I teach in the RN. Literally spoke to a lad last week who tried to become a RAF officer and got rejected for being a straight white male. He even got a letter of apology from the RAF. Hes now a training to be a bog standard rating in the RN rather than flying a helicopter or something as an officer in the RAF. Shocking.

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Sad. I wrote a piece on RAF rejecting white British last year (“No whites please, we’re the RAF).

It’s one of those stories that people disbelieve because they think it cannot be true. Until they find out that it is.

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Horrific, shocking, and utterly heartbreaking. The England/Britain that we were born to is completely overrun and laid waste by these destructive ideologies. How did we not stop this? Britain now is a rotting corpse of a country, it’s shattered bones being picked clean by the carrion of immigration.

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That was almost impossible to read. How can anyone think any of this is sane or rational?

Is it going to trundle along, or is someone going to emerge to reverse all this? I see absolutely no one on the horizon in Britain.

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It will take time for people to realise that it is no longer World War Two and that their fantasies of our institutions are just that.

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Indeed the smouldering ruins of our High Trust Society.

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I get that, particularly the warmongering. But I meant the rainbow and diversity nonsense. It is a nonsense. Is there no one of substance willing to stand up and say so?

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This could have been written about any number of British institutions, such as the BBC, all of the police forces across the country, the Labour party, etc.

Just another sign of a dead nation walking.

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Yes, Roger. Spot on

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I am less convinced about the dead nation aspect. I would have agreed a few years ago. But as with the BBC, this has been done to the army by a determined tiny minority in positions of influence and authority. We have all seen it happen everywhere. Local councils, major supermarket chains, book shops.

I think some small incident is going to make us snap because none of this is popular or wanted by anyone except a tiny minority. It may just help bring us together as a nation, particularly if we have the guts to deport and repatriate the army of immigrants they have imported.

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Except it is not a tiny minority, it is probably an absolute majority of politically/socially active people. I am not talking about the political parties either, organizations like Common Purpose, have been chipping away at the foundations of western society for decades. The truculent apathy so characteristic of the British working class has certainly helped them.

Take a look at Tommy Robinson on RUMBLE; imploring English men to get off their sofas and protest the mass rape and actual murder that has gone on, ignored, uninvestigated and unpunished in Telford.

There is no solution to the situation the west, including the USA, finds itself in. The decadence is everywhere and profound.

In 1981 I emigrated to Canada, today I would emigrate to Russia.

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Yes I do understand where you are coming from. And I've seen something similar online. How can we sit here when young English girls are openly abused.

We have become fat and lazy. And I am also aware of common purpose. I think part of the problem is our cultural enemies are relentless in pursuing goals that seem absolutely crazy. Totally destructive to any society. What kind of madmen are they?

Personally I think we have become too civilized. We accept too much. But I live here so I have to hope it can be saved.

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I emigrated to Russia one year ago: very happy.

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I’d be interested to hear more about that Mark. Don’t you miss the cheddar and the chips?

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Haha, I would have missed a nice warm pint of bitter or IPA, but Covid managed to stop that habit and afterwards my local pubs stopped accepting cash so I stopped going for a pint. I miss sausages and HP sauce.

I don't miss the huge Ukraine flag in my neighbour's window, I don't miss her banging her effing pots and pans for the NHS - I assume she is in a dilemna now trying to decide between a Palestinian or an Israeli flag.

I miss not being able to converse fluently in the local language. But that was becoming less of an option for me as a vaccine hesitant individual and the local population speaking less of the local language too. LOL.

I find the Russian people very welcoming and they appear happy to help a struggling Englishman whenever I appear to need help. If kids hear me speak, they become interested and start to egg each other on to ask the foreigner a question in English. Eventually one will step up and ask 'where are you from?' in perfect English.

The Russian bureaucracy is awful, but where isn't it?

And yes, a vast majority of the people I have met and speak to like their president. They are embarrassed for us in the west with our low calibre politicians and diplomats.

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I get cheddar pangs after about a week, which become unbearable after two.

