Thanks John. I have been at this sort of thing for a long time. I do wonder how it comes across - whether I make sense - and it is very encouraging to hear that in this case I have done so.
I think this is a fair assessment Frank. I am referring to your grouping. I watched the Rogan & Benz interview. That is really a must watch or listen to. Rogan states it pretty clearly up front. We were nearly fucked by early 2022. Censorship Inc had us by the balls.
The mass purge of common sense had been effective. Benz confirmed that Elon’s purchase of Twitter had set forth a different timeline. It certainly looked grim from my vantage point. Wasn’t until mid 2024 that a tiny sliver of hope started to reach me.
I know that Trump 2024 represents an alternative group(s) of elites. I’m certainly ok with that as I want the Globalist version taken apart. Nothing good can come from a One World Government. I have pondered if maybe it was indeed in the best interest of humanity. I didn’t explore that avenue long because it’s simple. Anything that has to lie and manipulate you in order to get your approval is not your friend.
I don’t know how this will shake out. I hesitate to put the cart before the horse. Jan 20th still feels a long way off. Maybe this group of elites go bad too. If so that too is a long way off. As of now I have no concern about technologically driven enslavement followed by mass culling. And that is a relief. 👍
Yes sir, have found when Benz speaks best have a pen and paper handy. He’s essentially doing a document dump. I getting ready to listen to Lavrov & Tucker. Thanks for the great work Frank!!
"There are people manufacturing your reality who sincerely believe Zelensky is Churchill"
Well, if you take into consideration the real Churchill as a Zionist warmongering alcoholic who indiscriminately bombed cities with innocent women and children, and never took a peace offer from Hitler, than yes, maybe Zelensky is like Churchill... but I'd say far worse, because he's just sending his young men to the slaughter house for some absurd deal with the West, plus he's not Christian, so killing Christians is a win win for Zelensky. He's a fake and gay actor (literally), and his military garb in every photo op is absurd. Who does he think he's fooling...we all know he isn't fighting.
The issue with lying as policy/propaganda is those lies reach out into the broader cultural well, percolate, then the following generations end up truly believing them as they enter back into the managerial state organs.
The next generation of the managerial elite then believe these lies to be reality, and create further lies based on what little truth they have and the older lies. This warps their understanding of the world more and more until their understanding no longer matches reality in any way.
Furthermore, they have a class consciousness that develops based on this warped understanding and view those with actual experience of reality as foreign contaminants. Thus there is no fixing this system from within as it preselects for the insane to staff it.
I’d argue this loop has occurred 4-5 times now, which is why our current managerial leaders are stark raving mad.
Its not all bad as it displays permanent one world government tyranny would shake itself apart over time as the lies built up like chemicals in the blood until its impossible to both believe all of them and run a functioning tyranny.
A boot on a human face, until the leaders cannot discern what boots or human faces even are.
The belief in official fabrications is also a good career move. This incentivises self deception. It’s easier to just forget it’s a deception and go all in, as it is less draining. You become a little bit hysterical as a result - which also helps - as this fuels the persecution of naked emperor noticers.
I wonder if, over a long enough time frame, the following would occur.
1. The managerial class continues to preselect for this specific type of delusional individual, while removing “sane” ones where-ever possible.
2. These individuals continue to pair off with each other and have children which would just be a continuation of what the managerial class already does. This would pass on those self delusional/reality ignoring genes and would genetically cement it in those populations. (This would be somehow more dysgenic than whats happening to the masses).
3. Future states, after inevitable collapse, continue to pull in full or partially from this new class to staff them, locking in this genetic trait in our rulers. Thus you have permanent rule by the deranged supported by the panopticon. (Without a digital/high tech panopticon the whole thing folds like a stack of cards, similar to the soviet union, probably.).
4. Idiocracy, but with a twist. The average person is a bit dimmer than they are now, but are still able to more or less function. They are led by a class of schizophrenic retards propped up by advanced technology that ensures their continued rule, by helping to ensure no rival elite can form to take over. Furthermore this tech (automation, ai, robotics, etc) helps to ensure the wheels remain on the civilization, preventing a bronze age type collapse, at least for a historically significant amount of time.
