I think it is time I explained what I am on about..
I will try to give a brief account of the state of our world, how it came to be as it is, and what can be done about it.
This is a summary of a far more detailed exegesis I will put forward in my book about the liberal democratic century, which is now ending.
The problem of evil is the problem of our time. I believe that evil is real, it is an active principle in human affairs, and not just a matter of opinion or perspective.
It is my conclusion that our economic and political system is not only criminal, but also evil. Briefly, it monetises industries of death and addiction. These industries are framed in such a way as to make support for them a virtue, and criticism a vice.
As a Catholic I naturally think the remedy for this is to be rooted in a return to Catholic tradition, whose institutions founded the civilisation this modern machine is designed to destroy and replace.
This does not mean a theocracy, but for a politics recognising the natural order - rather than one concerned with its total destruction.
I go on about this here, with an overview of the century of mass deception which has produced our counterfeit culture
I also propose a form of civic disobedience. By this I mean that all persons of good conscience should consider refusing cooperation with the criminal state, and seek to build their own parallel systems of restoration, policing and patronage to replace our occupied institutions.
Stop the Madness - Reclaim the State - a call for popular mobilisation
Whether you agree with my remedies or not, I hope you may find my diagnosis of the sickness of our society helpful.
Our system - by which I mean the liberal democratic consumer model with global ambitions - is based on the ownership of the creation of money by private banking. It is usurious - meaning it profits enormously by the use of interest, and “leveraging” the resulting debts into further gains, for itself1.
Meanwhile the value of our currency constantly degrades, as the national debt soars. The profits have never been greater, and the degradation of our society never more obvious. These two facts are related. Usury is called the ruin of nations for good reason.
International finance, in the shape of the central and investment banks, and firms such as BlackRock, has no principle but profit. We all bear the loss.
The regime change wars are related to the control of the world’s money, perhaps most recently indicated by the destruction of Gaddafi’s Libya. This has resulted in the enormous expansion of the profitable industry of human trafficking, known as mass migration. It also destroyed Gaddafi’s plan2 to issue a gold-backed interest free dinar, to wean African nations off “western debt slavery”.
Perpetual war has been secured with moral arguments for over thirty years. Now known as “liberal interventions”, these wars partner with Zionist and neocon ambitions to monetise the collapse of nations, killing millions, and driving millions more across migration routes established in the wake of the “spread of democracy”.

New forms of terror are pioneered in Israel, such as its recent wave of terrorist attacks in Lebanon. The use of exploding digital devices to kill and maim thousands of people has been breathlessly celebrated in Western media, as if this were a product launch.
The moral dimension of the liberal global order is the excitement of a neophile, a consumer delighted at a new iPhone. There is no wider moral framework.
The same exhilaration at technological novelty drives the techno-fetishist cult of transgenderism, which partners with the extinction of the human spirit in the bodily dimension.
Fascination with new machines and techniques of destruction obscures the degrading horror of their impact. This sensationalism is manufactured in the same way as any other advertising campaign.
Everything is “new” and “improved” - meanwhile, everything is getting worse.
Your nation, the family, men, women, the basis of humanity, justice, law, nutrition, medicine, meaning and the basis of reality itself. This is the counterfeit culture, and its aim is to cancel culture - all of it.
Look around you and see what is marketed as good. The behaviours, lifestyles, consumer patterns, the food in your supermarkets and the medicine in your health care provision. These all breed dependence, and sell sickness as health.
Everything is retail therapy, because consumer-liberal-globalism makes more money when you are mentally and physically ill.
SCALE - the mass society - makes human behaviour pathological. If you want to know how complex processes dissolve your personality for profit - see here:
The basic unit of society is now an atomised individual with no moral framework, an out-patient requiring a lifetime of treatments pharmaceutical and psychological.
This is also the reason why the myths supplied by our political system are not only falsehoods, but also function as compensation fantasies. To believe in them is to feel good about yourself, to be good.
The 20th century civic religions promised emancipation. Bolshevism was one means of reimagining man - Homo Sovieticus. The liberal framework does the same, Homo Liberalis - providing through policy, purchase power and the empowerment of desire a promise of liberation from the self and its constraints.
It now promises a complete exit from consensus reality, buttressed by a system of mass media whose purpose is to convince you to view the evidence of your own eyes with suspicion.
What these utopian systems deliver is annihilation.
The permanent progress of consumer-progressives is politically expressed through factional rights-based activism, which has dissolved any meaningful cohesive resistance to the commodification of physical and virtual life. This has annihilated collective consensus against the machine. It has divided society into extreme factions, the better to be ruled.
