"To create chaos is to urge the argument for order -any order - at no matter what price, to replace this nightmare."
That appears to be the endgame alright. It boggles the mind how much time and energy has been expended in the pursuit of our captivity. Imagine a world where those resources had been used for good!
On a bit of a deeper level, 'they' must know that when you Stress a Plant or an Animal it tends to Reproduce, so, I would say, whether it be Our Spirit, Our Lives, Our Organs, Our Blood, Our Children, they Stress us to Harvest.
I think we are governed by a sort of algorithm - a system which assimilates methods of management and selects for efficiency, howsoever evil. It is arguable whether effects like those you describe are intentional, but that they are there is not.
I agree, the monolithic system Is what it Does, but with no real Intent. Of course they use psychologists, but they are often theorists, that usually push a narrative to please the psycopath's agendas, but rarely tell the truth. Natural forces are at work, there is a feed back loop to vast Populations, under the cover of more People more Predators, more Predators more Stress, more Stress more People, Natural law.
...and what's worse, whether we like to admit it or not, we are all, to lesser or greater extent, Predators. But that's why we have Laws, to limit predatory behaviour, but predators in the legal system tend to favour the ones who are paying them, who are obviously greater predators. Tricky one, Timothy 1:6,10 explains it the best, but I can't see too many of us giving up Money anytime soon. 🙄
Perhaps I ought to mount a civilised graffiti campaign and illustrate our Ballardian hellscape with little apercus like this. My life can be understood as a choice between differing grounds for arrest these days.
I'm not sure the American NeoCons and Netanyahu really care about Mad Muslims roaming the streets of the West slaughtering the innocent. Just like they don't care about the destroyed countries they have caused. The NeoCons are about the money and the power, about being the only King in the World. Netanyahu is afraid to lose power in Israel as there are many waiting to put him in prison. Obviously, he also wants a Greater Israel at any cost. The rest of the world descending into chaos is a price they all clearly think is worth paying. But I don't think there's a plan to replace white people or destroy western culture - they just don't care if that happens and too many people in the west don't seem to care or notice that it is happening. Which is weird but, hey, bread and circuses keeps them quiet. "May you live in interesting times" as the Chinese curse has it.
I think the "refugees welcome" advertising campaign was a pitch to sell a byproduct of regime change - the human trafficking "migrant" flows which it predictably unleashed.
I wonder what the chances are that the US/Israel combo is providing funding somewhere in the chain of human trafficking (aka refugees/migrants)? Or maybe training for traffickers? Sales and marketing training would be cheap! It was suggested to me the other day that funding is really needed for swimming lessons for migrants because apparently they mostly drown in water shallow enough to wade in but they can't swim and so panic. Swim School for Hopeful Migrants. Run by a middle class white lady from Surrey who encourages swimming in burkas for protection of cultural differences!
Well it is a multi billion dollar industry- and that is the trafficking alone. There are many NGOs - taking taxpayer and “philanthropist” money - providing services to the trafficked. It’s a business. As was revealed by Steven Edginton, civil servants at the UK treasury showed successive governments love mass migration. Its the same rationale across the liberal west.
Outstanding work. Toto-like, you've pulled off the curtain and exposed the real power behind the Great and Powerful Oz. Our Oz is also very, very evil.
We are obliged to be in this soup but not of it. I prefer not to go insane, and there is no reason for you to do so either. Spread the word and we can mitigate the effects of the virus if you like.
he terrorising of the working population through the creation of a permanent underclass or “precariat
You are spot on about this, Frank . I’ve watched this happen in my workplace and I’m a teacher. The foreigners are lining up to do our job and the management know this only too well.
Your writing is fascinating in how it relates to my life : you piece it all together and now it makes complete sense. Thank you.
This all reminds me of the Marvel film "The Winter Soldier", where Emil Zola explains to Captain America that Hydra discovered during World War 2 that trying to take away people's liberties by force didn't work—people tended to resist!—so they changed their strategy to creating chaos and mayhem in the world so that people would eventually willingly trade their liberties for safety.
fun and interesting read! Although I wonder if the turn of Labour could actually be dated earlier to the latter 1970s with the Callaghan government and the IMF bailout?
