I pray your conclusions are correct. I'm done with liberalism.

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Communists, fascists, nazis, zionists and Islamists are also staunchly anti-liberalism.

That's because they're all collectivists. Perhaps you're being misdirected by these people. It's the standard trick they all use. They want their opponents - that is, liberty driven individualists fighting themselves and each other instead of the people playing word games on them.

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The rejection of the liberal idea isn't a plot, and as yet there is no coherent politics to replace it. What you have is a general rejection of the liberal ideology, which has expired. It has lost the argument with reality. Of course there are competitor explanations of the world, but I think the state worship of the bolsheviks quite differenr from the system of Franco. A question for another time.

I think liberalism has taken extreme liberties in the course of its progress, which is one reason why it has died. It has reached hard limits it cannot exceed.

Liberal consumerism is one aspect, the insoluble legal paradox of extreme individualism another. Consumerism consumes you. The market's values are numerical, as are those of the technocrats, who are all utilitarians. They believe in a sort of arithmetic in place of morality.

This arithmetic is being automated into an algorithm of governance requiring little or no human input.

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Not to mention the havoc it has wreaked on institutions and lives😫

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It was intended to do so, if it did not exactly plan the downstream effects in detail. The process of creating a parallel reality into which we all transition led to the permanent state of emergency

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Hey, I just fired up your text on my tablet and WILL READ! Thanks for the treat, Friday night, and all.

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I remember when Yasser Arafat of the Palestinian Liberation Organization said his people would kill him if he made a peace deal.

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A plan was announced by Grant Shapps in November 2023 to put Mahmoud Abbas - leader of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank - in charge of Gaza.

Recent reports indicate this is part of deal where the UAE will pay for reconstruction.

This Israeli-backed move is a significant break from the Netanyahu/Smotrich agenda of permanent occupation, expulsion and elimination. Given that this is the alternative, it may even be accepted by the Gazans themselves.

Of course, this would put kibosh on Netanyahu's career. I think he is being ushered off the stage.

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Grant Shapps 😆

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I would say Grant “B’nai B’rith” Shapps is absolutely notlol. I wish to point out that this plan is not new and people like him (zelotic Zionists) came up with it.

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i like your take on netanyahu and israel frank.....could very well be what happens...netanyahu is a terminal liability now...israel needs a rebranding to survive...

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Israel is in domestic crisis and its actions have resulted in strategic overreach in every dimension. Trump can ditch Netanyahu and "save Israel".

Israel does in fact need saving, as practically every political figure outside Netanyahu's inner circle openly says - and very loudly at that.

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"The digital globalism of the World Economic Forum looks doomed - but ***national digitalism on Chinese lines*** does not."

This is what could reverse everything Trump is doing in the blink of an eye. It could be the reasons that resistance to Trump from the top of the demoliberals virtually stopped as soon as the election was called. They think, as Catherine Austin Fitts has speculated, that he can deliver them the control grid. Very concerning. More thoughts on this, Frank?

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I doubt Trump himself understands the degree of power wielded by Big Data. Perhaps he knows how many of the big companies (Oracle, Facebook, Palantir) are simply privatised arms of the CIA/Pentagon.

These people can run a digital dictatorship and no one would be able to notice - except those who noticed - and they would possibly be in jail. It can be stopped, but time is short.

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Looks to me like full steam ahead, with these cabinet picks.....

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Fills me with hope

Frank Wright would make one hell of a prime minister one day ✨️

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I just need to find the right wig.

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Per usual, a clear-eyed take on things. Thank you, Mr Wright! (Addressing you as "Frank" just doesn't seem right, for the above-the-usual polish and courtesy of your writing, LOL)

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Thanks Frank. Hope I was able to make a contribution....

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The 11 million number was used back in the 1990s. It's got to be close to 50 million by now. 300 a day is a good start, but it's a drop in the bucket.

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Yep.. Its lead follow or get the hell out of the way!

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Welcomed news and not a moment too soon. When Klaus shoved his Great Reset book on us 2021 he was brimming with arrogance after the success of the lockdowns. Populism had been crushed and the Old Order would soon be the New.

Enter Russia into the puzzle. Russia was either supposed to submit after some fuss. If that didn’t I believe Western Elite had calculated the Rooskies would go straight into Kiev which it would quickly turn into a quagmire. Either way this would lead to demolition of Mother Russia. After Russia was busted up China would have had no choice but to fall in line.

But old Klaus and the boys counted their chickens too soon. I believe they used this attack on reality to soften all of us up. You can see the crazy in all Western Democracies. This is the first time I feel like common sense is squarely on top. It even feels ok to be white again.

That being said our primary goal should be to continue to root out the insanity which almost laid us to waste.

Thanks Frank!!

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Trump’s victory signals the end of the post WW2 order. We’re living through momentous times, this is not only the end of the ~80 year generational cycle (civil war - ww2, ww2 - now), but we’re also nearing the end of the Spenglerian 1000 year civilizational cycle and perhaps the end of the history of human civilization itself. Within the next 100 years, we either begin to traverse the stars, or burn through the last of our resources and condemn humanity to a life of scavenging scraps until we perish.

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''...Trump is a tricker and a criminal operative by nature and he loyally serves as the agent of billionaires while demanding absolute loyalty from those who serve him. He is a puppet of the most corrupt organizations in the United States, England, and Israel.''

Trump's rain of executive orders


''The first challenge for us is the use by the Trump administration of a barrage of executive orders to alter government institutions and change the manner in which the country is run so that the president and group of billionaires around him make all decisions which are then rubberstamped by Congress. ''

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So, do tell, do you think things would all be better if Kackling Kamala had won?

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The liberals didn't manage to get people inline, I strongly doubt that the conservatives will be successful where they failed. We are sick of being dictated to. This is going to end well, when both sides of the fake narrative collapse after running their course. #mxtm

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For more clarity on the signs of the times please look into MHFM material Vaticancatholic.com the jigsaw comes together. God bless 🙏🏻✝️

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The future is so bright you’re gonna need shades.

I’m glad things turned out this way.

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