Here is a more in depth analysis of how rights-based NGOs dissolve social cohesion, serving the despotism of elite rule termed “democracy”:
These movements replace identity with lifestyles of insoluble grievance. Some of them are powered by technological innovation. The contraceptive pill, for example, liberated women from motherhood.
A 2019 book showed that the hormone-disrupting contraceptive pill not only drives women into madness and periodic depression, but affects their thoughts, their ability to think, who they find attractive and their preferences generally.
This pill has liberated many women from their own identities. The emancipation movement has now liberated women from womanhood, replacing them with men dressed as grotesque parodies of them.
As more migrants arrive in the West, more women are raped. Seldom noted is the fact that pornography has functioned as an advertising campaign, showing men worldwide a view of Western women as sexually voracious and indiscriminate.
If you are programmed with this view of white women, why would they reject you? It would be taken as a personal insult, since you have seen they are willing to do anything with anyone.
This is one downstream effect of the hypersexualised culture of liberal-consumerism. The use of desire, including erotic desire, to sell products, has resulted in a culture which has sold women as a product to be consumed by an international market of bargain hunters.
Mass scale society has commodified every aspect of human life.
Its technological innovations have reduced humanity to a consumer experience. It now offers suicide as a lifestyle choice - or as a responsible civic duty.
Here is an examination of “Technianity” - the infusion of technological progress with religious fervour, powering a posthuman future:
Babies are bought, bodies advertised, genders “changed” and a borderless economy of delimited desire has replaced human dignity with an insatiable appetite - which leads to destruction.
The restoration of our civilisation is the restoration of humanity. This is not a political question. It is life and death, it is good or evil.
We inHabit the context of the denial of difference. As the liberal idea reaches its furthest extremes, the limitations and paradoxes of its belief system are exposed. A sort of voodoo culture has arisen to denounce the noticing of basic difference. The result is not liberation - but a blankness inside, partnered with the erasure of feeling produced by the widespread ingestion of antidepressants.
Basic facts are now controversial. It is a matter of indifference to deny the existence of God. To deny some historical narratives, however, is a criminal offence.
What does this have to do with everyday life? To remove any reference to reality in reasoning permits the institution of a replacement culture. Anything can then be realised by law, by engineered custom, by advertisement. Ultimately, the product is you.
People are not the same. Men are not women. There are differences between peoples. One nation is not the same as another. In diplomacy, differing powers have differing priorities. To ignore the basic reality of difference is to sow confusion and conflict.
To present different things as the same is the basic trick of liberal consumerism. Its values substitute for morality, its products for the real thing.
Grievance has been manufactured, mobilised and monetised. Identity is a commodity in a marketplace of leveraged victimhood.
I wrote a two part series on the grievance grift. Part One is here:
A single man buying a baby from a surrogate is the same as a family. Instruction in how to be a component is the same as education. Fervour about media frenzies is the same as belonging. Yet these things are not the same.
To notice difference is the basis of discernment, to see that one thing is not the same as another. This is the foundation of rational judgement, and the basis of reality.
A utopian system must replace what is there with what is not - with what the system says ought to be there. This is called the fact-value gap. It can never be closed. Laws to prevent the assertion of difference are blasphemy laws, as basic difference in people is a taboo to a cult of universal equality before the market.
Carl, although he is indubitably an idiot, had some sterling advice on fitness.
The product is not universal emancipation but chaos. The freedom to consume is all that is preserved, with no higher purpose to life than to consume and in the process, be consumed.
The rights-based groups may contain people who sincerely believe they are moving towards a future state of justice, but in fact their movements simply magnify resentments which once ignited cannot be resolved within the confines of the current system.
The product is a permanent state of war, just as we have internationally.
The mutual recognition of difference in every regard is the basis of peace and understanding. The attempt to erase this by diktat is a recipe for endless strife. Human tribes are simply extended families. The attempt to recast this fact as evil shows the ambition of a project designed to erase every root of our settled civilisation.
One thing is not necessarily as good as another, people are not fungible like the parts of a machine. Not all behaviours deserve respect.
Desire cannot remake you into a woman, a man. We are limited by birth to what we are, and who we are is a question not of outside agencies but of personal responsibility. Some of the greatest crimes are committed by people expert in playing the victim.
Our system is run by criminals for personal profit, its values of personal advantage at any cost the means of transmission of evil.
It is to be remembered that all the wars in our lifetime have been lost in the name of doing good, returning vast profits for a few, at the expense of the lives of the many. This is a crime so enormous it has no name.
None of those responsible have been held to account. A general culture of no consequence is the result. Increasingly, harsh legal punishment is reserved not for criminals, but for critics of this system.
Our system is neither liberal nor democratic. It is mis-sold to us in fine words to do foul things.
No politics of conviction of left or right is permitted in the politics of continuity, which extends beyond elections unchanged.