Maybe publishing this at Christmas isn't all that great 🤭
Jolly good piece. Minus the blood and gore.
The sad part is everything you mentioned is common knowledge if we step outside the prefabricated narratives fed by the mainstream.
A few days ago I was thinking tangentially about something else which fits neatly with this work of art.
I wonder if "we" in the west will suffer from propaganda fatigue in the form of blowback from our own populations if the layers of the propaganda onion built over the years just collapse onto themselves. It's all good and well to use hyperbole (ex. Orwell's war is peace) to describe our current predicament, but in reality, we're assuming humans are bottomless pits that can be constantly fed contradictory information without anyone snapping. Our assumptions extend outwards to most "other" people [in the West] being NPCs, but these are just assumptions from the absence of protest actions. In reality there could be a lot more people, akin to the silent majority, afraid to voice discordant opinions in their social circles, but who actually think their respective Western worlds are a tad bit insane.
I think the growing polling numbers of outsider political parties says more about the exasperation in each of our countries towards the intelligentsia/elites and governance institutions than a radicalization of individuals to the "ultra extreme right".
Like previously stated, it's unlikely that the subject of your post (terror) is common knowledge outside those who follow international events. That being said, taking a cue from the alleged killer Mangione, this could be seen as harbringer of what's to come if someone just snaps if the onion collapses in on itself.
You have outdone yourself with this masterpiece Frank.
Well that is high praise coming from you Mr. Cook. Thank you. I feel rather embarrassed.
Master piece indeed it is, thank you 💯🎯!!!
To paraphrase Hannah Arendt, if you make people doubt the existence of truth you can do whatever you want to them.
That is very well said John. Quite.
Thank you Frank. I really do believe now that all of these ‘bad actors’ are actually bad actors! 😀
It is not a surprise to you - as it is to many - that such people do not have your best interests at heart.
That’s an understatement Frank! 😀
lole. It is, rather. Down with this sort of thing!
Bravo! Very good!
"To create chaos is to urge the argument for order -any order - at no matter what price, to replace this nightmare."
That appears to be the endgame alright. It boggles the mind how much time and energy has been expended in the pursuit of our captivity. Imagine a world where those resources had been used for good!
On a bit of a deeper level, 'they' must know that when you Stress a Plant or an Animal it tends to Reproduce, so, I would say, whether it be Our Spirit, Our Lives, Our Organs, Our Blood, Our Children, they Stress us to Harvest.
I think we are governed by a sort of algorithm - a system which assimilates methods of management and selects for efficiency, howsoever evil. It is arguable whether effects like those you describe are intentional, but that they are there is not.
I agree, the monolithic system Is what it Does, but with no real Intent. Of course they use psychologists, but they are often theorists, that usually push a narrative to please the psycopath's agendas, but rarely tell the truth. Natural forces are at work, there is a feed back loop to vast Populations, under the cover of more People more Predators, more Predators more Stress, more Stress more People, Natural law.
...and what's worse, whether we like to admit it or not, we are all, to lesser or greater extent, Predators. But that's why we have Laws, to limit predatory behaviour, but predators in the legal system tend to favour the ones who are paying them, who are obviously greater predators. Tricky one, Timothy 1:6,10 explains it the best, but I can't see too many of us giving up Money anytime soon. 🙄
"Do try to remember you are not obliged to go insane with fear and rage." This should be on a t-shirt. I'd buy it.
Perhaps I ought to mount a civilised graffiti campaign and illustrate our Ballardian hellscape with little apercus like this. My life can be understood as a choice between differing grounds for arrest these days.
Excellent article some of which I suspected but didn’t know. Thank you . Happy Christmas 🎄
Well I’m glad I could help Alice! Happy Christmas to you too!
