Oct 7Liked by Frank Wright

Frank--Your analysis and arguments are always spot on but at the same time I keep reaching for something that seems to be missing. You say there is no destination. But it seems there is a very specific destination, though most of us have missed it. It is revealed in horrific clarity in the following video:


Would be interested in your reaction to it.

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I am having to write a review of this tomorrow.

The "no destination" applies to the sale of the idea of "progress". This is the branding for the product, which is your common or garden New World Order digital tyranny.

Yes, there is a destination in practice, no - there is never one announced by people who support progress. Some may not realise the destination, those who do will not say so for obvious reasons - people will hate it.

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I look forward to finding out what ‘the destination’ is.

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You can skip the first twelve and a half minutes (about the hurricane)--the section on omniwar begins around 12:40 or so.

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Stan I've done the report on the onmiwar video and am interviewing Dr Hughes tomorrow, whose book popularised the term. Thank you for the steer, an excellent shout.

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That's helpful. I have to write this up for work. Cheers Stan!

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Oct 7Liked by Frank Wright

As always you are right. The term ‘woke’ trivialises what is really happening which is widespread paganism/Satanism. These words just don’t have the same ring to them which is why I like to use them as much as possible when in the company of ‘liberals’ 😀

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Well I think it’s more of “say what you see” than me being right. I think I can see this because I have been wrong so completely, and for a long time in the past, that I have recovered somewhat from the habit of self-deception. Not completely, but enough to see what is there.

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Oct 7Liked by Frank Wright

Yes I’m in a similar position. Up until my conversion I was really completely blind to what was going on. I felt an uneasiness but that was really about the height of it. I often hear the lines from Amazing Grace in my head - ‘I was blind and now I see’.. obviously I only understand a little now too but it’s a heck of a lot more than before thanks be to God!

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Oct 7Liked by Frank Wright


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Thank you DB I am glad I didn’t waste your time.

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When I read you, you pull together for me many threads; My intuition is confirmed. I say oh yeah, hell yeah - a lot - when I read your stuff. It’s like I’m already there, or thereabouts, but I don’t have it clear, it is just beyond my ken, inchoate, rudimentary, a wee niggle in my minds eye and then boom, Frank hits it out of the park. Great fun.

I find it highly unlikely that you were wrong. I am a good judge, and I judge you to be a good judge. I think your diagnosis is accurate. I think an honest person who’s done a little bit of thinking would see it as such. But I also think an honest person is a rarity, so you should expect much grief.

I see you mostly as an perceptive observer and learned, which is to say your observations are founded on the good work of others and then offered to us, your audience, as a set of conclusions that are irrefutable. Irrefutable, hum, not a normal thing, a bit grand, but I think true in this case.

I think your diagnosis is spot on . I do not agree with your supposition that the defeat of the global American Empire in the Ukraine will have a meaningful impact. Nothing will change. It will be memory holed successfully.

More generally, I do not agree that things are about to change. The repackaging of reality through ambient political conditioning is not about to be found out by us citizens and thereby squelched. If you remember my little screed on Marshall McLuhan and the transformative effect of electricity and instantaneity, I think the process begun to sell us World War 1 has just begun. But that’s only a supposition on my part even though it’s in opposition to your read. Please don’t call me a pessimist. You’re fond of saying you are guilty of optimism. That’s good.

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Oh well I do my best to bring together what I have learned, in so many years of being mistaken. I try to filter out the noise, to leave only the signal. I am not, of course, a perfect instrument.

The things I have found of value in the life of the mind are those which do what you describe - make you notice what you have already looked at, but never really seen.

The reason why I think the Ukraine business a pivot is because the US is going to pack up and leave, and the Europeans will resume business with the Russsians. I think you are right. Things will be normalised in the media, and it will all be forgotten. This is preferable to the escalation desired by Pompeo, the UK deep state, and other lunatics in the liberal-global order on the continent.

I think the mass culture about fifty years downstream of the realisation of Lyotard and his "incredulity towards grand narratives". The old century is over, its myths are expiring, and the Grandest Narrative of all is dying of a lack of belief. This is that our system is basically for the good of us all, and everything it told us was justified.