It would make for an excellent sci fi novel with a reverse twist on themes you would see in say, Huxley’s brave new world. Instead of rule by a genetic elite you’re ruled by mental hospital patients. Alas I am barely a hobbyist writer so I lack the skill to tell it.
I think the ruling elite is a bit mental now, because its recruitment selects against sanity, integrity, principle etc. Blair is a nutter but was and is very capable. The current crop are more histrionic but less able. I think this is a neglected aspect of our technocratic loyalty system, which awards points like a supermarket does for purchases and consumption.
A million personalities spinning tirelessly promote systems of commerce. Commerce is man-made, hence Satanic. Satan touches just about everything now... God help us.
God will not abandon us, though men prefer to believe what is useful more than what is true. I think this system is producing a large scale disenchantment whose effects will magnify.
I dunno. I just don’t know enough about it. Apparently a radiation signature has been detected around that “earthquake” now. As if we needed more crazy news
"Most of what we are told about the world is a fairytale."
Mouse paradise.
Brilliant essay! Congrats!
I'm going to use a fourth Huxley BNW reference in as many days. It's where we're headed. It's clear as the night is day and war is peace. There's no way out, except the countryside with the Amish.
Here in Italy too many have slaved and saved for the future to give up on iconoclast materialist dreams. I find it amazing. We can't imagine a life that isn't that which we have now.
At least Marx offered a version of manifest destiny. Today we just have a damp squid from the barbie. No, no, no, that wasn't what I ordered, but if it's equitable, everything tastes of chicken.
A couple of years ago, when Meloni happened, I said these were probably our last elections. After the wrong narrative results in Romania were set aside last week, I feel like a prophet.
The pace is definitely going to pick up now that the writing on the wall is clear. We might soon be running away from monkeys or chickens, but donkeys we are already (re Pinocchio). If they say we can just eat croissants, we'll eat them croissants. No one knows what a pitchfork is. In Italy they only strike on Fridays.
Not sure DJT will bring peace in the Ukraine just yet, but doge certainly won't be what everyone imagines. It'll be a bait and switch, divide and conquer the fanboys, inversed moral outrage for questioning the deal maker and Mars man. It's a uniparty, winning the beauty pageant doesn't change the fundamentals.
Syria. What a whopper that turned into. Damascus will soon be a protectorate of you know whom. It wouldn't surprise me if a NATO expeditionary force were deployed soon. Thank you, come again.
Apologies, but I needed to go a little crazy in my verse. I'll try reading your gems more often!
Hello there Stefano! I am glad you liked it. If you would like to get on my level I would suggest you invest in a selection of wigs. More on this soon.
This makes more sense than anything else I've read in a long time.
Thanks John. I have been at this sort of thing for a long time. I do wonder how it comes across - whether I make sense - and it is very encouraging to hear that in this case I have done so.
At age 72, I am starting to realize that nearly everything I believed in was a lie.
It was the product of a culture industry, which mobilised cultural production to provide meaning to a system of economic and military power.
World War Two, the holocaust, Dallas, 9/11 -- all those "truths" and more are up for debate now.
The election of John XXIII and Paul VI are added to my list as well.
Me too, if a little earlier. I have been mistaken most of my life.
I think this is a fair assessment Frank. I am referring to your grouping. I watched the Rogan & Benz interview. That is really a must watch or listen to. Rogan states it pretty clearly up front. We were nearly fucked by early 2022. Censorship Inc had us by the balls.
The mass purge of common sense had been effective. Benz confirmed that Elon’s purchase of Twitter had set forth a different timeline. It certainly looked grim from my vantage point. Wasn’t until mid 2024 that a tiny sliver of hope started to reach me.
I know that Trump 2024 represents an alternative group(s) of elites. I’m certainly ok with that as I want the Globalist version taken apart. Nothing good can come from a One World Government. I have pondered if maybe it was indeed in the best interest of humanity. I didn’t explore that avenue long because it’s simple. Anything that has to lie and manipulate you in order to get your approval is not your friend.
I don’t know how this will shake out. I hesitate to put the cart before the horse. Jan 20th still feels a long way off. Maybe this group of elites go bad too. If so that too is a long way off. As of now I have no concern about technologically driven enslavement followed by mass culling. And that is a relief. 👍
Benz, as you probably know, worked at State under Trump. His reports are excellent, which you can find on the twitters. I like him.
There will be more happenings, of this we can be certain.
Yes sir, have found when Benz speaks best have a pen and paper handy. He’s essentially doing a document dump. I getting ready to listen to Lavrov & Tucker. Thanks for the great work Frank!!
Oh I am glad I could help. The Lavrov interview is a treat, and I have just written it up for LifeSite.
"There are people manufacturing your reality who sincerely believe Zelensky is Churchill"
Well, if you take into consideration the real Churchill as a Zionist warmongering alcoholic who indiscriminately bombed cities with innocent women and children, and never took a peace offer from Hitler, than yes, maybe Zelensky is like Churchill... but I'd say far worse, because he's just sending his young men to the slaughter house for some absurd deal with the West, plus he's not Christian, so killing Christians is a win win for Zelensky. He's a fake and gay actor (literally), and his military garb in every photo op is absurd. Who does he think he's fooling...we all know he isn't fighting.
Both Boris and Volody are Shrinkflation Churchills - cut price nation wrecking knockoffs - whose legend may not even extend to a Netflix series.
I hope Lizzo plays Boris if this ever happens.
There is more than one interregnum, and the other one is perhaps the main reason we are in this mess.
Too right
The issue with lying as policy/propaganda is those lies reach out into the broader cultural well, percolate, then the following generations end up truly believing them as they enter back into the managerial state organs.
The next generation of the managerial elite then believe these lies to be reality, and create further lies based on what little truth they have and the older lies. This warps their understanding of the world more and more until their understanding no longer matches reality in any way.
Furthermore, they have a class consciousness that develops based on this warped understanding and view those with actual experience of reality as foreign contaminants. Thus there is no fixing this system from within as it preselects for the insane to staff it.
I’d argue this loop has occurred 4-5 times now, which is why our current managerial leaders are stark raving mad.
Its not all bad as it displays permanent one world government tyranny would shake itself apart over time as the lies built up like chemicals in the blood until its impossible to both believe all of them and run a functioning tyranny.
A boot on a human face, until the leaders cannot discern what boots or human faces even are.
The belief in official fabrications is also a good career move. This incentivises self deception. It’s easier to just forget it’s a deception and go all in, as it is less draining. You become a little bit hysterical as a result - which also helps - as this fuels the persecution of naked emperor noticers.
I wonder if, over a long enough time frame, the following would occur.
1. The managerial class continues to preselect for this specific type of delusional individual, while removing “sane” ones where-ever possible.
2. These individuals continue to pair off with each other and have children which would just be a continuation of what the managerial class already does. This would pass on those self delusional/reality ignoring genes and would genetically cement it in those populations. (This would be somehow more dysgenic than whats happening to the masses).
3. Future states, after inevitable collapse, continue to pull in full or partially from this new class to staff them, locking in this genetic trait in our rulers. Thus you have permanent rule by the deranged supported by the panopticon. (Without a digital/high tech panopticon the whole thing folds like a stack of cards, similar to the soviet union, probably.).
4. Idiocracy, but with a twist. The average person is a bit dimmer than they are now, but are still able to more or less function. They are led by a class of schizophrenic retards propped up by advanced technology that ensures their continued rule, by helping to ensure no rival elite can form to take over. Furthermore this tech (automation, ai, robotics, etc) helps to ensure the wheels remain on the civilization, preventing a bronze age type collapse, at least for a historically significant amount of time.
It would make for an excellent sci fi novel with a reverse twist on themes you would see in say, Huxley’s brave new world. Instead of rule by a genetic elite you’re ruled by mental hospital patients. Alas I am barely a hobbyist writer so I lack the skill to tell it.