I'm not sure the American NeoCons and Netanyahu really care about Mad Muslims roaming the streets of the West slaughtering the innocent. Just like they don't care about the destroyed countries they have caused. The NeoCons are about the money and the power, about being the only King in the World. Netanyahu is afraid to lose power in Israel as there are many waiting to put him in prison. Obviously, he also wants a Greater Israel at any cost. The rest of the world descending into chaos is a price they all clearly think is worth paying. But I don't think there's a plan to replace white people or destroy western culture - they just don't care if that happens and too many people in the west don't seem to care or notice that it is happening. Which is weird but, hey, bread and circuses keeps them quiet. "May you live in interesting times" as the Chinese curse has it.
I think the "refugees welcome" advertising campaign was a pitch to sell a byproduct of regime change - the human trafficking "migrant" flows which it predictably unleashed.
I wonder what the chances are that the US/Israel combo is providing funding somewhere in the chain of human trafficking (aka refugees/migrants)? Or maybe training for traffickers? Sales and marketing training would be cheap! It was suggested to me the other day that funding is really needed for swimming lessons for migrants because apparently they mostly drown in water shallow enough to wade in but they can't swim and so panic. Swim School for Hopeful Migrants. Run by a middle class white lady from Surrey who encourages swimming in burkas for protection of cultural differences!
Well it is a multi billion dollar industry- and that is the trafficking alone. There are many NGOs - taking taxpayer and “philanthropist” money - providing services to the trafficked. It’s a business. As was revealed by Steven Edginton, civil servants at the UK treasury showed successive governments love mass migration. Its the same rationale across the liberal west.
Outstanding work. Toto-like, you've pulled off the curtain and exposed the real power behind the Great and Powerful Oz. Our Oz is also very, very evil.
If you think of it first as a sales cult, and then look at what it is selling, it makes more sense than taking it at face value.
I will never take anything government says and does at face value again.
No TV, no phone, no bible(s). Wont kill anyone who isn't coming to kill me first. Feels like ghost dance time.
We are obliged to be in this soup but not of it. I prefer not to go insane, and there is no reason for you to do so either. Spread the word and we can mitigate the effects of the virus if you like.
he terrorising of the working population through the creation of a permanent underclass or “precariat
You are spot on about this, Frank . I’ve watched this happen in my workplace and I’m a teacher. The foreigners are lining up to do our job and the management know this only too well.
Your writing is fascinating in how it relates to my life : you piece it all together and now it makes complete sense. Thank you.
This all reminds me of the Marvel film "The Winter Soldier", where Emil Zola explains to Captain America that Hydra discovered during World War 2 that trying to take away people's liberties by force didn't work—people tended to resist!—so they changed their strategy to creating chaos and mayhem in the world so that people would eventually willingly trade their liberties for safety.
fun and interesting read! Although I wonder if the turn of Labour could actually be dated earlier to the latter 1970s with the Callaghan government and the IMF bailout?
They do need to keep up with a proper entertainment... Or else Their Civilization/Wealth collapses!
Maybe publishing this at Christmas isn't all that great 🤭
Jolly good piece. Minus the blood and gore.
The sad part is everything you mentioned is common knowledge if we step outside the prefabricated narratives fed by the mainstream.
A few days ago I was thinking tangentially about something else which fits neatly with this work of art.
I wonder if "we" in the west will suffer from propaganda fatigue in the form of blowback from our own populations if the layers of the propaganda onion built over the years just collapse onto themselves. It's all good and well to use hyperbole (ex. Orwell's war is peace) to describe our current predicament, but in reality, we're assuming humans are bottomless pits that can be constantly fed contradictory information without anyone snapping. Our assumptions extend outwards to most "other" people [in the West] being NPCs, but these are just assumptions from the absence of protest actions. In reality there could be a lot more people, akin to the silent majority, afraid to voice discordant opinions in their social circles, but who actually think their respective Western worlds are a tad bit insane.
I think the growing polling numbers of outsider political parties says more about the exasperation in each of our countries towards the intelligentsia/elites and governance institutions than a radicalization of individuals to the "ultra extreme right".
Like previously stated, it's unlikely that the subject of your post (terror) is common knowledge outside those who follow international events. That being said, taking a cue from the alleged killer Mangione, this could be seen as harbringer of what's to come if someone just snaps if the onion collapses in on itself.
Yes the dissolving of social bonds (and personality) are features of the algorithm it seems. Dreadful, but far from universal effects.