If you are willing to talk about it do send me an email. I think others would be fascinated to hear about your experience, which of course will not present Russia as some paradise ruled by the saviour of mankind. Please get in touch and give us all a dose of Russian reality.

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What you suggest HAS to happen. It is our only chance of surviving the onslaught of horror that is coming down the line for us, our children, and our grandchildren. None of this will stop until we, every single one of us, MAKE it stop. If we do not find the fibre, courage and wherewithal to stop this right now, we are staring in the face of an almost unimaginably horrific future.

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I agree. I am following events in SA as perhaps you are, That will be our future.

To paraphrase a famous Chinese aphorism, the best time to stop all this was the 1950s, the second best time is now.

We must all do our bit to educate others. Most focus only on illegals, not demographic change.

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>hurty words

I approve this newspeak.

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No need for Putin to do anything at all - we've done it to ourselves and I doubt very much he would want any of the western basket cases. I've seen Russian soldiers! They are actual Men, not weirdos in frocks chasing after children/fame/power/whatever.

End of Times eh?

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They've sold us the rope.

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All these western militaries that can’t get enough native born recruits to fill their ranks, will do the standard thing all empires resort to when faced with this same problem. Fill the military with immigrants & mercenaries. Works great, especially if you have to open fire on your own citizens.

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I'll take all the surplus bergens. Perfect for a day trip bag, heavy grocery shopping, or an emergency child carrier. The army can have all the smaller civvie backpacks cuz they're less ableist.

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Oh no no no…

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Let me guess; the rainbow brigade doesn't want to pick up weapons because it'll chip their nails?

The rainbow brigade doesn't want to mess up their hair.

Or they will get triggered hard, when the enemy laughs at them?

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And I thought the US Army was bad. Yeesh.

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It is, Tim. In a situation where an ageing homosexualist is marrying his grandson, the US army is Stephen Fry, with the British army the junior catamite.

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Oof. As to “Jennie,” you know it’s bad when the person is creepier than the creepy doll.

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I did a whole series on the origins and future of the “transgender” industry. Have a look if you would like to know more about Satan’s fan club.

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Will do. Thank you.

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I for one will grant our new Turkish overlords as liberators! 🤪

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Feb 7, 2024
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I don't think we are mindlessly loyal to anything. All this has been done to us. Most are not able to process it properly in my view. The article above is a list of improbable things people struggle to even make sense of. They are certainly not in favour.

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Feb 7, 2024
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I disagree. A virus presented as a threat, with nonstop propaganda, perhaps. And even then there were 20-30 percent they now admit didn't take the jab, although at the time they said it was 5 percent.

I reckon only about 20 percent bought it. The rest were conformists to the regime instructions, wear masks etc. But most of them didn't believe it, and believed it less as time went on.

I share some of your concerns about people going along with obviously foolish things. But you can only do that so much and people begin to lose trust.

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Feb 7, 2024
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You do need to remember covid was 100% theatre. All those stories about dog walkers being drone arrested and the like were just stories to generate a state of paranoia. The goobermint wouldnt have dared case try any of their shenaigans. I didnt wear a mask or lock down a single day. Went into Birmingham regularly and the Brummies clearly felt the same

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Should this point need underlining look up the video of Hancock bursting out laughing when he spoke about 'William Shakespeare' being the first person to recieve a vaccine in the UK. Ive travelled all over the world and warred with different cultures, I can tell you from experience people are people, nothing seperates an American from a European, little from a Stani

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Unfortunately many of the people who followed these diktats still believed we live in a High Trust Society.

When clearly we do not.

That has been a rude awakening for many people.

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I am beginning to suspect you are not actually a clown.

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I agree it was disappointing. But for many it was also a wake up call. Plenty trusted the government and had their eyes opened. Not everyone is automatically suspicious of authority.

So I have hope. I certainly think another pandemic won't be quite so easy.

And many populations are more compliant. All of the Far East, for example. So things are not ideal but nor is everything lost. People have no focus for their worries, but that will change.

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Feb 7, 2024
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