I think the road ahead will be dangerous, but interesting. There is a chance there will be no road at all, but I think this danger will either explode or recede in short order. Whether it returns in force depends on what happens next. We have been brought to the precipice of an omnicrisis, and it is either over or back from the edge now.

I think the basic hunger for meaning can no longer be satisfied by the economy of desire, and this will continue to have effects, as will the likely loss of money to finance much of the counter-civilisational craziness. There is reason to be cheerful, as there is to be fearful.

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Thank you for that answer. I rely heavily on you to discern the signal that reality is sending us so thank you for your efforts. You are well advanced of me and as such a shortcut. (I’ve always been a lazy shortcut, kind of guy.)

I don’t think there will be a path forward. The the message of electricity - the medium is the message - is that all paths are now available instantly, everywhere and for everyone. All paths means no paths. Consequently, controlling narrative is our future; Information is the battle space and will remain so forever. That’s what “the medium is message” portends. The old paradigm cannot be resuscitated, Try as we might.

I agree with you 100% that the panacea of liberal democracy is now increasingly debunked.

Sorry if I’m being bloody minded.

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Oh I don’t think you’re bloody minded at all. I had to get the kids from school and was in a rush. As I was coming back I thought I should have said something about complexity and control. There’s a good argument about the limits of control defined by complexity in Ted Kaczynski’s Ant Tech Revolution. He goes on about these limits with dictators like Stalin as well as those of machine ordered systems like our mass society. We may have reached the limit of dirigibility due to over complexity, AI or not, and whether our new populists win, lose, or continue the project themselves.

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19 hrs agoLiked by Frank Wright

Very good analysis, thanks for setting this out so clearly. I was about to do the same, of course, but now there is no need.

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I am sorry to have put the kibosh on you Martin.

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'The first principle of “woke” is permanent progress. It states no destination. It is a zealot’s journey “from”, never saying where “to”.' --future Gulag inhabitant Frank Wright

Indeed. Shortly after the Obergefell decision allowed for men who engage in unnatural acts with starting and end point of the alimentary canal to marry one another, I came across a wit who declared that gay marriage was the starting line, not the finish line. Horribly true.

It is dangerous to laugh off woke's abusrdities and excesses. Wokeness came to smoke cigars and destroy Western Civilization. And they're all out of cigars.

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"Sometimes a cigar is just a project to destroy your entire civilisation"

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Oct 7Liked by Frank Wright

Are you a sedevacantist?

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I’m getting there. I think the modern church a counterfeit, which is not the same thing - but it is difficult for me to reconcile this fact with a belief in legitimacy.

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I would resist the temptation if you can. The modern Church cannot be entirely counterfeit, because you know what that would mean.

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It is a case of seeing what is there.

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I was trying to get to my bacon sandwich. Anyway what I am on about is what Eliot was on about: “this new thing is the same as that old thing”.

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Do you mean his essay “Tradition and the individual talent”?

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The Church is Immaculate and Pure. She contains absolutely no stain at all. As Pius XI teaches, She is perennially protected from any error whatsoever.

If there is an institution that appears counterfeit, or teaches error, or has defective rites, it CANNOT be the Catholic Church. That is what "indefectable" means. That is what Gregory XVI insinuates in Mirari Vos.

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Before the word “Woke”, we called it Cultural Marxism right?

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Yes, Bolshevism 2.0, 3.0 etc

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Ayan Rand - “You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.”

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I keep wanting to call you Bertie when I see your name, but being more of a lower orders man myself should probably aim for “sir”.

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Oct 7Liked by Frank Wright

Ha! You have an aversion to ‘Sir’ but not ‘sir’? Anyway, my ‘handle’ is due to my proximity to some of Wooster’s antics in my county of Worcestershire and I adore the writings of P G himself. Another cracking take on modern hyper-reality Frank - thank you.

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Oh I don’t mind saying it - I just don’t like being called it. Don’t you mis-Sir me, Wooster.

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Years ago, before I "woke up", I was listening to Glenn Beck. He pointed out that "Progressives" suspiciously never said anything about what they are progressing TO. The reason is that they themselves do not know. They have adopted the evolution mindset, they believe that they must always "progress", rejecting what is in favor of what could be. When "what could be" is terrible, they seek to progress beyond, again to what could be...

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Awesome, Frank.

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Have we already forgotten the purity spiral?

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u wot m8

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