I think the ruling elite is a bit mental now, because its recruitment selects against sanity, integrity, principle etc. Blair is a nutter but was and is very capable. The current crop are more histrionic but less able. I think this is a neglected aspect of our technocratic loyalty system, which awards points like a supermarket does for purchases and consumption.
Wonderful, Frank. You broaden my mind and vocabulary! I love how you finish with an image of Our Lady.
Good one Frank. I do think the Economist performs a great service. One-stop shopping for the arrogant opinions of our Rothschild masters.
The Economist is an exemplar of cultural production in the service of economic and military power.
Good stuff. Strangely encouraging.
A million personalities spinning tirelessly promote systems of commerce. Commerce is man-made, hence Satanic. Satan touches just about everything now... God help us.
God will not abandon us, though men prefer to believe what is useful more than what is true. I think this system is producing a large scale disenchantment whose effects will magnify.
Very good. A+ for "There will be tantrums"
well we are gonna find out if nukes are real or just another bogeyman....
i don't know but i would bet they are as fake as space....
which means russia has complete military dominance already.
Was it you who told me to read up on nukes not being real? Big if true
may have been frank,,,
aye,,,like i said, i dunno,,,,got a wide open mind nowadays (not much surprises me).
all the best mate
always enjoy reading your work.
I dunno. I just don’t know enough about it. Apparently a radiation signature has been detected around that “earthquake” now. As if we needed more crazy news
my logic is simple.....would there be a benefit for the ruling 'elite' in faking nukes to keep the masses in a state of existential dread?
i believe there would be....
means, motive, opportunity.....
i may be wrong but i ain't lying....(with thanks to owen benjamin for that little piece of wisdom)
"Most of what we are told about the world is a fairytale."
Mouse paradise.
Brilliant essay! Congrats!
I'm going to use a fourth Huxley BNW reference in as many days. It's where we're headed. It's clear as the night is day and war is peace. There's no way out, except the countryside with the Amish.
Here in Italy too many have slaved and saved for the future to give up on iconoclast materialist dreams. I find it amazing. We can't imagine a life that isn't that which we have now.
At least Marx offered a version of manifest destiny. Today we just have a damp squid from the barbie. No, no, no, that wasn't what I ordered, but if it's equitable, everything tastes of chicken.
A couple of years ago, when Meloni happened, I said these were probably our last elections. After the wrong narrative results in Romania were set aside last week, I feel like a prophet.
The pace is definitely going to pick up now that the writing on the wall is clear. We might soon be running away from monkeys or chickens, but donkeys we are already (re Pinocchio). If they say we can just eat croissants, we'll eat them croissants. No one knows what a pitchfork is. In Italy they only strike on Fridays.
Not sure DJT will bring peace in the Ukraine just yet, but doge certainly won't be what everyone imagines. It'll be a bait and switch, divide and conquer the fanboys, inversed moral outrage for questioning the deal maker and Mars man. It's a uniparty, winning the beauty pageant doesn't change the fundamentals.
Syria. What a whopper that turned into. Damascus will soon be a protectorate of you know whom. It wouldn't surprise me if a NATO expeditionary force were deployed soon. Thank you, come again.
Apologies, but I needed to go a little crazy in my verse. I'll try reading your gems more often!
Hello there Stefano! I am glad you liked it. If you would like to get on my level I would suggest you invest in a selection of wigs. More on this soon.
This is this fucking bomb. Spot on and true.
“to that of Zionist nationalism”
The nationalism may be new, but the Zionism has been in charge all along, my man.
I wrote about the role of Theodor Herzl in the Armenian Genocide the other day.
Now Syria has fallen what now Frank? Can't believe putin with such a vested interest has stood aside and let it be taken as it seems...?
I have done a pretty endless report on it just now (2800 words). Should be published later on for LifeSite. Will link it when I can.
Thanks 👍🏽 here ya go m8
Thanks Frank really appreciate it 👍🏽✨️
As well as going back to calling it Kiev, we can all stop seeing Turkeyeah.
I am never saying that
That’s why I like you, Frank
I might have to start saying it now