The sacred must be profaned by this system, in order to destroy the competitive explanatory power of the True, the Good and the Just. This is the reason we have a counterfeit Church, fake news, and justice in name only.
Liberal democracy was designed in the opportunity of world war to institute the permanent rule of an international and self-appointed elite.
It is now exposed as such, and the genie will never go back into the bottle.
No one voted for the wars, the migration they sparked, for the hijacking of the financial system, for the imposition of an ideology of diabolical fantasy in place of our civilisation.
This system is criminal and its crimes so vast they are nameless. It will tell you that black is white, that right is wrong, that the truth is treason and that opposition to genocide is a form of hate.
This is because our system is evil. It is not merely wrong, or misguided. It is not the result of a grand plot designed at once, but more the refinement of a technique of population management whose development has suggested the ends we see today, produced by its means.
Its purpose is to annihilate every meaningful competitor. It seeks to extinguish the power to explain the world outside its closed system of make belief, and has completely impoverished our moral and intellectual culture as a result. What it cannot assimilate it will destroy.
There are many good ideas but few of them are permitted the oxygen of publicity. If you seek the good, look beyond the mass media.
Some of the leading personalities of our time are remarkable only for the fact that they are colourful in a world of beige. Most have no ideas at all, only sincerity. That they are themselves, that they dare to disagree in some significant way, makes them noteworthy.
This is not a sign of their value, but of the debasement of our intellectual culture, dominated by a machinery of consent which sees competition as fatal.
The civic religion of our times is a collection of myths - compensation fantasies for what we have lost in the progress towards utopia.
If you believe in anything other than this death cult and its obscene fantasies, it is coming for you, too. This is a machine which feeds on everything it is not.
Happily, it is dissolving. This is why the present moment is so dangerous. The war economy, the debt economy, the information economy are the arms of this beast, and its reach is receding. It cannot escape the crisis it has created, and it cannot admit it is responsible, for to do so is to name itself as the culprit.
Here is a post on how the liberal-global system is committing suicide.
It is a system whose forever winter will inevitably end, should we make it to Christmas this year. World war is being urged by a desperate liberal-global elite this week, at the United Nations3.
If we survive this season of discontent there is a very good chance of a better world, of a future worth the name, of a life of meaning where things correspond once more to their descriptions.
The moves towards full scale war are a last ditch effort to save this parasitical machinery of death. The criminals in charge are gambling with our lives to save their own. There is no more to politics today than the question of good and evil.
Should we survive this dangerous game played without our knowledge or consent, and at the risk of all of our lives, we shall still be faced with one basic fact.
Either these people go, or we do . Theirs is a system whose survival is to destroy everything of value in our lives, including the value of life itself.
I will soon be bringing interviews and insight from people who know more than I do about usury and the banking system.
Libya had 144 tons of gold. Who holds this gold, now reported at 146 tons? The newly formed Libyan Central Bank says the gold is all accounted for, despite reports that Gadaffi sold off 20 percent of it himself, that billions of it had been smuggled, going to the UAE, Sudan , and that more is stashed along with “cash and diamonds” in bunkers all over Africa. Emails to Hillary Clinton suggest a less than noble interest in toppling Gadaffi. One email is reproduced here, sent by Sidney Blumenthal to Clinton on April 2, 2011.
International bankers rushed to leverage Libyan assets - a “huge reservoir of capital” - when sanctions were lifted in 2006.
The UK, together with the EU, are pressing the US to permit and facilitate long range missile strikes into Russia. This move will be seen as a declaration of war by the Russians. The decision as to whether to move to full scale war with Russia will be taken at the UN summit, from 22-30th September.
The US election is a factor, as is the survival of the liberal-globalist regimes in the UK and Europe, all of whom have staked their future on this war. Defeat is fatal to them, victory impossible, so an escalation is the only gambit.
This is broadly the case with Israel, too - the second dimension of potential armageddon. In brief, Zelensky, Netanyahu, and the leaders of the European nations invested in the Ukraine war are all seeking to drag the United States into a massive conflict to preserve their own power - and that of the interests behind them.
I am poorly today, but am still at large to produce these works of secular heresy. Please forgive any poor thinking. I blame the children and the tablets.
To prevent me from ever being reconditioned as a willing component in the machinery of lies, you can pay me to continue my appeal to be rusticated into a horror chamber, never to return, by clicking this button and giving me a few quid.
You would only spend it on Funko Pops. Come on now.
"Either these people go, or we do ." Amen.
Polling indicates that 98% of normal humans vote that they go. Hell should be expecting a wave of migrants when this all shakes out.
Thanks for this Frank. I am starting to feel a new theory coming on!
For your readers, here's my latest: