebastian Junger’s book Fire contains the last interview with Massoud.
You have outdone yourself with this masterpiece Frank.
To paraphrase Hannah Arendt, if you make people doubt the existence of truth you can do whatever you want to them.